



This article mainly had utilized methods of literature research techniques,interview and inspection to carry on the beneficial inspection and the analysis to the state of our country kite sports' development, specially to the developing characteristics as well as the impetus of the kite sports made by which social factors have now, and based on this, proposed own ponder to the future kite sports normally development. In the contemporary society, our country kite sports developments can be summarized to eight characteristics: Firstly, the normalization of releasing for flight activity . In the spring day, flying a kite is our country over a thousand year folk custom culture tradition, however, today which grows unceasingly in people's rest and recreation demand, this tradition has been broken, the kite has become the four seasons all suitable leisure sport. Secondly, participating in the personnel grown-up. Since the ancient times, flying a kite is mainly one kind of childish games, but nowadays, along with the change of social activities , the middle age and old people become the master of kite players. Thirdly, the flying types are diversificate.The kite flying fundamental nowadays can be divided into two major types:Traditional unifilar quiescent kite, and newly arisen running kite, including stunt kite and pan eagle kite, the stunt kite can fly a various track in the sky , the pan eagle kite can hover around like"eagle" in the sky .Fourth, the flying technique become harder.In flying technique, traditional unifilar kite is more simple, while the newly arisen running kite then asks for putting each part

cooperativeness of flying the bodies, such as brain, hand, eye and leg and so on. To counteract-the organizing into teams of stunt kite put to fly, which still request member of a team in conjunction with consortium, but the surfing kite is also the one who request to put to fly to have a reunited and superb technique.Fifthly,kite flying deveolpment is regimentate. It is the shape status that is placed in "continue naturally" from the ancient manners .In 1987 China kite association established, and later on in some provinces and cities one after another industry kite association was establishing which marked that our country kite flying started heading for the way of systemizing the shape.Sixthly, the kite flying game and competitiong are in usually turn. In 1984 international kites festival in WeI Fang had achieved success, the kite is brought into a national and formal athletics item in 1986, from that time on, a lot of cities or regions, for example Wei Fang, Peking, Nanking, and Shanghai...etc., all hold a multiform kite game by the form of kite festival(meeting).Sevenyhly,cultural interaction is international.The international cultural interaction of contemporary Chinese kite sports begins from 1984 international kite festivals in Wei Fang, after, In walks please in the cultural exchange event, the Chinese kite movement and the world kite movement talk directly and obtained the fast development. Eighthly, project development is in industrial production. The kite sports industrial producting development first manifested in the kite main body industry is also the kite manufacturing industry, the kite movement development has led the kite manufacturing industry development enormously, and has had the huge economic efficiency; on the other hand, is also most important, manifests in takeing the kite competition as the methods to lead the kite culture industry.nowadays, our country kite spor's development is inevitable result from the social development , by analyzing, the factors which promoted its development to have five

aspects approximately: At first, economical stable growth and kite sport development. Increase which receives along with the increasing of peoples incomes , the consumption pattern also had the very sweeping change, the sports expended already in the consumption pattern rock row to sixth place. Second, the approach of the recreational age and the shape of kite flying are coming.The newly life-style is establishing gradually, along with the extension and concentration in recreational time, people are the changes that appeared squint in the life style of recreation, this is a character that"make people the center".Third, civil sportingare extensively developing with kite flying.In 1995, our country promulgated 《civil bodybuilding program outline 》 , the whole country rose the fever for training for physical fitness, more and more people jion in various outdoor games, and Aerobic...etc., people also all came out family gradually and arrived at open air.Fourth, the old age community are coming with kite sporting development.The old man has disaster that keep in mind the old feeling to the health, longevity, the opportunity for training for physical fitness increases recreational ratio super - higher - and has become the main battalion that the social athletics toughens.




This article mainly had utilized methods of literature research techniques,interview and inspection to carry on the beneficial inspection and the analysis to the state of our country kite sports' development, specially to the developing characteristics as well as the impetus of the kite sports made by which social factors have now, and based on this, proposed own ponder to the future kite sports normally development. In the contemporary society, our country kite sports developments can be summarized to eight characteristics: Firstly, the normalization of releasing for flight activity . In the spring day, flying a kite is our country over a thousand year folk custom culture tradition, however, today which grows unceasingly in people's rest and recreation demand, this tradition has been broken, the kite has become the four seasons all suitable leisure sport. Secondly, participating in the personnel grown-up. Since the ancient times, flying a kite is mainly one kind of childish games, but nowadays, along with the change of social activities , the middle age and old people become the master of kite players. Thirdly, the flying types are diversificate.The kite flying fundamental nowadays can be divided into two major types:Traditional unifilar quiescent kite, and newly arisen running kite, including stunt kite and pan eagle kite, the stunt kite can fly a various track in the sky , the pan eagle kite can hover around like"eagle" in the sky .Fourth, the flying technique become harder.In flying technique, traditional unifilar kite is more simple, while the newly arisen running kite then asks for putting each part

cooperativeness of flying the bodies, such as brain, hand, eye and leg and so on. To counteract-the organizing into teams of stunt kite put to fly, which still request member of a team in conjunction with consortium, but the surfing kite is also the one who request to put to fly to have a reunited and superb technique.Fifthly,kite flying deveolpment is regimentate. It is the shape status that is placed in "continue naturally" from the ancient manners .In 1987 China kite association established, and later on in some provinces and cities one after another industry kite association was establishing which marked that our country kite flying started heading for the way of systemizing the shape.Sixthly, the kite flying game and competitiong are in usually turn. In 1984 international kites festival in WeI Fang had achieved success, the kite is brought into a national and formal athletics item in 1986, from that time on, a lot of cities or regions, for example Wei Fang, Peking, Nanking, and Shanghai...etc., all hold a multiform kite game by the form of kite festival(meeting).Sevenyhly,cultural interaction is international.The international cultural interaction of contemporary Chinese kite sports begins from 1984 international kite festivals in Wei Fang, after, In walks please in the cultural exchange event, the Chinese kite movement and the world kite movement talk directly and obtained the fast development. Eighthly, project development is in industrial production. The kite sports industrial producting development first manifested in the kite main body industry is also the kite manufacturing industry, the kite movement development has led the kite manufacturing industry development enormously, and has had the huge economic efficiency; on the other hand, is also most important, manifests in takeing the kite competition as the methods to lead the kite culture industry.nowadays, our country kite spor's development is inevitable result from the social development , by analyzing, the factors which promoted its development to have five

aspects approximately: At first, economical stable growth and kite sport development. Increase which receives along with the increasing of peoples incomes , the consumption pattern also had the very sweeping change, the sports expended already in the consumption pattern rock row to sixth place. Second, the approach of the recreational age and the shape of kite flying are coming.The newly life-style is establishing gradually, along with the extension and concentration in recreational time, people are the changes that appeared squint in the life style of recreation, this is a character that"make people the center".Third, civil sportingare extensively developing with kite flying.In 1995, our country promulgated 《civil bodybuilding program outline 》 , the whole country rose the fever for training for physical fitness, more and more people jion in various outdoor games, and Aerobic...etc., people also all came out family gradually and arrived at open air.Fourth, the old age community are coming with kite sporting development.The old man has disaster that keep in mind the old feeling to the health, longevity, the opportunity for training for physical fitness increases recreational ratio super - higher - and has become the main battalion that the social athletics toughens.


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