
  Leading:  小时候就经常吵架的两姐妹长大后成了陌路人。伤心的母亲为了帮助她们和好,给她们写了一封充满母爱的信,分别抄送给两个女儿,一份抄奇数句,另一份抄偶数句。两姐妹为了弄清信中的内容终于重归于好,母亲的爱消除了姐妹之间多年的隔阂。  There once was a mother who had two daughters. She loved her daughters,but from their earliest years,the girls would fight with each other. As they grew older,they became total strangers. As adults,they had no contact with one another.  This caused the mother great pain. Then later she had an idea. She decided to write a letter to them. In this letter,she told them how much she loved them,and how she wanted them to love each other this way. She also gave them news of herself,and some guidance on how they might live happier lives.  When the letter was ready,she wrote out one copy for each daughter but these copies were special. Each copy contained only every second sentence of the original letter: the copy for one daughter had only the even① sentences,and the other daughter’s copy contained only the odd② sentences. Neither copy made sense on its own. Neither contained the fullness of the mother’s message.  When the two daughters received their letters,they were puzzled. If they really wanted to know what the letters said,they would have to put the two letters together,and read them as one. That meant they must approach one another again in mutual③ love and respect.  For a long time,the mother waited in vain. Both daughters tried to understand the half-letter, but they each blamed the other for not helping them. Each daughter thought she knew her mother better.  Then one day,when the mother had almost given up hope,there was a knock at the door. There they stood together. “We’ve come home,” they said at the same time. “We’ve finally put our letters together,and we’ve come to say how much we love you,Mum.” Then she hugged them both,tears of joy streaming across her cheeks,and welcomed them back home.  Notes:  ①even adj. 偶数的  ②odd adj. 奇数的  ③mutual adj. 彼此的  1. When the two daughters were young,they               .  A. had no contact with each other  B. began to dislike each other  C. showed deep love for each other  D. did not love their mother  2. Why did the mother give her daughters incomplete letters?  A. She wanted to tell them her good news and bad news.  B. She hoped they would ask her for more information.  C. She hoped they would approach each other and make up.  D. She thought she could change their attitudes towards her.  3. What did the two daughters do soon after they received their letters?

  Leading:  小时候就经常吵架的两姐妹长大后成了陌路人。伤心的母亲为了帮助她们和好,给她们写了一封充满母爱的信,分别抄送给两个女儿,一份抄奇数句,另一份抄偶数句。两姐妹为了弄清信中的内容终于重归于好,母亲的爱消除了姐妹之间多年的隔阂。  There once was a mother who had two daughters. She loved her daughters,but from their earliest years,the girls would fight with each other. As they grew older,they became total strangers. As adults,they had no contact with one another.  This caused the mother great pain. Then later she had an idea. She decided to write a letter to them. In this letter,she told them how much she loved them,and how she wanted them to love each other this way. She also gave them news of herself,and some guidance on how they might live happier lives.  When the letter was ready,she wrote out one copy for each daughter but these copies were special. Each copy contained only every second sentence of the original letter: the copy for one daughter had only the even① sentences,and the other daughter’s copy contained only the odd② sentences. Neither copy made sense on its own. Neither contained the fullness of the mother’s message.  When the two daughters received their letters,they were puzzled. If they really wanted to know what the letters said,they would have to put the two letters together,and read them as one. That meant they must approach one another again in mutual③ love and respect.  For a long time,the mother waited in vain. Both daughters tried to understand the half-letter, but they each blamed the other for not helping them. Each daughter thought she knew her mother better.  Then one day,when the mother had almost given up hope,there was a knock at the door. There they stood together. “We’ve come home,” they said at the same time. “We’ve finally put our letters together,and we’ve come to say how much we love you,Mum.” Then she hugged them both,tears of joy streaming across her cheeks,and welcomed them back home.  Notes:  ①even adj. 偶数的  ②odd adj. 奇数的  ③mutual adj. 彼此的  1. When the two daughters were young,they               .  A. had no contact with each other  B. began to dislike each other  C. showed deep love for each other  D. did not love their mother  2. Why did the mother give her daughters incomplete letters?  A. She wanted to tell them her good news and bad news.  B. She hoped they would ask her for more information.  C. She hoped they would approach each other and make up.  D. She thought she could change their attitudes towards her.  3. What did the two daughters do soon after they received their letters?


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