

目 录



Classes and Type Description for DTF(R)-(H/S/V) Series Vane Axial Fan二、DTF系列风机特点…………………………………………………………………………2

Characteristics of DTF Vane Axial Fan三、DTF系列风机的形式………………………………………………………………………3

Structure and Arrangement四、DTF系列风机外形结构选择示意图………………………………………………………4

Installation Sketch of DTF Series Fan五、DTF系列风机外形图和外形尺寸…………………………………………………………7

Overall Drawing and Overall Dimension of DTF Series Fan六、DTF系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表………………………………………………


Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF 系列地铁隧道轴流式通风机


DTF 系列轴流风机类别、形式说明

Classes and Type Description for DTF(R)-(H/S/V)Series Vane Axial Fan

(一)DTF 系列轴流风机分类

● DTF(R)-(H)型:排热风机(地铁称UPE/OTE风机)

● DTF(R)-(S)型:消防排烟风机(地铁称排烟风机)● DTF(R)-(V)型:通风排风机(地铁称全新风机)注:(R)=反转风机

(二)DTF 系列轴流风机基本形式

DTF(R)-(H\S\V) Series Vane Axial Fan Classes

● DTF(R)-(H) heat exhaust fan(UPE/OTE fan in the metro)● DTF(R)-(S) fire smoke discharge fan (smoke fan in the metro)● DTF(R)-(V) ventilation fan (fresh air fan in the metro)NOTE: (R) = Reversible Fan

DTF(R)-(H\S\V) Series Vane Axial Fan Type


DTF 系列风机特点

Characteristics of DTF Vane Axial Fan

● 效率高:

效率高:风机运用国际最新航空航天气动设计技,通过多次反复试验验证和用户使用证明,具有效 率高并高效区宽的显著特点;● 噪声低:从降低风机气动噪声入手,最大限度地减小风机叶片顶尖和根部的涡流损失,经权威专家鉴 噪声低:定,具有低噪声的显著特点;● 用途广:采用高防护等级、高绝缘等级、湿热型、耐高温电机,使该风机能可靠地应用于地铁、隧用途广:道、电力、水利大坝、建筑工程等通风系统的通(排)风,DTF(R)-(H)型,DTF(R)-(S)型风机还可以应用于紧急状态下的消防排烟系统和非消防排烟系统;● 强度高:风机叶轮系引进国际先进压铸工艺技术,铝合金叶片、轻毂经金相分析,其结构组织良好,强度高:通过X光射线探伤检验,风机叶轮已考虑300℃条件下的热膨胀系数。使其保证足够的叶轮强度,符合高速运行的要求;● 结构紧凑:风机静叶和导流装置的设计以尽可能缩短风机外壳的长度为目标,机壳和固定支架通过有结构紧凑:限元强度计算,以保证地铁、电力等特定条件的使用要求;● 防喘振:风机设有防喘振装置,避免风机在非设计工况下运行或多台风机并联安装单台使用时可能产防喘振:生失速运行出现的喘振现象,无须再装喘振报警装置;● 抗腐蚀性强:风机外壳经热浸镀锌处理,电机采用湿热型,风机叶片、轮毂采用铝合金材料,成形后 抗腐蚀性强:再经阳极化处理,具有很强的抗腐蚀性;● 运行可靠:风机叶轮经静平衡样验后再经动平衡机精确样验,其平衡精度达到ISO-2.8级(高于国家运行可靠:5.6级的标准),整机出厂前,经叶轮超速试验和整机振动测试、气动全性能试验,使其达到高速运行平稳、可靠的要求。

●High efficiency: To apply the newest aviation aerodynamic design technology, repeat test and Inspection and prove the characteristics of high efficiency, wide high_efficiency range.

● Low noise: To reduce the aerodynamic noise of fan and minimize the whirlpool loss in the tip of blade and blade root.

●Wide application: DTF(R)-(H\S\V) vane axial fan is equipped with high protection glasses, high insula-tion degree, hot and humid type and high temperature resistant motor. So the fan is used for ventilation (exhaust) air in the ventilation system of metro, tunnel, electric power, large dam and construction engi-neering, as well as in the fire smoke discharge system or not fire smoke system under the emergency conditions.

