



单数名词用is, 复数名词全用are.


1. It __________nice to meet you.

2. Your name __________ nice.

3. __________ you Number Three?

4. __________ your card Number Seven?

5. Whose books __________they?

6. There __________a pen, a pencil and a book on the desk.

7. There __________ two pens, a pencil and a book on the desk.

8. Alice and Ann __________ girls.

9. I __________ Sue, and I come from England.

10. You, he and I __________in Class 3.

11. How much __________the bag?

12. How many cakes __________there on the plate?

13. How old __________ you?

14. His coat __________very beautiful.

15. My family name __________Green.

16. I ________ Gina, she ________ Mary. We ________ good friends. Eric _______ my dog. It

________ a black dog. Mary and Tina _______ my friends, too. They _______ nice girls. (be)

17. –You ______a teacher. I ______a student. My sister ______a student, too. --You are right.

A. am; is; are B. is; are; am C. are; am; is D. are; is; is

18. --This is Mr. Smith. He ______your new teacher.

--Good morning, Mr. Smith. I’m Mary.

A. be B. am C. is D. are

19. –Where ______your English teacher? --I don’t know.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

20. –What ______this? --It’s an M.

A. are B. am C. is D. be

21. --Hi! I _____Ben. --Hi!

A. be B. is C. are D. am

22. --What ______your telephone number? --It______3437666.

A. is; is B. are; is C. are; are D. are; be

23. --Tom and I ______from China. --Is Tom Chinese?

A. am B. are C. is D. be

24. –What ______in your bag? --They ______my books.

A. are; is B. is; is C. are; are D. is; are

25. –Eight ______after seven. --Yes.

A. is B. are C. be D. isn’t

26. --What ______five and six? --Eleven.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

1. 总的来说,名词分为专有名词和普通名词两类。专有名词是个别的人,事物,地点等专

有的名称,如:Gina, China.专有名词的第一个字母要大写。

2. 名词按其所表示的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。

可数名词(Countable Nouns)有复数形式,如:an apple, two apples, a bag, some bags. 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)一般没有复数形式,如:milk, coffee, broccoli, water.

还有一些词既可以充当可数名词,也可以充当不可数名词,如:ice cream, salad, chicken.

3. 可数名词有单数(Singular Forms)和复数(Plural Forms)两种形式。名词的复数形式(The plural forms of Nouns)的部分规则如下:

(1). 一般情况加-s, 清辅音后读/s/, 浊辅音后读/z/, 如:book-books, desk-desks, bag-bags,

game-games, key-keys, boy-boys

(2). 以s, x, sh, ch等结尾的词,加-es, 读/iz/, 如:bus-buses, watch-watches, box-boxes

(3). 以o结尾的词,一般加-s, 读/z/, 如:photo-photos, piano-pianos, zoo-zoos, 但除了以下四

个词(Negro, hero, tomato, potato),虽说也是以o结尾,但变复数要加-es, 同学们可以编成口诀这样记 忆,“黑人英雄喜欢吃西红柿和土豆”

(4). 以辅音字母加y结尾的词, 先变y为i, 再加-es, 读/z/, 如:baby-babies, family-families,

comedy-comedies, party-parties, strawberry-strawberries

(5). 以f或fe结尾的词,先把f或fe改为v再加es,读作/vz/, 如:wife-wives, life-lives,

leaf-leaves, wolf-wolves, knife-knives

(6). 少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,同学们应该特殊记忆:man-men, woman-women,

child-children, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, mouse-mice.

(7). 还应值得注意的是:德国人(German)的复数为Germans, 还有一些词单

复数同行:sheep-sheep, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, deer-deer; 一般情况下,名词修饰名词变复数时是把第二个名词变为复数即可,但当man, woman这两个词修饰其他名词变复数时,前后两个词都要变为复数形式,如:27 men teachers, some (8). this的复数为 these ;that的复数为 those.


