
Unit3 How do you get to school?

课堂任务:{30分钟:unit1-unit2的复习 1.5个小时:Unit 3 第一二课时知识点总结}


1. 敲鼓____________ 2. 说一点英语________________ 3. 下象棋______________

4. 弹钢琴____________ 5. 用英语说它_________________ 6. 擅长做某事______________

7. 加入艺术俱乐部_____________ 8. 加入游泳俱乐部______________ 9. 帮助某人做某

事_______________ 10. 弹吉他弹得好________________ 11. 和某人相处得好____________

12. 表演中国功夫_____________ 13. 起床_____________ 14. 去睡觉________________

15. 刷牙_________________ 16. 淋浴_______________ 17. 穿衣__________________

18. 广播电台______________ 19. 吃一顿丰盛的早餐_______________20. 广播节目

_____________ 21. 有意思的时候__________________ 22.锻炼________________ 23. 干....

而迟到_______________ 24. 去上学_______________ 25. go to work_________________

26. 散步____________ 27. 有很多时间 28. 做作业______________ 29. 或者..... 或者

___________ 30. 打扫房间_____________ 31. 半个小时_____________ 32. 先做我的家庭

作业________________ 33. 吃起来不错_____________ 34. 运动会___________ 35. 校庆日

___________ 36. 艺术节_______________ 37. 英语演讲比赛_______________ 38. 上美


二. 翻译下列句子

1. 你会玩电子游戏吗?

2. 她是英国人,但是她会讲汉语。

3. 他们既不会唱歌也不会跳舞。

4. 他不会打篮球。

5. 谁能回答这个问题?

6. 你会什么? 我会武术。

7. 你想参见哪个兴趣小组?

8. 你很擅长讲故事,你可以加入讲故事小组。

9. 你会什么体育运动?

10. 你通常几点起床? 我通常6:30 起床。

11. 他几点去上班?他总是11:00 去上班。他从不迟到。

12. 你的朋友们什么时候锻炼?他们通常周末锻炼。

13. 那个时间吃早饭真有意思呦!

14. 我有一个健康的生活习惯。

15. 我四点半从学校回到家然后做我的家庭作业。

16. 他从事一份有趣的职业,他在一家电台工作。

三. 知识反馈a. 根据首字母写出单词

1. He ________(usual)gets up at 6:30am

2. The baby has two ______(tooth).

3. Gina can’t get _______(dress)by herself, so her mother _______(dress)her every day.

4. He goes to bed at ________(9:30)pm.

5. He usually ______(go) to work at _______(5:45)

6. LiuXiang_______(run)very________(quick).

7. All the food _______(taste) ________(well)

8. What time_____Lucy usually ______(get)up

9. I don’t have time to play ____Monday_______Friday (从……到)

10. It is time ________________(该起床了)

B. 单项选择

( )1. Bill can play _____ violin but he can’t play _____ chess.

A. the, 不填 B. the, the C. 不填, the D. a, 不填

( )2. Victor sings well. He can _____ in our school music festival.

A. is B. are C. be D. am

( )3. Our school show is _____ 6:00 pm _____ Sunday.

A. at, on B. on, in C. in, at D. on, at

( )4. I want to write (写信) to Cindy, but I _____ her e-mail address.

A. don’t have B. has C. have D. can’t be

( )5. They often help kids _____ dancing.

A. on B. with C. to D. at

( )6. David paints well. He can join the _____.

A. music club B. chess club C. English club D. art club

( )7. —Hello! _____? —Jeff.

Can I help youB. How are you C. Can you spell your name D. May I know your name

Unit 3 How do you get to school?

