
Liu Xiang

LiuXiangwasa great athlete in track and field. He is the pride of all Chinese people.

LiuXiang was born in 1983, he grew up in ShangHai. When he was young, he showed his talent in sport and he went to the peak moment of his career. In2002, he won the gold medal in the men’s 110m hurdles at the Asian Championships. At the Athens Olympic Game in 2004, Liu Xiang won the gold medal of the men’s 110m hurdles in 12.91 seconds, equaling the world record. In 2006, Liu also won the gold medal at the IAAL in Lausanne. The world record of 12.88 seconds did not break for 13 years.

Liu Xiang won some medals in his career, he was very talented in the sport, he has a good trainer

and scientific training methods. The important thing was that he was very hardworking. So he could

get this great achievements. He is my hero.

Liu Xiang

LiuXiangwasa great athlete in track and field. He is the pride of all Chinese people.

LiuXiang was born in 1983, he grew up in ShangHai. When he was young, he showed his talent in sport and he went to the peak moment of his career. In2002, he won the gold medal in the men’s 110m hurdles at the Asian Championships. At the Athens Olympic Game in 2004, Liu Xiang won the gold medal of the men’s 110m hurdles in 12.91 seconds, equaling the world record. In 2006, Liu also won the gold medal at the IAAL in Lausanne. The world record of 12.88 seconds did not break for 13 years.

Liu Xiang won some medals in his career, he was very talented in the sport, he has a good trainer

and scientific training methods. The important thing was that he was very hardworking. So he could

get this great achievements. He is my hero.


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