
Placement Test (2007)

I. Listening Comprehension 听力理解


Part A 第一部分:本部分为十组对话,每组对话后有一个问题。对话读两遍。问题读一遍,每听完一个问题后,从答题纸上的A)、B)、C)、D)四个选择中选出最合适的答案,并涂黑。 Part A

1. A) At a travel agency. C) In a restaurant. 2. A) One dollar. C) Three dollars. 3. A) Last May. C) Last July.

B) At a bank. D) In a hotel B) Two dollars. D) Five dollars. B) Last June. D) Last August.

4. A) The woman intends to work out of doors. B) The woman‟s clothes are warm enough. C) The air quality is rather poor outside. D) The temperature outside is quite low. 5. A) He plans to apply for a scholarship. B) He plans to make a special TV program. C) He will study at Oxford next year. D) He will go to Britain this year.

6. A) He actually has little interest in classical music. B) He only enjoys certain kinds of classical music.

C) He prefers to collect classical music rather than listen to it. D) He likes others kinds of music apart from classical music. 7. A) He wants to rent his apartment out. B) He wants to read the ads in the paper.

C) He wants to reserve a room before departure. . D) He wants to ask about the cost of studying abroad.

8. A) The woman and James. C) James and Bill.

B) The woman and Bill. D) The woman, James and Bill. B) He liked the lecture very much. D) He wished the lecture had been shorter. B) He has to learn it all over again. D) He studied French while in college.

9. A) He found the lecture very dull. C) He only enjoyed part of it. 10. A) He will take a French course.

C) He can‟t speak it as well as before.

第二部分:本部分为短文听力测试,共三篇。每篇读两遍,问题读一遍。听完后,请回答问题,从答题纸上的A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项中选出最合适的答案,并涂黑。 Part B Passage One

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A) It is a place in the center of the car park.. B) It is an area marked with white lines. C) It is a garage specially built for her. D) It is in a corner with a fence round it. 12. A) Ask the young man to move his car away. B) Insist that the young man leave the college at once. C) Park her car beside the young man‟s car and go to bed. D) Punish the girl for dating the young man so late at night.

13. A) Because she found herself caught in the middle of an appointment. B) Because she didn‟t recognize Miss Baker in the darkness.

C) Because she didn‟t know they had been in Miss Baker‟s parking area. D) Because she thought Miss Baker wanted to sit next to her boyfriend.

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 17 are based on passage you have just heard. 14. A) People in ancient Egypt.

B) People in ancient Rome. D) People in the 19th century.

C) People in the Middle Ages.

15. A) They cost too much money and labor. B) They made the Romans overly fond of luxury. C) They forbade early Christians to bathe in them. D They resulted in the spread of diseases. 16. A) They went to public baths or swimming pools. B) They took regular baths in private bathrooms. C) They put a lot of roses into their bath water. D) They wrote make-up to cover their dirty bodies. 17. A) River bath. C) Powder bath.

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 18. A) South Asia. C) East Asia.

B) Southeast Asia. D)North Asia.

B) Mud bath. D) Shower

19. A) Because government policies encourage childbirth. B) Because their religion discourages birth control.

C) Because economic development stimulates population growth. D) Because the education level of the Arab people remains low. 20. A) More than forty percent. C) Less than one percent.

B) More than three percent. D) Nearly half of a percent.

II. Reading Comprehension 阅读理解



“Good morning”, the easiest of daily greetings, is now out of style.

According to most manner experts, “good morning” is vanishing from our speech and taking good manners along with it.

Nowadays people are most likely to greet each other in the morning with a “Hi”, “Hey,” “ What‟s up?” or “ How‟s it going?” Certainly no one waits for answers to these greetings.

The loss of “Good morning” is the most visible example of the general decline in how we address each other. “How people talk to each other has declined,” said manner authority Letitia Baldrige. “We need to be warmer to each other.” Baldrige said she mourns the loss of “Good morning.”

“It‟s the nicest, cheeriest, brightest thing to say. It makes people feel good,” she said. “You are almost forced to smile with it. When you say „good morning‟, your face is inclined to light up.”

Manner expert Judith Ri said there are a number of factors contributing to the loss of this greeting: a workplace that doesn‟t encourage social interaction, neighborhoods that have abandoned community togetherness, and a home environment where parents are lazy in encouraging manners and where TV and computer games win out over gathering for the family dinner.

“We are simply not as formal as we used to be,” said Judith Ri with a sigh.


21.When we see something is “out of style”, we mean ___________. A) it is dull and boring

B) it is easy and informal D) it is no longer in much use

C) it is not in very good taste

22. When you greet people with a “How‟s it going?” in the morning, __________. A) you wait for a definite answer such as “Everything is OK” B) they will stop and tell you how they are getting along C) you just say it and do not expect an answer from them D) they will give you a bright and cheerful smile in return

23. Most manner experts think when “Good Morning” is vanishing from our speech,


A) good manners are gone with it

B) brighter greetings take its place D) people treat each other as strangers

C) people become rude and impolite

24. The manner expert thinks that we have lost the greeting of “Good Morning” mainly


A) people do not want to talk as much as they used to do B) people are too busy to spend time on such traditional greetings C) modern way of life has set people apart from one another

D) TV and computer games have taking the place of family entertainment 25. What is the author‟s tone in this article? A) Matter of fact. C) Humorous.