一. 重点词汇

1. train station火车站 2. 乘地铁 take the subway 3. 骑自行车 ride a bike. by bike

4. eighty 八十 5. ninety 九十 6. hundred 一百

7. minute 分钟 8. How far _____________ 9. every day 每天

10. cross 横过,越过 11. between....and __________ 12. drive 开车

13. airport 机场 14. bus station 汽车站 15. 公交站bus stop

16.100___________ 17. 103_______________ 18. 203______________

19. 一刻钟_____________ 20. 1.5个小时_______________ 21. ship 轮船

22. 小船___________


1. how far 多远 2. how long 多久 3. by subway/ take the subway 乘地铁

4. by train 乘火车 5. by taxi/take a taxi 乘出租车 6. get to/arrive at, in 到达

7. go to work 去上班 8. 10 kilometers from my home 距离我家10公里远

9. be far from 距离……远 10. get home 到家 11. get there 到那儿

12. about half an hour 大约半小时 13. go to school on foot 走着去上学

14. leave home quite early很早离开家 15. between----and---- 在-----之间

16. come true 实现 17. drive him to school 开车送他上学

18.take the bus /train 乘公共汽车/火车 19. go home by bus 坐公共汽车回家

20. get to school 到校 21.ride a bike to school骑自行车上学


1. How far is your home from your school?It’s three miles away from my school.

——你家距学校多远? ——3 英里。

2. How do you get to school every day? I get to school on foot.

——你每天怎样来上学? ——我走着来上学。

3. How long does it take you to get to school every day? It takes me ten minutes to get there.

——你每天到校花多长时间? 10 分钟。

4. My school is 10 kilometers from my school.


5. It takes them about half an hour to get to the zoo.


6. He goes to school on foot every day.


7. Every morning his father drives him to school.


8. After school he goes home by bus or by subway. Sometimes he takes a taxi.

放学后, 他坐公交车或地铁回家, 有时乘出租车

9. Peter’s home is very far from school.

Peter 家距离学校很远。

10. How does your mother go to work every day?She goes to work by bike.

——你妈妈每天怎样去上班? ——她每天骑自行车上班。

11. It takes her an hour to come home from work


12. It’s very easy to get around in the city of Beijing.


13. He lives in Beijing. He has got a round face, short black hair and a pair of big eyes. He’s tall

and strong.

他住在北京, 他有一张圆脸, 短的黑色的头发, 和一双大眼睛。他个子很高且很壮。

14. His dream comes true.



一.1. 掌握本节课的5个单词:train bus subway ride bike

和5个短语: take the train take the bus take the subway ;

ride the bike walk to/ on foot

2. 熟练运用问方式的句型。----How do you get to school ? ---- I ride my bike .

3. 掌握句型:I take the bus to (get to) school . I get to school by bus .


1. 写出并读出下列单词和短语:

火车 公共汽车 地铁 自行车

乘火车/地铁/----- 骑自行车




2),她乘地铁上学。Mike 乘火车回家

3. 与how 有关的疑问词

A. 如何,怎么样______________ 造句;______________________

B. 几岁......____________________ 造句:______________________

C. 多少(修饰可数)______________ 造句:___________________________

D. 多少(修饰不可数)_______________ 造句:___________________________

E. 多久(时间)_______________________ 造句:__________________________

F. 多远 (路程)________________________ 造句:_____________________________

4. 与How 有关的句型

1). How are you?怎样用英语回答。

2)How do you get to -----?怎样用英语回答。

3)How does he get to ------?怎样用英语回答。

4)How do/does sb do ---?句型扩展

5)How do you come to school ?

6) How do they go home ?

7) How does he play baseball ?

8) How does Mike help his mother ?

5. 1) 问交通方式的句型 How do/does -------get to ---?

回答时可用动词短语(谓语)take the bus /train /subway /plane /ship to

ride my bike /the horse to drive sb to walk to

还可以用介词短语(状语) by bus /train /subway /plane /bike

on foot /on the bus /on the train /on her bike

in his car

2) 交通工具方式大会餐:(take ,ride , drive ,walk)(by)

car, truck, tricycle, motorbike, bike/ bicycle, subway, taxi, cab, train, bus, plane, school-bus, ship,




1. My school begins at 8 o’clock in the morning. So I have to(必须) _ school before 7:50 a.m.

A. live at B. finish C. get to D. leave

2. Jeff goes to work ________ and his wife goes to work ________.

A. by car, on bike B. by a car; on a bike

C. by car; on her bike D. by his car, in her bike[来Z.xx.k.Com

3. Uncle Lee, could you _______ me to the nearby supermarket in your car?

A. ask B. put C. drive D. keep


1. 外面下雨了,我想坐公共汽车去上学。

It’s raining outside. I want_________________________________.

2. ——你每天怎样来上学? ___________ do you ___________ school every day?

——我走着来上学。I come to school ____________. .


Every morning hi s father __________________ school


It is cheap to _____________ to Shanghai.

