

小学英语四年级下册课课练 训练题

Unit1 Our school



1、The library is____the first floor. A in B to C on

2、Is this a____? A teacher's office B teacher office

3、____is the canteen? A When B Where


1. Go to the garden. Play football.

2. Go to the teacher's office. Read a story-book.

3. Go to the playground. Water the flowers.

4. Go to the canteen. Hand in the homework.

5. Go to the library. Eat some noodles.



1. Welcome to us school. ( )

2. It's on the one floor. ( )

3. That is a teacher desk. ( )

4. It is a lights. ( )

5. is this your library? ( )


1 .This is____ classroom.

A me B my

2 .____school is beautiful.

A Your B You

3. Do you have a garden? _______

A Yes,it is. B Yes,we do.



小学英语四年级下册课课练 训练题

Unit1 Our school



1、The library is____the first floor. A in B to C on

2、Is this a____? A teacher's office B teacher office

3、____is the canteen? A When B Where


1. Go to the garden. Play football.

2. Go to the teacher's office. Read a story-book.

3. Go to the playground. Water the flowers.

4. Go to the canteen. Hand in the homework.

5. Go to the library. Eat some noodles.



1. Welcome to us school. ( )

2. It's on the one floor. ( )

3. That is a teacher desk. ( )

4. It is a lights. ( )

5. is this your library? ( )


1 .This is____ classroom.

A me B my

2 .____school is beautiful.

A Your B You

3. Do you have a garden? _______

A Yes,it is. B Yes,we do.



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