1. pencil________ 2. book________ 3. box________ 4. watch________

5. dictionary________ 6. lady________ 7. life________ 8. Negro________

9. hero________ 10. man________ 11. woman________ 12. people________

13. sheep________ 14. this________ 15. that________ 16. class________

17. Chinese________ 18. Japanese________ 19. story________ 20. boy________

21. How many ________ (sheep) can you see in the picture?

22. Where are Lucy’s ________ (trouser)? 23. These ________ (box) are very good.

24. These ________ (tree) are tall.

25. The two ________ (child) are playing with ________ (knife).

26. These three ________ (apple) are green. 27. Here are some ________ (photo) of my family.

28. Wuhan and Shanghai are great ________ (city).

29. Li Lei and Lily are good ________ (friend).

30. There are fifty ________ (woman teacher) in our school.

31. There are many ________ (people) in his family.

32. Those are three ________________ (English book) on the desk.

33. Jim and Nick are ______________ (boy student), Lucy and Lily are ______________ (girl student).

1. Mr. Blake isn’t a teacher. ______ (he) is a teacher. We like______(he)very much.

2. ______(he) is a good teacher.

3. -- Is this______(you)shirt? -- No, it’s not ______ (you) shirt.

4. This is my new bike. ______(it)is very cool. ______ (it)color is black and blue.

5. ______ (she) is our English teacher and ______ (she) smile is very beautiful.

6. These fruits are for ______ (we). 7. ______ (he) name is Jack Smith.

8. ______(she) is a nice girl. Look at ______(she)dress, it’s so beautiful.

9. ______ (you) mother is kind. 10. The teacher ask ______ ( you ) to read the book.

11. --What are______(they) jobs?

-- ______(they)drive cars. We call______(they)taxi drivers.

12. The beautiful girl is______ ( she ) sister.

13. Look at______ ( they ) . ______ ( they ) are so strong .

14. What color are ______ ( you ) eyes ? 15. The pretty woman is ______ ( we) teacher.

16. ______ ( they ) teacher is Tom .

17. Are______(you) Chinese? Are______(you) friends Chinese too?

18. ______(I)am a student. You can call______(I)Lucy. This is______(I)school.

19. ______ (it)is a parrot. ______name is Polly. (it)

20. This is ______ (we) Japanese teacher. ______ (we) like her very much.

21. ________ am a student. ________ name is Lily Brown. You can call ________ Lily. This

English book is ________ (I).

22. ______ is Tom. ______ home is in Beijing. We all like ______. Look, this bike is ______ (he).

23. ________ is my English teacher. ________ name is Kate Green. We call ________ Miss Gao.

This telephone number is ________ (she).

24. What’s this? _______ is a new pencil. I like _______ very much. _______ color is blue. (it)

25. ________ are in the same school. He is ________ teacher. He teaches ________ English. This

classroom is ________ (we).



1. Amy often ________ (have) no breakfast and ________ (go) to school.

2. Why ________ (do) he ________ (have) so many rulers?

3. ________ (do) your aunt ________ (like) hamburgers and French fries?

4. My brother ________ (not like) strawberries.

5. He always ________ sports after school. (play)

6. Linda ________ her bike home. (bring)

7. My uncle ________ to work by bus. (go)

8. My cousin Sam ________ English very hard. (study)

9. Mr. Terry ________ us English. (teach)

10. John ________ two sisters. (have)

11. --________ Amy ________ that pencil? (like)

--No, she ________.

12. --________ your sister ________ any English words? (know) --Yes, she ________.

13. --________ Jim ________ his homework? (do)

--No, he ________.

14. --________ your grandparents ________ TV every evening? (watch) --No, they ________.

15. --________ Tom’s parents ________ in the same hospital? (work) --Yes, they ________.

16. John ________ her homework to school. (not bring)

17. Tom ________ his homework today. (not do)

18. Kate ________ a computer at home. (not have)

19. My grandparents ________ watching TV in the evening. (not like)

20. They ________ in that school. (not teach)




单数名词用is, 复数名词全用are.