●Good strength: Blades are cast in aluminum alloy. There is good radial structure for the aluminum alloy blades and hub. The thermal expansion factor of the fan impeller and casing detected by X laser is considered under the temperature of 300℃ to ensure the strength of impeller and high speed operation.

●Compact structure: To make the fan as compact as possible, the static blade of the fan and guide vane device is designed to minimize the length of the fan casing. The casing and support are made the finite element calculation to ensure the specific conditions in the metro and electric power station.● Anti-surge: The fan is equipped with the anti_surge system, which prevent the surge caused by the possible over_speed operation of the fan under the non_design work conditions or only one fan is oper-ating when the fan group is parallel connection. So the surge alarm is not necessary.

● Good corrosion resistant: Fan casing is hot dip galvanized. Motor is hot and humid type. Fan blades and hub is made of aluminum alloy.

●Stable operation: Fan impeller is balanced, bal ance precision up to ISO-2.8 (higher than national class 5.6). Over_speed test of the impeller, complete vibration test and aerodynamic perfomance test to reach the requirements of high speed stable operation prior to the factory.


DTF 系列风机的形式

Structure and Arrangement

风机由叶轮、电机、机壳、集(导)流器、固定支架、减振器等部件组成,分卧式安装和立式安装二 种规格,又分


风机叶轮:由轮毂、叶片组成,其中风机叶片分固定、动调、静调三种方式,静调或动调叶片可在-7.5 7.5°范围调节,动调风机又分气压式和电动式二种,可在运行状态下自动和电动调节叶片角度。

风机配套电机:根据使用要求配常规电机,特殊要求也可以配IP55(IP54)防护等级、H(F)级绝缘,耐高温,湿热型电机,接线盒置 于风机外壳。







The fans supplied as a complete unit consisting of impeller, motor, casing, guide vane unit, support,

vi-bration absorber and so on. There are two arrangements of horizontal and vertical and two groups of sin-gle connection duct and dual connection ducts, referring to the figure 1.

●The impeller composes of hub and blades which has fixed blade, rotary blade adjustable and sta-tionary blade adjustable ranging from -7.5°to+7.5°.Rotary blade adjustable is made by pneumatic control and electric control to adjust the blade angle when operating, which supplies a gap in the home field.

●For motor, insulation class F or H will be applied, and protection classes IP54 and 55 are avail-able. The motors are high temperature resistant and hot/moisture type. The terminal box is mounted on the casing.●For the design of the impeller section of the casing, to be sure the radial clearance of the blades and minimze the lenth and weight.

●To make the fan as compact as possible and maximize the efficiency, the guide vane, bell mouth and guide vane unit are the static parts.

●To ensure the strength of the complete fan unit, support shall be light and easy to installation.

●The fixed blade: blade angle shall be fixed to the impeller on the demands of work conditions. Rotary blade adjustable:the blade angle is adjusted manually after stopping the fan and loosening the bolts on the blade root. Stationary blade adjustable: the blade angle is adjustable for the operating fan according to the actual work conditions.

●Anti- surge system mounted is to prevent the surge caused by the over_speed operation of the fan to ensure the stable operation during long_term period time, especially safety and reliable operation under the conditions of the blocked duct or silencer is or the emergency.

●Vibration absorber is designed and calculated according to the fan weight, linear velocity and dy-namic load of the fixed blade angle, stationary blade angle and rotary blade angle.

●Dismounting and repair of fan: Remove the flexible duct connecting to the one end of the fan, and the foundation bolts, or remove the flexible ducts connecting to the both ends of the fan, the foun-dation bolts and space section (or anti_surge system), and then move the fan as to repair it.


DTF 系列风机外形结构选择示意图

Installation Sketch of DTF Series Fan

(图一)DTF 系列风机卧式安装示意图 Horizontal arrangement for DTF series fan (refers to Fig.1)

单边接管道 Fan with single connecting ducts

双边接管道 Fan with dual connecting ducts



- The length of the foundation embedded steel sheet is L plus 100 or more, width is (B2-B1)/2+20 or more .-For the fanweight, please refers to the Performance Data Sheet of the Fan. For the static dynamic load on the support point, refers tothe installation drawing.

- Overall dimension of the fan, please refers to the overall dimension drawing.

