新世纪走遍美国 cd10 pdf

U28 Brothers

Rebecca? 丽贝卡?

Uncle Brendan. It's so good to meet you finally. 布莱登叔叔。终于能见到你,真好。

Yeah, I wish it were under happier circumstances. How are you holdin' up? 是啊,我希望是在愉快的情况下。你怎么样?

We're OK. It's Dad I'm worried about. 我们还好。我担心的是爸爸。

Does he know you called me? 他知道你打电话给我吗?

Yes. He wants to see you. 是的。他想见你。

Can I go in and see him? 我能进去看他吗?

Excuse me, this is my Uncle Brendan. He'd like to see my father... 请原谅,这是我叔叔布莱登。他想看我父亲... Yes, come in. He's resting. 好,进来。他在休息。

Uh, I'd like to see him alone for a few minutes, if that's OK? 嗯,我想单独见


Yes. Of course. 好,当然。

I hope we did the right thing. 我希望我们做了件正确的事。

Kevin, are you all right? I'm worried about you. 凯文,你还好吗?我很担心你。

I'll survive. 我能挺住。

Do you wanna go get something to drink? 你想喝点东西吗?

Naw. 不。

I'm gonna go and say goodnight to Sandy. I'll be back.我去和桑蒂说再见。我马上就回来。

Patrick? Patrick...it's Brendan, your long-lost brother. 帕特里克?帕特里

克... 我是布莱登,你久违了的兄弟。

Oh...Sandy...I can't believe it! 噢... 桑蒂... 我真不敢相信!

Rebecca called me. She told me you asked for me to come. 丽贝卡打电话给我。她告诉我你要我来。

I'm glad...glad you came... 我高兴... 高兴你来...

It's been a long time...too long, I guess. 很长时间了... 太久了,我想。

You know what we are? We're two pigheaded Irishmen, so stubborn that we didn't talk to each other for almost thirty years. That's not the way brothers are supposed to be. 你知道我们是什么?我们是两个固执的爱尔兰人,固执使我们彼此将近30年不说话。那可不是兄弟应该做的。 You know what they say about us Irish short tempers and long memories. 你知道他们怎么说我们,爱尔兰人坏脾气,好记性。

I'm ready to forgive and forget. How about you? 我可以原谅和忘记以往的争执。你呢?

Where did Sandy go? 桑蒂在哪?

I don't know. I can't believe she took off. 我不知道。我不敢相信她走了。 What's wrong? 怎么了?

Looks like Jack's been beating Sandy up. 好象杰克打了桑蒂。

You've got to be kidding. Actually

hitting her? 你开玩笑吧。真的打了她?

Yeah. You should see her face. She has a huge black-and-blue mark right here. 是的。你该看看她的脸。她脸上这里有一大块又紫又青的斑。

That pig. He should have his face kicked in. 猪。他的脸应该挨踢。

Kevin, don't talk like that. 凯文,别这么说。

This thing won't take my money. Do you have any change? 这机器不收我的钱。你有零钱吗?

How much do you need? 你需要多少?

Seventy-five cents. 75美分。

Kevin, I'm sorry I yelled at you. 凯文,我为向你喊叫而抱歉。

That's all right. That's all right...It's all right. 没什么。没什么... 那没什么。 Nurse! Hurry! Help! 护士!快!救命! What's wrong, Uncle Brendan? What's going on? 怎么了,布莱登叔叔?到底发生了什么事?

He's not breathing, and he has no pulse. We're going to shock him...Everybody, stand clear. Clear!

Shock!...Shock!...Shock! Begin CPR...Can we get Lidocaine? One milligram of Lidocaine. 他不呼吸,也没有脉搏。我们将对他电击... 每个人,站开。站开!电击!... 电击!... 电击!开始实施心脏动脉复苏法 ... 用利都卡因?一毫克利都卡因。

And one and two and three and four and five. . . and one and two and three and four and five... 一,二,三,四,

五... 一,二,三,四,五 ...

Hello? 你好?

Oh, hi, Hon. I have bad news-Patrick passed away a few hours ago. 你好,亲爱的。我有坏消息,帕特里克几小时前去世了。

Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry. Were you able to talk to him...? 噢,亲爱的,我很抱歉。你赶上和他说话了吗?

We made our peace. 我们和解了。 Oh, that's good. How are Kevin and

Rebecca taking it? 噢,那就好。凯文和丽贝卡如何对待这事?

Rebecca's, uh...pretty upset. Kevin's a little quiet. 丽贝卡,嗯... 很沮丧。凯文比较平静。

Yeah, I understand. 是的,我能理解。 I'd like you to come out to the funeral. 我想让你来参加葬礼。

Of course. 当然。

Aunt Molly?...It's Rebecca. I have some sad news. Dad passed away this morning...a heart attack...Yes, it was a terrible shock...The wake is gonna be tomorrow, from six to nine...It's OK, Dad's friend, Frank Wells, will pick you up... 茉莉姨?... 我是丽贝卡。我有坏消息。我父亲今晨去世了... 心脏病发作... 是的,真是很震惊... 明天守夜,6-9点... 行,爸爸的朋友,法兰克·沃斯,去接您...

