
Demag HyDraulic imm TraiTs 德马格液压机特点

Index Demag hydraulic IMM traits2

DFEE pump control system 2

Developed NC5 control system2

High resolution ultrasonic stroke measurement system 3

Filter and cooling concept 3

Active curve mould protection system 4


新型的DFEE 柱塞变量泵系统5

新型的NC5 控制系统5


新型液压油过滤和冷却系统 6

积极的模具保护系统 7

Demag hydraulic IMM traits

To meet the high requirements

In 1956, Demag developed the world’s first single-screw injection molding machine. Since then, Demag—a leader in the industry—has concentrated on manufacturing high quality, precise machines.

Now, Demag offers an assortment of injection molding machines with different driving systems: full hy-draulic IMMs “Systec”, full electric IMMs “Intelect”, hybrid IMMs “Elexis” and Multi IMMs, with the ma-chine tonnage from 25t to 2000t made in Germany, and 50t to 800t made in China as well.

The machines are able to cover a wide variety of industrial fields, such as the auto industry, electric indus-try, telecom industry, packaging industry, medical industry, etc. With nearly 60 years of IMM supply and application experience, Demag has developed or worked with applications such as IMD/IML technology, Mucell/Ergocell technology, LSR molding technology, Powder metal molding, Injection compression mold-ing, Micro molding, Clean room technology, etc.

Here are the traits of our full hydraulic machine Systec:


This is a full-closed loop control system with a servo valve called P/Q valve, not only the pressure is con-trolled but also the volume or speed is controlled. Comparing with the DFR pump control system from other famous European suppliers, it is more precise and more energy saving.


Comparing with our old NC4 control system, it has more flexibility, more precision and fast reaction capa-


15-Inch super large colorful touch screen

resolution 1024 x 768

3 USB connectors for Industrial PCcommunication / storage

Interface included:- Intel Pentum processor;

CAN bus, Ethernet, DVI, VGA, Serial- 800 MHz Frequence;

- Flash: 640 M Industrial level

- Up to 1G

Customer benefits:

1. Not only 10-points injection speed profile setting is standard, but also 10-points injection pressure profile is available and standard;

2. Not only 10-points holding pressure and time setting is standard, but also 10-points holding speed is available and standard;

3. Better dynamic and faster reaction;

4. Super flexibility for movement programming;

5. Up to 50 parameters and 1,000 shots data automatic memory capability. (With option the memory can be extended up to 10,000 shots)

High dynamic switch over to follow up pressure

T est: p = 800 bar, SC 50mm;

Improved from 100ms to 50ms

High resolution ultrasonic stroke measurement system

For all Systec injection molding machine, the ultrasonic stroke measurement system is a standard option now. It is not only for injection, but also for ejector, clamping movement and injection unit movement.Here are the benefits for the customers:

- Higher position precision: 0.01mm (10 times higher than traditional stroke measurement system);- Higher reliable due to contactless;

- No abrasion.


Traditional stroke measurement system

Position precision is: 0.1mm.


.5g If1.5g melt injected when the screw forward 10mm;

The max injection precision is: 0.015g

Ultrasonic stroke measurement system

Position precision is: 0.01mm.

If1.5g melt injected when the screw forward 10mm;The max injection precision is: 0.0015gNEW!! Demag innovation!!!

This system uses a low pressure pump to drive the oil constantly with the volume speed 40 – 60l / min through a high precision filter with 1 μm acuteness.

So the oil is being cleaned all the time by permanent laminar oil flow, which leads the life time of oil 5 times longer than usual, up to 25,000 hours.So the production cost is reduced accordingly.

-1μm Filter acuteness;

-5 times longer life time

for oil (25,000 hours)

-1 year filter durability

Low pressure pump

Active curve mould protection systemDemag innovation!!!

There is one pressure sensor in both sides of the clamping cylinder to detect the hydraulic pressure when piston is moving which makes the mould platen moving. According the data difference from these two sensors, the control system will automatically calculate the actual moving friction, and store it with graphic on the control panel when the function is activated by the operator. The stored graphic will adjust itself basing on the setting mould protection force to monitor the actual mould closing friction. If there is something happen, which makes the actual force meet the monitoring graphic the mould closing will im-mediately stop. This is very sensitive and safe to the mould and operator.