三.按要求变化句型 (提问)_____________________________

2.My mother often rides a bike to work.(一般疑问句)__________________________

3.He takes the subway to school every day.(否定句)______________________________





1. 掌握本节课的12个单词: 60, 70, 80, 90, 100; minute kilometer new every every day

by by bike

2. 熟练运用表达方式的句型。学习问距离和时间多长的句型

3. 掌握句型:How far is it from ---to ?

How long does it take to do ?

It takes sb some time to do something.


1. 写出基数词1----21

2. 写出20------100(整十)

3. 写出并读出下列短语

多远 多久 乘地铁 乘火车 到达 到校 开车送他上学 大约半小时

4.How do you get to school ?怎样用英语回答。How long does it take you to --- ?在回答时要注

意什么?How far is it from ---to ?怎样用英语回答


1. It takes me about half an hour to get there by bike.

It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事。

It takes me two hours to do my homework.

It takes us two hours to clean the classroom every Monday.

How long does it take you to go to school on foot every day?

2,1. How far is your home from your school?

It’s three miles away from my school.

3.by bike 骑自行车=ride a bike to…=ride to… 例如:

My mother often goes to work by bike.


My mother often rides a bike to work.

My mother often rides to work.

4.be far (away) from 离……远,例如:The bus station is very far (away) from here,


一. 翻译下列词组

1. how far 2. how long 3. By subway 4. by train

5. by taxi/take a taxi 6. get to/arrive at, in 7. go to work

8. 10 kilometers from my home 9. be far from 10. get home


1.I come to school on foot. (提问)

2.It takes me ten minutes to get there.(提问)

3.My school is 10 kilometers from my home..(提问)

4.Peter ’s home is very far from school。 (提问)

5.Every morning hi s father drives him to school (一般疑问句) [

三. 句型巩固

a. (某人) 花费多长时间做某事_____________________________

1. 你每天到校要多长时间?_______________________________

2. 他走路上学要十分钟____________________________________

3. 我每天花一小时锻炼身体______________________________

4. 乘飞机去北京要花大约4个小时|_________________________

5. 走路去那花不了多长时间______________________________

b. A地离B 地有...... 的距离______________________________

1. 他家离学校大概10公里远。___________________________

2. 厦门距离福州约2000公里______________________________

3. 超市离公园仅150米_____________________________________

4. 从你家到公交站有多远?__________________________________

Unit3 How do you get to school?

课堂任务:{30分钟:unit1-unit2的复习 1.5个小时:Unit 3 第一二课时知识点总结}


1. 敲鼓____________ 2. 说一点英语________________ 3. 下象棋______________

4. 弹钢琴____________ 5. 用英语说它_________________ 6. 擅长做某事______________

7. 加入艺术俱乐部_____________ 8. 加入游泳俱乐部______________ 9. 帮助某人做某

事_______________ 10. 弹吉他弹得好________________ 11. 和某人相处得好____________

12. 表演中国功夫_____________ 13. 起床_____________ 14. 去睡觉________________

15. 刷牙_________________ 16. 淋浴_______________ 17. 穿衣__________________

18. 广播电台______________ 19. 吃一顿丰盛的早餐_______________20. 广播节目

_____________ 21. 有意思的时候__________________ 22.锻炼________________ 23. 干....

而迟到_______________ 24. 去上学_______________ 25. go to work_________________

26. 散步____________ 27. 有很多时间 28. 做作业______________ 29. 或者..... 或者

___________ 30. 打扫房间_____________ 31. 半个小时_____________ 32. 先做我的家庭

作业________________ 33. 吃起来不错_____________ 34. 运动会___________ 35. 校庆日

___________ 36. 艺术节_______________ 37. 英语演讲比赛_______________ 38. 上美


二. 翻译下列句子

1. 你会玩电子游戏吗?

2. 她是英国人,但是她会讲汉语。

3. 他们既不会唱歌也不会跳舞。

4. 他不会打篮球。

5. 谁能回答这个问题?

6. 你会什么? 我会武术。

7. 你想参见哪个兴趣小组?

8. 你很擅长讲故事,你可以加入讲故事小组。

9. 你会什么体育运动?

10. 你通常几点起床? 我通常6:30 起床。

11. 他几点去上班?他总是11:00 去上班。他从不迟到。

12. 你的朋友们什么时候锻炼?他们通常周末锻炼。

13. 那个时间吃早饭真有意思呦!

