初一 下册全十二单元重点句子



1. 你的笔友是哪里人?----他是加拿大多伦多人。



4. 你的父亲又兄弟或姐妹吗?---有两个哥哥和一个妹妹。 5. 我想找个中国的笔友。

6.Nancy 喜欢和朋友们去看电影和踢足球。

7. 我不喜欢数学因为它太难了。

8. 请写信给我谈谈你自己。

9. 他会说一点法语并且喜欢进行体育运动。

10. 篮球是我最喜爱的运动。

Unit 2



3. 超市对面有一家酒店。

4. 笔直走,然后向左拐。

5. 这家超市全天营业。

6. 我们学校很安静,是一个学习的好地方。

7. 我们喜欢在公园里散步。

8. 他想买带花园的房子。

9. 这本书的开头是无聊的。

10. 在回家的路上,我常看到一些美丽的花。

11. 祝你旅途愉快。


1. 他们为什么想去看熊猫?因为他们可爱。

2. 杰克最喜欢的动物是企鹅。

3. 狮子也来自于非洲。

4. 人们经常在白天工作,在晚上睡觉。

5. 他经常在放学后和他的表弟一起玩耍。

6. 这个男孩子每天都休息放松两小时吗?

7. 警察是一份刺激但有点危险的工作。

8. 你长大后想要做什么?你想成为一名记者吗?

9. 我有时候在星期一下午踢足球。

10. 我爸爸给我一本好书。

11. 你喜欢和人们交谈吗?

12. 请拨342-3455给我打电话。

13. 当人们外出吃饭的时候,服务员们就很忙。

14. 银行职员跟钱和人打交道。

15. 你能在我们学校教学生们英语吗?

16. 李阿姨为一间杂志而工作。

17. 他的奶奶生病住院了。

18. 我妈妈是一名医生。她经常工作到很晚。

19. 他从我这里得到了一份工作。



1. 我的弟弟不在看书,他在看电视。

2. 这里有他的一张全家福。

3. John 和他朋友正在游泳池游泳。

4. 第一张照片里你在干什么?我正在跑步。

5. Mary 想要去看电影吗?

6. 他在打电话。

7. 我们在做作业。

8. ---他在写字吗?---不,他在画画。

9. 他们没在打篮球。

10. 你在等谁?

Unit 6

1. 他正在给孩子们拍照。

2. 有些人在看书,有些人在听音乐。

3. 你情况怎么样,Jack?

4. ---北京天气怎么样?---在下雨。

5. 谢谢你回答我的问题。

6. 两周后他们将度假。

7. 今天的天气又冷又潮湿。

8. 他们能在这么热的天气下打球我觉得很惊讶。

9. 他们正玩得开心吗?

10. 莫斯科的天气怎么样?


1. 他有一点儿饿。

2. 我的爷爷正在讲笑话。

3. 他们每个星期天都下象棋。

4. 请记得买一些橘子。

5. 田老师很受学生欢迎。

6. 他看起来像他的爸爸。

7. 他是一位个子高高的,头发黑色的人。

8. 他是一个篮球队的队员。

9. 她不停的讲话。

10. 我认为这不是一本好书。

11. 这家面馆有一些特色菜。

12. 特色菜1有牛肉和洋葱,15个饺子仅10原人名币。

13. 我想要一中碗的面。

14. 我不喜欢汉堡包沙拉和汤。

15. 你想要订购比披萨饼吗?

16. 你穿几码的鞋?

17. 早餐你想吃什么?

18. 你妹妹长的怎样?

19. 她中等高度,有点瘦,金黄色的长发。

20. 他想要哪种类型的面条?


1. 星期六早上,我打了网球。

2. 你上周末做了什么?

3. 昨天为数学考试而学习。

4. 我问了老师关于期末考试的问题。

5. 对于大多数学生来说,这个问题很简单。

6. 生日那天,妈妈为我煮了很多美味的食物。

7. 你的家人是怎么过周末的?