Clamping cylinder

sensor sensor

Oil Out Oil




作为全球注塑机行业的领导者,德马格从1956 年开发出世界上第一台螺杆式注塑机以来,始终致力于精密,高质量和高性能注塑机的开发和创新。

现在德马格可以提供全系列不同驱动技术的所有注塑机类型,包括全液压注塑机”Systec” 系列,全电动注塑机”Intelect”系列,电液混合动力注塑机”Elexs” 系列以及多组分注塑机”Multi”系列;涵盖的吨位从25 吨一直到2000 吨德国产注塑机和从50 吨到500 吨国内组装注塑机。德马格注塑机几乎覆盖了所有应用领域,包括:汽车行业,电子行业,通讯行业,医疗包装,食品饮料包装等。超过60 多年的注塑机制造和应用开发的经历使得德马格在多个行业和应用领域拥有丰富的经验:如模内装饰(IMD),模内贴标(IML),Mucell/Ergocell 技术,液体硅胶注塑,微成型技术, 注射压缩成型技术,洁净室技术等等。


新型的DFEE 柱塞变量泵系统

这是带有伺服阀(P/Q 阀)进行闭环控制的系统,不仅压力闭环控制,同时流量也闭环控制。和欧洲有些供应商所采用的压力闭环泵DFR 泵相比,更节能。

新型的NC5 控制系统

和NC4 控制系统相比,它更加灵活,更加精确,响应速度也更高。


分辨率 1024 x 768

3 个USB 接口用于人机交流和存储数据工业等级 PC

同时还包括:CAN bus, Ethernet, DVI, - Intel Pentum 处理器;

VGA, Serial- 800 MHz 频率;

- 闪存: 640 M 工业等级

高达 1G


1. 不仅具有10 点注射速度多级设定,同时也提供了10 点注射压力多级设定;

2. 不仅具有10 点保压压力和保压时间多级设定,同时也提供了10 点保压速度多级设定;

3. 响应速度更快;

4. 动作编程更加灵活;

5. 高达50 个参数和1000 模次的参数自动记忆功能(选配扩展后可达10000 模次)


测试: p = 800 bar, SC 50mm;

从 100ms 下降到 50ms




- 更高的定位精度: 0.01mm (比传统的电子尺精度高10 倍);

- 更可靠;

- 由于是无接触式结构,使用寿命更长久.

10mm 传统的电子尺:

定位精度: 0.1mm.


如果螺杆前进10mm 射出熔体1.5g;

那么最高射出精度为: 0.015g


定位精度: 0.01mm.

如果螺杆前进10mm 射出熔体1.5g;那么最高射出精度为: 0.0015g德马格创新!

这个系统采用一个独立的低压泵驱动液压油,当电机开启后,以每分钟40-60 升的速度通过一个孔径只有 1 μm 的过滤器进行不间断过滤。所以液压油可以在低压状态下以层流的方式进行过滤,通过这种方式液压油的使用寿命可以延长5 倍。


- 1μm 过滤网孔径;

- 液压油使用寿命延长5 倍(25,000 小时)

- 过滤网可使用1 年







液压油出 液压油进


Demag HyDraulic imm TraiTs 德马格液压机特点

Index Demag hydraulic IMM traits2

DFEE pump control system 2

Developed NC5 control system2

High resolution ultrasonic stroke measurement system 3

Filter and cooling concept 3

Active curve mould protection system 4


新型的DFEE 柱塞变量泵系统5

新型的NC5 控制系统5


新型液压油过滤和冷却系统 6

积极的模具保护系统 7

Demag hydraulic IMM traits

To meet the high requirements

In 1956, Demag developed the world’s first single-screw injection molding machine. Since then, Demag—a leader in the industry—has concentrated on manufacturing high quality, precise machines.

Now, Demag offers an assortment of injection molding machines with different driving systems: full hy-draulic IMMs “Systec”, full electric IMMs “Intelect”, hybrid IMMs “Elexis” and Multi IMMs, with the ma-chine tonnage from 25t to 2000t made in Germany, and 50t to 800t made in China as well.

The machines are able to cover a wide variety of industrial fields, such as the auto industry, electric indus-try, telecom industry, packaging industry, medical industry, etc. With nearly 60 years of IMM supply and application experience, Demag has developed or worked with applications such as IMD/IML technology, Mucell/Ergocell technology, LSR molding technology, Powder metal molding, Injection compression mold-ing, Micro molding, Clean room technology, etc.

Here are the traits of our full hydraulic machine Systec:


This is a full-closed loop control system with a servo valve called P/Q valve, not only the pressure is con-trolled but also the volume or speed is controlled. Comparing with the DFR pump control system from other famous European suppliers, it is more precise and more energy saving.


Comparing with our old NC4 control system, it has more flexibility, more precision and fast reaction capa-


15-Inch super large colorful touch screen

resolution 1024 x 768

3 USB connectors for Industrial PCcommunication / storage

Interface included:- Intel Pentum processor;

CAN bus, Ethernet, DVI, VGA, Serial- 800 MHz Frequence;

- Flash: 640 M Industrial level

- Up to 1G

Customer benefits:

1. Not only 10-points injection speed profile setting is standard, but also 10-points injection pressure profile is available and standard;

2. Not only 10-points holding pressure and time setting is standard, but also 10-points holding speed is available and standard;

3. Better dynamic and faster reaction;

4. Super flexibility for movement programming;

5. Up to 50 parameters and 1,000 shots data automatic memory capability. (With option the memory can be extended up to 10,000 shots)

High dynamic switch over to follow up pressure

T est: p = 800 bar, SC 50mm;

Improved from 100ms to 50ms

High resolution ultrasonic stroke measurement system

For all Systec injection molding machine, the ultrasonic stroke measurement system is a standard option now. It is not only for injection, but also for ejector, clamping movement and injection unit movement.Here are the benefits for the customers:

- Higher position precision: 0.01mm (10 times higher than traditional stroke measurement system);- Higher reliable due to contactless;

- No abrasion.


