

基本信息 名称 Lesson 40 Body Language 执教者 王明 课时 1

所属教材目录 冀教版八年级下册第七单元Know Our World











1. 掌握课标要求的四会词汇:European, kiss, nod,


2. 了解并掌握肢体语言的常用表达法和句型:

⑴ But body language is not the same in all


⑵ In India, when people nod their heads,

they mean “no”.

⑶ In most places, people point to things

with their fingers.

3. 复习并进一步掌握不定式的用法。


目标 涵,为今后的应用做准备。

让学生了解有声语言和肢体语言的对应关系,明确情感态度与肢体语言在人际交往中在了解对方情感、态度、思想等价值观目标 时所起的作用。

1. 了解不同的肢体语言在不同文化下的不同含义;

重点 2. 学会介绍自己知道的肢体语言;

3. 掌握表述肢体语言常用的重点句型。

1. 表述肢体语言常用的词汇和句型;

难点 2. 对比和比较在说明文中的应用; 教材分析 学情分析 知识与能力目标 教学目标 教学重难点

3. 不定式的用法。

单词教学主要采用情景教学法,课文理解主要采用任务型教学法,语教学策略与 法知识点教学主要采用温故知新的方式,语法知识点的质量检测采用简单







Greetings 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Good Greet the students: Good morning, morning class! teacher!

Pre-reading Lead in the new words with the Read and Learning

following question: Do you know what learn new words: new words under body language is? certain

They are situation helps

Teach vocabulary: greet ing the students

someone.(greet) remember and use

1. What are they doing? them better.

They kiss

2. How do the European s, the each other on

Italian s, for example, greet each both cheek s

other? with their

lip s.

4. Do you agree? Give me your answer, but (European,

don’t say a word. Italian, kiss,

cheek, lip)

When we agree, we nod our heads in

China. Right? Nod their


5. (Thumb up and say) Well done! And ask:

What do we do when we mean well done? (nod)

6. If we put our thumbs upward, it’s We give a

polite , but if we put them downward, thumbs-up sign.

it’s not polite, or say, rude . (thumbs-up)

Do you know the following


1. body language 2.shake hands

3.greet each other (polite, rude) 1. 肢体语言2. 握手

3. 彼此欢迎


reading 4.kiss each other on both cheeks 问候 5.nod heads 6.shake heads 4. 亲吻彼此双颊 7.a thumbs–up 8.point to 5. 点头 6. 9.wave goodbye 摇头 10.It ’s polite /rude to do sth. 7. 竖拇指8. 指点 9. 挥手再见 10. 做„„礼貌/不礼貌 Play the tape once. Write down Check if the missed they remember 1. Ask students to listen carefully and words. the words.

write down the missing words in the

text. Tell about Get the main

the main idea. idea of the

2. Ask students to tell about the main text.

idea. Do the True

or False

3. Ask students to do the True or False questions.

questions of Exer. 1.

(T F F T)

3. Play the tape again. Ask students to Read the Read for read after. text. details.

4. Check the answers to the blank Check the

filling and the True or False answers to the

questions one by one. True or False


7. Ask students to answer some

questions: (Individual


What is body language?

It is a way

Is body language the same in all of

cultures? communicating


How many body languages are speaking.

mentioned in this lesson? What are they?

Not all body

How do people inChinagreet each


How do people in some European

countries greet each other? languages are the same. Eight:

shake hands,

What do people inIndiamean when kiss, nod one’s

they nod their heads? What about in most head, shake

other countries? one’s head,


What does a thumbs-up in most point to things,

cultures/Australia/Japan/Germanymean? goodbye waving,

and smile.

How do people point to things in

most places? And in other places? They shake


What does Italian goodbye look like

inAmerica? Kiss each

other on both What does American goodbye look cheeks.

like in many parts of Europe andSouth

America? No.

Is there a body language the same Yes.

all around the world? If yes, what is it?

(Encourage the students to act friendly Well done./

to the world with a picture: Smile at the Not polite./

world and it will smile back.) Five./ One.

With their


With their


Yes. It is


1. Ask students to fill in the Read the Read for blanks of Exer. 2 after reading the text text and fill in details. again. the blanks.

2. Ask students to make sentences (InChinaand

according to the table filled. some other


e.g. In some European countries, Kiss, no,

people kiss each other to show InAustralia,

friendship and love. InGermany)



according to the

table filled.

Discussion: Since cultures are so (Pair work) Further different in different countries, what When inRome, do thinking and should we do when we go to a foreign as the Romans expression. country? do.

Ask students to underline the Read for Grammar phrases and sentences they don’t questions and study. understand and learn them together with work them out

the students. together with

the teacher’s

1. InChinaand abroad, people help.

sometimes communicate without

speaking . Without


2. It’s another way to show

friendship and love. “to do”作


3. They think it’s rude to point

with a finger. “to do”作


Ask students to find all the Find all the Review

sentences with “to do”, and divide sentences with infinitive “to them into groups and summarize the use “to do”, and do”.

of “to do”. review the use

of “to do”.