(图二)DTF 系列风机立式安装示意图 Vertical arrangement for DTF series fan (refers to Fig.2)单边接管道 Fan with single connecting ducts

双边接管道 Fan with dual connecting ducts



- For the fan weight, please refers to the Performance Data Sheet of the Fan. For the static/dynam-ic load on the support

point, refers to the installation drawing.

- Overall dimension of the fan, please refers to the overall dimension drawing. H value is showing in the following table.

(图三)DTF 系列风机吊挂式示意图

Hanging arrangement for DTF series fan(refers to Fig.3)

单边接管道 Fan with single connecting ducts双边接管道 Fan with dual connecting ducts



- If the motor power more than 75kW, hanging arrangement shall not be considered because of the sus-tain.

- h value shall be determined according to the layout of the air duct in the ventilation system, referring to the installationsketch.

- For the fan weight, please refers to the Performance Data Sheet of the Fan. For the static/dynamic load on the support

point, refers to the installation drawing.

- Overall dimension of the fan, please refers to the overall dimension drawing.


(图四)DTF 系列风机侧墙壁式示意图

Wall arrangement for DTF series fan(refers to Fig.4)




- If the motor power more than 22kW, wall arrangement shall not be considered because of the sustain.- The length of the plate is more than L+100, width of that is more than B+20.

- For the overall dimension of the fan, please refers to the overall dimension drawing. For the fan weight, please refersto the Performance Data Sheet of the Fan.

- For the static/dynamic load on the support point, refers to the installation drawing.


For the wall arrangement, the fan is connecting to single duct or dual ducts


DTF 系列风机外形图和外形尺寸

Overall Drawing and Overall Dimension of DTF Series Fan

DTF(R)-(H)型轴流式通风机外形图 Overall Drawing of DTF(R)-(H) Fan


气流方向Air flow



DTF(R)-(H)型轴流式通风机外形尺寸 Overall Dimension of DTF(R)-(H) Fan

注:1、上表外形尺寸是指最大的外形尺寸,如通风系统有特殊要求时,风机外壳可适当缩短或伸长; 2、当通风系统需带防喘振装置时,则风机外壳长度应适当增加。Remarks:

1. The maximum overall dimension is showing in the above table. The length of the fan casing is changeable on the demands of the ventilation system.

2. If the fan with anti_surge system is needed, the length of the fan casing shall be longer than the normal.


DTF 系列风机外形图和外形尺寸

Overall Drawing and Overall Dimension of DTF Series Fan

DTF(R)-(V)型轴流式通风机外形图 Overall Drawing of DTF(R)-(V) Fan


气流方向Air flow



DTF(R)-(V)型轴流式通风机外形尺寸 Overall Dimension of DTF(R)-(V) Fan

注:1、上表外形尺寸是指最大的外形尺寸,如通风系统有特殊要求时,风机外壳可适当缩短或伸长; 2、当通风系统需带防喘振装置时,则风机外壳长度应适当增加。Remarks:

1. The maximum overall dimension is showing in the above table. The length of the fan casing is changeable on the demands of the ventilation system.

2. If the fan with anti_surge system is needed, the length of the fan casing shall be longer than the normal.

8DTF 系列风机外形图和外形尺寸

Overall Drawing and Overall Dimension of DTF Series Fan

DTF(R)-(S)型轴流式通风机外形图 Overall Drawing of DTF(R)-(S) Fan


气流方向Air flow



DTF(R)-(S)型轴流式通风机外形尺寸 Overall Dimension of DTF(R)-(S) Fan



1. The maximum overall dimension is showing in the above table. The length of the fan casing is changeable on the demands of the ventilation system.

2. If the fan with anti_surge system is needed, the length of the fan casing shall be longer than the normal.


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


Performance Curves and Data of DTF(R)-8 (S/V) -4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)



各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

10DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


FEG 60

Performance Curves and Data of DTF(R)-8 (S/V) -6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


FEG 60

Performance Curves and Data of DTF(R)-8 (S/V) -4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

12DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


Performance Curves and Data of DTF(R)-8 (S/V) -6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)



各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF - 9(S/V)-4P轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-9 (S/V) -4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)

DTF-9 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-9 不是 AMCA 授权产品。

14DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


Performance Curves and Data of DTF-9 (S/V) -6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)

