

1. reduction,decrease,decline,diminution, drop,descend,go / come down,fall;上升、增加rise; go up; ascend;increase;

2.禽流感 H1N1 flu bird flu/avian flu;食品安全 food safety;

3.公共卫生突发事件public health emergencies; 应急反应 immediate response to;

4.关注民生 concern(focus on, pay attention to) people’s livelihood/well-being;

5.城乡卫生体系urban-rural medical and health system

,服务体系service system;

7.讲究卫生pay attention to hygiene;个人和环境卫生personal and environmental hygiene

8;protein-complemented diet蛋白添加饮食;

9.preventive initiatives=preventive measures预防的措施 10.人畜共患病zoonosis=anthropozoonosis.人兽共患病,

11.虫媒insect pollination;虫媒传染病insect-borne /arthropod-borne infectious disease:

12.肾病综合征:nephrotic/renal syndrome;

13.epidemic hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热;

14.爆发流行:break out, explode; an epidemic outbreak of,explosion


communicable可传达的, 会传染的, 爱说话的[医] 有传染性的;

communicative a. 健谈的, 爱说话的, 交际的

route of transmission, bird flu transmits by air/wind;person to person transmission

17.传播,散布:diffuse,prevalence,spread,transmit,disseminate,propagate/ propagation

18.污染pollution/ pollute,contamination/contaminate

19.福祉 well-being, happiness;

20.衰老grow old;aging;consenescence;senility;senile

21.from bad to worse每况愈下;akin to=similar to 相似的;Purulent脓的,化脓的

22.脂肪肝fatty liver; 血压 hypertension

23.肠癌Cancer of Rectum and Colon;亚健康 sub-health


25.长期以来 for a long time ; over the years

26.27.分类 be divided into=fall into three categories=be grouped according to their origin, into three classes.=be categorized according to/be roughly classified into three kinds.

28. duties/responsibilities/obligations; 基本原则fundamental principle/ rule, basic rule or principle;


30.民众the (general) public,the masses of the people,the common people;合作者co-worker; collaborator; copartner; coagent;


The death toll is expected to rise. The death toll continues to rise.

There have been more deaths from drowning.

How much is the death toll? 死亡人数是多少?

归因为/归功于 be attributable to、be attributed to、ascribe or attribute… to、owe…to; 归咎于lay or put the blame on sb、blame…on、ascribe or attribute… to、impute… to。

33.大规模on a large scale,extensive,large-scale,massive;大规模流行 large-scale transmission,become a pandemic,massive attack/outbreak

34.表面上on the surface, apparently, ostensibly, superficial, seemingly;

因果关系 cause-and-effect relationship, causal relationship/relations;

孤立现象an isolated phenomenon;


极端复杂性extreme/ exceeding complexity/complicacy。

35.低保basic living allowances/subsistence allowances;

养老保险 endowment insurance;

退休养老金retirement pension;

Health Care Reform医疗改革


37.月经期menstrual period

38.生活的节奏the tempo/the pace of life; a life of quick /fast pace

39.婴幼儿保健the infant health care


41.得绝症的terminally ill;


濒临死亡的病人:dying patients,terminally ill patients,incurable patient

43.Secondhand Smoking ,also called “involuntary smoking” or “passive smoking”.


1. reduction,decrease,decline,diminution, drop,descend,go / come down,fall;上升、增加rise; go up; ascend;increase;

2.禽流感 H1N1 flu bird flu/avian flu;食品安全 food safety;

3.公共卫生突发事件public health emergencies; 应急反应 immediate response to;

4.关注民生 concern(focus on, pay attention to) people’s livelihood/well-being;

5.城乡卫生体系urban-rural medical and health system

,服务体系service system;

7.讲究卫生pay attention to hygiene;个人和环境卫生personal and environmental hygiene

8;protein-complemented diet蛋白添加饮食;

9.preventive initiatives=preventive measures预防的措施 10.人畜共患病zoonosis=anthropozoonosis.人兽共患病,

11.虫媒insect pollination;虫媒传染病insect-borne /arthropod-borne infectious disease:

12.肾病综合征:nephrotic/renal syndrome;

13.epidemic hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热;

14.爆发流行:break out, explode; an epidemic outbreak of,explosion


communicable可传达的, 会传染的, 爱说话的[医] 有传染性的;

communicative a. 健谈的, 爱说话的, 交际的

route of transmission, bird flu transmits by air/wind;person to person transmission

17.传播,散布:diffuse,prevalence,spread,transmit,disseminate,propagate/ propagation

18.污染pollution/ pollute,contamination/contaminate

19.福祉 well-being, happiness;

20.衰老grow old;aging;consenescence;senility;senile

21.from bad to worse每况愈下;akin to=similar to 相似的;Purulent脓的,化脓的

22.脂肪肝fatty liver; 血压 hypertension

23.肠癌Cancer of Rectum and Colon;亚健康 sub-health


25.长期以来 for a long time ; over the years

26.27.分类 be divided into=fall into three categories=be grouped according to their origin, into three classes.=be categorized according to/be roughly classified into three kinds.

28. duties/responsibilities/obligations; 基本原则fundamental principle/ rule, basic rule or principle;


30.民众the (general) public,the masses of the people,the common people;合作者co-worker; collaborator; copartner; coagent;


The death toll is expected to rise. The death toll continues to rise.

There have been more deaths from drowning.

How much is the death toll? 死亡人数是多少?

归因为/归功于 be attributable to、be attributed to、ascribe or attribute… to、owe…to; 归咎于lay or put the blame on sb、blame…on、ascribe or attribute… to、impute… to。

33.大规模on a large scale,extensive,large-scale,massive;大规模流行 large-scale transmission,become a pandemic,massive attack/outbreak

34.表面上on the surface, apparently, ostensibly, superficial, seemingly;

因果关系 cause-and-effect relationship, causal relationship/relations;

孤立现象an isolated phenomenon;


极端复杂性extreme/ exceeding complexity/complicacy。

35.低保basic living allowances/subsistence allowances;

养老保险 endowment insurance;

退休养老金retirement pension;

Health Care Reform医疗改革


37.月经期menstrual period

38.生活的节奏the tempo/the pace of life; a life of quick /fast pace

39.婴幼儿保健the infant health care


41.得绝症的terminally ill;


濒临死亡的病人:dying patients,terminally ill patients,incurable patient

43.Secondhand Smoking ,also called “involuntary smoking” or “passive smoking”.


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