Abstract: the diversion of the diversion tunnel construction is the key project construction, small and medium-sized water conservancy project diversion tunnel of cross section are usually small construction tools to small give priority to, often use whole section excavation way construction. Because the price is low, external construction conditions also is bad, for bad geological areas especially IV ~ V class around the caves dug into often shortage, is caused extremely easily across the mouth, roof caving accidents, causing the delay time and expense increases, cause adverse effect to the project, therefore, in different geological conditions, choosing the right construction method of project is necessary for success, this article from the project the lock of the diversion tunnel diversion excavation, support the mouth, three aspects in the construction of the tunnel technical problems, refers for the colleague.
Keywords: reservoir; Tunnel construction; Advanced small catheter; Excavation; supporting
导流洞进出口边坡采用CAT320型反铲挖掘机从开挖边坡坡顶自上而下分层开挖,人工开挖边坡顶部的山坡截水沟,再按施工图所设计的开挖边坡比进行开挖,土方及全风化层直接采用反铲挖掘机挖掘,翻渣至出渣平台,开挖出的土渣除部分用于出渣平台和临时便道填筑外,其余全部用CAT320型反铲挖掘机装渣、20t自卸车运渣至弃渣场。覆盖层的土方边坡经挖掘机开挖后,预留了20cm人工修整。 石方开挖钻孔采用YT28型手风钻,1台CAT320反铲挖掘机挖装,20t自卸车装运,按浅孔梯段采用自上而下分层和分段的开挖方式,边坡采用预裂和光面爆破,另外开挖至进出口洞脸位置时,为防止洞脸位置岩体爆破震动破坏,严格控制爆破药量,采用毫秒微差控制爆破。为确保边坡稳定,边坡支护采
Abstract: the diversion of the diversion tunnel construction is the key project construction, small and medium-sized water conservancy project diversion tunnel of cross section are usually small construction tools to small give priority to, often use whole section excavation way construction. Because the price is low, external construction conditions also is bad, for bad geological areas especially IV ~ V class around the caves dug into often shortage, is caused extremely easily across the mouth, roof caving accidents, causing the delay time and expense increases, cause adverse effect to the project, therefore, in different geological conditions, choosing the right construction method of project is necessary for success, this article from the project the lock of the diversion tunnel diversion excavation, support the mouth, three aspects in the construction of the tunnel technical problems, refers for the colleague.
Keywords: reservoir; Tunnel construction; Advanced small catheter; Excavation; supporting
导流洞进出口边坡采用CAT320型反铲挖掘机从开挖边坡坡顶自上而下分层开挖,人工开挖边坡顶部的山坡截水沟,再按施工图所设计的开挖边坡比进行开挖,土方及全风化层直接采用反铲挖掘机挖掘,翻渣至出渣平台,开挖出的土渣除部分用于出渣平台和临时便道填筑外,其余全部用CAT320型反铲挖掘机装渣、20t自卸车运渣至弃渣场。覆盖层的土方边坡经挖掘机开挖后,预留了20cm人工修整。 石方开挖钻孔采用YT28型手风钻,1台CAT320反铲挖掘机挖装,20t自卸车装运,按浅孔梯段采用自上而下分层和分段的开挖方式,边坡采用预裂和光面爆破,另外开挖至进出口洞脸位置时,为防止洞脸位置岩体爆破震动破坏,严格控制爆破药量,采用毫秒微差控制爆破。为确保边坡稳定,边坡支护采