8. 我花了一个小时打扫房间。(两种表达)

9. 她在服装上花了很多钱。

10. 他什么也不想做。


1. Tina 去了哪里度假?

2. 他们对我们不友好。

3. 他整天没事干。

4. 我们在水里玩的很开心。

5. 我不想上车,因为车上人太多。

6. 老师发现没有人在教师学习。

7. 他迷路了,我帮他找到他的父母。

8. 天气很热,所以我们决定去游泳。

9. 妈妈晚餐没吃东西。

10. 这个想法让每个人都觉得很兴奋。

11. 我没有钱做的士。


1. 请把你的身份证给我看。

2. 我需要一条新皮带。

3. 你认识那位著名的主持人吗?

4. 她不能忍受女孩不能踢球的想法。

5. 我们的生活是丰富多彩的。

6. 他想告诉我他所想的。

7. 你觉得这部电影怎么样?

8. 我不介意年轻人怎么评价我。

9. 他不介意你在这儿抽烟。

10. 实际上,她对此事一无所知。

Unit 12

1. 他不同意我的想法。

2. 不要打架,男孩们。

3. 我们学校有很多的规章制度。

4. 他每天必须打扫教室。

5. 不要在走廊跑。

6. 不要在课堂上说话。

7. 她从来没有任何的欢乐。

8. 上学不要迟到。

9. 他晚上十点前必须睡觉。

10. 他帮妈妈做晚餐。

答 案


1.--- Where’s your pen pal from?

---He is from Toronto Canada.

2.---Where does she live?

---She lives in New York America.

3.---What languages does your penpal speak?

---He English and French.

4.Does your father have sisters or brothers?

He has two brothers and a sisters.

5.I want to have a pen pal in China.

6.Nancy likes going to movies with friend and playing soccer.

7.Idon ’t like math because it too difficult.

8.Please write to me and tell me about yourself.

9.He can speak a little French and like doing sports.

11. Basketball is my favourite sport.


1.---Where is the library?

--- It’s between the post office and the bank.

2.Is there a pay phone near here?

Yes,there is.It’s on Fifth Avenue.

3.There is a hotel across from the supermarket.

4.Go straight and turn left.

5.This supermarket is open all day.

6.Our school is very quiteand it’s a good place to study.

7.We like taking a walk in the park.

8.He want to buy a house with a garden.

9.The beginning of the book is boring.

10.I often see some beautiful flowers on my way home.

11.I hope you have a good trip.


1. Why do they want to see pandas?Because they are cute.

2. Jack ’s favourite animals are penguins.

3. Lions also comes from Africa.

4. People often work during the day and sleep at night.

5. He often plays with his cousin after school.

6. Does the boy relax two hours every day?

7. Working as a police is exciting but kind of dangerous.

8. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a reporter.

9. I sometimea play soccer on Monday afternoon.

10. My father give me a good book.

11. Do you like talking with people?

12. Please call me at 326-0987.

13. Waiters are very busy when people go out for dinner.

14. A bank clerk workers with people and money.

15. Can you teach the students English in our school?

16. Aunt Li works for a magazine.

17. His grandma is in hospital.

18. My mother works as a doctor.She often works late.

19. He get a job from me.

20. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.


1. My brother is not reading books .He is watching TV.

2. Here is a photo of his family.

3. John and his friends are swimming in the pool.

4. What are you doing in the first photo? I’m running.

5. Does Mary want to go to a movie?

6. He is talking in the phone.

7. We are doing homework.

8. Is he writing? No,he is drawing.

9. They aren’t playing basketball.

10. Who are you waiting for?


1. He is taking photos for the children.

2. Some people are reading and others are listing to music.

3. How is it going with you,Jack? Prety good.

4. How ’s the weather in Beijing? It ’s rainy.

5. Thank you for answering my questions.

6. They will go on vacation in two weeks.

7. Today is cool and humid,/It’s cool and humid today.

8. I am surprised they can play basketball in this heat.

9. Are they having a good time?

10. How ’s the weather in Moscow.?


1. He is a little bit hungry.

2. My grandpa is telling jokes.

3. They play chess every Sunday.

4. Please remember to buy some oranges.

5. Mr.Tian is very popular with the students.

6. He looks like his father.

7. He is tall man with black hair.

8. He is a captain of the basketball team.

9. She never stops talking,

10. I don’t think it’s a good book.

11. There are some specials in the noodles house.

12. Special 1 has beef and onion,and is just 10RMBfor 15 dumplings.

13. I would like a medium bowl of noodles.

14. I don’t like hamburger salad and soup.

15. Would you want to order a pizza.?

16. What size shoes do you wear?

17. What would you like to have for breakfast?

18. What does your sister look like?

19. She is of mediun height,but a little bit thin,and she has long golden hair.

20. What kind of noodles would he like?


1 .On Saturday moring,I played tennis.

