

Does meal abdication believe Xx manager: of respect? ? thanks you to be in above all take out time to open the resignation letter that reads me in the midst of pressing affairs. I cherish very complex mood to write this to seal. Since me after entering dining room, as a result of your guidance to me and accredit, make I won a lot of good luck and challenge. Through the job of this paragraph of time in dining-room, I acquired a lot of knowledge from which, accumulated certain experience, to this I am expressed greatly appreciate. As a result of me oneself job ability is not worth, the job of the near future lets me feel ability not equal to one’s ambition, for this I made the reflection of a long time, I decide to give on resignation. Run normally for what the reason that is not not worth because of my individual ability affected dining-room, more pressing matter is I must be in what card of computer order and degree plays after July 2010 to groom, longer cannot go to work inside time, after the course is so cogitative, my decision resigns before August 2010 and my job in dining-room. I know the meeting in this process brings the inconvenience on certain level to you, to this I express regret greatly. Thank you and dining-room everybody to the colleague is taught to mine and be taken care of, in dining-room this paragraph of experience is opposite I 2 character are unusual precious. In the future whatever moment, my metropolis feels a honor with a he once was dining-room. I believe firmly the working course in dining-room will be me the quite important part in progress of whole profession career. Wish dining-room the leader is mixed an everybody the colleague is healthy ' work is great! The inconvenience that leaves his post to be brought to dining-room place to me again expresses apologize. The individual that the colleague hopes dining-room can make allowances for me is actual, give to my application consideration and approval.xx year day of Xx month Xx


Does meal abdication believe Xx manager: of respect? ? thanks you to be in above all take out time to open the resignation letter that reads me in the midst of pressing affairs. I cherish very complex mood to write this to seal. Since me after entering dining room, as a result of your guidance to me and accredit, make I won a lot of good luck and challenge. Through the job of this paragraph of time in dining-room, I acquired a lot of knowledge from which, accumulated certain experience, to this I am expressed greatly appreciate. As a result of me oneself job ability is not worth, the job of the near future lets me feel ability not equal to one’s ambition, for this I made the reflection of a long time, I decide to give on resignation. Run normally for what the reason that is not not worth because of my individual ability affected dining-room, more pressing matter is I must be in what card of computer order and degree plays after July 2010 to groom, longer cannot go to work inside time, after the course is so cogitative, my decision resigns before August 2010 and my job in dining-room. I know the meeting in this process brings the inconvenience on certain level to you, to this I express regret greatly. Thank you and dining-room everybody to the colleague is taught to mine and be taken care of, in dining-room this paragraph of experience is opposite I 2 character are unusual precious. In the future whatever moment, my metropolis feels a honor with a he once was dining-room. I believe firmly the working course in dining-room will be me the quite important part in progress of whole profession career. Wish dining-room the leader is mixed an everybody the colleague is healthy ' work is great! The inconvenience that leaves his post to be brought to dining-room place to me again expresses apologize. The individual that the colleague hopes dining-room can make allowances for me is actual, give to my application consideration and approval.xx year day of Xx month Xx


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