


小对话:8% 选择题 共8道对话,每题长约1分钟

长对话:7% 选择题 共2段对话,每段长约3分钟

听力短文:10% 选择题 共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟

复合式听写:10% 听写填空 填8个单词和三句话,放音三遍,共计8分钟


第一部分:小对话 做题方式:视听反向原则、同义替换原则,第二句话易为考点。 例题: 2009年12月四级考试真题第9题 A) She must have paid a lot for the gym. B) She is known to have a terrific figure. C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results. D) Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy. Woman: I’ve been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape. Man: You look terrific! It seems that your effort has paid off. Question: What does the man imply about the woman? 解析:可以明显看出,本题的答案为C(她的健身房联系获得了好的结果) 。yielded good results和原文中的your effort has paid off产生了替换作用。其中,类似gym 和terrific 、efforts 等这样明显的词汇是特别需要慎选的,因为这些词汇都在原文中被明显播读过。

另外本题目中还包括很多有用的说法:例如terrific figure (魔鬼身材)paid off(发生效果) ,以及重复考过的out of shape (身材走样) 等等。

例题: 请关注2009年6月几道小对话题目的原文形式和设问方式: W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends? M: It's really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child. Q: What does the man imply about Kate? M: My washing machine is more than fifteen years old and it has worked just fine until last night。 W: You'll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest a more recent model。 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? W: I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled。 M: Not really, the new office is huge, but the word load has doubled 。Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


第二部分:长对话 做题方式:视听基本一致原则,场景解题原则 视听基本一致的含义是指,听到的原文和看到的选项若基本一致,则选项容易为正确选择。这一点和短对话的原则恰恰相反,请考生一定注意。另外,考生还应注意长对话第一回合句,转折关系以及语调变化等。 例题: 2009年12月四级考试第1篇长对话(部分节选) : Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) He prefers the smaller evening classes C) He has to work during the day. B) He has signed up for a day course. D) He finds the evening course cheaper.
20. A) Learn a computer language. C) Buy some computer software. B) Learn data processing. D) Buy a few coursebooks. 答案:C B 听力原文(部分节选) : Woman: Hello, Parkson College. May I help you? Man: Yes. I’m looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fourth semester. W: Do you want a day or evening course? M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day(19题答案点在此处直接被读出). W: Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing? M: No. W: Oh. Well, data processing is a course you have to take(20题答案点在此处被读到) before you can take computer programming „. 19. Why does the man choose to take an evening course? 20. What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming? 特别需要指出的是,本题发生的

主题场景就在大学——Parkson College ,学生向老师咨询课程(courses)的内容。这时,做完题目的考生得问问自己:选修课必修课,大课小课,讲座展示,学分学时这类词汇和短语我们都会说么?(具体内容请特别关注本期七大听力高频词汇)

第三部分:短文听力 短文听力一般篇幅比较长,而且问题又出现在整个材料读完之后,所以对很多考生来说,如果完全听完材料,再听问题最后选择的话,就很容易忘记刚刚在材料中所听到的内容,尤其是当考察一些细节题目的时侯。针对这一情况,我们提供如下四种方法,在听材料的同时选出答案来。分别是:首尾法、视听一致原则、替换法、短词题解题法。

1、首尾法:根据统计,一篇听力材料,比较容易出题的地方是这篇材料的前几句和后几句。而且分别针对的是这篇材料所对应题目的第一道和最后一道。因此,对于“慢热型(听过几句话之后,才能集中起注意力来,但这时很可能第一道题目的正确答案已经被读过) ”的同学来说,从材料的第一句话就要开始注意听了。一旦错过了正确答案针对的那句话,就可能没有机会选出正确选项了。

下面举一个典型的例子: 以2009年6月的四级考试第三篇短文听力为例,Q32: Why is life said to be difficult for Hollywood kids? Q35: What will probably have negative effects on the lives of Hollywood kids? 32. A) The atmosphere they live in is rather unreal. B) Their parents put too much pressure on them. C) It’s hard for them to get along with other kids. D) They have to live in the shadow of their parents. 35. A) The lifestyle depicted in Hollywood movies. B) The worship of money, beauty and pleasure. C) The attention the media focuses on them. D) The pursuing of perfection in performance. n Hollywood, everybody wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nobody wants to be old, unknown and poor. For Hollywood kids, life can be difficult, because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere. Their parents are ambitious and the children are part of the parents’ ambitions. (首段) „Hollywood has always been the city of dreams. The kids there live unreal lives where money, beauty and pleasure are the only gods. Will children around the world soon start to think the same? Or do they already? (末段) 根据首段和末段的内容,我们很容易分析出,32题的答案是A ,35题的答案是B 。

