

( )1. A he B my C your ( ) 2. A behind B there C under ( ) 3. A where B that C this ( ) 4. Ain B class C on ( ) 5. A over B are C is ( ) 6. AI B my C you ( ) 7. A up B stand C sit ( )8. Aat B in C is ( ) 9. A Mr B Miss ( )10. A white B what ( )11. A nice B great ( )12. Asorry B eat ( )13. Ayour B I ( )14. Aon B under ( ) 15. A no B at ( ) 16. Ashout B stand ( )17. A the B this ( ) 18. Awindow B what ( )19. Aon B door ( ) 21. A two B tree ( ) 22. A beautiful B puppy ( )23. A I B he ( )24. A my B your ( )25. A. he B she ( )26. A come B listen ( ) 27. A eat B drink ( ) 28. A robot B talk ( )29 A here B shout ( )30. A English B your ( )31. A milk B egg ( )32. A not B no ( )33. A in B your ( )34. A white B what ( )35. A

C mother C who C blue C shout C my C no C in C would C that C where C under C three

C sorry C my C I C my C me C sweet C ruler C open C my C pie C yes C to

C how


( )1. A he B my C your ( ) 2. A behind B there C under ( ) 3. A where B that C this ( ) 4. Ain B class C on ( ) 5. A over B are C is ( ) 6. AI B my C you ( ) 7. A up B stand C sit ( )8. Aat B in C is ( ) 9. A Mr B Miss ( )10. A white B what ( )11. A nice B great ( )12. Asorry B eat ( )13. Ayour B I ( )14. Aon B under ( ) 15. A no B at ( ) 16. Ashout B stand ( )17. A the B this ( ) 18. Awindow B what ( )19. Aon B door ( ) 21. A two B tree ( ) 22. A beautiful B puppy ( )23. A I B he ( )24. A my B your ( )25. A. he B she ( )26. A come B listen ( ) 27. A eat B drink ( ) 28. A robot B talk ( )29 A here B shout ( )30. A English B your ( )31. A milk B egg ( )32. A not B no ( )33. A in B your ( )34. A white B what ( )35. A

C mother C who C blue C shout C my C no C in C would C that C where C under C three

C sorry C my C I C my C me C sweet C ruler C open C my C pie C yes C to

C how


  • 选出下列不同类的一项
  • 一.选出下列不同类的一项 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. A. cat B. bus )2. A. boy B. Mr )3. A. blue B. pen )4. A. banana B. ruler )5. A. table )6. A. eye )7. A. pencils )8. A ...

  • 选出不同类的一项(剑一第十九次课练习
  • 选出不同类的一项 1.A. my B. he C. She D. I 2.A. Pen B. Pencil C eraser D.rabbit 3.A. Red B. Yellow C orange D.apple 4.A . Under B. In C. On D.know 5.A eye B.n ...

  • 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项
  • 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项. ( )1.A.speak B.say C.tiger ( )2. A.hard B.work C.fast ( )3. A.good B.Iazy C.class ( )4. A.his B.I C. her ( )5. A.work B.giraffe C.pan ...

  • 经典iq测试题及答案
  • 1. 选出不同类的一项:A. 蛇 B. 大树 C. 老虎 2. 在下列分数中, 选出不同类的一项 : 3. 男孩对男子, 正如女孩对______. A. 青年 B. 孩子 A.3/5 B.3/7 C.3/9 C. 夫人 D. 姑娘 E. 妇女 4. 如果笔相对于写字, 那么书相对于______. A ...

  • 7岁-11岁儿童IQ测试题
  • 儿童IQ测试题 以下是一例国内较权威的IQ测试题,请在30分钟内完成(30题). 1.选出不同类的一项: A.蛇 B.大树 C.老虎 2.在下列分数中,选出不同类的一项: A.3/5 B.3/7 C.3/9 3."男孩"对"男子",正如女孩对 A.青年 B.孩 ...

  • 8岁儿童智商测试题
  • 以下是一例国内较权威的IQ测试题,请在30分钟内完成(30题). 1.选出不同类的一项: A.蛇 C.老虎 2.在下列分数中,选出不同类的一项: A.3/5 B.3/7 C.3/9 3."男孩"对"男子",正如女孩对 A.青年 B.孩子 C.夫人 D.姑娘 E ...

  • 一个国际标准智商测试题及答案
  • 一个国际标准智商测试题及答案 智商,就是IQ(Intelligence Quotient的简称),通俗地可以理解为智力,是指数字.空间.逻辑.词汇.创 造.记忆等能力,它是德国心理学家施特恩在1912年提出的.智商表示人的聪明程度:智商越高,则表示越聪明.想检验自己的智商是多少吗?这并不困难,以下就 ...

  • 选出下列单词中不同类的一个
  • Lesson 11and lesson 12 一.选出下列单词中不同类的一个. ( )1.A.rainy B.cool C.hot D.weather ( )2.A.shape B.circle C.triangle D.square ( )3.A.line B.like C.live D.do ( ...

  • IQ测试题
  • 国际标准IQ测试题 得分:135 IQ是智商的英文简写,智商就是智力商数(IntelligenceQuotient),是通过一系列标准测试测量人在其年龄段的智力发展水平.智力也叫智能,是人们认识客观事物并运用知识解决实际问题的能力.智力包括多个方面,如观察力.记忆力.想象力.分析判断能力.思维能力. ...