


(一) 词法的测试

1.名词:主要是查名词是否可数,与其修饰语是否一致。 (Hobby是可数名词,在这要用复数形式;playing football是一项运动,football只是一种球; sing和listen to 要用动名词形式。)

(exercise作运动讲是不可数名词,do exercise作主语要用动名词形式,谓动用单数;healthy是形容词, 这里要用名词形式。)

( one of 后的名词应用复数形式。)

2. 代词:对于短文中出现的每一个代词都要查一下它所指代的内容及在句中的作用,注意其数、格、词性是否正确和前后是否一致,常考的代词包括人称代词、指示代词、反身代词、关系代词及疑问代词等。

1)He drove too fast, and the police stopped her. (前面提到的是he而后面却用her来代,故应将her改为him.)

2).This is the best film which I have ever seen. (先行词前有最高级修饰应用关系代词that 而不是which。)

3. 冠词:英语中只有三个冠词,但用起来却很复杂,在短文改错中,错误不外乎该用冠词时没有用,不该用时却用了;该用an用了a,该用a(n)却用了the.

1) I meant to write letter and tell you all the things…


2) I like playing the football. 去the

3) He is a honest boy. a改为an

4. 介词:检查介词主要是查介词与动词、形容词、名词的搭配,介词惯用词组等是否正确。

1) I am writing to thank you with your kind help. (thank sb. for sth.为固定搭配,故应将with 改为for.)

2) …I’m the happiest in all. (此句想表达的意思是“我是所有人中最高兴的”。故应将in改为 of.)

3) Under the help of my father, I … under 改为 with

4) He went to Beijing in next Sunday. in 改为on

5. 形容词、副词:形容词、副词的误用主要指在该用形容词的地方用了副词,该用副词的地方用了形容词。改错行中出现形容词或副词时就要仔细分析该形容词或副词修饰什么,形式是否正确,是原级、比较级还是最高级。形容词、副词误用也是常考的改错项目之一。

1) I had not interest in English .interest是名词,应用形容词no来修饰,而not是副词,副词不能修饰名

2) These are the happier girls I’ve ever seen.

(此处有I’ve ever seen限定,应用最高级,故happier应改为 happiest.

3) You can borrow a book very easy. easy 改为easily.

4) These books are very worth reading. 用well 修饰

6. 连词:短文改错中出现连词就要判断连词用的是否正确,是否符合句子意思;连接的是词还是句子,是否符合逻辑关系。此外如果是平行结构就要注意前后时态、语态、词性一致问题平行结构常借助与并列连词and , or , but , not only…but also…, …not…but…, either…or…, neither …nor…, as well as等。

1) As it has been raining these days, so we have decided to put off our sports meeting.

由于前句有As引导原因状语从句,因此后句不能再用so,故应把so 去掉。

2) The population is growing, but the earth must support too many people. 根据上下文意思判断,前后 两个并列分句不存在意义上的折,所以but应改为and或so.这是典型的并列连词误用。

7. 动词:动词错误在短文改错中所占比重最大,它所涉及的错误 包括动词的时态、语态错误;易混动词的用法错误; 动词的第三人称单数错误;动词的非谓语形式,以及动词的句型搭配错误等。在改错题中,动词方面的考查比例较大。

1) 动词的时态、语态错误

a. I will write again and send you the photos we take together.(take photos动作发生在过去,应用过去时.) b. The book you borrowed from the library should returned in five days.


c. In school, I often playing football for my friends. ( playing改为 play; for 改为with)

2) 易混动词使用错误

a. I persuaded him to stop smoking, but he didn’t listen.

( persuade 意为“说服”,强调成功的结果,而根据下句he didn’t listen可知,劝说并没有成功,故应改persuaded为 advised.)

b. You please rise your hands. (rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词,所以举手应用 raise your hands.这属于及物动词与不及物动词的误用。)

3) 非谓语动词使用错误

a. We are looking forward to see you on the birthday party.