DTF-9 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-9 不是 AMCA



DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-10(H/S/V) - 4P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

FEG 71

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-10 (H/S/V) -4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per

AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-10(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-10 (H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-10(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-10 (H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per

AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-11.2(H/S/V) - 4P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-11.2 (H/S/V) - 4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-11.2 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-11.2 不是 AMCA 授权产品。

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-11.2(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-11.2 (H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-11.2 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-11.2 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-11.2(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-11.2 (H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-11.2 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-11.2 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-12.5(H/S/V) - 4P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-12.5 (H/S/V) - 4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-12.5 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-12.5 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-12.5(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-12.5 (H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-12.5 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-12.5 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-12.5(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-12.5 (H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-12.5 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-12.5 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-14(H/S/V) - 4P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-14(H/S/V) - 4P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-14(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

FEG 75

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-14(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-14(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-14(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-15(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-15(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

DTF 15 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF 15 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-15(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-15(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

DTF 15 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF 15 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-16(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

FEG 75

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-16(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)


瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-16(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-16(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)



各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-16(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

FEG 75

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-16(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)


瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-16(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-16(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)


功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-18(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

FEG 80

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-18(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-18(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-18(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-20(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

FEG 80

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-20(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-20(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-20(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-22(H/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-22(H/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

DTF 22 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF 22不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-22(H/V) - 10P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-22(H/V) - 10P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

DTF 22 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF 22不是 AMCA



目 录



Classes and Type Description for DTF(R)-(H/S/V) Series Vane Axial Fan二、DTF系列风机特点…………………………………………………………………………2

Characteristics of DTF Vane Axial Fan三、DTF系列风机的形式………………………………………………………………………3

Structure and Arrangement四、DTF系列风机外形结构选择示意图………………………………………………………4

Installation Sketch of DTF Series Fan五、DTF系列风机外形图和外形尺寸…………………………………………………………7

Overall Drawing and Overall Dimension of DTF Series Fan六、DTF系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表………………………………………………


Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF 系列地铁隧道轴流式通风机


DTF 系列轴流风机类别、形式说明

Classes and Type Description for DTF(R)-(H/S/V)Series Vane Axial Fan

(一)DTF 系列轴流风机分类

● DTF(R)-(H)型:排热风机(地铁称UPE/OTE风机)

● DTF(R)-(S)型:消防排烟风机(地铁称排烟风机)● DTF(R)-(V)型:通风排风机(地铁称全新风机)注:(R)=反转风机

(二)DTF 系列轴流风机基本形式

DTF(R)-(H\S\V) Series Vane Axial Fan Classes

● DTF(R)-(H) heat exhaust fan(UPE/OTE fan in the metro)● DTF(R)-(S) fire smoke discharge fan (smoke fan in the metro)● DTF(R)-(V) ventilation fan (fresh air fan in the metro)NOTE: (R) = Reversible Fan

DTF(R)-(H\S\V) Series Vane Axial Fan Type


DTF 系列风机特点

Characteristics of DTF Vane Axial Fan

● 效率高:

效率高:风机运用国际最新航空航天气动设计技,通过多次反复试验验证和用户使用证明,具有效 率高并高效区宽的显著特点;● 噪声低:从降低风机气动噪声入手,最大限度地减小风机叶片顶尖和根部的涡流损失,经权威专家鉴 噪声低:定,具有低噪声的显著特点;● 用途广:采用高防护等级、高绝缘等级、湿热型、耐高温电机,使该风机能可靠地应用于地铁、隧用途广:道、电力、水利大坝、建筑工程等通风系统的通(排)风,DTF(R)-(H)型,DTF(R)-(S)型风机还可以应用于紧急状态下的消防排烟系统和非消防排烟系统;● 强度高:风机叶轮系引进国际先进压铸工艺技术,铝合金叶片、轻毂经金相分析,其结构组织良好,强度高:通过X光射线探伤检验,风机叶轮已考虑300℃条件下的热膨胀系数。使其保证足够的叶轮强度,符合高速运行的要求;● 结构紧凑:风机静叶和导流装置的设计以尽可能缩短风机外壳的长度为目标,机壳和固定支架通过有结构紧凑:限元强度计算,以保证地铁、电力等特定条件的使用要求;● 防喘振:风机设有防喘振装置,避免风机在非设计工况下运行或多台风机并联安装单台使用时可能产防喘振:生失速运行出现的喘振现象,无须再装喘振报警装置;● 抗腐蚀性强:风机外壳经热浸镀锌处理,电机采用湿热型,风机叶片、轮毂采用铝合金材料,成形后 抗腐蚀性强:再经阳极化处理,具有很强的抗腐蚀性;● 运行可靠:风机叶轮经静平衡样验后再经动平衡机精确样验,其平衡精度达到ISO-2.8级(高于国家运行可靠:5.6级的标准),整机出厂前,经叶轮超速试验和整机振动测试、气动全性能试验,使其达到高速运行平稳、可靠的要求。