B) Sad. D) Ironic


Drinking too much fluid when exercising vigorously--which is often recommended in training--can actually kill you, sports medicine expert Timothy Noakes has warned.

He says that drinking too much is unnecessary and can be that drinking according to the personal needs of thirst seems to be safe and effective.”

Noakes cites the example last year, when a woman in the Boston marathon died from a severe lack of salt in the blood because she drank too much sports drink before and during the race. Her death was not an isolated incident. Similar cases have occurred in athletes, army personnel and hikers.

Conventional thinking has been that thirst is not a good indicator of how much fluid we need, and is actually a late signal of severe fluid loss. This has led to doctrines where athletes are encouraged to drink more than they want to.

Now a new set of guidelines based on evidence has been developed, and recently adopted by USA Track and Field.

It says the average person should probably be drinking between 400 ml and 800 ml in an hour in most forms of recreational and competitive exercise.

People gently exercising in a mild environment would probably need less, and professional athletes competing in warm environments at higher intensities would probably need more.

Cool drinks are absorbed more readily by the exercising body than warm drinks, and those containing sodium, such as sports drinks, are also more quickly absorbed.


26. The word “fatal” in the second paragraph is nearest in meaning to_______. A) useless C) wasteful

B) harmful D) ineffective

27. By giving the example of the woman‟s death, the experts try to tell us that________. A) people need more salt than usual in their blood when they exercise hard B) people will die for lack of salt in their blood when they run long distances C) drinking too much fluid while exercising vigorously may endanger one‟s life D) the marathon race is an unsafe sport during which sudden deaths may occur

28. Athletes are actually encouraged to drink more than they really need because many people think that__________.

A) when you feel thirsty there is already a severe loss of fluid in your body B) athletes lose much more fluid in their body when they do sports C) when athletes are exercising vigorously they often forget their thirst D) athletes competing at higher intensities need more water than ordinary people 29. How much you should drink while exercising seems to have nothing to do with________. A) the kind of exercise you are doing B) the amount of salt in your blood

C) the environment in which you are exercising D) the intensity of exercise you are taking 30. The best title for this article would be_________. A) New Ideas about Drinking During Sports

B) Conventional Thinking about Drinking During Sports C) Drinking Too Much During Sports Can Be Fatal D) Athletes Should Be Careful about Drinking During Sports


For more than two days in September 1974, the people of Honduras shut their windows, locked their doors and crouched(蹲伏)in their homes. Fifi was outside, and they were frightened.

Fifi wasn‟t a pet dog as the name suggests. It was a hurricane, one of the most destructive natural phenomena in the world.

Why do we give human names to hurricanes? Two hundred years ago, many hurricanes in the Caribbean were named after the saint‟s day on which the storms occurred. Later, storms were known by the name of the city where they came ashore. Finally, in 1953, hurricanes started getting people‟s names---specifically female names. Male names were added in 1979.

There are six sets of names all together. Each list is used every six years and consists of 21 names, starting with every letter but Q,U,X,Y and Z, The names alternate between males and females.

A storm won‟t get a name until its winds reach about 62.4 kph at which point it becomes a tropical storm. At 118.4 kph it is declared a hurricane.

The 126 names on the list are used only for storms that form off the Atlantic coast of the US. There are separate lists for the Pacific. If a hurricane should cross from the Atlantic to the Pacific, it would get a new name.

Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center in the US, is in charge of picking names for storms of the Atlantic coast. He works together with his counterparts in two dozen other countries in the Caribbean, Central America and North America.

“If we have a hurricane that causes a large loss of life or damage, a country will request that the name be retired,” he said. “If it‟s a French name, we replace it with a French name, Spanish, with a Spanish. Sometimes people write in to suggest names for hurricanes.”


31. We can learn from the article that Fifi was________.

A) the name of a wild animal in Honduras which attacked people B) the name of the city in Honduras where the storm came ashore C) the name of a god the Caribbean people worshiped but feared D) the name given to the terrible storm that hit Honduras in 1974

32. When the author says “The name alternate between males and females” he means_____. A) the male name and female names are mixed together B) a male name and a female name occur one after another C) the male names and female names have the same number D) the male and female names are chosen without a definite plan

33. Whether a storm should be given a name from the 126 names depends much on ________. A) its wind speed per hour C) the place where it strikes

B) its destructive power D) the direction of its wind

34. When should a name for hurricanes be retired and replaced with a new one? A) When a name starts with the letter Q,U,X or Z B) When a name hasn‟t been used for a long time C) When some people write in to suggest retiring it D) When a hurricane causes tremendous destruction 35. In this article the author centers around ________. A) where hurricanes usually occur B) why hurricanes are so destructive C) how storms and hurricanes get their names D) what people should do when a storm comes


Archaeology(考古学) is the interpretation of objects and information that together provide clues to the past. These clues are often thought of as coming solely from the objects that have remained from the culture of past peoples.

