



1. He sent me an e-mail, ___________ (hope) to make friends with me.

2. With two exams ___________ (worry) about, I have to work really hard this weekend.

3. Her feet __________ (sink) in the mud.

4. It was arranged that they would leave the __________ (follow) spring.

5. I live in a house with its windows __________ (face) to the south.

6. --- What do you think of the football match between Japan and Australia?

--- Wonderful! In fact, it was much more exciting than _________ (expect).

7. As soon as the fans saw their football stars, they felt like ___________ (hug) them.

8. The silly woman spent all the money she had __________ (buy) her clothes.

9. They are not the people __________ (trust).

10. Women __________ (forbid) to go out without veils (面纱) in some Arabic countries.

11. Many children take the risk of __________ (punish) by the teachers to have fun in a cool river.

12. With you __________ (support) me, I’ll stick to my opinion.

13. _________ (enter) the meeting room, he found all the parents already __________ (seat) there.

14. Mother happened __________ (cook) when I came back.

15. As we joined the big crowd I found I __________ (separate) from my friends.

16. The problem __________ (refer) to at the meeting this morning has to ________ (solve)


17. Hurry up! By the time we get to the assembly hall, the meeting __________ (start).

18. He __________ (take) a bath when the telephone rang.

19. The day he was looking forward to __________ (come) finally.

20. He told me that it was 10 years since he __________ (enjoy) a good drink.

21. The crazy fans __________ (wait) patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star


22. Most patients __________ (treat) in hospital __________ (recover) from illness so far.

23. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he _________ (not mention) it.

24. --- Good morning. Can I have you?

--- I’d like to have this package __________ (weigh), madam.

25. --- The light in the office is still on. --- Oh, I forget __________ (turn) it off.

26. If __________ (invite), I will go to the party together with you.

27. --- What place is it?

--- Haven’t you found we __________ (be) back where we __________ (be)?

28. The meeting __________ (hold) this evening is of great importance.

29. The classroom is so dirty that it requires __________ (clean) badly.

30. __________ (give) more time, the job can be done better.

31. The wolf said in a __________ (frighten) voice and the old man felt __________ (frighten).

32. Hard Times __________ (write) by Charles Dickens is said __________ (translate) into many


33. The new college graduate insisted on __________ (send) where he was most needed.

34. --- What __________ (you do) at sunset tomorrow?

--- I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you. It’s secret.

35. --- Where do you think __________ (he buy) the color TV set?

--- Sorry, I have no idea.

36. His book on the English idioms seems __________ (publish) already.

37. Who would you rather have __________ (go) with you tomorrow, Tom or Smith?

38. Every minute is made full use of __________ (work) at our lessons.

39. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1990. She __________ (teach) in No.2 Middle School for more than twenty years.

40. So far nothing __________ (hear from) Tom. I want to know the reason why he __________ (not write)

to me.

41. The little boy, _________ (embarrass) about the examination results, __________ (stand) there without

saying a word.

42. When____________ (step) into the room, we found everything ________ (cover) with dust.

43. Sally was supposed to _______________ (attend)the lecture, but she didn’t turn up finally.

44. I insisted on _________ (speak) to first, then I would go to help him.

45. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _________ (tell) the cloth ______ (wash) well.

46. _____________ (surround) by a group of children, the thief had no choice but ___________ (give) in.

47. He is said to _________ (study) abroad. But I don’t know which country he is studying in.

48. --- It’s a long time since we met last. Haven’t you graduated from college yet?

---Yes. I ________ (study) English for four years in Nanjing University.

49. ---I’m sorry, but there’s no smoking on the flight.

--- Oh, I ____________ (not know) that. Sorry, I won’t again.

50. When ____________ ( refer ) to the notes in the exam, you will get ___________ ( punish ).



01. hoping

06. expected 02. to worry 03. sank 04. following 05. facing 07. hugging 08. buying 09. to be trusted 10. are forbidden

14. to be cooking

11. being punished 12. supporting 15. was separated

18. was taking 13. entering; seated 16. referred; solved 19. came 17. will have started

20. had enjoyed 21. had been waiting

23. didn’t mention 24. weighed

28. to be held 29. cleaning 25. to turn 30. Given

33. being sent 22. treated; have recovered 26. invited 27. are; were 31. frightening; frightened

37. go 34. will you be doing 38. to work

41. embarrassed; stood

44. being spoken

47. be studying

50. referring; punished 32. written; to have been translated 35. he bought 36. to have been published 39. has been teaching 42. stepping; covered 45. have been told; washes 48.studied

40. has been heard; hasn’t written 43. have attended 46. Surrounded; to give 49. didn’t know




1. He sent me an e-mail, ___________ (hope) to make friends with me.

2. With two exams ___________ (worry) about, I have to work really hard this weekend.

3. Her feet __________ (sink) in the mud.

4. It was arranged that they would leave the __________ (follow) spring.

5. I live in a house with its windows __________ (face) to the south.

6. --- What do you think of the football match between Japan and Australia?

