

世界自然遗产地World Natural Heritages site 国际生态旅游协会the International Ecotourism Society

可持续观光sustainable tourism 野生生物旅游wildlife tourism 绿色观光green tourism

适宜的旅游appropriate tourism 负责的旅游responsible tourism 自然旅游nature tourism 荒野旅游wilderness tourism 探险旅游adventure tourism 替代性旅游alternative tourism 自然假日nature vacations 研修旅游study tourism

科考旅游scientific tourism 文化旅游cultural tourism 农业旅游agro-tourism 乡村旅游rural tourism 背包游package tourism 自助游DIY tourism

团体游group/organized tourism 医疗旅游medical tourism 生态城市eco city 生态农业eco-farming

海洋生态系统marine ecosystems 沿海生态系统coastal ecosystems 河口生态系统estuarine ecosystems 岛屿生态系统island ecosystems

加强生态农业建设 Promoting the construction of ecological agriculture

经济发展与生态平衡 economic development and ecological equilibrium

生态系统的系统分析 system analysis of ecosystem 生态环境保护专项规划 Sub-plan for Environmental Protection

旖旎神奇的热带、亚热带自然景观rare tropic rain forest, special semi-tropical vies

依山傍海at the foot of hills and beside the sea 山清水秀beautiful mountains and clear waters 海上仙境a fairyland on the sea

世界文化遗产与自然遗产the World Cultural and Natural Heritage

人文历史悠久a long cultural tradition

“天下第一山”the “most beautiful mountain under heaven”

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山清、水秀、洞奇、石美fantastic hills, crystal-clear water, spectacular caves and picturesque rocks

龙门石窟Longmen Grottoes 上有天堂,下有苏杭。 In heaven there is the paradise, and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. 桂林山水甲天下。 Gullin scenery tops/belittles those elsewhere./Guilin scenery stands out as the world’s best.


grandeur of Mount Tai, the steepness of Mount Hua, the elegance of Guilin, and the variety of Mount Huangshan


世界自然遗产地World Natural Heritages site 国际生态旅游协会the International Ecotourism Society

可持续观光sustainable tourism 野生生物旅游wildlife tourism 绿色观光green tourism

适宜的旅游appropriate tourism 负责的旅游responsible tourism 自然旅游nature tourism 荒野旅游wilderness tourism 探险旅游adventure tourism 替代性旅游alternative tourism 自然假日nature vacations 研修旅游study tourism

科考旅游scientific tourism 文化旅游cultural tourism 农业旅游agro-tourism 乡村旅游rural tourism 背包游package tourism 自助游DIY tourism

团体游group/organized tourism 医疗旅游medical tourism 生态城市eco city 生态农业eco-farming

海洋生态系统marine ecosystems 沿海生态系统coastal ecosystems 河口生态系统estuarine ecosystems 岛屿生态系统island ecosystems

加强生态农业建设 Promoting the construction of ecological agriculture

经济发展与生态平衡 economic development and ecological equilibrium

生态系统的系统分析 system analysis of ecosystem 生态环境保护专项规划 Sub-plan for Environmental Protection

旖旎神奇的热带、亚热带自然景观rare tropic rain forest, special semi-tropical vies

依山傍海at the foot of hills and beside the sea 山清水秀beautiful mountains and clear waters 海上仙境a fairyland on the sea

世界文化遗产与自然遗产the World Cultural and Natural Heritage

人文历史悠久a long cultural tradition

“天下第一山”the “most beautiful mountain under heaven”

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山清、水秀、洞奇、石美fantastic hills, crystal-clear water, spectacular caves and picturesque rocks

龙门石窟Longmen Grottoes 上有天堂,下有苏杭。 In heaven there is the paradise, and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. 桂林山水甲天下。 Gullin scenery tops/belittles those elsewhere./Guilin scenery stands out as the world’s best.


grandeur of Mount Tai, the steepness of Mount Hua, the elegance of Guilin, and the variety of Mount Huangshan


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