The purpose of archaeology is to get a first-hand glimpse, through the clues available, of what it was like to live in past times. The challenge is to learn to discover evidence without destroying it. This takes knowledge of how to recover evidence carefully, what to observe, and what to do with what is found.

Archaeology is not limited to the buried past or remote ages. It is a technique for discovering and conserving evidence of all times and places. It extends its inquiry both below and above ground. Because most high schools do not have faculty members who are trained archaeologists,

or historians who do research, or museum conservationists who preserve objects or data of historical value, this program is largely up to the individual student to implement on his own. But there are many teachers who are trained and enthusiastic researchers and their help can be of great value.

Archaeology requires many patiently-acquired skills. Below ground archaeology must be attempted only by trained and skilled people who work carefully and scientifically. Archaeology should never be done simply for fun or simply to collect objects. Training for field archaeology, laboratory procedure, and report writing can be acquired only by working closely with a trained and qualified archaeologist. It is absolutely essential that one have this instruction and be led by trained archaeologists before attempting to investigate an archaeological site. Archaeology is no do-it-yourself hobby for the uninstructed.


36. The purpose of archaeology is______. A) to discover buried treasure

B) to find clues to the past D) to study the origin of mankind

C) to compare past with present

37. In the author‟s opinion, people engage in archaeology_____. A) for fun

B) for profit

C) for collection D) for learning

38. The author wrote this article mainly for______. A) high school teachers who teach history B) college students who major in history

C) young people who are interested in archaeology D) museum conservationists who preserve object

39. By saying archaeology is no do-it-yourself hobby, the author means archaeology______. A) should not be attempted in one‟s spare time B) should be attempted with joint efforts

C) should be attempted with instruction and guidance D) should be attempted regardless of one‟s interest

40. In this article, the author_____.

A) gives a general introduction to archaeology B) cites requirements for a trained archaeologist C) discuss details of uncovering a historic cite D) states the technology of discovering the past

Ⅲ. Vocabulary and Structure词语用法和语法结构


41. Cook then set sail to search the South Pacific for ________of the Southern Continent, which no European had ever seen. A) information C) location

B) signs D) marks

42. His earliest reading was similar to that of his father; it consisted of folk-stories and

eighteenth-century novelists, works of ________rather than of fact. A) invention C ) events

B) imagination D) education

43. Each year about 55,000 citizens lose their lives and 2 million ________serious injuries in traffic accidents in America. A) meet C) get

B) catch D) suffer

44. A baby with perfect hearing will not learn to talk unless it is with people who talk . Then it will ________ whatever language it hears. A) put together C) take up

B) find out D) pick up

45. Elizabeth wanted to become a nurse , but her mother didn‟t think it was a/an ________ profession. A) capable C) valuable

B) honorable D) comfortable

46. No one wanted personal computers until an American called Dan Bricklin invented a piece of software that would do lots of ________ calculations in a second. A) complete C) boring

B) sensitive D) ready

47. The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn ________ leaning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. A) in need of C) in relation to

B) for the sake of D) as a result of

48. Competition only works ________ if consumers have the information they need to make sensible decisions. A) effectively C) correctly

B) steadily D) actively

49. The Government must ________ a policy on environmental protection suitable for the next twenty years. A) work at C) work up

B) work on D) work out

50. These proposals deserve support because they ________ much importance ________ the

needs of poor. A) attach… to C) put….to

B) owe …to D) devote…to

51. Given the high costs and an apparent ___of international will , there is no reason to believe that the sea will provide more of man‟s food in the years ahead . A) effect C) means

B) lack D) weakness

52. Those who become members of the University also become citizens of Edinburgh. They are able to take ________ of both university and city life . A) opportunity C) advantage

B) measure D) hold

53. I don‟t think you can ________ against her because she has had much more experience than you and your classmates. A) go

B) stand D) turn

C) complete

54. Through advertising, each manufacturing company tries to ________ people ________ the high quality of its products. A) persuade…with C) advise…of

B) convince…of D) impress…with

55. As everybody knows, China is one of the richest country in Asia ________ natural resources. A) according to C) considering

B) in the light of D) in terms of

56. Among the middle classes in America, there is a ________ towards having children in the early or mid-thirties. A) trend C) favor

B) fashion D) progress

57. Students are encouraged to take the ________ course in mathematics before they take the advanced ones. A) basic C) poor

B) lower D) single

58. The old lady was forbidden to leave the ________ of the crime until the police had completed their investigation. A) site C) scene