2.What did you do last weekend?

3.Last evening,she studied for the math exam.

4.I asked my teather about the final exam.

5.For most students,this question is very easy.

6.Mother cooked much delicious food foe me on my birthday.

7.How did your family do spend weekend?

8.She spent a lot of money of clothes.

9.I spent an hour cleaning the room.

10.He doesn’t want to do anything.


1. Where did Tina go on vacation?

2. They were un friendly to us.

3. He does nothing all day.

4. We had fun playing in the water.

5. I don’t want to get on the bus,because it’s too clowded.

6. The teacher found nobody studying in the classroom.

7. He was lost,and I helped him helped his parents.

8. The weather was hot,so we decided to swimming.

9. Mother eat nothing for dinner.

10. The idea make everyone feel excited.

11. I didn’t have any money for a taxi.


1. Please show me your ID card.

2. I need a new belt.

3. Do you know that famous host?

4. She can’t stand the idea that girls can’t play soccer.

5. Our life is colourful.

6. He want to tell me what he thinks of.

7. What do you think of the movie?

8. I don't mind what young people think of me.

9. He doesn’t mind you somking here.

10. In fact,she doesn’t know angthing about it./she know nothing about it.


1. He doesn’t agree with me.

2. Don ’t fight,boys.

3. There are many rules in our school.

4. He has to cleaned th classroom every day.

5. Don ’t run in the hallways.

6. Don ’t talk on class.

7. She never has fun.

8. Don ’t arrive late for school.

9. He have to be in bed by ten at night.

10. He helps his mother cook dinner.




1. 你的笔友是哪里人?----他是加拿大多伦多人。



4. 你的父亲又兄弟或姐妹吗?---有两个哥哥和一个妹妹。 5. 我想找个中国的笔友。

6.Nancy 喜欢和朋友们去看电影和踢足球。

7. 我不喜欢数学因为它太难了。

8. 请写信给我谈谈你自己。

9. 他会说一点法语并且喜欢进行体育运动。

10. 篮球是我最喜爱的运动。

Unit 2



3. 超市对面有一家酒店。

4. 笔直走,然后向左拐。

5. 这家超市全天营业。

6. 我们学校很安静,是一个学习的好地方。

7. 我们喜欢在公园里散步。

8. 他想买带花园的房子。

9. 这本书的开头是无聊的。

10. 在回家的路上,我常看到一些美丽的花。

11. 祝你旅途愉快。


1. 他们为什么想去看熊猫?因为他们可爱。

2. 杰克最喜欢的动物是企鹅。

3. 狮子也来自于非洲。

4. 人们经常在白天工作,在晚上睡觉。

5. 他经常在放学后和他的表弟一起玩耍。

6. 这个男孩子每天都休息放松两小时吗?

7. 警察是一份刺激但有点危险的工作。

8. 你长大后想要做什么?你想成为一名记者吗?

9. 我有时候在星期一下午踢足球。

10. 我爸爸给我一本好书。

11. 你喜欢和人们交谈吗?

12. 请拨342-3455给我打电话。

13. 当人们外出吃饭的时候,服务员们就很忙。

14. 银行职员跟钱和人打交道。

15. 你能在我们学校教学生们英语吗?

16. 李阿姨为一间杂志而工作。

17. 他的奶奶生病住院了。

18. 我妈妈是一名医生。她经常工作到很晚。

19. 他从我这里得到了一份工作。



1. 我的弟弟不在看书,他在看电视。

2. 这里有他的一张全家福。

3. John 和他朋友正在游泳池游泳。

4. 第一张照片里你在干什么?我正在跑步。

5. Mary 想要去看电影吗?

6. 他在打电话。

7. 我们在做作业。

8. ---他在写字吗?---不,他在画画。

9. 他们没在打篮球。

10. 你在等谁?

