
读Path picking

When you pick on path, it's natual to wonder about the others, especially if the path you've cosen gets rocky. In our whole life there will be many times for us to face the headaches, path picking, among them , some are important, the other are less, but whatever paths appear before you, all of them will take time and offorts for us to make the choice carefully so as to arrive the destination we're anticipating.

But sometimes the question is not the path picking, it's the question that we will be skeptical to what you've chosen originally, then go to other directions imagining that the sceneris of somewhere else must be more beautiful. It's natural for us. But the path you are now riding on must be stable within a certain time once you've picked it up. Actually you may go beyond the path a little sometime, so you have to be alert all the time to observe if you are in the right direction, if not, turn fine yourself onto the right one.


The student is the host of study, discipline masters of the classroom. Student clamaster, he should be the masters of the clamanagement. When he was in clamanagement, clamanagement should play what role? Like teaching, teacher should not become the main force management, and should be the clamanagement guide, supervisor. From the point of the practice of clamanagement, one of dozens of primary school class, only one or a few teachers management is not enough, the key is to educate and guide students to learn self management, so that each student be both managed object, it is to carry out the management main body, achieve" tube for whatever purpose".

This semester, I is the claof work focusing on the cultivation of students' autonomous management ability. The cultivation of students' ability of self management, first of all is their ability of students from the start. " Teacher," in one book: now that most of the students who are the only children, they rely heavily on adult. Spoiled by their parents, these" little sun" in the family lost the opportunity to develop independence, they rely more on adult help and care. On students' self management ability from three aspects: first, use morning, class, team, to the students' positive propaganda" they can do their own", lets the student from deepen understanding on the independence of understanding. Second, in the claarrangement" everyone post responsibility system", so that each student has its own post, responsible for their own posts. Third, contact the student's parents, obtain parental cooperation, cultivating students' self management in home.

The second is to develop a clacadre troop. Utilization management claopportunity to cultivate students' ability of self management, clacadre is the right-hand man of class. Careful selection of small cadre, and carefully cultivating small cadre. First, help a small cadre of prestige. The students themselves elected claleader, to respect their rights. Every duty by the Health Commissioner responsible for rating, and then, by to give my own opinions and suggestions for their reference. Second, encourage small cadre bold work, pointing their working method. Third, the strict requirements of small cadre in knowledge, ability to make even greater progrein the discipline, to make oneself an example, from various aspects to the claplay an exemplary role, i.e. " fan out from point to area". Fourth, the training of cadres the spirit of unity and cooperation, to establish a correct through cadre the small collective, sound public opinion, to drive the whole clato begin criticism and self-criticism, form collective organization, discipline and initiative, so that" to a surf-ace". At the same time also pay attention to the timely convening of clacadres conference, aiming them at work problems, teach them the methods of work, so that they are clear about their duties, points out their advantages and disadvantages and future work direction. At the same time, also requires them to pay attention to the cooperation among the members of the clacadre, make concerted efforts, twist a rope between the students, try to establish their prestige, creating opportunities, exercise and cultivate their ability of. This culture method, all measures taken, its purpose is not everyone can control, but that everyone can own, prepares students for their class, family, responsibility consciousness.

读Path picking

When you pick on path, it's natual to wonder about the others, especially if the path you've cosen gets rocky. In our whole life there will be many times for us to face the headaches, path picking, among them , some are important, the other are less, but whatever paths appear before you, all of them will take time and offorts for us to make the choice carefully so as to arrive the destination we're anticipating.

But sometimes the question is not the path picking, it's the question that we will be skeptical to what you've chosen originally, then go to other directions imagining that the sceneris of somewhere else must be more beautiful. It's natural for us. But the path you are now riding on must be stable within a certain time once you've picked it up. Actually you may go beyond the path a little sometime, so you have to be alert all the time to observe if you are in the right direction, if not, turn fine yourself onto the right one.


The student is the host of study, discipline masters of the classroom. Student clamaster, he should be the masters of the clamanagement. When he was in clamanagement, clamanagement should play what role? Like teaching, teacher should not become the main force management, and should be the clamanagement guide, supervisor. From the point of the practice of clamanagement, one of dozens of primary school class, only one or a few teachers management is not enough, the key is to educate and guide students to learn self management, so that each student be both managed object, it is to carry out the management main body, achieve" tube for whatever purpose".

This semester, I is the claof work focusing on the cultivation of students' autonomous management ability. The cultivation of students' ability of self management, first of all is their ability of students from the start. " Teacher," in one book: now that most of the students who are the only children, they rely heavily on adult. Spoiled by their parents, these" little sun" in the family lost the opportunity to develop independence, they rely more on adult help and care. On students' self management ability from three aspects: first, use morning, class, team, to the students' positive propaganda" they can do their own", lets the student from deepen understanding on the independence of understanding. Second, in the claarrangement" everyone post responsibility system", so that each student has its own post, responsible for their own posts. Third, contact the student's parents, obtain parental cooperation, cultivating students' self management in home.

The second is to develop a clacadre troop. Utilization management claopportunity to cultivate students' ability of self management, clacadre is the right-hand man of class. Careful selection of small cadre, and carefully cultivating small cadre. First, help a small cadre of prestige. The students themselves elected claleader, to respect their rights. Every duty by the Health Commissioner responsible for rating, and then, by to give my own opinions and suggestions for their reference. Second, encourage small cadre bold work, pointing their working method. Third, the strict requirements of small cadre in knowledge, ability to make even greater progrein the discipline, to make oneself an example, from various aspects to the claplay an exemplary role, i.e. " fan out from point to area". Fourth, the training of cadres the spirit of unity and cooperation, to establish a correct through cadre the small collective, sound public opinion, to drive the whole clato begin criticism and self-criticism, form collective organization, discipline and initiative, so that" to a surf-ace". At the same time also pay attention to the timely convening of clacadres conference, aiming them at work problems, teach them the methods of work, so that they are clear about their duties, points out their advantages and disadvantages and future work direction. At the same time, also requires them to pay attention to the cooperation among the members of the clacadre, make concerted efforts, twist a rope between the students, try to establish their prestige, creating opportunities, exercise and cultivate their ability of. This culture method, all measures taken, its purpose is not everyone can control, but that everyone can own, prepares students for their class, family, responsibility consciousness.


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