B)spot D)ground

59. Communication satellites now carry half the worlds ‟s international telephone, telegraph , and television traffic at much lower prices than ________of a decade ago . A) one C) those

B) ones D) that

60. The Women‟s Liberation movement, ________ developed during the 1960s , has focused on economic rights such as “equal pay for work ”. A) what C) that

B)while D)which

61. Having lived in Paris for quite a few years, Mr. Park had no difficulty ________ spoken French.

A) for understanding C) in understanding

B) understood C) to understand

62. Deeply impressed by what he ________ in the small village, Professor Smith wrote several articles about his findings there after returning to town . A) saw

B) had seen D) had been seeing

C) has seen

63. The love letter virus affected millions of computers and caused more damage than ________. A) any other computer virus ever did B) any other computer virus had ever done C) had any other computer virus ever done D) other computer virus had ever done any

64. If Tom had paid attention to what his teacher said, he could have avoided ________ such a bad mistake. A) to repeat C) repeat

B) repeating D) repeated

65. Each time ________ she is under stress, she will go to do physical exercise to get herself relaxed. A)that C)when

B)which D)while

66. All individuals are capable of becoming wealthy ________ they are honest and hard-working. A) as soon as C) so far as

B) as long as D) now that

67. I can‟t get my computer started now. Something ________ with its operation system. A) has gone wrong C)is wrong

B) should have gone wrong D) must have gone wrong

68. The ________ person becomes less interested in what is going on around him and doesn‟t get satisfaction from things he used to enjoy. A) depressed seriously

B) seriously depressed D) depressing seriously

C) seriously depressing

69. I think that neither John nor his father ________ able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train. A).is C) be

B) are D) being

70. _________ the various reports , the Committee decided to delay the project for a year. A) Having taken into account C) Taken into account

B) Taking into account D) To have taken into account

71. Shirley has two sisters and three brothers ,but she hasn‟t see ________ of them since she left her hometown. A) either C) neither

B) any D) some

72. The seasonal nature of the industry‟s work demanded that the timing of training courses ________ carefully selected. A) was C) be

B) had been D) were

73. Mary looked very much embarrassed when she was caught ________ in the final examination. A) to cheat

B) to have cheated D) cheating

C) having cheated

74. People can easily sleep more than their usual amount, ________ we can eat well beyond our biological need. A) just as C) so that

B) for D) as if

75. We were expecting a visitor at half-past ten, and I wondered ________ my son would finish his breakfast before our visitor arrived. A) whether C) so that

B) that D) how

76. From the moment of one‟s birth, the customs ________ he is born shape his experience and behavior. A) into that

B) into which D) from that

C) from which

77. The old couple feel very lonely at home. They wish their only son ________ them as often as he used to. A) visits

B) visit D) visited

C) would visit

78. With so much criticism ________ the plan for a new theatre in the center of the park, we decided not to build it. A) surrounded C) to surround

B) surrounding D) surround

79. Walt Disney realized that animal stories about ________ such as ducks and mice, in which they behaved like naughty children, could be made hugely amusing through animation. A) features C) creatures

B) figures D) characters

80. ________ a data base of information about bacterial infections, Mycin was designed to investigate illnesses and their side effects and suggest a number of possible drugs. A) Equipping as C) Equipping for

B) Equipped by D) Equipped with

IV. Cloze 完型填空


People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you which one it is, you will know to do for each person..

When someone is in your life a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have have come to you through a difficulty, to provide you guidance and support, to aid you , emotionally , or spiritually. They are there for the you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say and do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they . Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. Sometimes they die. What we must realize is that our need has been met. Our fulfilled, their work is done. Your need has been , and now it is time to move on.

When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an of peace, or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have done. They usually give you an unbelievable of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons: things you must in order to have emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and what you have learned to use in all other relationships and of your life. 81. A) figure out 82. A) how 83. A) in 84. A) shown 85. A) insist 86. A) of 87. A) physically 88. A) cause

B) take out B) which B) of B) sought B) assist B) beyond B) consciously B) reason

C) make out C) what C) for C) experienced C) persist C) for C) substantially C) excuse

D) work out D) why D) with D) expressed D) resist D) with D) intentionally D) sake

89. A) in 90. A) walk away

B) at B) break out B) desire B) seen

C) on C) come back C) intention C) answered C) chance C) idea D) for D) take off D) purpose D) noticed D) occasion D) opinion 91. A) dream 92. A) replied 93. A) luck 94. A) experience B) turn B) experiment 95. A) already 96. A) degree 97. A) rely on 98. A) safe 99. A) give 100. A) areas

B) seldom B) extent B) build upon B) secure B) apply B) fields C) often C) amount

C) see to C) strong C) settle

C) regions

D) never D) scale D) set up D) solid D) put D) scopes

Placement Test (2007)

I. Listening Comprehension 听力理解


Part A 第一部分:本部分为十组对话,每组对话后有一个问题。对话读两遍。问题读一遍,每听完一个问题后,从答题纸上的A)、B)、C)、D)四个选择中选出最合适的答案,并涂黑。 Part A

1. A) At a travel agency. C) In a restaurant. 2. A) One dollar. C) Three dollars. 3. A) Last May. C) Last July.

B) At a bank. D) In a hotel B) Two dollars. D) Five dollars. B) Last June. D) Last August.