14. 我有一个健康的生活习惯。

15. 我四点半从学校回到家然后做我的家庭作业。

16. 他从事一份有趣的职业,他在一家电台工作。

三. 知识反馈a. 根据首字母写出单词

1. He ________(usual)gets up at 6:30am

2. The baby has two ______(tooth).

3. Gina can’t get _______(dress)by herself, so her mother _______(dress)her every day.

4. He goes to bed at ________(9:30)pm.

5. He usually ______(go) to work at _______(5:45)

6. LiuXiang_______(run)very________(quick).

7. All the food _______(taste) ________(well)

8. What time_____Lucy usually ______(get)up

9. I don’t have time to play ____Monday_______Friday (从……到)

10. It is time ________________(该起床了)

B. 单项选择

( )1. Bill can play _____ violin but he can’t play _____ chess.

A. the, 不填 B. the, the C. 不填, the D. a, 不填

( )2. Victor sings well. He can _____ in our school music festival.

A. is B. are C. be D. am

( )3. Our school show is _____ 6:00 pm _____ Sunday.

A. at, on B. on, in C. in, at D. on, at

( )4. I want to write (写信) to Cindy, but I _____ her e-mail address.

A. don’t have B. has C. have D. can’t be

( )5. They often help kids _____ dancing.

A. on B. with C. to D. at

( )6. David paints well. He can join the _____.

A. music club B. chess club C. English club D. art club

( )7. —Hello! _____? —Jeff.

Can I help youB. How are you C. Can you spell your name D. May I know your name

Unit 3 How do you get to school?

一. 重点词汇

1. train station火车站 2. 乘地铁 take the subway 3. 骑自行车 ride a bike. by bike

4. eighty 八十 5. ninety 九十 6. hundred 一百

7. minute 分钟 8. How far _____________ 9. every day 每天

10. cross 横过,越过 11. between....and __________ 12. drive 开车

13. airport 机场 14. bus station 汽车站 15. 公交站bus stop

16.100___________ 17. 103_______________ 18. 203______________

19. 一刻钟_____________ 20. 1.5个小时_______________ 21. ship 轮船

22. 小船___________


1. how far 多远 2. how long 多久 3. by subway/ take the subway 乘地铁

4. by train 乘火车 5. by taxi/take a taxi 乘出租车 6. get to/arrive at, in 到达

7. go to work 去上班 8. 10 kilometers from my home 距离我家10公里远

9. be far from 距离……远 10. get home 到家 11. get there 到那儿

12. about half an hour 大约半小时 13. go to school on foot 走着去上学

14. leave home quite early很早离开家 15. between----and---- 在-----之间

16. come true 实现 17. drive him to school 开车送他上学

18.take the bus /train 乘公共汽车/火车 19. go home by bus 坐公共汽车回家

20. get to school 到校 21.ride a bike to school骑自行车上学


1. How far is your home from your school?It’s three miles away from my school.

——你家距学校多远? ——3 英里。

2. How do you get to school every day? I get to school on foot.

——你每天怎样来上学? ——我走着来上学。

3. How long does it take you to get to school every day? It takes me ten minutes to get there.

——你每天到校花多长时间? 10 分钟。

4. My school is 10 kilometers from my school.


5. It takes them about half an hour to get to the zoo.


6. He goes to school on foot every day.


7. Every morning his father drives him to school.


8. After school he goes home by bus or by subway. Sometimes he takes a taxi.

放学后, 他坐公交车或地铁回家, 有时乘出租车

9. Peter’s home is very far from school.

Peter 家距离学校很远。

10. How does your mother go to work every day?She goes to work by bike.

——你妈妈每天怎样去上班? ——她每天骑自行车上班。

11. It takes her an hour to come home from work


12. It’s very easy to get around in the city of Beijing.


13. He lives in Beijing. He has got a round face, short black hair and a pair of big eyes. He’s tall

and strong.

他住在北京, 他有一张圆脸, 短的黑色的头发, 和一双大眼睛。他个子很高且很壮。

14. His dream comes true.



一.1. 掌握本节课的5个单词:train bus subway ride bike

和5个短语: take the train take the bus take the subway ;

ride the bike walk to/ on foot

2. 熟练运用问方式的句型。----How do you get to school ? ---- I ride my bike .

3. 掌握句型:I take the bus to (get to) school . I get to school by bus .


