

Business execution is a system, organization and team. An enterprise is an organization, a full body, business execution should also be a system,

organization and team execution. Execution is the key to success in business management. As long as companies have good management, management system, a good leader, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all the staff, management, execution will certainly be the greatest play, companies will be able to create a century enterprise goals. Enterprises to achieve "do first-class enterprise, first-class products, first-class benefits"

business purposes, to solve management problems, we must build a first-class enterprise employees execution. A strong implementation of the enterprise, there must be a high-quality workforce, and has a highly

qualified staff of the enterprise, the enterprise must be hopeful. To improve business execution, not only to improve the enterprise from top to bottom of each individual execution, but also to improve every unit, every department's overall execution, the only way companies will form a

system execution, thus the line into business execution and

competitiveness. Everything is a process, not a one-step, effective

immediately. While Chinese enterprises lack just such a state of mind, to do one thing, it should be down to earth, step by step, not instant success. Like creating famous brand, to create well-known enterprises in foreign countries, which is a long-term project in the U.S., a brand, the annual

advertising needs at least $ 30 million, at least three to five years, and in our China, Few companies are doing very beginning, when there is such brand awareness and attitude, seems to do for some time, cast so much money, brand awareness has not reached a certain height, can not wait, and do it a certain reputation, often is not too long, it has no trace of the. Business execution is the same, this is the work of man, but man's work is the most difficult to do the work, take longer and longer to process, so enterprises to improve business execution process, be sure to This has a clear understanding. As a business, then a great goal and vision, then the perfect operation of the program, if you can not perform strongly, and ultimately can only be on paper. To strengthen the construction of

executive power, it is necessary to set the organization, staffing and operational procedures on the effective integration of enterprise status, enterprises will be integrated into a safe, effective and controllable whole,

and to reduce the use of regulatory loopholes in the system, in target setting standards in the implementation of effective supervision on, whereby enterprises enforcement will naturally be effectively improved. Poor execution is the company's biggest internal friction, enterprises will not only consume a lot of human and financial resources, but also miss

the opportunity to affect the company's strategic planning and

development. To improve business execution, the first to be reflected from the management, with the management approach to the formation of

the overall style and atmosphere, and finally the entire enterprise and personnel all have this capability. In this world, there is good reason why people in general are different from those that are more excellent ability to achieve the vision, and this is a man's execution, rather than the more

ideological; enterprise is also true, a good business in the other

enterprises doing the same thing, just better than others, the

implementation of more in place, more effective implementation of


Business execution is a system, organization and team. An enterprise is an organization, a full body, business execution should also be a system,

organization and team execution. Execution is the key to success in business management. As long as companies have good management, management system, a good leader, and fully mobilize the enthusiasm of all the staff, management, execution will certainly be the greatest play, companies will be able to create a century enterprise goals. Enterprises to achieve "do first-class enterprise, first-class products, first-class benefits"

business purposes, to solve management problems, we must build a first-class enterprise employees execution. A strong implementation of the enterprise, there must be a high-quality workforce, and has a highly

qualified staff of the enterprise, the enterprise must be hopeful. To improve business execution, not only to improve the enterprise from top to bottom of each individual execution, but also to improve every unit, every department's overall execution, the only way companies will form a

system execution, thus the line into business execution and

competitiveness. Everything is a process, not a one-step, effective

immediately. While Chinese enterprises lack just such a state of mind, to do one thing, it should be down to earth, step by step, not instant success. Like creating famous brand, to create well-known enterprises in foreign countries, which is a long-term project in the U.S., a brand, the annual

advertising needs at least $ 30 million, at least three to five years, and in our China, Few companies are doing very beginning, when there is such brand awareness and attitude, seems to do for some time, cast so much money, brand awareness has not reached a certain height, can not wait, and do it a certain reputation, often is not too long, it has no trace of the. Business execution is the same, this is the work of man, but man's work is the most difficult to do the work, take longer and longer to process, so enterprises to improve business execution process, be sure to This has a clear understanding. As a business, then a great goal and vision, then the perfect operation of the program, if you can not perform strongly, and ultimately can only be on paper. To strengthen the construction of

executive power, it is necessary to set the organization, staffing and operational procedures on the effective integration of enterprise status, enterprises will be integrated into a safe, effective and controllable whole,

and to reduce the use of regulatory loopholes in the system, in target setting standards in the implementation of effective supervision on, whereby enterprises enforcement will naturally be effectively improved. Poor execution is the company's biggest internal friction, enterprises will not only consume a lot of human and financial resources, but also miss

the opportunity to affect the company's strategic planning and

development. To improve business execution, the first to be reflected from the management, with the management approach to the formation of

the overall style and atmosphere, and finally the entire enterprise and personnel all have this capability. In this world, there is good reason why people in general are different from those that are more excellent ability to achieve the vision, and this is a man's execution, rather than the more

ideological; enterprise is also true, a good business in the other

enterprises doing the same thing, just better than others, the

implementation of more in place, more effective implementation of


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