Unit 6

1. 他正在给孩子们拍照。

2. 有些人在看书,有些人在听音乐。

3. 你情况怎么样,Jack?

4. ---北京天气怎么样?---在下雨。

5. 谢谢你回答我的问题。

6. 两周后他们将度假。

7. 今天的天气又冷又潮湿。

8. 他们能在这么热的天气下打球我觉得很惊讶。

9. 他们正玩得开心吗?

10. 莫斯科的天气怎么样?


1. 他有一点儿饿。

2. 我的爷爷正在讲笑话。

3. 他们每个星期天都下象棋。

4. 请记得买一些橘子。

5. 田老师很受学生欢迎。

6. 他看起来像他的爸爸。

7. 他是一位个子高高的,头发黑色的人。

8. 他是一个篮球队的队员。

9. 她不停的讲话。

10. 我认为这不是一本好书。

11. 这家面馆有一些特色菜。

12. 特色菜1有牛肉和洋葱,15个饺子仅10原人名币。

13. 我想要一中碗的面。

14. 我不喜欢汉堡包沙拉和汤。

15. 你想要订购比披萨饼吗?

16. 你穿几码的鞋?

17. 早餐你想吃什么?

18. 你妹妹长的怎样?

19. 她中等高度,有点瘦,金黄色的长发。

20. 他想要哪种类型的面条?


1. 星期六早上,我打了网球。

2. 你上周末做了什么?

3. 昨天为数学考试而学习。

4. 我问了老师关于期末考试的问题。

5. 对于大多数学生来说,这个问题很简单。

6. 生日那天,妈妈为我煮了很多美味的食物。

7. 你的家人是怎么过周末的?

8. 我花了一个小时打扫房间。(两种表达)

9. 她在服装上花了很多钱。

10. 他什么也不想做。


1. Tina 去了哪里度假?

2. 他们对我们不友好。

3. 他整天没事干。

4. 我们在水里玩的很开心。

5. 我不想上车,因为车上人太多。

6. 老师发现没有人在教师学习。

7. 他迷路了,我帮他找到他的父母。

8. 天气很热,所以我们决定去游泳。

9. 妈妈晚餐没吃东西。

10. 这个想法让每个人都觉得很兴奋。

11. 我没有钱做的士。


1. 请把你的身份证给我看。

2. 我需要一条新皮带。

3. 你认识那位著名的主持人吗?

4. 她不能忍受女孩不能踢球的想法。

5. 我们的生活是丰富多彩的。

6. 他想告诉我他所想的。

7. 你觉得这部电影怎么样?

8. 我不介意年轻人怎么评价我。

9. 他不介意你在这儿抽烟。

10. 实际上,她对此事一无所知。

Unit 12

1. 他不同意我的想法。

2. 不要打架,男孩们。

3. 我们学校有很多的规章制度。

4. 他每天必须打扫教室。

5. 不要在走廊跑。

6. 不要在课堂上说话。

7. 她从来没有任何的欢乐。

8. 上学不要迟到。

9. 他晚上十点前必须睡觉。

10. 他帮妈妈做晚餐。

答 案


1.--- Where’s your pen pal from?

---He is from Toronto Canada.

2.---Where does she live?

---She lives in New York America.

3.---What languages does your penpal speak?

---He English and French.

4.Does your father have sisters or brothers?

He has two brothers and a sisters.

5.I want to have a pen pal in China.

6.Nancy likes going to movies with friend and playing soccer.

7.Idon ’t like math because it too difficult.

8.Please write to me and tell me about yourself.

9.He can speak a little French and like doing sports.

11. Basketball is my favourite sport.


1.---Where is the library?

--- It’s between the post office and the bank.

2.Is there a pay phone near here?

Yes,there is.It’s on Fifth Avenue.

3.There is a hotel across from the supermarket.

4.Go straight and turn left.

5.This supermarket is open all day.

6.Our school is very quiteand it’s a good place to study.

7.We like taking a walk in the park.

8.He want to buy a house with a garden.

