


关键词:液压衬砌台车,设计 ,优点, 安全性

Abstract: HongTiGuan tunnel is the present domestic third grow up highway tunnel, the 13.1 km, for the domestic one of the longest tunnel construction, but also the line of control project, for line separate tunnel around. The China railway construction bureau of twelve ChangPing high-speed lj5 contract section of tunnel construction of import task, left hole for commencement mileage K11 + 088 ~ K18 + 300, long 7212 m; Right from YK11 hole for the mileage of 088 ~ + YK11 + 314.77, 7226.77 m long, or so hole are to linear, design line spacing 25 m, tunnel construction boundaries: wide and 10.25 m (single hole), high 5.0 m. K16 + 050 place set 1 # 2 # ventilation shafts, are inclined to hole hole from 4962 m, the construction scheme is hole for the tunneling complete is hole head construction projects, construction period tight, pressure. Lining can follow up in time directly affect the construction progress and construction safety. Use 14.1 meters long after the car, and achieved good economic benefit, effectively ensure the construction period. Combining with the project project practice and share with everyone, the reference in the group promotion or future in the industry adopted promotion.

Three, the old village flat slope comprehensive reform change of meaning and purpose?

The old village flat slope to comprehensive reform, is the city building land resources administration further implementation “the three represents” the important thoughts, deepen the flat slope engineering change, for the people “of the new measures, is to establish the scientific development view, to explore the Shanghai old village reconstruction and a new practice. To further improve the citizen’s residential quality, improve the city appearance, deepen the flat slope to work, mainly to solve in the living residents in the process of using “nasty, blocking the pipe), difficult (roofing



关键词:液压衬砌台车,设计 ,优点, 安全性

Abstract: HongTiGuan tunnel is the present domestic third grow up highway tunnel, the 13.1 km, for the domestic one of the longest tunnel construction, but also the line of control project, for line separate tunnel around. The China railway construction bureau of twelve ChangPing high-speed lj5 contract section of tunnel construction of import task, left hole for commencement mileage K11 + 088 ~ K18 + 300, long 7212 m; Right from YK11 hole for the mileage of 088 ~ + YK11 + 314.77, 7226.77 m long, or so hole are to linear, design line spacing 25 m, tunnel construction boundaries: wide and 10.25 m (single hole), high 5.0 m. K16 + 050 place set 1 # 2 # ventilation shafts, are inclined to hole hole from 4962 m, the construction scheme is hole for the tunneling complete is hole head construction projects, construction period tight, pressure. Lining can follow up in time directly affect the construction progress and construction safety. Use 14.1 meters long after the car, and achieved good economic benefit, effectively ensure the construction period. Combining with the project project practice and share with everyone, the reference in the group promotion or future in the industry adopted promotion.

Three, the old village flat slope comprehensive reform change of meaning and purpose?

The old village flat slope to comprehensive reform, is the city building land resources administration further implementation “the three represents” the important thoughts, deepen the flat slope engineering change, for the people “of the new measures, is to establish the scientific development view, to explore the Shanghai old village reconstruction and a new practice. To further improve the citizen’s residential quality, improve the city appearance, deepen the flat slope to work, mainly to solve in the living residents in the process of using “nasty, blocking the pipe), difficult (roofing


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