--- Wonderful! In fact, it was much more exciting than _________ (expect).

7. As soon as the fans saw their football stars, they felt like ___________ (hug) them.

8. The silly woman spent all the money she had __________ (buy) her clothes.

9. They are not the people __________ (trust).

10. Women __________ (forbid) to go out without veils (面纱) in some Arabic countries.

11. Many children take the risk of __________ (punish) by the teachers to have fun in a cool river.

12. With you __________ (support) me, I’ll stick to my opinion.

13. _________ (enter) the meeting room, he found all the parents already __________ (seat) there.

14. Mother happened __________ (cook) when I came back.

15. As we joined the big crowd I found I __________ (separate) from my friends.

16. The problem __________ (refer) to at the meeting this morning has to ________ (solve)


17. Hurry up! By the time we get to the assembly hall, the meeting __________ (start).

18. He __________ (take) a bath when the telephone rang.

19. The day he was looking forward to __________ (come) finally.

20. He told me that it was 10 years since he __________ (enjoy) a good drink.

21. The crazy fans __________ (wait) patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star


22. Most patients __________ (treat) in hospital __________ (recover) from illness so far.

23. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he _________ (not mention) it.

24. --- Good morning. Can I have you?

--- I’d like to have this package __________ (weigh), madam.

25. --- The light in the office is still on. --- Oh, I forget __________ (turn) it off.

26. If __________ (invite), I will go to the party together with you.

27. --- What place is it?

--- Haven’t you found we __________ (be) back where we __________ (be)?

28. The meeting __________ (hold) this evening is of great importance.

29. The classroom is so dirty that it requires __________ (clean) badly.

30. __________ (give) more time, the job can be done better.

31. The wolf said in a __________ (frighten) voice and the old man felt __________ (frighten).

32. Hard Times __________ (write) by Charles Dickens is said __________ (translate) into many


33. The new college graduate insisted on __________ (send) where he was most needed.

34. --- What __________ (you do) at sunset tomorrow?

--- I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you. It’s secret.

35. --- Where do you think __________ (he buy) the color TV set?

--- Sorry, I have no idea.

36. His book on the English idioms seems __________ (publish) already.

37. Who would you rather have __________ (go) with you tomorrow, Tom or Smith?

38. Every minute is made full use of __________ (work) at our lessons.

39. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1990. She __________ (teach) in No.2 Middle School for more than twenty years.

40. So far nothing __________ (hear from) Tom. I want to know the reason why he __________ (not write)

to me.

41. The little boy, _________ (embarrass) about the examination results, __________ (stand) there without

saying a word.

42. When____________ (step) into the room, we found everything ________ (cover) with dust.

43. Sally was supposed to _______________ (attend)the lecture, but she didn’t turn up finally.

44. I insisted on _________ (speak) to first, then I would go to help him.

45. I want to buy that kind of cloth because I _________ (tell) the cloth ______ (wash) well.

46. _____________ (surround) by a group of children, the thief had no choice but ___________ (give) in.

47. He is said to _________ (study) abroad. But I don’t know which country he is studying in.

48. --- It’s a long time since we met last. Haven’t you graduated from college yet?

---Yes. I ________ (study) English for four years in Nanjing University.

49. ---I’m sorry, but there’s no smoking on the flight.

--- Oh, I ____________ (not know) that. Sorry, I won’t again.

50. When ____________ ( refer ) to the notes in the exam, you will get ___________ ( punish ).



01. hoping

06. expected 02. to worry 03. sank 04. following 05. facing 07. hugging 08. buying 09. to be trusted 10. are forbidden

14. to be cooking

11. being punished 12. supporting 15. was separated

18. was taking 13. entering; seated 16. referred; solved 19. came 17. will have started

20. had enjoyed 21. had been waiting

23. didn’t mention 24. weighed

28. to be held 29. cleaning 25. to turn 30. Given

33. being sent 22. treated; have recovered 26. invited 27. are; were 31. frightening; frightened

37. go 34. will you be doing 38. to work

41. embarrassed; stood

44. being spoken

47. be studying

50. referring; punished 32. written; to have been translated 35. he bought 36. to have been published 39. has been teaching 42. stepping; covered 45. have been told; washes 48.studied

40. has been heard; hasn’t written 43. have attended 46. Surrounded; to give 49. didn’t know


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