Thank you. 谢谢。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Who's this guy? 这人是谁?

How thoughtful...He's a friend from

San Francisco. 想的真周到... 旧金山的一个朋友。

Uncle Brendan...And you must be Anne. Thank you for making the trip. 布莱登叔叔... 你一定是安妮婶婶。谢谢你们特意赶来。

I'm very sorry about your father. 我为你父亲的事难过。

It all happened so fast...We can't believe it...Thank you for the flowers. They're...just beautiful. 全都发生得太快了... 我们无法相信... 谢谢你们的花。它们... 真漂亮。

I don't know anyone here. Where's Kevin? 我不认识这里的任何人。凯文在哪?

Over there. 在那儿。

Excuse me... 请原谅,我失陪。

It was good you called Brendan. You did the right thing. 你打电话给布莱登很好。你做的对。

It's wrong for a family to be like that. 一个家庭这样是不对的。

I know. Brendan can be very

stubborn...But I guess your father was, too. 我知道。布莱登很固执... 我猜想你父亲也是。

How're you holding up, kid? 孩子,你坚持得怎么样?

Pretty good. 不错。

I don't know a soul here. Do you know who any of these people are? 我这儿谁也不认识。你认识这些人吗? Not all...but some. That guy over there worked with Dad at the fire department. And that's Mrs. Peterson. She lives in our building. That guy over there, that's Frank Wells. He's a fireman, too. He's an old friend of Dad's. 不是全部... 只是一些。那边的男人和爸爸曾在消防队一起工作。那是皮特森太太。她住在我们楼。那儿的那个人,他是法兰克·沃斯。他也是消防队员。他是父亲的老朋友。 Oh, my God! I can't believe my eyes! Is that Molly over there? 噢,天哪!我不敢相信自己的眼睛!那是茉莉吗? Aunt Molly. Yeah. Frank Wells picked

her up at the retirement community. 茉莉姨妈。是的。法兰克·沃斯去退休社区接的她。

You know, we used to get Christmas cards from her...but I haven't seen her in I don't know how long... 你知道,我们以前总是收到她的圣诞卡... 但是我已经好久没见她,我不知道有多长时间了...

Brendan's so sad about losing his only brother, but at least they made peace before your father died. 布莱登对失去兄弟很难过,但至少在你父亲去世前他们和解了。

I was happy about that...Urn, can I ask you something? 我为此感到高兴... 嗯,我能问你点事吗?

Yeah. 当然。

Dad never told me what their disagreement was about. Do you know? 爸爸从来没有告诉过我他们之间有什么分歧。你知道吗?

You mean...you don't know? 你是说... 你不知道?

No. 不知道。

I think it would be better if Brendan told you himself... 我想还是让布莱登自己告诉你比较好...

U29 Grief

It's such a shame about...about Patrick, though. He wasn't all that old...And now poor Rebecca and Kevin...They've got nobody.关于帕特里克... 真遗憾。他还没那么老... 现在可怜的丽贝卡和凯文... 没有任何亲人了。

But they have us...They have you, and Brendan, and me. Two aunts and an uncle. We'll have to be their family now. 但他们有我们... 他们有你,和布莱登,和我。两个姨婶和一个叔叔。我们从现在起就是他们的家人。

Where did you find her, Brendan? She's much too good for you. 你在哪找到她的,布莱登?她对你来说太好了。

Rebecca...Kevin...The entire Boston Fire Department wishes to express its deepest sympathy on the death of

your father, Patrick Casey. In recognition of your father's bravery, I'm presentin' you with this helmet. 丽贝卡... 凯文... 波士顿消防队全体向你父亲帕特里克的去世致以最深切的同情和慰问。为表彰你父亲的勇敢,我授予你们这个帽盔。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Rebecca, can I say a couple of words? Your father was a special friend to me. I'm gonna miss the pleasure of his company. He probably never told you this, but he saved my neck more than once. I want you to know, Rebecca...Kevin...If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, please call on me. God bless. 丽贝卡,我能讲几句吗?你父亲是我很特殊的朋友。我会怀念有他为伴的快乐。他也许从来没有告诉过你这些,但是他不止一次救过我的命。我要你知道,丽贝卡... 凯文... 如果你们需要任何东西,我指任何事情,请给我打电话。上帝保佑。

Matt! It's good to see you. 麦特!高兴见到你。

Sandy called me. I'm really sorry about your father. 桑蒂给我打电话了。我为你父亲的事难过。

Thanks for coming. How are you? 谢谢你来。你好吗?

Fine. How's life in San Francisco? 好。旧金山的生活如何?

School's tough, but I like it. 学习很难,但是我喜欢。

That's good. Are you goin' back...or staying or...? 那好。你打算回去... 还是留下,还是...

I don't know...At this point, I just don't know. 我不知道... 目前,我还不知道。 Listen, I can't stay. I just came by for a second to pay my respects... 听着,我不能久呆。我只是过来一会儿,表示我的敬意...

Thanks for coming. 谢谢你来。 Take care, Becky. 保重,贝卡。

Thank you Matt...Bye. 谢谢麦特... 再见。

Sandy? 桑蒂?

