
第一单元 关于日常生活

Dear Betty,

I want to tell you about my life. I exercise from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I usually get

up late, so I don’t rxrecise. Every morning, I practice reading English after I get up. I like

watching TV, but my parents don’t ask me to do that on school nights, so I only watch TV on

weekends. Sometimes I surf the Internet after I do my homework, about twice a week. I like

comedies, and I go to the movies with my friends once a month.

What about your life? Please write and tell me about it.


Lin Li

第二单元 (1)关于健康

How to keep healthy

How to keep healthy is a big problem for us. Here is some of my advice.

A good lifestyle is important to us. We should get up and go to bed early. Try to have a good

sleep and exercise often.

Have a good eating habits. Try not to eat outside. Have more vegetables, fruit, water and milk.

Keeoing clean is also important. Remember to wash our hands often and keep our rooms clean.

Don’t get stressed out and try to relax. And we should often go to see a doctor.


Dear Tom,

I’m sorry to hear that you have a cold. How are you feeling now? Here is some of my advice. I

think it’s good for your health.

I think you are too weak. You should have a good eating habit and exercise more. Now you

should drink more hot water with honey. Don’t get too tired. You shouldn’t study too late. Try to

relax and go to bed early every day. If your illness is serious, you should go to see a doctor and do

what he or she asks you to do. I hope you’ll get better soon.


Li Ming

第三单元 关于假期计划

National Day(国庆节)is coming. I’m very happy. During the vacation, I’m going to the beach

with my friends. We are riding our bikes there. We are leaving on the third of October. We are

doing many interesting things there. We are going swimming and playing beach volleyball. And

we are lying on the beach, enjoying the sun. What do you think of my plans? Are they great?

第四单元 (1)关于交通与出行

My home isn’t far from my school. I usually go to school by bike. But on rainy days I take the

bus. My father works in a hospital. It’s kind of far from my home. Every day he goes to work in

his car. It takes him about 40 minutesto get to the hospital. My mother works in a bank. It’svery

far from my home. She usually goes to work by subway.


Dear Tina,

I.m very happy that you are going to my city for vacation. Now I’ll tell you how to get to my

house. After you get out of the airport, you can take Subway Line 5 to the city center. After you

get out of the subway station, you can take the No.18 bus or a taxi to Changhong Street. The bus

stop is just near my home. I’ll wait for you at the stop.


Zhang Hong

第五单元 关于接受与拒绝邀请

Dear Ted,

Thanks a lot for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t go to the mountains with you this Saturday.

This Saturday is my grandmother’s birthday. On Saturday, I’m going to buy something for my

grandmother. After shopping, I’m going to her home with my parents. We are having a birthday

party for her. We are staying there until we finish dinner. Then I have to go to a piano lesson. I’m

really busy that day.

I hope you’ll have fun going to the mountains.


Li Ming


的聚会,但是LiPing的父母出差(be out on business)要到下个月才回来(come back home),奶



Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I’d love to,but I can’t. My parents

are both out on business. They are coming back next month. And now I have to look after my

grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming English exam. I am

very sorry,but I can’t go to your party. Thank you for asking me.I hope you will have a good time.


Li Ping

第六单元 关于人物对比

Dear Holly,

Long time no see! I also miss you very much. Im’ taller than before. Now I eat less junk food

and take more exercise, so I’m much healthier. Now I spend less time watching TV and playing

computer games. I spend much more time studying, and I get more good grades in my exams. I’m

not so quiet as I was in the past. Now I’m more outgoing, and I have more friends.

Come to visit me if you are free.


Wang Dan

第七单元 关于制作水果沙拉

Sunday, October 29th, 2011 Sunny

Today is my sister’s birthday. I made fruit salad for her. First, I peeled three bananas, three

apples and a watermelon. Then I cut them up and put them in a big bowl. Next, I put in two

teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. Finally, I mixed them up. When my sister got back home,

she was happy to see the fruit salad. After she ate it, she thanked me for the delicious fruit salad.

第八单元 关于庭院售卖

I had a yard sale with my brother today. After breakfast, we put some of our old thingsout in the

yard and starded our yard sale. We took out our old books, old clothes, old toys and some other

things. Then we wrote “The Yard Sale for kids in the Countryside” On the paper and then showed

it to people. Many people came and bought our things. At the end of the sale, we sold most of the

old things and got 300 yuan. We were very happy. Wer want to give the money to kids in the


第十单元 关于梦想

My dream is to be a basketball player like Yao Ming. I am tall and thin. And I am good at And I

am good at playing basketball. Now I’m the captain of the school basketball team. I know that to

be a basketball player is not easy. I have to practice harder. So every day, I go to the club to

practice it after school. I hope my dream will come ture when I am older.