1. 写出并读出下列单词和短语:

火车 公共汽车 地铁 自行车

乘火车/地铁/----- 骑自行车




2),她乘地铁上学。Mike 乘火车回家

3. 与how 有关的疑问词

A. 如何,怎么样______________ 造句;______________________

B. 几岁......____________________ 造句:______________________

C. 多少(修饰可数)______________ 造句:___________________________

D. 多少(修饰不可数)_______________ 造句:___________________________

E. 多久(时间)_______________________ 造句:__________________________

F. 多远 (路程)________________________ 造句:_____________________________

4. 与How 有关的句型

1). How are you?怎样用英语回答。

2)How do you get to -----?怎样用英语回答。

3)How does he get to ------?怎样用英语回答。

4)How do/does sb do ---?句型扩展

5)How do you come to school ?

6) How do they go home ?

7) How does he play baseball ?

8) How does Mike help his mother ?

5. 1) 问交通方式的句型 How do/does -------get to ---?

回答时可用动词短语(谓语)take the bus /train /subway /plane /ship to

ride my bike /the horse to drive sb to walk to

还可以用介词短语(状语) by bus /train /subway /plane /bike

on foot /on the bus /on the train /on her bike

in his car

2) 交通工具方式大会餐:(take ,ride , drive ,walk)(by)

car, truck, tricycle, motorbike, bike/ bicycle, subway, taxi, cab, train, bus, plane, school-bus, ship,




1. My school begins at 8 o’clock in the morning. So I have to(必须) _ school before 7:50 a.m.

A. live at B. finish C. get to D. leave

2. Jeff goes to work ________ and his wife goes to work ________.

A. by car, on bike B. by a car; on a bike

C. by car; on her bike D. by his car, in her bike[来Z.xx.k.Com

3. Uncle Lee, could you _______ me to the nearby supermarket in your car?

A. ask B. put C. drive D. keep


1. 外面下雨了,我想坐公共汽车去上学。

It’s raining outside. I want_________________________________.

2. ——你每天怎样来上学? ___________ do you ___________ school every day?

——我走着来上学。I come to school ____________. .


Every morning hi s father __________________ school


It is cheap to _____________ to Shanghai.

三.按要求变化句型 (提问)_____________________________

2.My mother often rides a bike to work.(一般疑问句)__________________________

3.He takes the subway to school every day.(否定句)______________________________





1. 掌握本节课的12个单词: 60, 70, 80, 90, 100; minute kilometer new every every day

by by bike

2. 熟练运用表达方式的句型。学习问距离和时间多长的句型

3. 掌握句型:How far is it from ---to ?

How long does it take to do ?

It takes sb some time to do something.


1. 写出基数词1----21

2. 写出20------100(整十)

3. 写出并读出下列短语

多远 多久 乘地铁 乘火车 到达 到校 开车送他上学 大约半小时

4.How do you get to school ?怎样用英语回答。How long does it take you to --- ?在回答时要注

意什么?How far is it from ---to ?怎样用英语回答


1. It takes me about half an hour to get there by bike.

It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人时间做某事。

It takes me two hours to do my homework.

It takes us two hours to clean the classroom every Monday.

How long does it take you to go to school on foot every day?

2,1. How far is your home from your school?

It’s three miles away from my school.

3.by bike 骑自行车=ride a bike to…=ride to… 例如:

My mother often goes to work by bike.


My mother often rides a bike to work.

My mother often rides to work.

4.be far (away) from 离……远,例如:The bus station is very far (away) from here,


一. 翻译下列词组

1. how far 2. how long 3. By subway 4. by train

5. by taxi/take a taxi 6. get to/arrive at, in 7. go to work

8. 10 kilometers from my home 9. be far from 10. get home


1.I come to school on foot. (提问)

2.It takes me ten minutes to get there.(提问)

3.My school is 10 kilometers from my home..(提问)

4.Peter ’s home is very far from school。 (提问)

5.Every morning hi s father drives him to school (一般疑问句) [

三. 句型巩固

a. (某人) 花费多长时间做某事_____________________________

1. 你每天到校要多长时间?_______________________________

2. 他走路上学要十分钟____________________________________

3. 我每天花一小时锻炼身体______________________________

4. 乘飞机去北京要花大约4个小时|_________________________

5. 走路去那花不了多长时间______________________________

b. A地离B 地有...... 的距离______________________________

1. 他家离学校大概10公里远。___________________________

2. 厦门距离福州约2000公里______________________________

3. 超市离公园仅150米_____________________________________

4. 从你家到公交站有多远?__________________________________


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