
合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!

Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Girl: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears

Boy: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves

Girl: with the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us

合: Let's shout,"Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!

Girl: Jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you?

Boy: Of course, Monica(女主持人姓名), me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Girl: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?

Boy: It's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!!!


Girl: Thanks for the great performance of our students!

Boy: Thanks for the present of our dear parents!


Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas, Let's look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you.......

Good evening and welcome to the party. I am **, I am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the entire staff of xx education, I wish all of you a happy Christmas eve.


Before we go, I’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.


First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mr. zheng to give us a welcome speech.


Thank you Mr. zheng.


Next, our first program, all the students sing the song ‘happy new year’ with your teachers together, please.


What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody. Now, let’s welcome Mr.to read the Letter of Commitment.


Ok, here comes the first exciting moment, boys and girls, the lucky draw! During this round, 8 of you will be awarded with 50 RMB and a nice gift for the third prize.


Have you heard the story of Snow White? I think every little girl must have ever dreamed to be snow white, am I right? But I am sure, you have never seen the story being played by your classmates, now,let’s enjoy, the snow white, played by sixth grade students.


Thank you for their exciting performance, thank you. Great job. Applaud for them.


We have seen the exciting performance of the students, what about the teachers? Finding Nemo, dubbed by Mr.


Ok! Lucky draw again! This round, we’ll see, who is the next lucky dog? Each of the winners is gonna get 100 RMB as scholarship and a nice present for the second prize.


Now, the talent show, presented by **, welcome.


Boys and girls, the most exciting moment, the last round of lucky draw tonight. Two of you guys will get 20xx年》

Last here is a piece of VCR for the parents, pls enjoy, and your kids will go to different classroom to choose four games to play


Boys and girls , have fun!

合:Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our Christmas party!

Boy: With the snow flakes falling from the sky,

Girl: With the Christmas carols resounding around our ears

Boy: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves

Girl: with the kindest Santa Christ in red walking towards us

合: Let's shout,"Christmas is coming! Merry Christmas!!!

Girl: Jimmy(男主持人姓名),at this special moment, I can't be more excited. How about you?

Boy: Of course, Monica(女主持人姓名), me too. And I dare say that I've never been so happy in my life. I bet you do, yeah?

Girl: Sure, you are right. So why are we still waiting? I gueour audience can't wait to enjoy our exciting performance. Do you think so?

Boy: It's just the truth. So now, let's enjoy!!!


Girl: Thanks for the great performance of our students!

Boy: Thanks for the present of our dear parents!


Today we gather here to celebrate our Christmas, Let's look forward to our next gathering! Merry Christmas again! See you.......

Good evening and welcome to the party. I am **, I am honored to have the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the entire staff of xx education, I wish all of you a happy Christmas eve.


Before we go, I’d like you to know that we have planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and have some fun.


First of all, let’s welcome our principal, Mr. zheng to give us a welcome speech.


Thank you Mr. zheng.


Next, our first program, all the students sing the song ‘happy new year’ with your teachers together, please.


What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody. Now, let’s welcome Mr.to read the Letter of Commitment.


Ok, here comes the first exciting moment, boys and girls, the lucky draw! During this round, 8 of you will be awarded with 50 RMB and a nice gift for the third prize.


Have you heard the story of Snow White? I think every little girl must have ever dreamed to be snow white, am I right? But I am sure, you have never seen the story being played by your classmates, now,let’s enjoy, the snow white, played by sixth grade students.


Thank you for their exciting performance, thank you. Great job. Applaud for them.


We have seen the exciting performance of the students, what about the teachers? Finding Nemo, dubbed by Mr.


Ok! Lucky draw again! This round, we’ll see, who is the next lucky dog? Each of the winners is gonna get 100 RMB as scholarship and a nice present for the second prize.


Now, the talent show, presented by **, welcome.


Boys and girls, the most exciting moment, the last round of lucky draw tonight. Two of you guys will get 20xx年》

Last here is a piece of VCR for the parents, pls enjoy, and your kids will go to different classroom to choose four games to play


Boys and girls , have fun!


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