



1. ( )A .from B.four C.fourteen 2.( )A. letter B.left C.live 3.( )A. turn right B. thing C.train 4.( )A. lake B.Chinese C. row 5.( )A. people B. cook C. purple 6.( )A.up B. hill C.near 7.( )A.down B. some

C.nice 8.( )

A.friend B.fast C.love 9.( )A. want B.make C.chopsticks 10.( )A. house B. hungry C. chess 二.听录音,选出与所听相符的图片。10% ( )1 A



( )2 A B C

( )3 A B C

( )4 A



( ) 5 A B C



1. Daming playing football 2. Amy

do the taijiquan 3. Lingling


4. Sam


5. Tom playing basketball 四.听录音,给下列图片排序。8%

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五.听录音,在正确的选项内打“√”12%



( )1. A.tiger B. lion C. fast food D. monkey ( )2. A. fourteen B. sixteen C. nineteen D. nice ( )3. A. red B. purple C. point D.orange


( )4. A. plane B. bus C. ship D. house ( )5. A. writing B. taking C. rowing D. chess 二.单项选择。 10%

1.( ) What you doing, Daming?

A are B is C am

2.( )I can A. play the football B. play the flute C. play the basketball 3.( ).

A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, I can. 4.( )We going to go to Hainan tomorrow.

A. am B. are C. is 5.( )I’m going to go plane.

A. on B. by C. at 6.( ) are they doing?

-----They are swimming

A. Where B. Who C. What 7.( )------- Daming, happy birthday!

A. Come on! B. Good luck! C. Thank you! 8.( )What she doing?

A. am B. is C. are

9.( )It’s very dark. Please the lights.

A. turn off B. turn on C. turn left 10.( )------Can I come in?


A. you can’t B. of course C. good morning 三、看图,配对。5%

A B C D E ( ) 1. Go straight on. ( ) 2. Turn left. ( )3. Turn right.( )4. Go up the stairs. ( )5. Go down the stairs.


四、阅读。选择适当单词将下列句子补充完整。6% 1.mother 2.Look at 3. reading

4. father 5. watching 6. taking pictures

1.I’ these pictures.

2. I’m .


4.He’ a book.

5.This is my .

6.She’ TV.


1.watch TV ___________ 2. long jump_________

3. listen to music________ 4. turn left __________

5. do Taijiquan _________ 6.high jump _________ 六.将下列句子正确抄写在四线三格中。18% 1. Can you ride fast?

2.I’m going to run in the park.

3.Where are you going, Daming?





1. ( )A .from B.four C.fourteen 2.( )A. letter B.left C.live 3.( )A. turn right B. thing C.train 4.( )A. lake B.Chinese C. row 5.( )A. people B. cook C. purple 6.( )A.up B. hill C.near 7.( )A.down B. some

C.nice 8.( )

A.friend B.fast C.love 9.( )A. want B.make C.chopsticks 10.( )A. house B. hungry C. chess 二.听录音,选出与所听相符的图片。10% ( )1 A



( )2 A B C

( )3 A B C

( )4 A



( ) 5 A B C



1. Daming playing football 2. Amy

do the taijiquan 3. Lingling


4. Sam


5. Tom playing basketball 四.听录音,给下列图片排序。8%

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五.听录音,在正确的选项内打“√”12%



( )1. A.tiger B. lion C. fast food D. monkey ( )2. A. fourteen B. sixteen C. nineteen D. nice ( )3. A. red B. purple C. point D.orange


( )4. A. plane B. bus C. ship D. house ( )5. A. writing B. taking C. rowing D. chess 二.单项选择。 10%

1.( ) What you doing, Daming?

A are B is C am

2.( )I can A. play the football B. play the flute C. play the basketball 3.( ).

A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can. C. Yes, I can. 4.( )We going to go to Hainan tomorrow.

A. am B. are C. is 5.( )I’m going to go plane.

A. on B. by C. at 6.( ) are they doing?

-----They are swimming

A. Where B. Who C. What 7.( )------- Daming, happy birthday!

A. Come on! B. Good luck! C. Thank you! 8.( )What she doing?

A. am B. is C. are

9.( )It’s very dark. Please the lights.

A. turn off B. turn on C. turn left 10.( )------Can I come in?


A. you can’t B. of course C. good morning 三、看图,配对。5%

A B C D E ( ) 1. Go straight on. ( ) 2. Turn left. ( )3. Turn right.( )4. Go up the stairs. ( )5. Go down the stairs.


四、阅读。选择适当单词将下列句子补充完整。6% 1.mother 2.Look at 3. reading

4. father 5. watching 6. taking pictures

1.I’ these pictures.

2. I’m .


4.He’ a book.

5.This is my .

6.She’ TV.


1.watch TV ___________ 2. long jump_________

3. listen to music________ 4. turn left __________

5. do Taijiquan _________ 6.high jump _________ 六.将下列句子正确抄写在四线三格中。18% 1. Can you ride fast?

2.I’m going to run in the park.

3.Where are you going, Daming?



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