(look forward to 中的to是介词,应加动名词,将see改为seeing.)

b. I’m sorry I keep you wait for a long time .I got caught in the traffic. (在任何情况下keep均和doing连用,如keep doing sth.; keep sb. (sth).doing sth. ;keep …from doing… 等.)

c. I’d like to your pen friend, and get to know more about your country.


8. 词语固定搭配使用错误:


1) My teacher advised me to keep my diary. (keep a diary是固定搭配,意思是“写日记”.)

2) In my surprise, he did very well in his previous job. ( To one’s surprise 是固定搭配.)

3) I thought that was dull to watch a game… (此题考查it的功能,It + be + adj. + to do为固定结构。)

4) …the activities are not only enjoyable and also helpful.(not only… but also…为固定结构,故将and 改为but.)

5) I have no difficulty learn maths. (have difficulty (in) doing sth.为固定结构.)

6) He spends too much time play games. (spend some time (in) doing sth.为固定结构)

(二) 句法的测试:


I hope everything are ok with you. (are 改为is)


A man came up to him and asked that he needed. (that是连词,在从句中无任何意义,而后面的宾语从句缺宾语,用what引导宾语从句作宾语从句的宾语。 )


This would save the life of many animals, some of then have almost died out. (them改为 which) 4强调句型;It is/was +被强调的部分+that/who…

It was in 1949 when he joined the army. when改为that


(三)语篇的测试 语篇的测试包括:









(一)改前通读全文, 切忌拿来就改,这一步很关键。这一步的目标是了解短文的中心意思,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑。记叙文强调时间、地点、人物和事件四要素,在通读全文理解全文的同时把一些比较容易的或是明显的错误先改好

(二)分句阅读,逐行找错。在纠错时要仔细地读懂每一个句子,这时就要对文中的词法、句法和语篇(详见考查要点)角度着重分析和特别注意。把涉及 到以上错误类型的词多斟酌一下。




Have you ever heard from the saying: All work and no 76.

play make Jack a dull boy?What this means is that if you 77.

study all the times you will become a boring person. You 78.

must go out and having fun with your friends, otherwise 79.

you will lose him. No one wants to be friends with the 80.

person who that only works and studies. Perhaps you have 81.

a confident problem. Please try remember that the work 82.

you do is for yourself rather than for anyone else. You do 83.

not have to compete your classmates. No one can be 84.

happier in studying seven days and seven nights a week. 85.


Dear Tracy,

Although I'm 1 6 years old,but my father still treats 76.

me as a careless children. He doesn’t value my opinions. 77.

He is very strict with me and often punishes me about 78.

leaving things lying around in the house while he did this 79.

all time. I think he fails to set an example to me to 80.

follow. But he often says:“Doing as I say,not as I do.” 81.

Even worse,he points out my past mistakes to guests, 82.

making me feel hurting. I love my father, but I can’t 83.

bear what he does. I have been tried many times 84.

to talk with he but he never listens. Please, help me. 85.



Every morning Steve went to work by train. As he 76. _____________ has a long trip, he always buys newspaper. It helps 77. _____________ make the time passing more quickly. One Tuesday 78. _____________ morning, he turned over the sports page. He wanted 79. _____________ to see the report about an important football match 80. _____________ the night before. The report was so interesting that he

forgot to get off at his station. He did not know it unless 81. _____________ he saw the sea. He got off at the next station, and had to wait 82. _____________ a long time for a train to go back. It was no doubt that he arrived 83. _____________ late at the office. His boss was angry when Sieve told to him 84. _____________ why he was late. “Work is very important than football! ”. 85. _____________ he shouted.



(一) 词法的测试

1.名词:主要是查名词是否可数,与其修饰语是否一致。 (Hobby是可数名词,在这要用复数形式;playing football是一项运动,football只是一种球; sing和listen to 要用动名词形式。)

(exercise作运动讲是不可数名词,do exercise作主语要用动名词形式,谓动用单数;healthy是形容词, 这里要用名词形式。)

( one of 后的名词应用复数形式。)

2. 代词:对于短文中出现的每一个代词都要查一下它所指代的内容及在句中的作用,注意其数、格、词性是否正确和前后是否一致,常考的代词包括人称代词、指示代词、反身代词、关系代词及疑问代词等。

1)He drove too fast, and the police stopped her. (前面提到的是he而后面却用her来代,故应将her改为him.)

