


旁白:It is an important day for A today because he will attend an interview which hold from 8:00am to 10:00am. And it will take him at least 30 minutes to get to the interview place if there are no traffic congestion and red light. But now it is 9:30am.When he wake up:

A: Oh my god, it’s 9:30.I must be late for the interview.

旁白:A get up at once. After simple washing, he go to the interview hurriedly.

A:Taxi! Taxi! Here!(A taxi stopped, and A got up the taxi)

Driver: Hi ,sir. Where are you go?

A: XXX, please hurry .I am late.

Driver: Ok, sir, don’t be worry, you won’t be late, calm down.(the taxi went)

A: I hope.

旁白:A is anxious on the way to the interview because he doesn’t want to miss the chance to the interview.

Driver:Are you late for your work?

A: Can you drive faster?(at the same time, A watch his watch many times)I have no time! Oh why I forget it, how foolish I am!

Driver: as it is done, just take it easy.

A: ehh, please hurry ,oh red light ,my god, why it’s on in this moment ,shit!

Driver: It’s normal, the more anxious you are, the worst thing will be. I take it you are going to the interview, aren’t you? You’d better settle down.

A: Maybe you are right. But I must get to the interview on time. Go through the red light, I will pay for your fine. (A still look worried)

Drive: No. I can’t do it.

A: I beg you to go through it, otherwise I will late. I promise I will pay you more another 200yuan if I can get to the interview on time.

Drive: No.

A: Add 300yuan.

Driver: No, no, no… I’m sorry! It’s my principle. What’s more, I will lose my work if I go through it.

旁白:The driver doesn’t agree to him so he must wait for the traffic light turn green.A is more nervous and think he will lose his chance to the interview.


A: The light turn green, go, go, go.

Driver: Ok, fasten the safety belt. I try my best to drive as fast as possible.

旁白: Although the taxi driver drive very fast, he also late for it.

A: Thank you very much, I known you do the best you can.

Driver: You are welcome .Good luck!


A:How terrible I am today!(一边匆忙上楼,一边自言自语)


(to F)hi, I am the interviewer. I want to know whether the interview is over or not.

F: It were over if we follow the plan. But you are lucky. The interview was postponed because of something important. I think you should thank the god.

A: Really? Thanks the god give me the chance. I will treasure it.(走到一边等待)

F: Please wait over there, I will call you when it’s your turn.

A: Ok, thanks.(走到一边坐下)

B: Don’t be nervous. Calm down! Calm down!(来回走,很紧张)

C: Hi man, please sit down, don’t pace up and down. Do you know it make me more nervous? B: I don’t want to do that, but I am really nervous.

A: Hi, are you wait for the interview?

B: Yes, we are. What about you?

A: I’m also the interviewer. I think you should not be nervous. The god will bless you! C: Hope so it. The god will bless all of us.

F: B, it’s your turn. Please come in.

A and C: Good luck to you!

B: Thanks. Good luck to all of us.



旁白:It is an important day for A today because he will attend an interview which hold from 8:00am to 10:00am. And it will take him at least 30 minutes to get to the interview place if there are no traffic congestion and red light. But now it is 9:30am.When he wake up:

A: Oh my god, it’s 9:30.I must be late for the interview.

旁白:A get up at once. After simple washing, he go to the interview hurriedly.

A:Taxi! Taxi! Here!(A taxi stopped, and A got up the taxi)

Driver: Hi ,sir. Where are you go?

A: XXX, please hurry .I am late.

Driver: Ok, sir, don’t be worry, you won’t be late, calm down.(the taxi went)

A: I hope.

旁白:A is anxious on the way to the interview because he doesn’t want to miss the chance to the interview.

Driver:Are you late for your work?

A: Can you drive faster?(at the same time, A watch his watch many times)I have no time! Oh why I forget it, how foolish I am!

Driver: as it is done, just take it easy.

A: ehh, please hurry ,oh red light ,my god, why it’s on in this moment ,shit!

Driver: It’s normal, the more anxious you are, the worst thing will be. I take it you are going to the interview, aren’t you? You’d better settle down.

A: Maybe you are right. But I must get to the interview on time. Go through the red light, I will pay for your fine. (A still look worried)

Drive: No. I can’t do it.

A: I beg you to go through it, otherwise I will late. I promise I will pay you more another 200yuan if I can get to the interview on time.

Drive: No.

A: Add 300yuan.

Driver: No, no, no… I’m sorry! It’s my principle. What’s more, I will lose my work if I go through it.

旁白:The driver doesn’t agree to him so he must wait for the traffic light turn green.A is more nervous and think he will lose his chance to the interview.


A: The light turn green, go, go, go.

Driver: Ok, fasten the safety belt. I try my best to drive as fast as possible.

旁白: Although the taxi driver drive very fast, he also late for it.

A: Thank you very much, I known you do the best you can.

Driver: You are welcome .Good luck!


A:How terrible I am today!(一边匆忙上楼,一边自言自语)


(to F)hi, I am the interviewer. I want to know whether the interview is over or not.

F: It were over if we follow the plan. But you are lucky. The interview was postponed because of something important. I think you should thank the god.

A: Really? Thanks the god give me the chance. I will treasure it.(走到一边等待)

F: Please wait over there, I will call you when it’s your turn.

A: Ok, thanks.(走到一边坐下)

B: Don’t be nervous. Calm down! Calm down!(来回走,很紧张)

C: Hi man, please sit down, don’t pace up and down. Do you know it make me more nervous? B: I don’t want to do that, but I am really nervous.

A: Hi, are you wait for the interview?

B: Yes, we are. What about you?

A: I’m also the interviewer. I think you should not be nervous. The god will bless you! C: Hope so it. The god will bless all of us.

F: B, it’s your turn. Please come in.

A and C: Good luck to you!

B: Thanks. Good luck to all of us.


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