●High efficiency: To apply the newest aviation aerodynamic design technology, repeat test and Inspection and prove the characteristics of high efficiency, wide high_efficiency range.

● Low noise: To reduce the aerodynamic noise of fan and minimize the whirlpool loss in the tip of blade and blade root.

●Wide application: DTF(R)-(H\S\V) vane axial fan is equipped with high protection glasses, high insula-tion degree, hot and humid type and high temperature resistant motor. So the fan is used for ventilation (exhaust) air in the ventilation system of metro, tunnel, electric power, large dam and construction engi-neering, as well as in the fire smoke discharge system or not fire smoke system under the emergency conditions.

●Good strength: Blades are cast in aluminum alloy. There is good radial structure for the aluminum alloy blades and hub. The thermal expansion factor of the fan impeller and casing detected by X laser is considered under the temperature of 300℃ to ensure the strength of impeller and high speed operation.

●Compact structure: To make the fan as compact as possible, the static blade of the fan and guide vane device is designed to minimize the length of the fan casing. The casing and support are made the finite element calculation to ensure the specific conditions in the metro and electric power station.● Anti-surge: The fan is equipped with the anti_surge system, which prevent the surge caused by the possible over_speed operation of the fan under the non_design work conditions or only one fan is oper-ating when the fan group is parallel connection. So the surge alarm is not necessary.

● Good corrosion resistant: Fan casing is hot dip galvanized. Motor is hot and humid type. Fan blades and hub is made of aluminum alloy.

●Stable operation: Fan impeller is balanced, bal ance precision up to ISO-2.8 (higher than national class 5.6). Over_speed test of the impeller, complete vibration test and aerodynamic perfomance test to reach the requirements of high speed stable operation prior to the factory.


DTF 系列风机的形式

Structure and Arrangement

风机由叶轮、电机、机壳、集(导)流器、固定支架、减振器等部件组成,分卧式安装和立式安装二 种规格,又分


风机叶轮:由轮毂、叶片组成,其中风机叶片分固定、动调、静调三种方式,静调或动调叶片可在-7.5 7.5°范围调节,动调风机又分气压式和电动式二种,可在运行状态下自动和电动调节叶片角度。

风机配套电机:根据使用要求配常规电机,特殊要求也可以配IP55(IP54)防护等级、H(F)级绝缘,耐高温,湿热型电机,接线盒置 于风机外壳。







The fans supplied as a complete unit consisting of impeller, motor, casing, guide vane unit, support,

vi-bration absorber and so on. There are two arrangements of horizontal and vertical and two groups of sin-gle connection duct and dual connection ducts, referring to the figure 1.

●The impeller composes of hub and blades which has fixed blade, rotary blade adjustable and sta-tionary blade adjustable ranging from -7.5°to+7.5°.Rotary blade adjustable is made by pneumatic control and electric control to adjust the blade angle when operating, which supplies a gap in the home field.

●For motor, insulation class F or H will be applied, and protection classes IP54 and 55 are avail-able. The motors are high temperature resistant and hot/moisture type. The terminal box is mounted on the casing.●For the design of the impeller section of the casing, to be sure the radial clearance of the blades and minimze the lenth and weight.

●To make the fan as compact as possible and maximize the efficiency, the guide vane, bell mouth and guide vane unit are the static parts.

●To ensure the strength of the complete fan unit, support shall be light and easy to installation.

●The fixed blade: blade angle shall be fixed to the impeller on the demands of work conditions. Rotary blade adjustable:the blade angle is adjusted manually after stopping the fan and loosening the bolts on the blade root. Stationary blade adjustable: the blade angle is adjustable for the operating fan according to the actual work conditions.