4. A) The woman intends to work out of doors. B) The woman‟s clothes are warm enough. C) The air quality is rather poor outside. D) The temperature outside is quite low. 5. A) He plans to apply for a scholarship. B) He plans to make a special TV program. C) He will study at Oxford next year. D) He will go to Britain this year.

6. A) He actually has little interest in classical music. B) He only enjoys certain kinds of classical music.

C) He prefers to collect classical music rather than listen to it. D) He likes others kinds of music apart from classical music. 7. A) He wants to rent his apartment out. B) He wants to read the ads in the paper.

C) He wants to reserve a room before departure. . D) He wants to ask about the cost of studying abroad.

8. A) The woman and James. C) James and Bill.

B) The woman and Bill. D) The woman, James and Bill. B) He liked the lecture very much. D) He wished the lecture had been shorter. B) He has to learn it all over again. D) He studied French while in college.

9. A) He found the lecture very dull. C) He only enjoyed part of it. 10. A) He will take a French course.

C) He can‟t speak it as well as before.

第二部分:本部分为短文听力测试,共三篇。每篇读两遍,问题读一遍。听完后,请回答问题,从答题纸上的A)、B)、C)、D)四个选项中选出最合适的答案,并涂黑。 Part B Passage One

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard. 11. A) It is a place in the center of the car park.. B) It is an area marked with white lines. C) It is a garage specially built for her. D) It is in a corner with a fence round it. 12. A) Ask the young man to move his car away. B) Insist that the young man leave the college at once. C) Park her car beside the young man‟s car and go to bed. D) Punish the girl for dating the young man so late at night.

13. A) Because she found herself caught in the middle of an appointment. B) Because she didn‟t recognize Miss Baker in the darkness.

C) Because she didn‟t know they had been in Miss Baker‟s parking area. D) Because she thought Miss Baker wanted to sit next to her boyfriend.

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 17 are based on passage you have just heard. 14. A) People in ancient Egypt.

B) People in ancient Rome. D) People in the 19th century.

C) People in the Middle Ages.

15. A) They cost too much money and labor. B) They made the Romans overly fond of luxury. C) They forbade early Christians to bathe in them. D They resulted in the spread of diseases. 16. A) They went to public baths or swimming pools. B) They took regular baths in private bathrooms. C) They put a lot of roses into their bath water. D) They wrote make-up to cover their dirty bodies. 17. A) River bath. C) Powder bath.

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard. 18. A) South Asia. C) East Asia.

B) Southeast Asia. D)North Asia.

B) Mud bath. D) Shower

19. A) Because government policies encourage childbirth. B) Because their religion discourages birth control.

C) Because economic development stimulates population growth. D) Because the education level of the Arab people remains low. 20. A) More than forty percent. C) Less than one percent.

B) More than three percent. D) Nearly half of a percent.

II. Reading Comprehension 阅读理解



“Good morning”, the easiest of daily greetings, is now out of style.

According to most manner experts, “good morning” is vanishing from our speech and taking good manners along with it.

Nowadays people are most likely to greet each other in the morning with a “Hi”, “Hey,” “ What‟s up?” or “ How‟s it going?” Certainly no one waits for answers to these greetings.

The loss of “Good morning” is the most visible example of the general decline in how we address each other. “How people talk to each other has declined,” said manner authority Letitia Baldrige. “We need to be warmer to each other.” Baldrige said she mourns the loss of “Good morning.”

“It‟s the nicest, cheeriest, brightest thing to say. It makes people feel good,” she said. “You are almost forced to smile with it. When you say „good morning‟, your face is inclined to light up.”

Manner expert Judith Ri said there are a number of factors contributing to the loss of this greeting: a workplace that doesn‟t encourage social interaction, neighborhoods that have abandoned community togetherness, and a home environment where parents are lazy in encouraging manners and where TV and computer games win out over gathering for the family dinner.

“We are simply not as formal as we used to be,” said Judith Ri with a sigh.


21.When we see something is “out of style”, we mean ___________. A) it is dull and boring

B) it is easy and informal D) it is no longer in much use

C) it is not in very good taste

22. When you greet people with a “How‟s it going?” in the morning, __________. A) you wait for a definite answer such as “Everything is OK” B) they will stop and tell you how they are getting along C) you just say it and do not expect an answer from them D) they will give you a bright and cheerful smile in return

23. Most manner experts think when “Good Morning” is vanishing from our speech,


A) good manners are gone with it

B) brighter greetings take its place D) people treat each other as strangers

C) people become rude and impolite

24. The manner expert thinks that we have lost the greeting of “Good Morning” mainly


A) people do not want to talk as much as they used to do B) people are too busy to spend time on such traditional greetings C) modern way of life has set people apart from one another

D) TV and computer games have taking the place of family entertainment 25. What is the author‟s tone in this article? A) Matter of fact. C) Humorous.

