


goat / / comb/ / Q--________ week--________


1. —How much did you pay _______ for this new dictionary?

—I _____ 50 on it.

A.pay; spent B.spend;paid C.pay;cost D.spend;cost

2. These are your old books, please_________.

A.put away it B.put away them C.put them away D.put it away

3. Let's go for a walk after supper, _______?

A.do you B.don't you C.won't you D.shall we

4. _______ Lily nor Lucy _______ collecting stamps.

A.Either;likes B.Neither;likes C.Either;like D.Neither;like

5. The little girl is ________ to put on the clothes herself.

A.enough old B.old enough C.big enough D.enough big

6. There is _____ "m"and _____"m"and ______"m".

A.a;an;a B.a;a;an C.an;a;an D.an;an;a

7. Monday is _______ day of a week.

A.the first B.the two C.the second D.one

8. The air in Zhengzhou is getting _______ now than a few years ago.

A.clean B.more cleaner C.much clean D.much cleaner

9. ________ money he earns, _______ he will be.

A.The more; the happier B.Much;happier

C. Most;happiest D.More; happier

10.________ students of our Class is 50. _______ the students come from cities.

A.A number of; A number of B.The number;A number of

C. The number of ; The number of D.A number of ;The number of


1.Ann is a pretty school girl.She has long brown hair.(合并成一句)


2.Could you tell me what I should do next?(同义句)


3.I think a duck can swim in the sea.(否定句)


4.The young woman in jeans is our English teacher.(划线部分提问)


5.Tell him. Don't look out of the window.(合并成一句)



1.Did you mind my ______ (turn) up the radio?

2.Because of the ______(heavily)rain, I'm late for class.

3.Which ______ she ______(prefer).grapes or watermelon?

4.Would you like ______(dink)some juice?

5.He went away after dinner without ______(pay).

6.The girl ______(call) Alice won the race.

7.Tracy, the lady with glasses is a friend of ______(I).

8.______ you ______(are) free tomorrow?


Dear John, 1._____is_________

I want^ stay at my aunt's for the whole holiday. 2._____to_________ 3.____Because_____

noise of the big city.

4.____What_______ 5.____exams______ 6.____subjects_____ 7.____It 去掉______ 8.______in________ 9.___interesting____

send you some. I hope you'll like it. 10._____√___________

Best wishes.


Everyone knows A Fan Ti (阿凡提Now, I want to tell you an interesting story about him.

One day, Tom comes to ask A Fan Ti to buy a coat for him. But he says,"You can't make it into red,blue,yellow,black or A Fan Ti thinks for a short time and says,"OK. But you can't come to take it on Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday or Saturday.Or you must give me more money." 七. 智力部分(5分)

1.Do you know which two letters are in CANDY?

2.One plus five is nine. Why? (answer in Chinese.)

3.If you think a child is occasionally more clever than an adult, please put a cross on the line.

4.Please write AS if you think five times ten is fifty, if not please write 50 on the line.

5.Which letter is important for a deaf (聋的) man?

八,假如你是郑州某中学的老师Frank ,负责招聘一位音乐老师。请写一份招聘广告。WANTED. 电话号码:0371--88885000 要求60个单词,不少于6句话。(10分) Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance?Can you play the piano,the trumpet,the drums,or the guitar? Then you can be our school music teacher,please call Frank at 0371-88885000



goat / / comb/ / Q--________ week--________


1. —How much did you pay _______ for this new dictionary?

—I _____ 50 on it.

A.pay; spent B.spend;paid C.pay;cost D.spend;cost

2. These are your old books, please_________.

A.put away it B.put away them C.put them away D.put it away

3. Let's go for a walk after supper, _______?

A.do you B.don't you C.won't you D.shall we

4. _______ Lily nor Lucy _______ collecting stamps.

A.Either;likes B.Neither;likes C.Either;like D.Neither;like

5. The little girl is ________ to put on the clothes herself.

A.enough old B.old enough C.big enough D.enough big

6. There is _____ "m"and _____"m"and ______"m".

A.a;an;a B.a;a;an C.an;a;an D.an;an;a

7. Monday is _______ day of a week.

A.the first B.the two C.the second D.one

8. The air in Zhengzhou is getting _______ now than a few years ago.

A.clean B.more cleaner C.much clean D.much cleaner

9. ________ money he earns, _______ he will be.

A.The more; the happier B.Much;happier

C. Most;happiest D.More; happier

10.________ students of our Class is 50. _______ the students come from cities.

A.A number of; A number of B.The number;A number of

C. The number of ; The number of D.A number of ;The number of


1.Ann is a pretty school girl.She has long brown hair.(合并成一句)


2.Could you tell me what I should do next?(同义句)


3.I think a duck can swim in the sea.(否定句)


4.The young woman in jeans is our English teacher.(划线部分提问)


5.Tell him. Don't look out of the window.(合并成一句)



1.Did you mind my ______ (turn) up the radio?

2.Because of the ______(heavily)rain, I'm late for class.

3.Which ______ she ______(prefer).grapes or watermelon?

4.Would you like ______(dink)some juice?

5.He went away after dinner without ______(pay).

6.The girl ______(call) Alice won the race.

7.Tracy, the lady with glasses is a friend of ______(I).

8.______ you ______(are) free tomorrow?


Dear John, 1._____is_________

I want^ stay at my aunt's for the whole holiday. 2._____to_________ 3.____Because_____

noise of the big city.

4.____What_______ 5.____exams______ 6.____subjects_____ 7.____It 去掉______ 8.______in________ 9.___interesting____

send you some. I hope you'll like it. 10._____√___________

Best wishes.


Everyone knows A Fan Ti (阿凡提Now, I want to tell you an interesting story about him.

One day, Tom comes to ask A Fan Ti to buy a coat for him. But he says,"You can't make it into red,blue,yellow,black or A Fan Ti thinks for a short time and says,"OK. But you can't come to take it on Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday or Saturday.Or you must give me more money." 七. 智力部分(5分)

1.Do you know which two letters are in CANDY?

2.One plus five is nine. Why? (answer in Chinese.)

3.If you think a child is occasionally more clever than an adult, please put a cross on the line.

4.Please write AS if you think five times ten is fifty, if not please write 50 on the line.

5.Which letter is important for a deaf (聋的) man?

八,假如你是郑州某中学的老师Frank ,负责招聘一位音乐老师。请写一份招聘广告。WANTED. 电话号码:0371--88885000 要求60个单词,不少于6句话。(10分) Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance?Can you play the piano,the trumpet,the drums,or the guitar? Then you can be our school music teacher,please call Frank at 0371-88885000


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