1. InChinaand some other countries,

friends shake hands to greet each other. 目的状语

2. „but they shake hands to show

friendship and trust.

3. It’s another way to show

friendship and love.

4. They think it’s rude to point

with a finger. 目的状语 后置定语 逻辑主语 表语


Learn more about “to do” with some 逻辑主语

blank filling questions:


1. My dream is ____(set up) my own

company. 定语

2. I am very happy ___(meet) you.

3. It’s fun ___(talk) with friends

on the phone.

4. My mother asked me ____(go)

shopping with her.

5. I’m busy doing my homework, so

I have no time ___(play) with you.

(There is still more about “to do”

to learn in the future.)

Post-reading Lead the students to review: What Summarize

did we learn? the new words,


New words: greet, European, kiss, sentence

cheek, nod, thumbs-up, polite, lip, structures

rude, Italian learned and try

to remember

Phrases : shake hands with„, them.

nod/shake one’s head, mean the

opposite, well done

Sentences :

1. InChinaand abroad, people

sometimes communicate without


2. But body language is not the same

in all cultures.

3. It’s another way to show

friendship and love.

4. InIndia, when people nod their

heads, they mean “no”.

5. In most places, people point to Review.



design things with their fingers. 6. They think it’s rude to point with a finger. 7. One body language is the same all around the world: a smile. Show the students some pictures and Read the Interesting ask them to tell about people’s minds. pictures and games help the tell about students people’s understand and minds. remember. He is thinking. He is impatient or in a hurry. They’re bored. Game play: divide the students into two groups. One group act and the other group guess. (group work) 1. Do some research on more interesting Check and develop. body languages and write a piece of writing about them in your own words. 2. Find out if only people can use body

新课。听力练习分三部分:听大意、判对错和填单词。其中填单词环节不但可以帮助学生理解课文,还可以检验学生对新学单词的掌握情况。而阅读部分包括四个环节:答问题、填表格、解疑难和总结“to do ”。以此完成对课文的熟练掌握。最后进行练习归纳和游戏环节,检验及巩固学习效果。教学内容和环节阶梯上升,由易到难、由简到繁;学生学习由浅入深,循序渐进,符合学生认知水平和年龄特点。讲练结合,相互影响促进;形式多样,调动了学生多种感官同时参与。学生兴趣浓厚,学习积极主动。本节课教学目标设计较为合理,能够满足八年级学生发展的需要. 教学反思


基本信息 名称 Lesson 40 Body Language 执教者 王明 课时 1

所属教材目录 冀教版八年级下册第七单元Know Our World











1. 掌握课标要求的四会词汇:European, kiss, nod,


2. 了解并掌握肢体语言的常用表达法和句型:

⑴ But body language is not the same in all


⑵ In India, when people nod their heads,

they mean “no”.

⑶ In most places, people point to things

with their fingers.

3. 复习并进一步掌握不定式的用法。


目标 涵,为今后的应用做准备。

让学生了解有声语言和肢体语言的对应关系,明确情感态度与肢体语言在人际交往中在了解对方情感、态度、思想等价值观目标 时所起的作用。

1. 了解不同的肢体语言在不同文化下的不同含义;

重点 2. 学会介绍自己知道的肢体语言;

3. 掌握表述肢体语言常用的重点句型。

1. 表述肢体语言常用的词汇和句型;

难点 2. 对比和比较在说明文中的应用; 教材分析 学情分析 知识与能力目标 教学目标 教学重难点

3. 不定式的用法。

单词教学主要采用情景教学法,课文理解主要采用任务型教学法,语教学策略与 法知识点教学主要采用温故知新的方式,语法知识点的质量检测采用简单







Greetings 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Good Greet the students: Good morning, morning class! teacher!

Pre-reading Lead in the new words with the Read and Learning

following question: Do you know what learn new words: new words under body language is? certain

They are situation helps

Teach vocabulary: greet ing the students

someone.(greet) remember and use

1. What are they doing? them better.

They kiss

2. How do the European s, the each other on

Italian s, for example, greet each both cheek s

other? with their

lip s.

4. Do you agree? Give me your answer, but (European,

don’t say a word. Italian, kiss,

cheek, lip)

When we agree, we nod our heads in

China. Right? Nod their


5. (Thumb up and say) Well done! And ask:

What do we do when we mean well done? (nod)

6. If we put our thumbs upward, it’s We give a

polite , but if we put them downward, thumbs-up sign.

it’s not polite, or say, rude . (thumbs-up)

Do you know the following


1. body language 2.shake hands

3.greet each other (polite, rude) 1. 肢体语言2. 握手

3. 彼此欢迎


reading 4.kiss each other on both cheeks 问候 5.nod heads 6.shake heads 4. 亲吻彼此双颊 7.a thumbs–up 8.point to 5. 点头 6. 9.wave goodbye 摇头 10.It ’s polite /rude to do sth. 7. 竖拇指8. 指点 9. 挥手再见 10. 做„„礼貌/不礼貌 Play the tape once. Write down Check if the missed they remember 1. Ask students to listen carefully and words. the words.

write down the missing words in the

text. Tell about Get the main

the main idea. idea of the

2. Ask students to tell about the main text.

idea. Do the True

or False

3. Ask students to do the True or False questions.

questions of Exer. 1.