B) Sad. D) Ironic


Drinking too much fluid when exercising vigorously--which is often recommended in training--can actually kill you, sports medicine expert Timothy Noakes has warned.

He says that drinking too much is unnecessary and can be that drinking according to the personal needs of thirst seems to be safe and effective.”

Noakes cites the example last year, when a woman in the Boston marathon died from a severe lack of salt in the blood because she drank too much sports drink before and during the race. Her death was not an isolated incident. Similar cases have occurred in athletes, army personnel and hikers.

Conventional thinking has been that thirst is not a good indicator of how much fluid we need, and is actually a late signal of severe fluid loss. This has led to doctrines where athletes are encouraged to drink more than they want to.

Now a new set of guidelines based on evidence has been developed, and recently adopted by USA Track and Field.

It says the average person should probably be drinking between 400 ml and 800 ml in an hour in most forms of recreational and competitive exercise.

People gently exercising in a mild environment would probably need less, and professional athletes competing in warm environments at higher intensities would probably need more.

Cool drinks are absorbed more readily by the exercising body than warm drinks, and those containing sodium, such as sports drinks, are also more quickly absorbed.


26. The word “fatal” in the second paragraph is nearest in meaning to_______. A) useless C) wasteful

B) harmful D) ineffective

27. By giving the example of the woman‟s death, the experts try to tell us that________. A) people need more salt than usual in their blood when they exercise hard B) people will die for lack of salt in their blood when they run long distances C) drinking too much fluid while exercising vigorously may endanger one‟s life D) the marathon race is an unsafe sport during which sudden deaths may occur

28. Athletes are actually encouraged to drink more than they really need because many people think that__________.

A) when you feel thirsty there is already a severe loss of fluid in your body B) athletes lose much more fluid in their body when they do sports C) when athletes are exercising vigorously they often forget their thirst D) athletes competing at higher intensities need more water than ordinary people 29. How much you should drink while exercising seems to have nothing to do with________. A) the kind of exercise you are doing B) the amount of salt in your blood

C) the environment in which you are exercising D) the intensity of exercise you are taking 30. The best title for this article would be_________. A) New Ideas about Drinking During Sports

B) Conventional Thinking about Drinking During Sports C) Drinking Too Much During Sports Can Be Fatal D) Athletes Should Be Careful about Drinking During Sports


For more than two days in September 1974, the people of Honduras shut their windows, locked their doors and crouched(蹲伏)in their homes. Fifi was outside, and they were frightened.

Fifi wasn‟t a pet dog as the name suggests. It was a hurricane, one of the most destructive natural phenomena in the world.

Why do we give human names to hurricanes? Two hundred years ago, many hurricanes in the Caribbean were named after the saint‟s day on which the storms occurred. Later, storms were known by the name of the city where they came ashore. Finally, in 1953, hurricanes started getting people‟s names---specifically female names. Male names were added in 1979.

There are six sets of names all together. Each list is used every six years and consists of 21 names, starting with every letter but Q,U,X,Y and Z, The names alternate between males and females.

A storm won‟t get a name until its winds reach about 62.4 kph at which point it becomes a tropical storm. At 118.4 kph it is declared a hurricane.

The 126 names on the list are used only for storms that form off the Atlantic coast of the US. There are separate lists for the Pacific. If a hurricane should cross from the Atlantic to the Pacific, it would get a new name.

Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center in the US, is in charge of picking names for storms of the Atlantic coast. He works together with his counterparts in two dozen other countries in the Caribbean, Central America and North America.

“If we have a hurricane that causes a large loss of life or damage, a country will request that the name be retired,” he said. “If it‟s a French name, we replace it with a French name, Spanish, with a Spanish. Sometimes people write in to suggest names for hurricanes.”


31. We can learn from the article that Fifi was________.

A) the name of a wild animal in Honduras which attacked people B) the name of the city in Honduras where the storm came ashore C) the name of a god the Caribbean people worshiped but feared D) the name given to the terrible storm that hit Honduras in 1974

32. When the author says “The name alternate between males and females” he means_____. A) the male name and female names are mixed together B) a male name and a female name occur one after another C) the male names and female names have the same number D) the male and female names are chosen without a definite plan

33. Whether a storm should be given a name from the 126 names depends much on ________. A) its wind speed per hour C) the place where it strikes

B) its destructive power D) the direction of its wind

34. When should a name for hurricanes be retired and replaced with a new one? A) When a name starts with the letter Q,U,X or Z B) When a name hasn‟t been used for a long time C) When some people write in to suggest retiring it D) When a hurricane causes tremendous destruction 35. In this article the author centers around ________. A) where hurricanes usually occur B) why hurricanes are so destructive C) how storms and hurricanes get their names D) what people should do when a storm comes


Archaeology(考古学) is the interpretation of objects and information that together provide clues to the past. These clues are often thought of as coming solely from the objects that have remained from the culture of past peoples.