Sandy, where've you been? I've been worried about you. I've been calling and calling. 桑蒂,你去哪了?我一直在为你担心。我不停地打电话。 Sorry...I haven't been home. 抱歉... 我没回家。

What is it? Did Jack hit you again? 什么?杰克又打你了?

No, no, we talked...He's promised never to do it again.不,不,我们谈了... 他保证再也不那样了。

You mean you're going back to him? 你是说你还回到他身边?

I guess so. 我想是吧。

I'm real sorry to hear about your dad. 听到你父亲的消息我很抱歉。 Thanks, Jack. 谢谢,杰克。 Let's go. 走吧。

I'll call you. 我会给你打电话。

May God bless and keep our brother, Patrick Casey. Amen. 希望上帝保佑和留住我们的兄弟,帕特里克。阿门。 Um...My father...was a good father. He

cared about us...He had a big heart. He had a hard life after he got hurt in the fire...and if I added to his burden, I'm sorry...I'm sorry if I did. I'm gonna miss him.嗯... 我父亲... 是个好父亲。他关心我们... 他心胸宽厚。他被火伤了后,生活就艰难了... 如果我曾经给他增加负担,我很抱歉... 我很抱歉如果我那样做了。我会想念他的。My father had dreams, not big dreams...but small ones. He wanted to go fishing, on one of those deep-sea fishing boats...but somehow he never did. He dreamed of having a house...not a big house, just a little one with a garden. That never happened either. He had dreams for Kevin and me, too. Maybe we disappointed him with our crazy ideas. I'm sorry, Dad, if we did. You always cared for us, and loved us, and provided a shoulder to lean on. And that has made our journey easier. I hope you find your dreams

now...maybe fishing, or working in the garden with Mom. Bye, Dad. 我父亲有梦想,不是狂妄的梦想... 是小小的梦想。他想去钓鱼,在一艘深海鱼船上... 但是他从来没实现。他梦想有一座房子... 不是大房子,只是有个花园的小房子。那也没实现。他对我和凯文也有梦想。也许我们因为我们的狂想使他失望。抱歉,爸爸,如果我们令你失望。你总是关心我们,给我们肩膀依靠。这使我们的生活道路容易许多。我希望你现在寻找你的梦想... 也许钓鱼,或和妈妈一起在花园里劳动。再见,爸爸。

U30 Life Goes On

I'll get it. 我去开。

'Dear Rebecca and Kevin. We are very sorry to hear of your father's passing. If there's anything we can do, please let us know. We have made a donation to the American Heart Association in memory of your father. You are in our prayers. With warm wishes, the O'Neils.' “亲爱的丽贝卡和凯文。我


It's probably better than sending flowers. A donation will do some good. 这也许比送花好。捐款更好些。 That was Mrs. Peterson. She dropped this casserole off for us. 是皮特森太太。她留下这沙拉给我们。

That was very nice of her. She's always been a considerate neighbor...You might as well put that in the fridge. 她真好。她一直是个有心的邻居... 你也许该把它放在冰箱里。

I'm going to change. 我去换衣服。 Kevin, do you want to look at some of these cards? 凯文,你想看看这些卡吗?

I feel so sorry for Kevin. Is he always this quiet? 我为凯文感到难过。他总是这么安静吗?

No, he's usually talkative, so

enthusiastic... 不,通常他健谈,而且踊跃...

He hardly knew his mother...and now his father's gone...It's hard to lose both parents when you're so young. 他几乎不知道他母亲... 现在父亲又走了... 当你很年轻时,失去双亲是件很难受的事。

How old is Kevin? 凯文多大? Almost eighteen. 差不多18。

Does he know what he's gonna do? 他知道他将要做什么吗?

I don't think he has a clue. He doesn't like to plan very much. 我认为他不知道,他不喜欢计划太多。

Well, what about you? You're going back to school, aren't you? 是啊,那么你呢?你要回学校,不是吗?

Well, I'd...like to, but I feel responsible for Kevin. I can't leave him here alone...and we have a lot of bills to pay...Oh, this note is from my godmother. I was staying with her in San Francisco. I'll have to let her know

soon whether or not I'll be back.当然,我想... 但是我觉得我对凯文负有责任。我不能把他一个人留在这里... 我们还有很多帐单要付... 噢,这信是我教母寄来的。我在旧金山和她住一起。我得尽快让她知道我是否回去。Hon, we should talk about how we can help. 亲爱的,我们应该谈谈我们应如何帮你。

Oh, you've already been helpful, Uncle Brendan. 噢,你们已经帮了不少忙,布莱登叔叔。

I feel bad that Patrick and I didn't come to a reconciliation sooner. 我感觉很糟,帕特里克和我没有早些重新和解。

It's been so good to have you here. I don't know how I would have gotten through all of this without you. 有你们在这真是太好了。我不知道没有你们在,我将怎么应付这一切。

Well, you must be exhausted. Now, is there anything else we can do before we go back to the hotel? 行了,你一


No, but thanks for asking. 没有,谢谢你问我。

Well, we'll talk tomorrow. 好吧,我们明天再谈。

I'll call you in the morning. 我早上给你打电话。

This mural is new, isn't it? Wow, this neighborhood sure is changing. 这壁画是新的,是不是?唔,邻里肯定正在变化。

Yeah... 是的...