Traditional stroke measurement system

Position precision is: 0.1mm.


.5g If1.5g melt injected when the screw forward 10mm;

The max injection precision is: 0.015g

Ultrasonic stroke measurement system

Position precision is: 0.01mm.

If1.5g melt injected when the screw forward 10mm;The max injection precision is: 0.0015gNEW!! Demag innovation!!!

This system uses a low pressure pump to drive the oil constantly with the volume speed 40 – 60l / min through a high precision filter with 1 μm acuteness.

So the oil is being cleaned all the time by permanent laminar oil flow, which leads the life time of oil 5 times longer than usual, up to 25,000 hours.So the production cost is reduced accordingly.

-1μm Filter acuteness;

-5 times longer life time

for oil (25,000 hours)

-1 year filter durability

Low pressure pump

Active curve mould protection systemDemag innovation!!!

There is one pressure sensor in both sides of the clamping cylinder to detect the hydraulic pressure when piston is moving which makes the mould platen moving. According the data difference from these two sensors, the control system will automatically calculate the actual moving friction, and store it with graphic on the control panel when the function is activated by the operator. The stored graphic will adjust itself basing on the setting mould protection force to monitor the actual mould closing friction. If there is something happen, which makes the actual force meet the monitoring graphic the mould closing will im-mediately stop. This is very sensitive and safe to the mould and operator.

Clamping cylinder

sensor sensor

Oil Out Oil




作为全球注塑机行业的领导者,德马格从1956 年开发出世界上第一台螺杆式注塑机以来,始终致力于精密,高质量和高性能注塑机的开发和创新。

现在德马格可以提供全系列不同驱动技术的所有注塑机类型,包括全液压注塑机”Systec” 系列,全电动注塑机”Intelect”系列,电液混合动力注塑机”Elexs” 系列以及多组分注塑机”Multi”系列;涵盖的吨位从25 吨一直到2000 吨德国产注塑机和从50 吨到500 吨国内组装注塑机。德马格注塑机几乎覆盖了所有应用领域,包括:汽车行业,电子行业,通讯行业,医疗包装,食品饮料包装等。超过60 多年的注塑机制造和应用开发的经历使得德马格在多个行业和应用领域拥有丰富的经验:如模内装饰(IMD),模内贴标(IML),Mucell/Ergocell 技术,液体硅胶注塑,微成型技术, 注射压缩成型技术,洁净室技术等等。


新型的DFEE 柱塞变量泵系统

这是带有伺服阀(P/Q 阀)进行闭环控制的系统,不仅压力闭环控制,同时流量也闭环控制。和欧洲有些供应商所采用的压力闭环泵DFR 泵相比,更节能。

新型的NC5 控制系统

和NC4 控制系统相比,它更加灵活,更加精确,响应速度也更高。


分辨率 1024 x 768

3 个USB 接口用于人机交流和存储数据工业等级 PC

同时还包括:CAN bus, Ethernet, DVI, - Intel Pentum 处理器;

VGA, Serial- 800 MHz 频率;

- 闪存: 640 M 工业等级

高达 1G


1. 不仅具有10 点注射速度多级设定,同时也提供了10 点注射压力多级设定;

2. 不仅具有10 点保压压力和保压时间多级设定,同时也提供了10 点保压速度多级设定;

3. 响应速度更快;

4. 动作编程更加灵活;

5. 高达50 个参数和1000 模次的参数自动记忆功能(选配扩展后可达10000 模次)


测试: p = 800 bar, SC 50mm;

从 100ms 下降到 50ms




- 更高的定位精度: 0.01mm (比传统的电子尺精度高10 倍);

- 更可靠;

- 由于是无接触式结构,使用寿命更长久.

10mm 传统的电子尺:

定位精度: 0.1mm.


如果螺杆前进10mm 射出熔体1.5g;

那么最高射出精度为: 0.015g


定位精度: 0.01mm.

如果螺杆前进10mm 射出熔体1.5g;那么最高射出精度为: 0.0015g德马格创新!

这个系统采用一个独立的低压泵驱动液压油,当电机开启后,以每分钟40-60 升的速度通过一个孔径只有 1 μm 的过滤器进行不间断过滤。所以液压油可以在低压状态下以层流的方式进行过滤,通过这种方式液压油的使用寿命可以延长5 倍。


- 1μm 过滤网孔径;

- 液压油使用寿命延长5 倍(25,000 小时)

- 过滤网可使用1 年







液压油出 液压油进



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