第十一单元 关于请求

Dear Tony,

I am going to Australia with my parents for my winter vacation. We plan to stay there for a

month. Could you help me take care of the cat ? Take her for a walk after supper. Give her water

and feed her twice a day. Don’t forger to clean her bed every day and you’d better give her a bath

twice a week. She is a lovely cat and I’m sure you will like her. Write to me soon. Thanks,


假设你是李华,你给你的美国朋友Bill写一封信,介绍你是如何学习英语的。 2 关键词:

favorite subject, work hard, practise reading, speaking, listening, writing, keep on doing,

remember words, listen to..., watch English videos, talk in English(

Dear Bill,

How are you? Today I want to tell you about my English study. I'm interested in English

because it's my favorite subject. I'm working hard at it now. You know, I practise listening,

speaking, reading and writing everyday. But my spoken English is not so good. So I keep on

practising all the time. I remembered over 1,000 English words. In the evening, I watch English

videos. I try to talk in English with my classmates or my English teacher. I still have some

problems. I can't make sentences with new words. Would you please give me some help?

Best wishes!


Li Hua












例:春联代表着欢乐祥和。在我们中国,每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴在门上,为节日增加喜庆的气氛。一幅幅春联不仅带来了吉祥和祝福,还带来了中国古老的浓浓的文化气息。瞧!“大地春光好,长天晓日红”、“岁岁皆如意,年年尽平安”、“江山万里如画,神州四时皆春”、“春风送春处处***美,喜鹊报喜家家喜事多”…… 幅幅春联让千家万户喜气盈门。春联的种类比较多。按照使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横批、春条、斗方等。因此,贴的位置也不同,如“门心”贴在门板上端中心部位;“横批”贴在门楣的横木上。







“李伯伯,新年快乐”“王阿姨,工作顺了”“刘奶奶,身体健康”〃〃〃跟所有的长辈们拜过年之后,妈妈提议说:一会,去街上看看,感受下新年的气氛。 一上街,街上可就更热闹了。人们手里有提着大袋大袋的菜,身边的孩子手上握着一大把小花炮,蹦蹦跳跳地跑着。看!我左边的一位四、五岁左右的小女孩,跑到前面去。一下子又转过头对一位满手是鼓鼓的袋子的大人喊着:“爸爸,快点!我要回去放炮玩呢!”。有拿着那边超市发的小气球的,红的,黄的,绿的,还有蓝的。也有三五成群,手挽着手说说笑笑的姑娘们,小伙子们,忙绿了一年,辛苦了一年,我想这个时候应该是大家最放松,最高兴的时候。你看,路灯上还挂着两个小红灯,喜气洋洋的。就像在说,“我们也要过新年,我们也要过新年”。

一进菜市场,那才更热闹呢!人流窜动,一眼望去,什么也看不见,全是人。还有那翠绿的黄瓜,可真新鲜哪,你看,那金黄色的小花在太阳的照射下显得多么的生机勃勃啊。那鲫鱼,鲢鱼,青鱼,草鱼等等在水里游来游去,真是印证了我们中国的老话:年年有鱼(余)!黄的韭菜,红的番茄,黑的木耳,白的萝卜〃〃〃真是要什么有什么呀。“哎哟!可真够挤的。”我嘀咕了一句。跟着妈妈买了几个我爱吃的菜,结完帐就走出了菜场。超市里的收银台前也早已排起了长龙。 傍晚时分,街上,又渐渐安静下来。店主们把店子关了,超市也比往常早了些许关门。大家都提着东西回家过年去了。




“当、当、当”新年的钟声敲响了,家家户户的门上早已贴上了或火红或金黄的对联,每一家的老老少少都乐得合不拢嘴。兴奋的孩子们有的目不转睛地盯着电视,品尝着一年一度的晚会大餐――春节晚会;有的急着给自己的长辈拜年,发短信,打电话,所有新年的祝福话语仿佛怎么也说不完;调皮的孩子正在向自己的父辈们 “讨要”压岁钱;屋外的鞭炮声此起彼伏,炸开了锅,五彩的烟花更是把这个特殊的夜晚点缀得绚丽多姿。






第一单元 关于日常生活

Dear Betty,

I want to tell you about my life. I exercise from Monday to Friday. On weekends, I usually get

up late, so I don’t rxrecise. Every morning, I practice reading English after I get up. I like

watching TV, but my parents don’t ask me to do that on school nights, so I only watch TV on

weekends. Sometimes I surf the Internet after I do my homework, about twice a week. I like

comedies, and I go to the movies with my friends once a month.