The purpose of archaeology is to get a first-hand glimpse, through the clues available, of what it was like to live in past times. The challenge is to learn to discover evidence without destroying it. This takes knowledge of how to recover evidence carefully, what to observe, and what to do with what is found.

Archaeology is not limited to the buried past or remote ages. It is a technique for discovering and conserving evidence of all times and places. It extends its inquiry both below and above ground. Because most high schools do not have faculty members who are trained archaeologists,

or historians who do research, or museum conservationists who preserve objects or data of historical value, this program is largely up to the individual student to implement on his own. But there are many teachers who are trained and enthusiastic researchers and their help can be of great value.

Archaeology requires many patiently-acquired skills. Below ground archaeology must be attempted only by trained and skilled people who work carefully and scientifically. Archaeology should never be done simply for fun or simply to collect objects. Training for field archaeology, laboratory procedure, and report writing can be acquired only by working closely with a trained and qualified archaeologist. It is absolutely essential that one have this instruction and be led by trained archaeologists before attempting to investigate an archaeological site. Archaeology is no do-it-yourself hobby for the uninstructed.


36. The purpose of archaeology is______. A) to discover buried treasure

B) to find clues to the past D) to study the origin of mankind

C) to compare past with present

37. In the author‟s opinion, people engage in archaeology_____. A) for fun

B) for profit

C) for collection D) for learning

38. The author wrote this article mainly for______. A) high school teachers who teach history B) college students who major in history

C) young people who are interested in archaeology D) museum conservationists who preserve object

39. By saying archaeology is no do-it-yourself hobby, the author means archaeology______. A) should not be attempted in one‟s spare time B) should be attempted with joint efforts

C) should be attempted with instruction and guidance D) should be attempted regardless of one‟s interest

40. In this article, the author_____.

A) gives a general introduction to archaeology B) cites requirements for a trained archaeologist C) discuss details of uncovering a historic cite D) states the technology of discovering the past

Ⅲ. Vocabulary and Structure词语用法和语法结构


41. Cook then set sail to search the South Pacific for ________of the Southern Continent, which no European had ever seen. A) information C) location

B) signs D) marks

42. His earliest reading was similar to that of his father; it consisted of folk-stories and

eighteenth-century novelists, works of ________rather than of fact. A) invention C ) events

B) imagination D) education

43. Each year about 55,000 citizens lose their lives and 2 million ________serious injuries in traffic accidents in America. A) meet C) get

B) catch D) suffer

44. A baby with perfect hearing will not learn to talk unless it is with people who talk . Then it will ________ whatever language it hears. A) put together C) take up

B) find out D) pick up

45. Elizabeth wanted to become a nurse , but her mother didn‟t think it was a/an ________ profession. A) capable C) valuable

B) honorable D) comfortable

46. No one wanted personal computers until an American called Dan Bricklin invented a piece of software that would do lots of ________ calculations in a second. A) complete C) boring

B) sensitive D) ready

47. The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn ________ leaning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. A) in need of C) in relation to

B) for the sake of D) as a result of

48. Competition only works ________ if consumers have the information they need to make sensible decisions. A) effectively C) correctly

B) steadily D) actively

49. The Government must ________ a policy on environmental protection suitable for the next twenty years. A) work at C) work up

B) work on D) work out

50. These proposals deserve support because they ________ much importance ________ the

needs of poor. A) attach… to C) put….to

B) owe …to D) devote…to

51. Given the high costs and an apparent ___of international will , there is no reason to believe that the sea will provide more of man‟s food in the years ahead . A) effect C) means

B) lack D) weakness

52. Those who become members of the University also become citizens of Edinburgh. They are able to take ________ of both university and city life . A) opportunity C) advantage

B) measure D) hold

53. I don‟t think you can ________ against her because she has had much more experience than you and your classmates. A) go

B) stand D) turn

C) complete

54. Through advertising, each manufacturing company tries to ________ people ________ the high quality of its products. A) persuade…with C) advise…of

B) convince…of D) impress…with

55. As everybody knows, China is one of the richest country in Asia ________ natural resources. A) according to C) considering

B) in the light of D) in terms of

56. Among the middle classes in America, there is a ________ towards having children in the early or mid-thirties. A) trend C) favor

B) fashion D) progress

57. Students are encouraged to take the ________ course in mathematics before they take the advanced ones. A) basic C) poor

B) lower D) single

58. The old lady was forbidden to leave the ________ of the crime until the police had completed their investigation. A) site C) scene