Key, you've been so quiet. Are you all right? You miss Dad, don't you? 凯,你一直很静。你好吗?你想爸爸,是不是?

I don't know. It just doesn't feel real, yet. It's like...it's like he just went away for the weekend. 我不知道。这不像是真的。就像... 就像他出门度周末。 Yeah...but he's not coming back. 是啊... 但他不会回来了。

No kidding...What would I do without

a big sister to tell me everything? 别开玩笑... 没有大姐姐告诉我每件事该怎么做,我该怎么办?

Sorry. Have you thought about what you're gonna do? 对不起。你考虑过要干什么吗?

Sure. First, I'm gonna become a millionaire...Then I'm getting... 当然。第一,我要成为百万富翁... 之后我将...

I'm serious...We both have to decide what we're gonna do. 我是认真的... 我们两人都要决定我们打算做什么。 You know what you're gonna do...You're going back to college in California...Aren't you? 你知道你要做什么... 你要回加利弗尼亚的学校,不是吗?

I'm not sure. I can't leave you here alone. 我不能肯定。我不能把你一个人留在这里。

Here we go again...Big sister butts in...Why not? Remember, I'm almost eighteen. I have a job, an apartment...

又来了... 大姐姐又来干涉了... 为什么不?记得吗,我马上18岁了。我有个工作,一个公寓...

Can you afford the rent on the apartment? 你能付得起公寓的租金吗?

I don't know...How much is it? 我不知道... 租金多少钱?

I'm hardworking. I'll get a second job if I have to. You should go back to SanFrancisco. 我工作努力。如果不得已,我将做第二份工作。你应该回旧金山。

I don't know if I can right now. 我不知道我现在能不能。

Why not? Because of me?为什么不?因为我?

Because of a lot of things. Dad said he wanted you to go to college...get a degree. 因为很多事情。爸爸他希望你进大学... 拿学位。

Maybe I don't want to go to college. I just got out of school. Anyway, how can we afford it? 也许我不想进大学。


Kevin! You have to get an education so that you can make a living. Don't let the cost stop you. We'll get you a student loan or financial aid, or something. 凯文!你必须接受教育,这样你才能生存。别让花费阻止你。我们会给你拿到学生贷款或财政资助,或其他什么。

Beck, go back to San Francisco. You don't have to take care of me anymore. I'm not a baby, and you're not my mother. 贝卡,回旧金山。你不需要再照顾我。我不是孩子,你不是我妈。 I know you're not a baby, but you're my brother. And you're the only real family I have right now. Could I persuade you to come back to San Francisco with me? 我知道你不是孩子,但你是我弟弟。你是我现在唯一真正的家人。我能说服你和我一起回旧金山吗?

Get serious! Why the hell would I do

that? 认真的?为什么我要这么做? I am serious! We both have to figure

out what we're gonna do...together...and soon...Let's get a pizza...We'll take it home. We'll write down all our options and decide then. What do you say? 我认真的!我们都必须弄明白我们要做什么... 一起... 很快... 去吃比萨吧... 我们带回家。我们写下所有的可行性,然后决定。你说怎样?

I suppose so... 我想就这样吧... How much do the bills add up to? 加起来有多少帐单?

I don't know yet. Not all the doctor and hospital bills are covered by the HMO...And the funeral alone cost four thousand. 我还不知道。医疗健康组织不偿付全部的医院帐单... 葬礼一项花费4千美元。

It cost how much...? Four thousand dollars? 花了多少?... 4千美元? You know you're supposed to get some money from Dad's disability

policy...because you're under eighteen. 你知道你应该从爸爸的残疾单中得到一部分钱... 因为你不到18岁。 That's good, but I won't be seventeen for long. How much is in the savings account? 那当然好,但是我很快就不是17岁了。银行储蓄帐户上有多少钱?

Not much...just a few hundred dollars. 不多... 只有几百美元。

What about his insurance policy? 他的保险单如何?

What insurance? 什么保险?

I don't know. He used to talk about his insurance. I guess he had some insurance policy. 我不知道。他谈到过他的保险。我猜想他有些保险。 He never mentioned it to me. I don't think he liked to talk about things like that. Where would it be? 他从没和我说过。我想他不喜欢谈论类似的事情。保险单会在哪?

In his room? 在他房里?

It makes me sad to come in here. 走进


These shirts must be twenty years old. 这些衬衣一定有20年了。

Maybe that's what he meant when he said 'waste not, want not'...We could give some things to the Salvation Army. 也许这就是他说的“勿浪费,勿奢侈”... 我们可以把一些东西给救世军。Look at this... 看看这个...

Open it... 打开它...

Some papers...a photo...our cousins in Ireland. Someday I'd like to go to Ireland. 一些文件... 一张照片... 我们在爱尔兰的堂兄妹。总有一天我想去爱尔兰。

They look like you, don't they? Everyone says I looked like Mom's side of the family. 他们看上去象你,不是吗?每个人都说我象妈妈家的人。

U28 Brothers

Rebecca? 丽贝卡?