1. It __________nice to meet you.

2. Your name __________ nice.

3. __________ you Number Three?

4. __________ your card Number Seven?

5. Whose books __________they?

6. There __________a pen, a pencil and a book on the desk.

7. There __________ two pens, a pencil and a book on the desk.

8. Alice and Ann __________ girls.

9. I __________ Sue, and I come from England.

10. You, he and I __________in Class 3.

11. How much __________the bag?

12. How many cakes __________there on the plate?

13. How old __________ you?

14. His coat __________very beautiful.

15. My family name __________Green.

16. I ________ Gina, she ________ Mary. We ________ good friends. Eric _______ my dog. It

________ a black dog. Mary and Tina _______ my friends, too. They _______ nice girls. (be)

17. –You ______a teacher. I ______a student. My sister ______a student, too. --You are right.

A. am; is; are B. is; are; am C. are; am; is D. are; is; is

18. --This is Mr. Smith. He ______your new teacher.

--Good morning, Mr. Smith. I’m Mary.

A. be B. am C. is D. are

19. –Where ______your English teacher? --I don’t know.

A. are B. is C. am D. be

20. –What ______this? --It’s an M.

A. are B. am C. is D. be

21. --Hi! I _____Ben. --Hi!

A. be B. is C. are D. am

22. --What ______your telephone number? --It______3437666.

A. is; is B. are; is C. are; are D. are; be

23. --Tom and I ______from China. --Is Tom Chinese?

A. am B. are C. is D. be

24. –What ______in your bag? --They ______my books.

A. are; is B. is; is C. are; are D. is; are

25. –Eight ______after seven. --Yes.

A. is B. are C. be D. isn’t

26. --What ______five and six? --Eleven.

A. is B. are C. am D. be

1. 总的来说,名词分为专有名词和普通名词两类。专有名词是个别的人,事物,地点等专

有的名称,如:Gina, China.专有名词的第一个字母要大写。

2. 名词按其所表示的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。

可数名词(Countable Nouns)有复数形式,如:an apple, two apples, a bag, some bags. 不可数名词(Uncountable Nouns)一般没有复数形式,如:milk, coffee, broccoli, water.

还有一些词既可以充当可数名词,也可以充当不可数名词,如:ice cream, salad, chicken.

3. 可数名词有单数(Singular Forms)和复数(Plural Forms)两种形式。名词的复数形式(The plural forms of Nouns)的部分规则如下:

(1). 一般情况加-s, 清辅音后读/s/, 浊辅音后读/z/, 如:book-books, desk-desks, bag-bags,

game-games, key-keys, boy-boys

(2). 以s, x, sh, ch等结尾的词,加-es, 读/iz/, 如:bus-buses, watch-watches, box-boxes

(3). 以o结尾的词,一般加-s, 读/z/, 如:photo-photos, piano-pianos, zoo-zoos, 但除了以下四

个词(Negro, hero, tomato, potato),虽说也是以o结尾,但变复数要加-es, 同学们可以编成口诀这样记 忆,“黑人英雄喜欢吃西红柿和土豆”

(4). 以辅音字母加y结尾的词, 先变y为i, 再加-es, 读/z/, 如:baby-babies, family-families,

comedy-comedies, party-parties, strawberry-strawberries

(5). 以f或fe结尾的词,先把f或fe改为v再加es,读作/vz/, 如:wife-wives, life-lives,

leaf-leaves, wolf-wolves, knife-knives

(6). 少数名词的复数形式是不规则的,同学们应该特殊记忆:man-men, woman-women,

child-children, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, mouse-mice.

(7). 还应值得注意的是:德国人(German)的复数为Germans, 还有一些词单

复数同行:sheep-sheep, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese, deer-deer; 一般情况下,名词修饰名词变复数时是把第二个名词变为复数即可,但当man, woman这两个词修饰其他名词变复数时,前后两个词都要变为复数形式,如:27 men teachers, some (8). this的复数为 these ;that的复数为 those.