What about your life? Please write and tell me about it.


Lin Li

第二单元 (1)关于健康

How to keep healthy

How to keep healthy is a big problem for us. Here is some of my advice.

A good lifestyle is important to us. We should get up and go to bed early. Try to have a good

sleep and exercise often.

Have a good eating habits. Try not to eat outside. Have more vegetables, fruit, water and milk.

Keeoing clean is also important. Remember to wash our hands often and keep our rooms clean.

Don’t get stressed out and try to relax. And we should often go to see a doctor.


Dear Tom,

I’m sorry to hear that you have a cold. How are you feeling now? Here is some of my advice. I

think it’s good for your health.

I think you are too weak. You should have a good eating habit and exercise more. Now you

should drink more hot water with honey. Don’t get too tired. You shouldn’t study too late. Try to

relax and go to bed early every day. If your illness is serious, you should go to see a doctor and do

what he or she asks you to do. I hope you’ll get better soon.


Li Ming

第三单元 关于假期计划

National Day(国庆节)is coming. I’m very happy. During the vacation, I’m going to the beach

with my friends. We are riding our bikes there. We are leaving on the third of October. We are

doing many interesting things there. We are going swimming and playing beach volleyball. And

we are lying on the beach, enjoying the sun. What do you think of my plans? Are they great?

第四单元 (1)关于交通与出行

My home isn’t far from my school. I usually go to school by bike. But on rainy days I take the

bus. My father works in a hospital. It’s kind of far from my home. Every day he goes to work in

his car. It takes him about 40 minutesto get to the hospital. My mother works in a bank. It’svery

far from my home. She usually goes to work by subway.


Dear Tina,

I.m very happy that you are going to my city for vacation. Now I’ll tell you how to get to my

house. After you get out of the airport, you can take Subway Line 5 to the city center. After you

get out of the subway station, you can take the No.18 bus or a taxi to Changhong Street. The bus

stop is just near my home. I’ll wait for you at the stop.


Zhang Hong

第五单元 关于接受与拒绝邀请

Dear Ted,

Thanks a lot for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t go to the mountains with you this Saturday.

This Saturday is my grandmother’s birthday. On Saturday, I’m going to buy something for my

grandmother. After shopping, I’m going to her home with my parents. We are having a birthday

party for her. We are staying there until we finish dinner. Then I have to go to a piano lesson. I’m

really busy that day.

I hope you’ll have fun going to the mountains.


Li Ming


的聚会,但是LiPing的父母出差(be out on business)要到下个月才回来(come back home),奶



Dear Tom,

Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I’d love to,but I can’t. My parents

are both out on business. They are coming back next month. And now I have to look after my

grandma because she is ill in bed. And I also need to study for my coming English exam. I am

very sorry,but I can’t go to your party. Thank you for asking me.I hope you will have a good time.


Li Ping

第六单元 关于人物对比

Dear Holly,

Long time no see! I also miss you very much. Im’ taller than before. Now I eat less junk food

and take more exercise, so I’m much healthier. Now I spend less time watching TV and playing

computer games. I spend much more time studying, and I get more good grades in my exams. I’m

not so quiet as I was in the past. Now I’m more outgoing, and I have more friends.

Come to visit me if you are free.


Wang Dan

第七单元 关于制作水果沙拉

Sunday, October 29th, 2011 Sunny

Today is my sister’s birthday. I made fruit salad for her. First, I peeled three bananas, three

apples and a watermelon. Then I cut them up and put them in a big bowl. Next, I put in two

teaspoons of honey and a cup of yogurt. Finally, I mixed them up. When my sister got back home,

she was happy to see the fruit salad. After she ate it, she thanked me for the delicious fruit salad.

第八单元 关于庭院售卖

I had a yard sale with my brother today. After breakfast, we put some of our old thingsout in the

yard and starded our yard sale. We took out our old books, old clothes, old toys and some other

things. Then we wrote “The Yard Sale for kids in the Countryside” On the paper and then showed

it to people. Many people came and bought our things. At the end of the sale, we sold most of the

old things and got 300 yuan. We were very happy. Wer want to give the money to kids in the


第十单元 关于梦想

My dream is to be a basketball player like Yao Ming. I am tall and thin. And I am good at And I

am good at playing basketball. Now I’m the captain of the school basketball team. I know that to

be a basketball player is not easy. I have to practice harder. So every day, I go to the club to

practice it after school. I hope my dream will come ture when I am older.

