

Unit 2

请你结合学习生活中家人、同学和自己对环境、节能做得不好的方面,以“How to be a greener person?”为题,重点谈谈如何成为一名环保卫士,并分析这么做的意义。(90词左右)

初三2班 吴心怡

How to be a greener person?

Attention, please! We are facing a serious environmental problem now! I find that people around me often waste water, throw litter around and do something bad to destroy the environment.

It’s a terrible situation. But how can we change it? I think the best answer is to be a greener person. So what should we do? First, in my opinion, we ought to walk or ride bikes instead of taking buses or taxis. Second, we should also reduce the waste we produce, plant more trees and reuse plastic bags. Last, it’s necessary for us to do everything we can to protect the environment.

With less pollution, our planet will be more beautiful and our lives will be better. Let’s be greener persons! 教师点评:主次分明,结构合理,内容紧扣主题,语言简洁明了。

初三3班 林滟雯

How to be a greener person? often waste water, walk on grass and even spit in public. Maybe we can end the terrible situation by being greener persons. So what can we do?

First, we should avoid using plastic bags for shopping. Besides that, we should save and treasure every drop of water. Second, we ought to plant more trees, because trees are guards of nature. Last but not least, we must shut off the electricity right after we don’t need to use it. 教师点评:本文语言连贯,过渡自然,连接紧密。能紧扣题目要求,表达准确。首尾前后呼应,增强了文章的整体感。

初三5班 李汶霖

How to be a greener person? students throw litter around. Some people don’t recycle the wasterfor shopping. All these are bad for the environment.

So we should start to be greener persons and do something good for the environment. I think the 3Rs-reduce, reuse and recycle are important. We should reduce the waster we produce and recycle some waste like paper cups Let’s be greener people right now!


初三7班 何为

How To Be A Greener Person?

As we know, the environment is important for us, while some of us are doing something harmful to it.

At school, I often see my classmates throw litter around. They forget to shut off the lights when they leave the classroom. At home, my parents always waste water and But how can we be a greener person? Here are some suggestions. First, we should reuse water and paper Second, we should collect and sort soft drink cans and waste paper they can be protect our earth.

If everyone becomes a greener person, there will be less pollution and the environment will become better.



初三9班 许舒桓

How to be a Greener Person?

It is clear that there is lots of bad behavior that does harm to the environment. In our daily life, we often throw the rubbish here and there and make a mess of our classroom. We also forget to turn off the taps when we brush teeth. These Things we have done are harmful to the environment. We should take action to be a greener person.

First, we should learn to recycle the waste. For example, soft drink cans shouldn′t be simply thrown away as rubbish. They can be recycled. Recycling can protect the environment as well as save money. Second, we ought to ride bikes instead of driving cars when we travel a short distance. It′s a way of exercising at the same time. On the other hand, we can plant more trees in order to make the air cleaner.

We all know that the environment problems are becoming worse and worse. After all, we only have one earth!

教师点评:1. 行文流畅,遣词恰当。 2.划线部分可借鉴。 3. 举措方面有自己的见解,不流于形式。

初三 11班 林航达

How to be greener person?

be greener people.

In the past, we didn’t understand factories poured waste water into the river. We used many plastic bags when we went shopping. The behavior above is bad for our environment.

Then what should we do? First, the three R’s——reduce, reuse, recycle are very important. Second, we should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. Third, we ought to care for wild animals. Let’s try our best to be greener persons. I believe that if we do more to protect the environment, our lives will become more and more wonderful.

教师点评:1.文章结构合理,条理清晰,紧扣主题。 2.能恰当运用所学词组或句型,做到学以致用。


Unit 2

请你结合学习生活中家人、同学和自己对环境、节能做得不好的方面,以“How to be a greener person?”为题,重点谈谈如何成为一名环保卫士,并分析这么做的意义。(90词左右)

初三2班 吴心怡

How to be a greener person?

Attention, please! We are facing a serious environmental problem now! I find that people around me often waste water, throw litter around and do something bad to destroy the environment.

It’s a terrible situation. But how can we change it? I think the best answer is to be a greener person. So what should we do? First, in my opinion, we ought to walk or ride bikes instead of taking buses or taxis. Second, we should also reduce the waste we produce, plant more trees and reuse plastic bags. Last, it’s necessary for us to do everything we can to protect the environment.

With less pollution, our planet will be more beautiful and our lives will be better. Let’s be greener persons! 教师点评:主次分明,结构合理,内容紧扣主题,语言简洁明了。

初三3班 林滟雯

How to be a greener person? often waste water, walk on grass and even spit in public. Maybe we can end the terrible situation by being greener persons. So what can we do?

First, we should avoid using plastic bags for shopping. Besides that, we should save and treasure every drop of water. Second, we ought to plant more trees, because trees are guards of nature. Last but not least, we must shut off the electricity right after we don’t need to use it. 教师点评:本文语言连贯,过渡自然,连接紧密。能紧扣题目要求,表达准确。首尾前后呼应,增强了文章的整体感。

初三5班 李汶霖

How to be a greener person? students throw litter around. Some people don’t recycle the wasterfor shopping. All these are bad for the environment.

So we should start to be greener persons and do something good for the environment. I think the 3Rs-reduce, reuse and recycle are important. We should reduce the waster we produce and recycle some waste like paper cups Let’s be greener people right now!


初三7班 何为

How To Be A Greener Person?

As we know, the environment is important for us, while some of us are doing something harmful to it.

At school, I often see my classmates throw litter around. They forget to shut off the lights when they leave the classroom. At home, my parents always waste water and But how can we be a greener person? Here are some suggestions. First, we should reuse water and paper Second, we should collect and sort soft drink cans and waste paper they can be protect our earth.

If everyone becomes a greener person, there will be less pollution and the environment will become better.



初三9班 许舒桓

How to be a Greener Person?

It is clear that there is lots of bad behavior that does harm to the environment. In our daily life, we often throw the rubbish here and there and make a mess of our classroom. We also forget to turn off the taps when we brush teeth. These Things we have done are harmful to the environment. We should take action to be a greener person.

First, we should learn to recycle the waste. For example, soft drink cans shouldn′t be simply thrown away as rubbish. They can be recycled. Recycling can protect the environment as well as save money. Second, we ought to ride bikes instead of driving cars when we travel a short distance. It′s a way of exercising at the same time. On the other hand, we can plant more trees in order to make the air cleaner.

We all know that the environment problems are becoming worse and worse. After all, we only have one earth!

教师点评:1. 行文流畅,遣词恰当。 2.划线部分可借鉴。 3. 举措方面有自己的见解,不流于形式。

初三 11班 林航达

How to be greener person?

be greener people.

In the past, we didn’t understand factories poured waste water into the river. We used many plastic bags when we went shopping. The behavior above is bad for our environment.

Then what should we do? First, the three R’s——reduce, reuse, recycle are very important. Second, we should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when we go shopping. Third, we ought to care for wild animals. Let’s try our best to be greener persons. I believe that if we do more to protect the environment, our lives will become more and more wonderful.

教师点评:1.文章结构合理,条理清晰,紧扣主题。 2.能恰当运用所学词组或句型,做到学以致用。


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