Uncle Brendan. It's so good to meet you finally. 布莱登叔叔。终于能见到你,真好。

Yeah, I wish it were under happier circumstances. How are you holdin' up? 是啊,我希望是在愉快的情况下。你怎么样?

We're OK. It's Dad I'm worried about. 我们还好。我担心的是爸爸。

Does he know you called me? 他知道你打电话给我吗?

Yes. He wants to see you. 是的。他想见你。

Can I go in and see him? 我能进去看他吗?

Excuse me, this is my Uncle Brendan. He'd like to see my father... 请原谅,这是我叔叔布莱登。他想看我父亲... Yes, come in. He's resting. 好,进来。他在休息。

Uh, I'd like to see him alone for a few minutes, if that's OK? 嗯,我想单独见


Yes. Of course. 好,当然。

I hope we did the right thing. 我希望我们做了件正确的事。

Kevin, are you all right? I'm worried about you. 凯文,你还好吗?我很担心你。

I'll survive. 我能挺住。

Do you wanna go get something to drink? 你想喝点东西吗?

Naw. 不。

I'm gonna go and say goodnight to Sandy. I'll be back.我去和桑蒂说再见。我马上就回来。

Patrick? Patrick...it's Brendan, your long-lost brother. 帕特里克?帕特里

克... 我是布莱登,你久违了的兄弟。

Oh...Sandy...I can't believe it! 噢... 桑蒂... 我真不敢相信!

Rebecca called me. She told me you asked for me to come. 丽贝卡打电话给我。她告诉我你要我来。

I'm glad...glad you came... 我高兴... 高兴你来...

It's been a long time...too long, I guess. 很长时间了... 太久了,我想。

You know what we are? We're two pigheaded Irishmen, so stubborn that we didn't talk to each other for almost thirty years. That's not the way brothers are supposed to be. 你知道我们是什么?我们是两个固执的爱尔兰人,固执使我们彼此将近30年不说话。那可不是兄弟应该做的。 You know what they say about us Irish short tempers and long memories. 你知道他们怎么说我们,爱尔兰人坏脾气,好记性。

I'm ready to forgive and forget. How about you? 我可以原谅和忘记以往的争执。你呢?

Where did Sandy go? 桑蒂在哪?

I don't know. I can't believe she took off. 我不知道。我不敢相信她走了。 What's wrong? 怎么了?

Looks like Jack's been beating Sandy up. 好象杰克打了桑蒂。

You've got to be kidding. Actually

hitting her? 你开玩笑吧。真的打了她?

Yeah. You should see her face. She has a huge black-and-blue mark right here. 是的。你该看看她的脸。她脸上这里有一大块又紫又青的斑。

That pig. He should have his face kicked in. 猪。他的脸应该挨踢。

Kevin, don't talk like that. 凯文,别这么说。

This thing won't take my money. Do you have any change? 这机器不收我的钱。你有零钱吗?

How much do you need? 你需要多少?

Seventy-five cents. 75美分。

Kevin, I'm sorry I yelled at you. 凯文,我为向你喊叫而抱歉。

That's all right. That's all right...It's all right. 没什么。没什么... 那没什么。 Nurse! Hurry! Help! 护士!快!救命! What's wrong, Uncle Brendan? What's going on? 怎么了,布莱登叔叔?到底发生了什么事?

He's not breathing, and he has no pulse. We're going to shock him...Everybody, stand clear. Clear!

Shock!...Shock!...Shock! Begin CPR...Can we get Lidocaine? One milligram of Lidocaine. 他不呼吸,也没有脉搏。我们将对他电击... 每个人,站开。站开!电击!... 电击!... 电击!开始实施心脏动脉复苏法 ... 用利都卡因?一毫克利都卡因。

And one and two and three and four and five. . . and one and two and three and four and five... 一,二,三,四,

五... 一,二,三,四,五 ...

Hello? 你好?

Oh, hi, Hon. I have bad news-Patrick passed away a few hours ago. 你好,亲爱的。我有坏消息,帕特里克几小时前去世了。

Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry. Were you able to talk to him...? 噢,亲爱的,我很抱歉。你赶上和他说话了吗?

We made our peace. 我们和解了。 Oh, that's good. How are Kevin and

Rebecca taking it? 噢,那就好。凯文和丽贝卡如何对待这事?

Rebecca's, uh...pretty upset. Kevin's a little quiet. 丽贝卡,嗯... 很沮丧。凯文比较平静。

Yeah, I understand. 是的,我能理解。 I'd like you to come out to the funeral. 我想让你来参加葬礼。

Of course. 当然。

Aunt Molly?...It's Rebecca. I have some sad news. Dad passed away this morning...a heart attack...Yes, it was a terrible shock...The wake is gonna be tomorrow, from six to nine...It's OK, Dad's friend, Frank Wells, will pick you up... 茉莉姨?... 我是丽贝卡。我有坏消息。我父亲今晨去世了... 心脏病发作... 是的,真是很震惊... 明天守夜,6-9点... 行,爸爸的朋友,法兰克·沃斯,去接您...