9.The beginning of the book is boring.

10.I often see some beautiful flowers on my way home.

11.I hope you have a good trip.


1. Why do they want to see pandas?Because they are cute.

2. Jack ’s favourite animals are penguins.

3. Lions also comes from Africa.

4. People often work during the day and sleep at night.

5. He often plays with his cousin after school.

6. Does the boy relax two hours every day?

7. Working as a police is exciting but kind of dangerous.

8. What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be a reporter.

9. I sometimea play soccer on Monday afternoon.

10. My father give me a good book.

11. Do you like talking with people?

12. Please call me at 326-0987.

13. Waiters are very busy when people go out for dinner.

14. A bank clerk workers with people and money.

15. Can you teach the students English in our school?

16. Aunt Li works for a magazine.

17. His grandma is in hospital.

18. My mother works as a doctor.She often works late.

19. He get a job from me.

20. I meet interesting people every day and ask them questions.


1. My brother is not reading books .He is watching TV.

2. Here is a photo of his family.

3. John and his friends are swimming in the pool.

4. What are you doing in the first photo? I’m running.

5. Does Mary want to go to a movie?

6. He is talking in the phone.

7. We are doing homework.

8. Is he writing? No,he is drawing.

9. They aren’t playing basketball.

10. Who are you waiting for?


1. He is taking photos for the children.

2. Some people are reading and others are listing to music.

3. How is it going with you,Jack? Prety good.

4. How ’s the weather in Beijing? It ’s rainy.

5. Thank you for answering my questions.

6. They will go on vacation in two weeks.

7. Today is cool and humid,/It’s cool and humid today.

8. I am surprised they can play basketball in this heat.

9. Are they having a good time?

10. How ’s the weather in Moscow.?


1. He is a little bit hungry.

2. My grandpa is telling jokes.

3. They play chess every Sunday.

4. Please remember to buy some oranges.

5. Mr.Tian is very popular with the students.

6. He looks like his father.

7. He is tall man with black hair.

8. He is a captain of the basketball team.

9. She never stops talking,

10. I don’t think it’s a good book.

11. There are some specials in the noodles house.

12. Special 1 has beef and onion,and is just 10RMBfor 15 dumplings.

13. I would like a medium bowl of noodles.

14. I don’t like hamburger salad and soup.

15. Would you want to order a pizza.?

16. What size shoes do you wear?

17. What would you like to have for breakfast?

18. What does your sister look like?

19. She is of mediun height,but a little bit thin,and she has long golden hair.

20. What kind of noodles would he like?


1 .On Saturday moring,I played tennis.

2.What did you do last weekend?

3.Last evening,she studied for the math exam.

4.I asked my teather about the final exam.

5.For most students,this question is very easy.

6.Mother cooked much delicious food foe me on my birthday.

7.How did your family do spend weekend?

8.She spent a lot of money of clothes.

9.I spent an hour cleaning the room.

10.He doesn’t want to do anything.


1. Where did Tina go on vacation?

2. They were un friendly to us.

3. He does nothing all day.

4. We had fun playing in the water.

5. I don’t want to get on the bus,because it’s too clowded.

6. The teacher found nobody studying in the classroom.

7. He was lost,and I helped him helped his parents.

8. The weather was hot,so we decided to swimming.

9. Mother eat nothing for dinner.

10. The idea make everyone feel excited.

11. I didn’t have any money for a taxi.


1. Please show me your ID card.

2. I need a new belt.

3. Do you know that famous host?

4. She can’t stand the idea that girls can’t play soccer.

5. Our life is colourful.

6. He want to tell me what he thinks of.

7. What do you think of the movie?

8. I don't mind what young people think of me.

9. He doesn’t mind you somking here.

10. In fact,she doesn’t know angthing about it./she know nothing about it.


1. He doesn’t agree with me.

2. Don ’t fight,boys.

3. There are many rules in our school.

4. He has to cleaned th classroom every day.

5. Don ’t run in the hallways.

6. Don ’t talk on class.

7. She never has fun.

8. Don ’t arrive late for school.

9. He have to be in bed by ten at night.

10. He helps his mother cook dinner.



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