2、同义替换法:如上题,在长对话和短文听力这两种题型中,约有30%的题目采用了替换法,采用同义的短语或单词替换。我们依旧以历年真题中的比较典型的一篇短文听力为例,这篇短文听力共有相对应的四道题目,都可以用我们的替换法解答。 14. A) He didn’t like physics any more. B) His eyesight was too poor. C) Physics was too hard for him. D) He had to work to support himself.(D) 15. A) He was not happy with the new director. B) He was not qualified to be an engineer C) He wanted to travel. D) He found his job boring.(A) 16. A) He wanted to work with his friend. B) He enjoyed traveling around the world. C) He wanted to go to Spain. D) He was rejected by the engineering firm.(C) 17. A) He enjoyed teaching English.
B) He wanted to earn more to support his family. C) The owner of the school promised him a good position. D) He could earn more as a teacher than as a travel agent.(B)

听力原文(部分) 及问题如下 When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyesight wasn't good enough. So I had to give up the idea. I went to university and studies physics. I wanted to stay on there and do research, but my father died at about that time.

(14)So I thought I'd better get a job and earn my living. I started working in an engineering firm. I expected to stay in that job for a long time. But then, they appointed a new managing director.(15) I didn't get on with him, so I resigned and applied for a job with another engineering company. …He offered me a job in Spain.(16)And I've always liked Spain, so I took it. I worked in the travel agency for two years and then they wanted to send me to South America. But I had

just got married. So I decided to stay here. (17)Then we had a baby and I wasn't earning enough to support the family. So I started giving English lessons at a school in the evening. … Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. Why did the man give up studying physics?

15. Why did the man resign from the engineering firm? 16. Why did the man take the job at the travel agency? 17. Why did the man start to teach English part time? 解析: 14和15是在同义短语结构上的替换。 第14题,正确答案是D ,是把原文中的结构“earn my living”换成了选项中的“support himself”,其含义是“谋生”。(D) 第15题,正确答案是A ,是把原文中的结构“not get on with somebody”换成了选项中的“not happy with somebody”,其含义是“与某人相处的不好”。 16和17题是在句义上的替换。 第16题,正确答案是C ,是把原文中的结构“I've always liked Spain”换成了选项中的“He wanted to go to Spain”。 第17题,正确答案是B ,是把原文中的结构“I wasn't earning enough to support the family.”换成了选项中的“He wanted to earn more to support his family”。


4、短词题解题法:短词题指的是选项只有极少量单词构成,很多时候只有一个单词。解答这种题目采用的方法是“重复法”,即,哪个选项中的单词被读到的次数最多就为正确选项,例如,在某年考试中,有些题目被最多地读到了5次。另外,短词题的重复法不仅可以使用于短文听力,而且可以使用为长对话,例如: 2007年12月第24题 A)Translator.

B)Travel agent. C)Language instructor. D)Environmental engineer. 其中,A 选项中的translator 被读到了3次,可判断为正确选项。而其他单词均未被读到。

第四部分:复合式听写 复合式听写要求些八个单词和三个句子。改革之后的四级考试,它是每年必考的题型,也是考生认为最难的一种题型,但并非无法可解。 首先,针对于八个单词的注意点如下:

第一、注意积累拼写难度较高的词汇 平时用惯了电脑的word 纠错功能,便对某些拼写难度较高的词汇完全漠视。例如assignment(作业)convenient(方便)government(政府) „„其实,这些单词不是整体非常难写,而是在某些位置非常难写。例如,convenient 的ve 是容易写错的,government 的n 是最容易丢掉的等等„平时注意训练,上考场时就坦荡多了;

第二、注意听写句子的一些技巧 句子共播放三遍,每一遍可以都有不同侧重: 第一遍:先写下句子的开头语,并注意句子的大意; 第二遍:若感觉句子实在太难,可以放弃中间部分,努力写下句子的结尾; 第三遍:努力地把句子中间的部分写出一些。 只有写出完整准确的句子才可以获得满分,但是只写出句子的部分也是可以得到相应分数的,所以最忌讳全面放弃。

第三、可以适当改写 2006年12月四级听力第一句标准答案为: What we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite. 若可以听懂大意,则可以写成简单的it ’s interesting that more words are polite. 另外,听写完毕后的检查也很重要,最重要的三个条目是:大小写、时态和单复数。