●Anti- surge system mounted is to prevent the surge caused by the over_speed operation of the fan to ensure the stable operation during long_term period time, especially safety and reliable operation under the conditions of the blocked duct or silencer is or the emergency.

●Vibration absorber is designed and calculated according to the fan weight, linear velocity and dy-namic load of the fixed blade angle, stationary blade angle and rotary blade angle.

●Dismounting and repair of fan: Remove the flexible duct connecting to the one end of the fan, and the foundation bolts, or remove the flexible ducts connecting to the both ends of the fan, the foun-dation bolts and space section (or anti_surge system), and then move the fan as to repair it.


DTF 系列风机外形结构选择示意图

Installation Sketch of DTF Series Fan

(图一)DTF 系列风机卧式安装示意图 Horizontal arrangement for DTF series fan (refers to Fig.1)

单边接管道 Fan with single connecting ducts

双边接管道 Fan with dual connecting ducts



- The length of the foundation embedded steel sheet is L plus 100 or more, width is (B2-B1)/2+20 or more .-For the fanweight, please refers to the Performance Data Sheet of the Fan. For the static dynamic load on the support point, refers tothe installation drawing.

- Overall dimension of the fan, please refers to the overall dimension drawing.

(图二)DTF 系列风机立式安装示意图 Vertical arrangement for DTF series fan (refers to Fig.2)单边接管道 Fan with single connecting ducts

双边接管道 Fan with dual connecting ducts



- For the fan weight, please refers to the Performance Data Sheet of the Fan. For the static/dynam-ic load on the support

point, refers to the installation drawing.

- Overall dimension of the fan, please refers to the overall dimension drawing. H value is showing in the following table.

(图三)DTF 系列风机吊挂式示意图

Hanging arrangement for DTF series fan(refers to Fig.3)

单边接管道 Fan with single connecting ducts双边接管道 Fan with dual connecting ducts



- If the motor power more than 75kW, hanging arrangement shall not be considered because of the sus-tain.

- h value shall be determined according to the layout of the air duct in the ventilation system, referring to the installationsketch.

- For the fan weight, please refers to the Performance Data Sheet of the Fan. For the static/dynamic load on the support

point, refers to the installation drawing.

- Overall dimension of the fan, please refers to the overall dimension drawing.


(图四)DTF 系列风机侧墙壁式示意图

Wall arrangement for DTF series fan(refers to Fig.4)




- If the motor power more than 22kW, wall arrangement shall not be considered because of the sustain.- The length of the plate is more than L+100, width of that is more than B+20.

- For the overall dimension of the fan, please refers to the overall dimension drawing. For the fan weight, please refersto the Performance Data Sheet of the Fan.

- For the static/dynamic load on the support point, refers to the installation drawing.


For the wall arrangement, the fan is connecting to single duct or dual ducts


DTF 系列风机外形图和外形尺寸

Overall Drawing and Overall Dimension of DTF Series Fan

DTF(R)-(H)型轴流式通风机外形图 Overall Drawing of DTF(R)-(H) Fan


气流方向Air flow



DTF(R)-(H)型轴流式通风机外形尺寸 Overall Dimension of DTF(R)-(H) Fan

注:1、上表外形尺寸是指最大的外形尺寸,如通风系统有特殊要求时,风机外壳可适当缩短或伸长; 2、当通风系统需带防喘振装置时,则风机外壳长度应适当增加。Remarks:

1. The maximum overall dimension is showing in the above table. The length of the fan casing is changeable on the demands of the ventilation system.

2. If the fan with anti_surge system is needed, the length of the fan casing shall be longer than the normal.


DTF 系列风机外形图和外形尺寸

Overall Drawing and Overall Dimension of DTF Series Fan

DTF(R)-(V)型轴流式通风机外形图 Overall Drawing of DTF(R)-(V) Fan


气流方向Air flow



DTF(R)-(V)型轴流式通风机外形尺寸 Overall Dimension of DTF(R)-(V) Fan

注:1、上表外形尺寸是指最大的外形尺寸,如通风系统有特殊要求时,风机外壳可适当缩短或伸长; 2、当通风系统需带防喘振装置时,则风机外壳长度应适当增加。Remarks:

1. The maximum overall dimension is showing in the above table. The length of the fan casing is changeable on the demands of the ventilation system.