2).This is the best film which I have ever seen. (先行词前有最高级修饰应用关系代词that 而不是which。)

3. 冠词:英语中只有三个冠词,但用起来却很复杂,在短文改错中,错误不外乎该用冠词时没有用,不该用时却用了;该用an用了a,该用a(n)却用了the.

1) I meant to write letter and tell you all the things…


2) I like playing the football. 去the

3) He is a honest boy. a改为an

4. 介词:检查介词主要是查介词与动词、形容词、名词的搭配,介词惯用词组等是否正确。

1) I am writing to thank you with your kind help. (thank sb. for sth.为固定搭配,故应将with 改为for.)

2) …I’m the happiest in all. (此句想表达的意思是“我是所有人中最高兴的”。故应将in改为 of.)

3) Under the help of my father, I … under 改为 with

4) He went to Beijing in next Sunday. in 改为on

5. 形容词、副词:形容词、副词的误用主要指在该用形容词的地方用了副词,该用副词的地方用了形容词。改错行中出现形容词或副词时就要仔细分析该形容词或副词修饰什么,形式是否正确,是原级、比较级还是最高级。形容词、副词误用也是常考的改错项目之一。

1) I had not interest in English .interest是名词,应用形容词no来修饰,而not是副词,副词不能修饰名

2) These are the happier girls I’ve ever seen.

(此处有I’ve ever seen限定,应用最高级,故happier应改为 happiest.

3) You can borrow a book very easy. easy 改为easily.

4) These books are very worth reading. 用well 修饰

6. 连词:短文改错中出现连词就要判断连词用的是否正确,是否符合句子意思;连接的是词还是句子,是否符合逻辑关系。此外如果是平行结构就要注意前后时态、语态、词性一致问题平行结构常借助与并列连词and , or , but , not only…but also…, …not…but…, either…or…, neither …nor…, as well as等。

1) As it has been raining these days, so we have decided to put off our sports meeting.

由于前句有As引导原因状语从句,因此后句不能再用so,故应把so 去掉。

2) The population is growing, but the earth must support too many people. 根据上下文意思判断,前后 两个并列分句不存在意义上的折,所以but应改为and或so.这是典型的并列连词误用。

7. 动词:动词错误在短文改错中所占比重最大,它所涉及的错误 包括动词的时态、语态错误;易混动词的用法错误; 动词的第三人称单数错误;动词的非谓语形式,以及动词的句型搭配错误等。在改错题中,动词方面的考查比例较大。

1) 动词的时态、语态错误

a. I will write again and send you the photos we take together.(take photos动作发生在过去,应用过去时.) b. The book you borrowed from the library should returned in five days.


c. In school, I often playing football for my friends. ( playing改为 play; for 改为with)

2) 易混动词使用错误

a. I persuaded him to stop smoking, but he didn’t listen.

( persuade 意为“说服”,强调成功的结果,而根据下句he didn’t listen可知,劝说并没有成功,故应改persuaded为 advised.)

b. You please rise your hands. (rise是不及物动词,而raise是及物动词,所以举手应用 raise your hands.这属于及物动词与不及物动词的误用。)

3) 非谓语动词使用错误

a. We are looking forward to see you on the birthday party.

(look forward to 中的to是介词,应加动名词,将see改为seeing.)

b. I’m sorry I keep you wait for a long time .I got caught in the traffic. (在任何情况下keep均和doing连用,如keep doing sth.; keep sb. (sth).doing sth. ;keep …from doing… 等.)

c. I’d like to your pen friend, and get to know more about your country.


8. 词语固定搭配使用错误:


1) My teacher advised me to keep my diary. (keep a diary是固定搭配,意思是“写日记”.)

