英语律动 (1)

1. up up stand up , down down sit down , up and down , turn around , everybody please sit down

2. up up piapia , down down dongdong , up pia , down dong , up down pia dong

3. hello hello how are you , fine fine thank you , hello hello how are you , oh oh just so so , hello hello how are you , no no terrible

4. one finger one finger turn turn turn , turn to a gun bangbangbang , two fingers two fingers turn turn turn , turn to a rabbit jump jump , three fingers three fingers turn turn turn , turn to a fork chachacha , four fingers four fingers turn turn turn , turn to a cat miowmiowmiow , five fingers five fingers turn turn turn , turn to a tiger awawaw

5. buble gum buble gum in a dish , how many pieces do you wish , five , one two three four five , five four three two one

6. blue blue is the color i see , if you are wearing blue then show it to me , stand up and turn around , show me your blue and please sit down

7. shake shake up , shake shake down , shake shake shake shake , let's turn around , shake shake up , shake shake down , shake shake shake shake , let's sing a song , shake shake up , shake shake down , shake shake shake shake , let's sit down

8. point to the window , point to the door , point to the ceiling , point to the floor , four three two one , one two three four

9. one little two little baby ducks , three little four little baby ducks , guaguaguaguaguaguaguaguagua , oh five little six little baby ducks

10. morning good morning , good morning to you to you and to you

11. i can run run run run , i can jump jump jump jump , i can run i can jump , that is fun

1. up up stand up , down down sit down , up and down , turn around , everybody please sit down

2. up up piapia , down down dongdong , up pia , down dong , up down pia dong

3. hello hello how are you , fine fine thank you , hello hello how are you , oh oh just so so , hello hello how are you , no no terrible

4. one finger one finger turn turn turn , turn to a gun bangbangbang , two fingers two fingers turn turn turn , turn to a rabbit jump jump , three fingers three fingers turn turn turn , turn to a fork chachacha , four fingers four fingers turn turn turn , turn to a cat miowmiowmiow , five fingers five fingers turn turn turn , turn to a tiger awawaw

5. buble gum buble gum in a dish , how many pieces do you wish , five , one two three four five , five four three two one

6. blue blue is the color i see , if you are wearing blue then show it to me , stand up and turn around , show me your blue and please sit down

7. shake shake up , shake shake down , shake shake shake shake , let's turn around , shake shake up , shake shake down , shake shake shake shake , let's sing a song , shake shake up , shake shake down , shake shake shake shake , let's sit down

8. point to the window , point to the door , point to the ceiling , point to the floor , four three two one , one two three four

9. one little two little baby ducks , three little four little baby ducks , guaguaguaguaguaguaguaguagua , oh five little six little baby ducks

10. morning good morning , good morning to you to you and to you

11. i can run run run run , i can jump jump jump jump , i can run i can jump , that is fun


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