2. If the fan with anti_surge system is needed, the length of the fan casing shall be longer than the normal.

8DTF 系列风机外形图和外形尺寸

Overall Drawing and Overall Dimension of DTF Series Fan

DTF(R)-(S)型轴流式通风机外形图 Overall Drawing of DTF(R)-(S) Fan


气流方向Air flow



DTF(R)-(S)型轴流式通风机外形尺寸 Overall Dimension of DTF(R)-(S) Fan



1. The maximum overall dimension is showing in the above table. The length of the fan casing is changeable on the demands of the ventilation system.

2. If the fan with anti_surge system is needed, the length of the fan casing shall be longer than the normal.


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


Performance Curves and Data of DTF(R)-8 (S/V) -4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)



各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

10DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


FEG 60

Performance Curves and Data of DTF(R)-8 (S/V) -6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


FEG 60

Performance Curves and Data of DTF(R)-8 (S/V) -4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

12DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


Performance Curves and Data of DTF(R)-8 (S/V) -6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)



各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF - 9(S/V)-4P轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-9 (S/V) -4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)

DTF-9 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-9 不是 AMCA 授权产品。

14DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan


Performance Curves and Data of DTF-9 (S/V) -6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti - stall ring)

DTF-9 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-9 不是 AMCA



DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-10(H/S/V) - 4P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

FEG 71

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-10 (H/S/V) -4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per

AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-10(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-10 (H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-10(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-10 (H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是D类安装-管道入口,管道出口。所示值为安装类型D:管道入口,管道出口的声功率级(入口Lwi)。额定值包括管道端部校正影响。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type D:Ducted inlet, Ducted outlet. Values shown are for inlet Lwi sound. Power levels for installation type D:Ductedinlet, Ducted outlet. Ratings include the effects of duct end correction. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per

AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-11.2(H/S/V) - 4P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-11.2 (H/S/V) - 4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-11.2 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-11.2 不是 AMCA 授权产品。

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-11.2(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-11.2 (H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-11.2 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-11.2 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-11.2(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-11.2 (H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-11.2 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-11.2 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-12.5(H/S/V) - 4P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-12.5 (H/S/V) - 4P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-12.5 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-12.5 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-12.5(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-12.5 (H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-12.5 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-12.5 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-12.5(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-12.5 (H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)

DTF-12.5 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF-12.5 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-14(H/S/V) - 4P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-14(H/S/V) - 4P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-14(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

FEG 75

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-14(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-14(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-14(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-15(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-15(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

DTF 15 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF 15 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-15(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-15(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

DTF 15 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF 15 不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-16(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

FEG 75

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-16(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)


瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-16(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-16(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)



各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-16(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)

FEG 75

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-16(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)


瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-16(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(没有防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-16(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (without anti-stall ring)


功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-18(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

FEG 80

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-18(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-18(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-18(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-20(H/S/V) - 6P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

FEG 80

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-20(H/S/V) - 6P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10

-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-20(H/S/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)



Performance Curves and Data of DTF-20(H/S/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

各项性能额定值不包括附属物(附件)的影响。经认证的性能是A类安装-自由入口,自由出口。所示值为安装类型A:自由入口,自由出口的声功率级(出口Lwo)。所示声功率级额定值以分贝为单位,参考声功率为10-12瓦,按照AMCA International 标准301计算。

Performance ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). Performance certified is for installation type A-Free inlet, Free outlet. Values shown are for outlet Lwo sound. power levels for installation type A:Freeinlet, Free outlet. The sound power level ratings shown are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts, calculated per AMCA International Standard 301.

DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-22(H/V) - 8P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-22(H/V) - 8P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

DTF 22 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF 22不是 AMCA


DTF 系列轴流通风机性能曲线图、参数表

Performance Curves and Data of DTF Vane Axial Fan

DTF-22(H/V) - 10P 轴流通风机性能曲线、参数表(带防喘圈)

Performance Curves and Data of DTF-22(H/V) - 10P Vane Axial Fan (with anti-stall ring)

DTF 22 is not licensed to bear the AMCA certified rating seal.DTF 22不是 AMCA



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