2) In my surprise, he did very well in his previous job. ( To one’s surprise 是固定搭配.)

3) I thought that was dull to watch a game… (此题考查it的功能,It + be + adj. + to do为固定结构。)

4) …the activities are not only enjoyable and also helpful.(not only… but also…为固定结构,故将and 改为but.)

5) I have no difficulty learn maths. (have difficulty (in) doing sth.为固定结构.)

6) He spends too much time play games. (spend some time (in) doing sth.为固定结构)

(二) 句法的测试:


I hope everything are ok with you. (are 改为is)


A man came up to him and asked that he needed. (that是连词,在从句中无任何意义,而后面的宾语从句缺宾语,用what引导宾语从句作宾语从句的宾语。 )


This would save the life of many animals, some of then have almost died out. (them改为 which) 4强调句型;It is/was +被强调的部分+that/who…

It was in 1949 when he joined the army. when改为that


(三)语篇的测试 语篇的测试包括:









(一)改前通读全文, 切忌拿来就改,这一步很关键。这一步的目标是了解短文的中心意思,把握全篇的时态、人称及行文逻辑。记叙文强调时间、地点、人物和事件四要素,在通读全文理解全文的同时把一些比较容易的或是明显的错误先改好

(二)分句阅读,逐行找错。在纠错时要仔细地读懂每一个句子,这时就要对文中的词法、句法和语篇(详见考查要点)角度着重分析和特别注意。把涉及 到以上错误类型的词多斟酌一下。




Have you ever heard from the saying: All work and no 76.

play make Jack a dull boy?What this means is that if you 77.

study all the times you will become a boring person. You 78.

must go out and having fun with your friends, otherwise 79.

you will lose him. No one wants to be friends with the 80.

person who that only works and studies. Perhaps you have 81.

a confident problem. Please try remember that the work 82.

you do is for yourself rather than for anyone else. You do 83.

not have to compete your classmates. No one can be 84.

happier in studying seven days and seven nights a week. 85.


Dear Tracy,

Although I'm 1 6 years old,but my father still treats 76.

me as a careless children. He doesn’t value my opinions. 77.

He is very strict with me and often punishes me about 78.

leaving things lying around in the house while he did this 79.

all time. I think he fails to set an example to me to 80.

follow. But he often says:“Doing as I say,not as I do.” 81.

Even worse,he points out my past mistakes to guests, 82.

making me feel hurting. I love my father, but I can’t 83.

bear what he does. I have been tried many times 84.

to talk with he but he never listens. Please, help me. 85.



Every morning Steve went to work by train. As he 76. _____________ has a long trip, he always buys newspaper. It helps 77. _____________ make the time passing more quickly. One Tuesday 78. _____________ morning, he turned over the sports page. He wanted 79. _____________ to see the report about an important football match 80. _____________ the night before. The report was so interesting that he

forgot to get off at his station. He did not know it unless 81. _____________ he saw the sea. He got off at the next station, and had to wait 82. _____________ a long time for a train to go back. It was no doubt that he arrived 83. _____________ late at the office. His boss was angry when Sieve told to him 84. _____________ why he was late. “Work is very important than football! ”. 85. _____________ he shouted.


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  • 浅谈英语短文改错的方法及技巧
  • 短文改错题是目前高考英语的必考项目,也是平时期中.期末考试的必考题型,而且所占分值也很大.短文改错是融语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性英语试题,旨在考查学生对语言的发现,判断,纠正文章中错误的能力以及对词汇.语法和语篇三要素的把握能力.短文改错其实并非难题,但得分率不高.究其原因,主要与学生对短文改 ...

  • 新东方高考英语阅读方法精讲
  • 新东方名师:高考英语阅读方法精讲 ________________________________________ 2010-05-13 10:21:52 作者:中学部 来源:合肥新东方学校 点击数:2000 无论是对学生进行英语阅读情况问卷调查还是对学生进行阅读能力测试,"阅读理解的准确 ...