第十一单元 关于请求

Dear Tony,

I am going to Australia with my parents for my winter vacation. We plan to stay there for a

month. Could you help me take care of the cat ? Take her for a walk after supper. Give her water

and feed her twice a day. Don’t forger to clean her bed every day and you’d better give her a bath

twice a week. She is a lovely cat and I’m sure you will like her. Write to me soon. Thanks,


假设你是李华,你给你的美国朋友Bill写一封信,介绍你是如何学习英语的。 2 关键词:

favorite subject, work hard, practise reading, speaking, listening, writing, keep on doing,

remember words, listen to..., watch English videos, talk in English(

Dear Bill,

How are you? Today I want to tell you about my English study. I'm interested in English

because it's my favorite subject. I'm working hard at it now. You know, I practise listening,

speaking, reading and writing everyday. But my spoken English is not so good. So I keep on

practising all the time. I remembered over 1,000 English words. In the evening, I watch English

videos. I try to talk in English with my classmates or my English teacher. I still have some

problems. I can't make sentences with new words. Would you please give me some help?

Best wishes!


Li Hua












例:春联代表着欢乐祥和。在我们中国,每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴在门上,为节日增加喜庆的气氛。一幅幅春联不仅带来了吉祥和祝福,还带来了中国古老的浓浓的文化气息。瞧!“大地春光好,长天晓日红”、“岁岁皆如意,年年尽平安”、“江山万里如画,神州四时皆春”、“春风送春处处***美,喜鹊报喜家家喜事多”…… 幅幅春联让千家万户喜气盈门。春联的种类比较多。按照使用场所,可分为门心、框对、横批、春条、斗方等。因此,贴的位置也不同,如“门心”贴在门板上端中心部位;“横批”贴在门楣的横木上。







“李伯伯,新年快乐”“王阿姨,工作顺了”“刘奶奶,身体健康”〃〃〃跟所有的长辈们拜过年之后,妈妈提议说:一会,去街上看看,感受下新年的气氛。 一上街,街上可就更热闹了。人们手里有提着大袋大袋的菜,身边的孩子手上握着一大把小花炮,蹦蹦跳跳地跑着。看!我左边的一位四、五岁左右的小女孩,跑到前面去。一下子又转过头对一位满手是鼓鼓的袋子的大人喊着:“爸爸,快点!我要回去放炮玩呢!”。有拿着那边超市发的小气球的,红的,黄的,绿的,还有蓝的。也有三五成群,手挽着手说说笑笑的姑娘们,小伙子们,忙绿了一年,辛苦了一年,我想这个时候应该是大家最放松,最高兴的时候。你看,路灯上还挂着两个小红灯,喜气洋洋的。就像在说,“我们也要过新年,我们也要过新年”。

一进菜市场,那才更热闹呢!人流窜动,一眼望去,什么也看不见,全是人。还有那翠绿的黄瓜,可真新鲜哪,你看,那金黄色的小花在太阳的照射下显得多么的生机勃勃啊。那鲫鱼,鲢鱼,青鱼,草鱼等等在水里游来游去,真是印证了我们中国的老话:年年有鱼(余)!黄的韭菜,红的番茄,黑的木耳,白的萝卜〃〃〃真是要什么有什么呀。“哎哟!可真够挤的。”我嘀咕了一句。跟着妈妈买了几个我爱吃的菜,结完帐就走出了菜场。超市里的收银台前也早已排起了长龙。 傍晚时分,街上,又渐渐安静下来。店主们把店子关了,超市也比往常早了些许关门。大家都提着东西回家过年去了。




“当、当、当”新年的钟声敲响了,家家户户的门上早已贴上了或火红或金黄的对联,每一家的老老少少都乐得合不拢嘴。兴奋的孩子们有的目不转睛地盯着电视,品尝着一年一度的晚会大餐――春节晚会;有的急着给自己的长辈拜年,发短信,打电话,所有新年的祝福话语仿佛怎么也说不完;调皮的孩子正在向自己的父辈们 “讨要”压岁钱;屋外的鞭炮声此起彼伏,炸开了锅,五彩的烟花更是把这个特殊的夜晚点缀得绚丽多姿。







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