Thank you. 谢谢。

Thanks. 谢谢。

Who's this guy? 这人是谁?

How thoughtful...He's a friend from

San Francisco. 想的真周到... 旧金山的一个朋友。

Uncle Brendan...And you must be Anne. Thank you for making the trip. 布莱登叔叔... 你一定是安妮婶婶。谢谢你们特意赶来。

I'm very sorry about your father. 我为你父亲的事难过。

It all happened so fast...We can't believe it...Thank you for the flowers. They're...just beautiful. 全都发生得太快了... 我们无法相信... 谢谢你们的花。它们... 真漂亮。

I don't know anyone here. Where's Kevin? 我不认识这里的任何人。凯文在哪?

Over there. 在那儿。

Excuse me... 请原谅,我失陪。

It was good you called Brendan. You did the right thing. 你打电话给布莱登很好。你做的对。

It's wrong for a family to be like that. 一个家庭这样是不对的。

I know. Brendan can be very

stubborn...But I guess your father was, too. 我知道。布莱登很固执... 我猜想你父亲也是。

How're you holding up, kid? 孩子,你坚持得怎么样?

Pretty good. 不错。

I don't know a soul here. Do you know who any of these people are? 我这儿谁也不认识。你认识这些人吗? Not all...but some. That guy over there worked with Dad at the fire department. And that's Mrs. Peterson. She lives in our building. That guy over there, that's Frank Wells. He's a fireman, too. He's an old friend of Dad's. 不是全部... 只是一些。那边的男人和爸爸曾在消防队一起工作。那是皮特森太太。她住在我们楼。那儿的那个人,他是法兰克·沃斯。他也是消防队员。他是父亲的老朋友。 Oh, my God! I can't believe my eyes! Is that Molly over there? 噢,天哪!我不敢相信自己的眼睛!那是茉莉吗? Aunt Molly. Yeah. Frank Wells picked

her up at the retirement community. 茉莉姨妈。是的。法兰克·沃斯去退休社区接的她。

You know, we used to get Christmas cards from her...but I haven't seen her in I don't know how long... 你知道,我们以前总是收到她的圣诞卡... 但是我已经好久没见她,我不知道有多长时间了...

Brendan's so sad about losing his only brother, but at least they made peace before your father died. 布莱登对失去兄弟很难过,但至少在你父亲去世前他们和解了。

I was happy about that...Urn, can I ask you something? 我为此感到高兴... 嗯,我能问你点事吗?

Yeah. 当然。

Dad never told me what their disagreement was about. Do you know? 爸爸从来没有告诉过我他们之间有什么分歧。你知道吗?

You mean...you don't know? 你是说... 你不知道?

No. 不知道。

I think it would be better if Brendan told you himself... 我想还是让布莱登自己告诉你比较好...

U29 Grief

It's such a shame about...about Patrick, though. He wasn't all that old...And now poor Rebecca and Kevin...They've got nobody.关于帕特里克... 真遗憾。他还没那么老... 现在可怜的丽贝卡和凯文... 没有任何亲人了。

But they have us...They have you, and Brendan, and me. Two aunts and an uncle. We'll have to be their family now. 但他们有我们... 他们有你,和布莱登,和我。两个姨婶和一个叔叔。我们从现在起就是他们的家人。

Where did you find her, Brendan? She's much too good for you. 你在哪找到她的,布莱登?她对你来说太好了。

Rebecca...Kevin...The entire Boston Fire Department wishes to express its deepest sympathy on the death of

your father, Patrick Casey. In recognition of your father's bravery, I'm presentin' you with this helmet. 丽贝卡... 凯文... 波士顿消防队全体向你父亲帕特里克的去世致以最深切的同情和慰问。为表彰你父亲的勇敢,我授予你们这个帽盔。

Thank you. 谢谢。

Rebecca, can I say a couple of words? Your father was a special friend to me. I'm gonna miss the pleasure of his company. He probably never told you this, but he saved my neck more than once. I want you to know, Rebecca...Kevin...If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, please call on me. God bless. 丽贝卡,我能讲几句吗?你父亲是我很特殊的朋友。我会怀念有他为伴的快乐。他也许从来没有告诉过你这些,但是他不止一次救过我的命。我要你知道,丽贝卡... 凯文... 如果你们需要任何东西,我指任何事情,请给我打电话。上帝保佑。

Matt! It's good to see you. 麦特!高兴见到你。

Sandy called me. I'm really sorry about your father. 桑蒂给我打电话了。我为你父亲的事难过。

Thanks for coming. How are you? 谢谢你来。你好吗?

Fine. How's life in San Francisco? 好。旧金山的生活如何?

School's tough, but I like it. 学习很难,但是我喜欢。

That's good. Are you goin' back...or staying or...? 那好。你打算回去... 还是留下,还是...

I don't know...At this point, I just don't know. 我不知道... 目前,我还不知道。 Listen, I can't stay. I just came by for a second to pay my respects... 听着,我不能久呆。我只是过来一会儿,表示我的敬意...

Thanks for coming. 谢谢你来。 Take care, Becky. 保重,贝卡。

Thank you Matt...Bye. 谢谢麦特... 再见。

Sandy? 桑蒂?