小对话:8% 选择题 共8道对话,每题长约1分钟

长对话:7% 选择题 共2段对话,每段长约3分钟

听力短文:10% 选择题 共3篇文章,每篇长约3分钟

复合式听写:10% 听写填空 填8个单词和三句话,放音三遍,共计8分钟


第一部分:小对话 做题方式:视听反向原则、同义替换原则,第二句话易为考点。 例题: 2009年12月四级考试真题第9题 A) She must have paid a lot for the gym. B) She is known to have a terrific figure. C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results. D) Her effort to keep fit is really praiseworthy. Woman: I’ve been working out the gym since January. I was a bit out of shape. Man: You look terrific! It seems that your effort has paid off. Question: What does the man imply about the woman? 解析:可以明显看出,本题的答案为C(她的健身房联系获得了好的结果) 。yielded good results和原文中的your effort has paid off产生了替换作用。其中,类似gym 和terrific 、efforts 等这样明显的词汇是特别需要慎选的,因为这些词汇都在原文中被明显播读过。

另外本题目中还包括很多有用的说法:例如terrific figure (魔鬼身材)paid off(发生效果) ,以及重复考过的out of shape (身材走样) 等等。

例题: 请关注2009年6月几道小对话题目的原文形式和设问方式: W: There were more than a hundred people at Kate's birthday party. How come she's got so many friends? M: It's really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child. Q: What does the man imply about Kate? M: My washing machine is more than fifteen years old and it has worked just fine until last night。 W: You'll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest a more recent model。 Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? W: I heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled。 M: Not really, the new office is huge, but the word load has doubled 。Q: What do we learn about the man from the conversation?


第二部分:长对话 做题方式:视听基本一致原则,场景解题原则 视听基本一致的含义是指,听到的原文和看到的选项若基本一致,则选项容易为正确选择。这一点和短对话的原则恰恰相反,请考生一定注意。另外,考生还应注意长对话第一回合句,转折关系以及语调变化等。 例题: 2009年12月四级考试第1篇长对话(部分节选) : Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19. A) He prefers the smaller evening classes C) He has to work during the day. B) He has signed up for a day course. D) He finds the evening course cheaper.
20. A) Learn a computer language. C) Buy some computer software. B) Learn data processing. D) Buy a few coursebooks. 答案:C B 听力原文(部分节选) : Woman: Hello, Parkson College. May I help you? Man: Yes. I’m looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fourth semester. W: Do you want a day or evening course? M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day(19题答案点在此处直接被读出). W: Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing? M: No. W: Oh. Well, data processing is a course you have to take(20题答案点在此处被读到) before you can take computer programming „. 19. Why does the man choose to take an evening course? 20. What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming? 特别需要指出的是,本题发生的

主题场景就在大学——Parkson College ,学生向老师咨询课程(courses)的内容。这时,做完题目的考生得问问自己:选修课必修课,大课小课,讲座展示,学分学时这类词汇和短语我们都会说么?(具体内容请特别关注本期七大听力高频词汇)

第三部分:短文听力 短文听力一般篇幅比较长,而且问题又出现在整个材料读完之后,所以对很多考生来说,如果完全听完材料,再听问题最后选择的话,就很容易忘记刚刚在材料中所听到的内容,尤其是当考察一些细节题目的时侯。针对这一情况,我们提供如下四种方法,在听材料的同时选出答案来。分别是:首尾法、视听一致原则、替换法、短词题解题法。

1、首尾法:根据统计,一篇听力材料,比较容易出题的地方是这篇材料的前几句和后几句。而且分别针对的是这篇材料所对应题目的第一道和最后一道。因此,对于“慢热型(听过几句话之后,才能集中起注意力来,但这时很可能第一道题目的正确答案已经被读过) ”的同学来说,从材料的第一句话就要开始注意听了。一旦错过了正确答案针对的那句话,就可能没有机会选出正确选项了。

下面举一个典型的例子: 以2009年6月的四级考试第三篇短文听力为例,Q32: Why is life said to be difficult for Hollywood kids? Q35: What will probably have negative effects on the lives of Hollywood kids? 32. A) The atmosphere they live in is rather unreal. B) Their parents put too much pressure on them. C) It’s hard for them to get along with other kids. D) They have to live in the shadow of their parents. 35. A) The lifestyle depicted in Hollywood movies. B) The worship of money, beauty and pleasure. C) The attention the media focuses on them. D) The pursuing of perfection in performance. n Hollywood, everybody wants to be rich, famous and beautiful. Nobody wants to be old, unknown and poor. For Hollywood kids, life can be difficult, because they grow up in such an unreal atmosphere. Their parents are ambitious and the children are part of the parents’ ambitions. (首段) „Hollywood has always been the city of dreams. The kids there live unreal lives where money, beauty and pleasure are the only gods. Will children around the world soon start to think the same? Or do they already? (末段) 根据首段和末段的内容,我们很容易分析出,32题的答案是A ,35题的答案是B 。

