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It is never too early for you to learn about the value (n. 价值;重要性) of money as a

teenager (n. 十几岁的青少年). Many teenagers have no concept (n. 观念,概念) what it takes to earn money or what it costs to live. Lifestyle may have an influence on how you understand money since this is especially true for teens from rich families. If you live in poor area like other teens you may often work hard to get money and sometimes do wrong things to get money when you need it. The following article discusses some important things about teenagers and money.


When you’re given money you should learn how to deal with the money wisely (adv. 明智地;聪明地). While some teens are taught at a young age to save what they have, other teens have no idea how to keep a dime (n. 一角硬币) in their pocket and will spend their money on the first thing they see. You need to learn good money habits as soon as you have money of your own through work or other sources (n. 来源).


If you are a teen looking to get some extra (adj. 额外的) money, there are some ways. If you have not saved money in the past you should begin. It is possible for you to earn money by doing “jobs” for your parents around the neighborhood such as cooking and cleaning. Part-time teaching is also another great way for teens to earn money until they are old enough to get a job; so consider these ideas!

如果你是个希望额外赚些钱的青少年,下面有几个方法。如果你以前没有存过钱,那么你现在可以开始存了。你可以帮你父母或者邻居做做活儿,比如做饭和打扫卫生。在青少年长大就业之前,兼职家教也是他们赚钱的另一个重要途经。所以,认真考虑一下这些方法吧! Remember good money habits start young!If you have a bank account (银行账户,银行存款) you can save some of your money there. However you may also have an account managed by

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It is never too early for you to learn about the value (n. 价值;重要性) of money as a

teenager (n. 十几岁的青少年). Many teenagers have no concept (n. 观念,概念) what it takes to earn money or what it costs to live. Lifestyle may have an influence on how you understand money since this is especially true for teens from rich families. If you live in poor area like other teens you may often work hard to get money and sometimes do wrong things to get money when you need it. The following article discusses some important things about teenagers and money.


When you’re given money you should learn how to deal with the money wisely (adv. 明智地;聪明地). While some teens are taught at a young age to save what they have, other teens have no idea how to keep a dime (n. 一角硬币) in their pocket and will spend their money on the first thing they see. You need to learn good money habits as soon as you have money of your own through work or other sources (n. 来源).


If you are a teen looking to get some extra (adj. 额外的) money, there are some ways. If you have not saved money in the past you should begin. It is possible for you to earn money by doing “jobs” for your parents around the neighborhood such as cooking and cleaning. Part-time teaching is also another great way for teens to earn money until they are old enough to get a job; so consider these ideas!

如果你是个希望额外赚些钱的青少年,下面有几个方法。如果你以前没有存过钱,那么你现在可以开始存了。你可以帮你父母或者邻居做做活儿,比如做饭和打扫卫生。在青少年长大就业之前,兼职家教也是他们赚钱的另一个重要途经。所以,认真考虑一下这些方法吧! Remember good money habits start young!If you have a bank account (银行账户,银行存款) you can save some of your money there. However you may also have an account managed by


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