Sandy, where've you been? I've been worried about you. I've been calling and calling. 桑蒂,你去哪了?我一直在为你担心。我不停地打电话。 Sorry...I haven't been home. 抱歉... 我没回家。

What is it? Did Jack hit you again? 什么?杰克又打你了?

No, no, we talked...He's promised never to do it again.不,不,我们谈了... 他保证再也不那样了。

You mean you're going back to him? 你是说你还回到他身边?

I guess so. 我想是吧。

I'm real sorry to hear about your dad. 听到你父亲的消息我很抱歉。 Thanks, Jack. 谢谢,杰克。 Let's go. 走吧。

I'll call you. 我会给你打电话。

May God bless and keep our brother, Patrick Casey. Amen. 希望上帝保佑和留住我们的兄弟,帕特里克。阿门。 Um...My father...was a good father. He

cared about us...He had a big heart. He had a hard life after he got hurt in the fire...and if I added to his burden, I'm sorry...I'm sorry if I did. I'm gonna miss him.嗯... 我父亲... 是个好父亲。他关心我们... 他心胸宽厚。他被火伤了后,生活就艰难了... 如果我曾经给他增加负担,我很抱歉... 我很抱歉如果我那样做了。我会想念他的。My father had dreams, not big dreams...but small ones. He wanted to go fishing, on one of those deep-sea fishing boats...but somehow he never did. He dreamed of having a house...not a big house, just a little one with a garden. That never happened either. He had dreams for Kevin and me, too. Maybe we disappointed him with our crazy ideas. I'm sorry, Dad, if we did. You always cared for us, and loved us, and provided a shoulder to lean on. And that has made our journey easier. I hope you find your dreams

now...maybe fishing, or working in the garden with Mom. Bye, Dad. 我父亲有梦想,不是狂妄的梦想... 是小小的梦想。他想去钓鱼,在一艘深海鱼船上... 但是他从来没实现。他梦想有一座房子... 不是大房子,只是有个花园的小房子。那也没实现。他对我和凯文也有梦想。也许我们因为我们的狂想使他失望。抱歉,爸爸,如果我们令你失望。你总是关心我们,给我们肩膀依靠。这使我们的生活道路容易许多。我希望你现在寻找你的梦想... 也许钓鱼,或和妈妈一起在花园里劳动。再见,爸爸。

U30 Life Goes On

I'll get it. 我去开。

'Dear Rebecca and Kevin. We are very sorry to hear of your father's passing. If there's anything we can do, please let us know. We have made a donation to the American Heart Association in memory of your father. You are in our prayers. With warm wishes, the O'Neils.' “亲爱的丽贝卡和凯文。我


It's probably better than sending flowers. A donation will do some good. 这也许比送花好。捐款更好些。 That was Mrs. Peterson. She dropped this casserole off for us. 是皮特森太太。她留下这沙拉给我们。

That was very nice of her. She's always been a considerate neighbor...You might as well put that in the fridge. 她真好。她一直是个有心的邻居... 你也许该把它放在冰箱里。

I'm going to change. 我去换衣服。 Kevin, do you want to look at some of these cards? 凯文,你想看看这些卡吗?

I feel so sorry for Kevin. Is he always this quiet? 我为凯文感到难过。他总是这么安静吗?

No, he's usually talkative, so

enthusiastic... 不,通常他健谈,而且踊跃...

He hardly knew his mother...and now his father's gone...It's hard to lose both parents when you're so young. 他几乎不知道他母亲... 现在父亲又走了... 当你很年轻时,失去双亲是件很难受的事。

How old is Kevin? 凯文多大? Almost eighteen. 差不多18。

Does he know what he's gonna do? 他知道他将要做什么吗?

I don't think he has a clue. He doesn't like to plan very much. 我认为他不知道,他不喜欢计划太多。

Well, what about you? You're going back to school, aren't you? 是啊,那么你呢?你要回学校,不是吗?

Well, I'd...like to, but I feel responsible for Kevin. I can't leave him here alone...and we have a lot of bills to pay...Oh, this note is from my godmother. I was staying with her in San Francisco. I'll have to let her know

soon whether or not I'll be back.当然,我想... 但是我觉得我对凯文负有责任。我不能把他一个人留在这里... 我们还有很多帐单要付... 噢,这信是我教母寄来的。我在旧金山和她住一起。我得尽快让她知道我是否回去。Hon, we should talk about how we can help. 亲爱的,我们应该谈谈我们应如何帮你。

Oh, you've already been helpful, Uncle Brendan. 噢,你们已经帮了不少忙,布莱登叔叔。

I feel bad that Patrick and I didn't come to a reconciliation sooner. 我感觉很糟,帕特里克和我没有早些重新和解。

It's been so good to have you here. I don't know how I would have gotten through all of this without you. 有你们在这真是太好了。我不知道没有你们在,我将怎么应付这一切。

Well, you must be exhausted. Now, is there anything else we can do before we go back to the hotel? 行了,你一


No, but thanks for asking. 没有,谢谢你问我。

Well, we'll talk tomorrow. 好吧,我们明天再谈。

I'll call you in the morning. 我早上给你打电话。

This mural is new, isn't it? Wow, this neighborhood sure is changing. 这壁画是新的,是不是?唔,邻里肯定正在变化。

Yeah... 是的...