1. pencil________ 2. book________ 3. box________ 4. watch________

5. dictionary________ 6. lady________ 7. life________ 8. Negro________

9. hero________ 10. man________ 11. woman________ 12. people________

13. sheep________ 14. this________ 15. that________ 16. class________

17. Chinese________ 18. Japanese________ 19. story________ 20. boy________

21. How many ________ (sheep) can you see in the picture?

22. Where are Lucy’s ________ (trouser)? 23. These ________ (box) are very good.

24. These ________ (tree) are tall.

25. The two ________ (child) are playing with ________ (knife).

26. These three ________ (apple) are green. 27. Here are some ________ (photo) of my family.

28. Wuhan and Shanghai are great ________ (city).

29. Li Lei and Lily are good ________ (friend).

30. There are fifty ________ (woman teacher) in our school.

31. There are many ________ (people) in his family.

32. Those are three ________________ (English book) on the desk.

33. Jim and Nick are ______________ (boy student), Lucy and Lily are ______________ (girl student).

1. Mr. Blake isn’t a teacher. ______ (he) is a teacher. We like______(he)very much.

2. ______(he) is a good teacher.

3. -- Is this______(you)shirt? -- No, it’s not ______ (you) shirt.

4. This is my new bike. ______(it)is very cool. ______ (it)color is black and blue.

5. ______ (she) is our English teacher and ______ (she) smile is very beautiful.

6. These fruits are for ______ (we). 7. ______ (he) name is Jack Smith.

8. ______(she) is a nice girl. Look at ______(she)dress, it’s so beautiful.

9. ______ (you) mother is kind. 10. The teacher ask ______ ( you ) to read the book.

11. --What are______(they) jobs?

-- ______(they)drive cars. We call______(they)taxi drivers.

12. The beautiful girl is______ ( she ) sister.

13. Look at______ ( they ) . ______ ( they ) are so strong .

14. What color are ______ ( you ) eyes ? 15. The pretty woman is ______ ( we) teacher.

16. ______ ( they ) teacher is Tom .

17. Are______(you) Chinese? Are______(you) friends Chinese too?

18. ______(I)am a student. You can call______(I)Lucy. This is______(I)school.

19. ______ (it)is a parrot. ______name is Polly. (it)

20. This is ______ (we) Japanese teacher. ______ (we) like her very much.

21. ________ am a student. ________ name is Lily Brown. You can call ________ Lily. This

English book is ________ (I).

22. ______ is Tom. ______ home is in Beijing. We all like ______. Look, this bike is ______ (he).

23. ________ is my English teacher. ________ name is Kate Green. We call ________ Miss Gao.

This telephone number is ________ (she).

24. What’s this? _______ is a new pencil. I like _______ very much. _______ color is blue. (it)

25. ________ are in the same school. He is ________ teacher. He teaches ________ English. This

classroom is ________ (we).



1. Amy often ________ (have) no breakfast and ________ (go) to school.

2. Why ________ (do) he ________ (have) so many rulers?

3. ________ (do) your aunt ________ (like) hamburgers and French fries?

4. My brother ________ (not like) strawberries.

5. He always ________ sports after school. (play)

6. Linda ________ her bike home. (bring)

7. My uncle ________ to work by bus. (go)

8. My cousin Sam ________ English very hard. (study)

9. Mr. Terry ________ us English. (teach)

10. John ________ two sisters. (have)

11. --________ Amy ________ that pencil? (like)

--No, she ________.

12. --________ your sister ________ any English words? (know) --Yes, she ________.

13. --________ Jim ________ his homework? (do)

--No, he ________.

14. --________ your grandparents ________ TV every evening? (watch) --No, they ________.

15. --________ Tom’s parents ________ in the same hospital? (work) --Yes, they ________.

16. John ________ her homework to school. (not bring)

17. Tom ________ his homework today. (not do)

18. Kate ________ a computer at home. (not have)

19. My grandparents ________ watching TV in the evening. (not like)

20. They ________ in that school. (not teach)


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