2、同义替换法:如上题,在长对话和短文听力这两种题型中,约有30%的题目采用了替换法,采用同义的短语或单词替换。我们依旧以历年真题中的比较典型的一篇短文听力为例,这篇短文听力共有相对应的四道题目,都可以用我们的替换法解答。 14. A) He didn’t like physics any more. B) His eyesight was too poor. C) Physics was too hard for him. D) He had to work to support himself.(D) 15. A) He was not happy with the new director. B) He was not qualified to be an engineer C) He wanted to travel. D) He found his job boring.(A) 16. A) He wanted to work with his friend. B) He enjoyed traveling around the world. C) He wanted to go to Spain. D) He was rejected by the engineering firm.(C) 17. A) He enjoyed teaching English.
B) He wanted to earn more to support his family. C) The owner of the school promised him a good position. D) He could earn more as a teacher than as a travel agent.(B)

听力原文(部分) 及问题如下 When I was at school, my ambition was to be a pilot in the Air Force. But my eyesight wasn't good enough. So I had to give up the idea. I went to university and studies physics. I wanted to stay on there and do research, but my father died at about that time.

(14)So I thought I'd better get a job and earn my living. I started working in an engineering firm. I expected to stay in that job for a long time. But then, they appointed a new managing director.(15) I didn't get on with him, so I resigned and applied for a job with another engineering company. …He offered me a job in Spain.(16)And I've always liked Spain, so I took it. I worked in the travel agency for two years and then they wanted to send me to South America. But I had

just got married. So I decided to stay here. (17)Then we had a baby and I wasn't earning enough to support the family. So I started giving English lessons at a school in the evening. … Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard. 14. Why did the man give up studying physics?

15. Why did the man resign from the engineering firm? 16. Why did the man take the job at the travel agency? 17. Why did the man start to teach English part time? 解析: 14和15是在同义短语结构上的替换。 第14题,正确答案是D ,是把原文中的结构“earn my living”换成了选项中的“support himself”,其含义是“谋生”。(D) 第15题,正确答案是A ,是把原文中的结构“not get on with somebody”换成了选项中的“not happy with somebody”,其含义是“与某人相处的不好”。 16和17题是在句义上的替换。 第16题,正确答案是C ,是把原文中的结构“I've always liked Spain”换成了选项中的“He wanted to go to Spain”。 第17题,正确答案是B ,是把原文中的结构“I wasn't earning enough to support the family.”换成了选项中的“He wanted to earn more to support his family”。


4、短词题解题法:短词题指的是选项只有极少量单词构成,很多时候只有一个单词。解答这种题目采用的方法是“重复法”,即,哪个选项中的单词被读到的次数最多就为正确选项,例如,在某年考试中,有些题目被最多地读到了5次。另外,短词题的重复法不仅可以使用于短文听力,而且可以使用为长对话,例如: 2007年12月第24题 A)Translator.

B)Travel agent. C)Language instructor. D)Environmental engineer. 其中,A 选项中的translator 被读到了3次,可判断为正确选项。而其他单词均未被读到。

第四部分:复合式听写 复合式听写要求些八个单词和三个句子。改革之后的四级考试,它是每年必考的题型,也是考生认为最难的一种题型,但并非无法可解。 首先,针对于八个单词的注意点如下:

第一、注意积累拼写难度较高的词汇 平时用惯了电脑的word 纠错功能,便对某些拼写难度较高的词汇完全漠视。例如assignment(作业)convenient(方便)government(政府) „„其实,这些单词不是整体非常难写,而是在某些位置非常难写。例如,convenient 的ve 是容易写错的,government 的n 是最容易丢掉的等等„平时注意训练,上考场时就坦荡多了;

第二、注意听写句子的一些技巧 句子共播放三遍,每一遍可以都有不同侧重: 第一遍:先写下句子的开头语,并注意句子的大意; 第二遍:若感觉句子实在太难,可以放弃中间部分,努力写下句子的结尾; 第三遍:努力地把句子中间的部分写出一些。 只有写出完整准确的句子才可以获得满分,但是只写出句子的部分也是可以得到相应分数的,所以最忌讳全面放弃。

第三、可以适当改写 2006年12月四级听力第一句标准答案为: What we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite. 若可以听懂大意,则可以写成简单的it ’s interesting that more words are polite. 另外,听写完毕后的检查也很重要,最重要的三个条目是:大小写、时态和单复数。


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