Key, you've been so quiet. Are you all right? You miss Dad, don't you? 凯,你一直很静。你好吗?你想爸爸,是不是?

I don't know. It just doesn't feel real, yet. It's like...it's like he just went away for the weekend. 我不知道。这不像是真的。就像... 就像他出门度周末。 Yeah...but he's not coming back. 是啊... 但他不会回来了。

No kidding...What would I do without

a big sister to tell me everything? 别开玩笑... 没有大姐姐告诉我每件事该怎么做,我该怎么办?

Sorry. Have you thought about what you're gonna do? 对不起。你考虑过要干什么吗?

Sure. First, I'm gonna become a millionaire...Then I'm getting... 当然。第一,我要成为百万富翁... 之后我将...

I'm serious...We both have to decide what we're gonna do. 我是认真的... 我们两人都要决定我们打算做什么。 You know what you're gonna do...You're going back to college in California...Aren't you? 你知道你要做什么... 你要回加利弗尼亚的学校,不是吗?

I'm not sure. I can't leave you here alone. 我不能肯定。我不能把你一个人留在这里。

Here we go again...Big sister butts in...Why not? Remember, I'm almost eighteen. I have a job, an apartment...

又来了... 大姐姐又来干涉了... 为什么不?记得吗,我马上18岁了。我有个工作,一个公寓...

Can you afford the rent on the apartment? 你能付得起公寓的租金吗?

I don't know...How much is it? 我不知道... 租金多少钱?

I'm hardworking. I'll get a second job if I have to. You should go back to SanFrancisco. 我工作努力。如果不得已,我将做第二份工作。你应该回旧金山。

I don't know if I can right now. 我不知道我现在能不能。

Why not? Because of me?为什么不?因为我?

Because of a lot of things. Dad said he wanted you to go to college...get a degree. 因为很多事情。爸爸他希望你进大学... 拿学位。

Maybe I don't want to go to college. I just got out of school. Anyway, how can we afford it? 也许我不想进大学。


Kevin! You have to get an education so that you can make a living. Don't let the cost stop you. We'll get you a student loan or financial aid, or something. 凯文!你必须接受教育,这样你才能生存。别让花费阻止你。我们会给你拿到学生贷款或财政资助,或其他什么。

Beck, go back to San Francisco. You don't have to take care of me anymore. I'm not a baby, and you're not my mother. 贝卡,回旧金山。你不需要再照顾我。我不是孩子,你不是我妈。 I know you're not a baby, but you're my brother. And you're the only real family I have right now. Could I persuade you to come back to San Francisco with me? 我知道你不是孩子,但你是我弟弟。你是我现在唯一真正的家人。我能说服你和我一起回旧金山吗?

Get serious! Why the hell would I do

that? 认真的?为什么我要这么做? I am serious! We both have to figure

out what we're gonna do...together...and soon...Let's get a pizza...We'll take it home. We'll write down all our options and decide then. What do you say? 我认真的!我们都必须弄明白我们要做什么... 一起... 很快... 去吃比萨吧... 我们带回家。我们写下所有的可行性,然后决定。你说怎样?

I suppose so... 我想就这样吧... How much do the bills add up to? 加起来有多少帐单?

I don't know yet. Not all the doctor and hospital bills are covered by the HMO...And the funeral alone cost four thousand. 我还不知道。医疗健康组织不偿付全部的医院帐单... 葬礼一项花费4千美元。

It cost how much...? Four thousand dollars? 花了多少?... 4千美元? You know you're supposed to get some money from Dad's disability

policy...because you're under eighteen. 你知道你应该从爸爸的残疾单中得到一部分钱... 因为你不到18岁。 That's good, but I won't be seventeen for long. How much is in the savings account? 那当然好,但是我很快就不是17岁了。银行储蓄帐户上有多少钱?

Not much...just a few hundred dollars. 不多... 只有几百美元。

What about his insurance policy? 他的保险单如何?

What insurance? 什么保险?

I don't know. He used to talk about his insurance. I guess he had some insurance policy. 我不知道。他谈到过他的保险。我猜想他有些保险。 He never mentioned it to me. I don't think he liked to talk about things like that. Where would it be? 他从没和我说过。我想他不喜欢谈论类似的事情。保险单会在哪?

In his room? 在他房里?

It makes me sad to come in here. 走进


These shirts must be twenty years old. 这些衬衣一定有20年了。

Maybe that's what he meant when he said 'waste not, want not'...We could give some things to the Salvation Army. 也许这就是他说的“勿浪费,勿奢侈”... 我们可以把一些东西给救世军。Look at this... 看看这个...

Open it... 打开它...

Some papers...a photo...our cousins in Ireland. Someday I'd like to go to Ireland. 一些文件... 一张照片... 我们在爱尔兰的堂兄妹。总有一天我想去爱尔兰。

They look like you, don't they? Everyone says I looked like Mom's side of the family. 他们看上去象你,不是吗?每个人都说我象妈妈家的人。


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