B)spot D)ground

59. Communication satellites now carry half the worlds ‟s international telephone, telegraph , and television traffic at much lower prices than ________of a decade ago . A) one C) those

B) ones D) that

60. The Women‟s Liberation movement, ________ developed during the 1960s , has focused on economic rights such as “equal pay for work ”. A) what C) that

B)while D)which

61. Having lived in Paris for quite a few years, Mr. Park had no difficulty ________ spoken French.

A) for understanding C) in understanding

B) understood C) to understand

62. Deeply impressed by what he ________ in the small village, Professor Smith wrote several articles about his findings there after returning to town . A) saw

B) had seen D) had been seeing

C) has seen

63. The love letter virus affected millions of computers and caused more damage than ________. A) any other computer virus ever did B) any other computer virus had ever done C) had any other computer virus ever done D) other computer virus had ever done any

64. If Tom had paid attention to what his teacher said, he could have avoided ________ such a bad mistake. A) to repeat C) repeat

B) repeating D) repeated

65. Each time ________ she is under stress, she will go to do physical exercise to get herself relaxed. A)that C)when

B)which D)while

66. All individuals are capable of becoming wealthy ________ they are honest and hard-working. A) as soon as C) so far as

B) as long as D) now that

67. I can‟t get my computer started now. Something ________ with its operation system. A) has gone wrong C)is wrong

B) should have gone wrong D) must have gone wrong

68. The ________ person becomes less interested in what is going on around him and doesn‟t get satisfaction from things he used to enjoy. A) depressed seriously

B) seriously depressed D) depressing seriously

C) seriously depressing

69. I think that neither John nor his father ________ able to wake up early enough to catch the morning train. A).is C) be

B) are D) being

70. _________ the various reports , the Committee decided to delay the project for a year. A) Having taken into account C) Taken into account

B) Taking into account D) To have taken into account

71. Shirley has two sisters and three brothers ,but she hasn‟t see ________ of them since she left her hometown. A) either C) neither

B) any D) some

72. The seasonal nature of the industry‟s work demanded that the timing of training courses ________ carefully selected. A) was C) be

B) had been D) were

73. Mary looked very much embarrassed when she was caught ________ in the final examination. A) to cheat

B) to have cheated D) cheating

C) having cheated

74. People can easily sleep more than their usual amount, ________ we can eat well beyond our biological need. A) just as C) so that

B) for D) as if

75. We were expecting a visitor at half-past ten, and I wondered ________ my son would finish his breakfast before our visitor arrived. A) whether C) so that

B) that D) how

76. From the moment of one‟s birth, the customs ________ he is born shape his experience and behavior. A) into that

B) into which D) from that

C) from which

77. The old couple feel very lonely at home. They wish their only son ________ them as often as he used to. A) visits

B) visit D) visited

C) would visit

78. With so much criticism ________ the plan for a new theatre in the center of the park, we decided not to build it. A) surrounded C) to surround

B) surrounding D) surround

79. Walt Disney realized that animal stories about ________ such as ducks and mice, in which they behaved like naughty children, could be made hugely amusing through animation. A) features C) creatures

B) figures D) characters

80. ________ a data base of information about bacterial infections, Mycin was designed to investigate illnesses and their side effects and suggest a number of possible drugs. A) Equipping as C) Equipping for

B) Equipped by D) Equipped with

IV. Cloze 完型填空


People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you which one it is, you will know to do for each person..

When someone is in your life a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have have come to you through a difficulty, to provide you guidance and support, to aid you , emotionally , or spiritually. They are there for the you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing your part, or at an inconvenient time, this person will say and do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they . Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. Sometimes they die. What we must realize is that our need has been met. Our fulfilled, their work is done. Your need has been , and now it is time to move on.

When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your has come to share, grow, or learn. They bring you an of peace, or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have done. They usually give you an unbelievable of joy. Believe it! It is real! But, only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons: things you must in order to have emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and what you have learned to use in all other relationships and of your life. 81. A) figure out 82. A) how 83. A) in 84. A) shown 85. A) insist 86. A) of 87. A) physically 88. A) cause

B) take out B) which B) of B) sought B) assist B) beyond B) consciously B) reason

C) make out C) what C) for C) experienced C) persist C) for C) substantially C) excuse

D) work out D) why D) with D) expressed D) resist D) with D) intentionally D) sake

89. A) in 90. A) walk away

B) at B) break out B) desire B) seen

C) on C) come back C) intention C) answered C) chance C) idea D) for D) take off D) purpose D) noticed D) occasion D) opinion 91. A) dream 92. A) replied 93. A) luck 94. A) experience B) turn B) experiment 95. A) already 96. A) degree 97. A) rely on 98. A) safe 99. A) give 100. A) areas

B) seldom B) extent B) build upon B) secure B) apply B) fields C) often C) amount

C) see to C) strong C) settle

C) regions

D) never D) scale D) set up D) solid D) put D) scopes


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