(T F F T)

3. Play the tape again. Ask students to Read the Read for read after. text. details.

4. Check the answers to the blank Check the

filling and the True or False answers to the

questions one by one. True or False


7. Ask students to answer some

questions: (Individual


What is body language?

It is a way

Is body language the same in all of

cultures? communicating


How many body languages are speaking.

mentioned in this lesson? What are they?

Not all body

How do people inChinagreet each


How do people in some European

countries greet each other? languages are the same. Eight:

shake hands,

What do people inIndiamean when kiss, nod one’s

they nod their heads? What about in most head, shake

other countries? one’s head,


What does a thumbs-up in most point to things,

cultures/Australia/Japan/Germanymean? goodbye waving,

and smile.

How do people point to things in

most places? And in other places? They shake


What does Italian goodbye look like

inAmerica? Kiss each

other on both What does American goodbye look cheeks.

like in many parts of Europe andSouth

America? No.

Is there a body language the same Yes.

all around the world? If yes, what is it?

(Encourage the students to act friendly Well done./

to the world with a picture: Smile at the Not polite./

world and it will smile back.) Five./ One.

With their


With their


Yes. It is


1. Ask students to fill in the Read the Read for blanks of Exer. 2 after reading the text text and fill in details. again. the blanks.

2. Ask students to make sentences (InChinaand

according to the table filled. some other


e.g. In some European countries, Kiss, no,

people kiss each other to show InAustralia,

friendship and love. InGermany)



according to the

table filled.

Discussion: Since cultures are so (Pair work) Further different in different countries, what When inRome, do thinking and should we do when we go to a foreign as the Romans expression. country? do.

Ask students to underline the Read for Grammar phrases and sentences they don’t questions and study. understand and learn them together with work them out

the students. together with

the teacher’s

1. InChinaand abroad, people help.

sometimes communicate without

speaking . Without


2. It’s another way to show

friendship and love. “to do”作


3. They think it’s rude to point

with a finger. “to do”作


Ask students to find all the Find all the Review

sentences with “to do”, and divide sentences with infinitive “to them into groups and summarize the use “to do”, and do”.

of “to do”. review the use

of “to do”.

1. InChinaand some other countries,

friends shake hands to greet each other. 目的状语

2. „but they shake hands to show

friendship and trust.

3. It’s another way to show

friendship and love.

4. They think it’s rude to point

with a finger. 目的状语 后置定语 逻辑主语 表语


Learn more about “to do” with some 逻辑主语

blank filling questions:


1. My dream is ____(set up) my own

company. 定语

2. I am very happy ___(meet) you.

3. It’s fun ___(talk) with friends

on the phone.

4. My mother asked me ____(go)

shopping with her.

5. I’m busy doing my homework, so

I have no time ___(play) with you.

(There is still more about “to do”

to learn in the future.)

Post-reading Lead the students to review: What Summarize

did we learn? the new words,


New words: greet, European, kiss, sentence

cheek, nod, thumbs-up, polite, lip, structures

rude, Italian learned and try

to remember

Phrases : shake hands with„, them.

nod/shake one’s head, mean the

opposite, well done

Sentences :

1. InChinaand abroad, people

sometimes communicate without


2. But body language is not the same

in all cultures.

3. It’s another way to show

friendship and love.

4. InIndia, when people nod their

heads, they mean “no”.

5. In most places, people point to Review.



design things with their fingers. 6. They think it’s rude to point with a finger. 7. One body language is the same all around the world: a smile. Show the students some pictures and Read the Interesting ask them to tell about people’s minds. pictures and games help the tell about students people’s understand and minds. remember. He is thinking. He is impatient or in a hurry. They’re bored. Game play: divide the students into two groups. One group act and the other group guess. (group work) 1. Do some research on more interesting Check and develop. body languages and write a piece of writing about them in your own words. 2. Find out if only people can use body

新课。听力练习分三部分:听大意、判对错和填单词。其中填单词环节不但可以帮助学生理解课文,还可以检验学生对新学单词的掌握情况。而阅读部分包括四个环节:答问题、填表格、解疑难和总结“to do ”。以此完成对课文的熟练掌握。最后进行练习归纳和游戏环节,检验及巩固学习效果。教学内容和环节阶梯上升,由易到难、由简到繁;学生学习由浅入深,循序渐进,符合学生认知水平和年龄特点。讲练结合,相互影响促进;形式多样,调动了学生多种感官同时参与。学生兴趣浓厚,学习积极主动。本节课教学目标设计较为合理,能够满足八年级学生发展的需要. 教学反思


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