ballast weight,石渣压戗
berm ,马道
blended impervious blanket,混合不透水铺盖
concrete cutoff wall,砼防渗墙
core cutoff trench,芯墙截水槽
crest access,坝顶公路
cutoff dike,截渗堤
dam abutment,坝肩
dam axis,坝轴线
dam body(embankment ),坝体
dam crest,坝顶
dam foundation,坝基
dam shell, 坝壳
dam site, 坝址
drainage curtain,排水帷幕
filter ,反滤层
freeboard section,超高段
grout curtain,灌浆帷幕
heel of dam,坝踵
main dam,主坝
parapet wall,防浪墙
pitched work,块石护坡
plastic zone,塑性区
rock contact part,基岩连接部分
rockfill riprap,块石护坡
saddle dam,副坝
soil sloping core,土质斜芯墙
toe of dam, 坝趾
transition zone,过度区
upstream blanket,上游铺盖
进水口intake area
access bridge,交通桥
bridge abutment,桥台,桥肩
bridge pier,桥墩
bridge span,桥跨
cable trench,电缆沟
cored beam,空心梁
diaphragm ,隔板
inside beam,内梁
neoprene bearing,橡胶支座
outside beam,外梁
pavement ,铺装层
road surface,路面
T-beam ,T 型梁
Walkway ,人行道
air vent,通气孔
approach channel,引水渠
central pier,中墩
chamber ,室
auxiliary trashrack maintenance chamber,副拦污栅检修室 booster pump chamber,加压泵房
carousel rail chamber,环行轨道室
drainage sump chamber,集水井室
gate dogging chamber,闸门锁定室
gate maintenance chamber,闸门检修室
hoist chamber,启闭机室
main trashrack maintenance chamber主拦污栅检修室 channel training wall,引水导墙
concrete liner,混凝土衬砌
control room,控制室
corbel ,牛腿
cover ,盖板
direct plumb line hole,正垂孔
gallery ,廊道
access gallery,交通廊道
drainage gallery,排水廊道
observation gallery,观测廊道
pressure balance gallery,冲水平压廊道
gate slot,门槽
auxiliary transhrack slot,副拦污栅门槽
emergency gate slot,事故门槽
main trashrack slot,主拦污栅槽
maintenance gate slot,检修门槽
track rake slot,清污机槽
handrail ,扶手
intake tower,进水塔
diversion tower,导流塔
free flow tower,明流踏
irrigation tower,灌溉塔
orifice tower,孔板塔
power tower,发电塔
inverted plump line pipe,倒垂塔
lamp post,灯柱
longitude strut,纵向联系梁
parapet wall,栏杆,女儿墙
shaft ,竖井
auxiliary trashrack shaft, 副拦污栅井 elevator shaft,电梯井
emergency gate shaft,事故门井 lifting case shaft,吊箱井
main trashrack shaft主拦污栅井 service shaft,交通井
staircase shaft,楼梯井
temporary shaft,临时竖井
steel plate liner,钢板衬砌
transverse strut,横向联系梁
water passage,流道
洞群及溢洪道(tunnels and spillway) tunnels ,洞群
access tunnel,交通洞
anchorage boxout,铆具槽
closure gate,封堵门
concrete plug,砼封堵
concrete section,龙抬头连接段 crown (vault ),顶拱
drainage tunnel,排水洞
free flow tunnel,明流洞
hoist shaft,吊物井
invert ,底拱
irrigation tunnel,灌溉洞
mid-gate chamber,中闸室
orifice ,孔板环
orifice tunnel,孔板洞
sediment tunnel,排砂洞
transition section,渐变段
upper bend section,上弯段
spillway ,溢洪道
aerator ,掺气坎
emergency spillway,非常溢洪道 flip bucket,挑流鼻坎
free flow chute,明流泄槽
headwork ,渠首
retaining wall,挡墙
service spillway,正常溢洪道 出口区(outlet area)
approach area,引水墙
base slab,底板
concrete apron,混凝土护坦
discharge channel,泄水渠
divider wall,隔墙
plunge pool,消力塘
plunge pool weir,消力塘尾堰 stilling basin,静水池
power tunnel,发电洞
upper horizontal section,上平洞 upper curved section,上弯段
lower curved section,斜井段
lower horizontal section,下弯段 penstock ,压力钢管
main power house,主厂房
concrete ledge,岩壁梁
generator floor,发电机层
turbine floor,水轮机层
operator gallery,操作廊道
unwatering gallery,排水廊道 auxiliary powerhouse,副厂房 erection bay,安装间
drainage system,排水系统
drainage tunnel,排水洞
high-voltage cable tunnel,高压电缆 bus tunnel,母线洞
transformer chamber,主变室
draft tube gate chamber,尾闸室 draft tube tunnel,尾水管洞
tailrace tunnel,尾水洞
tailrace outlet,尾水出口
tailrace channel,尾水渠
tailrace divider wall,尾水隔墙 working bridge,工作桥
separating pier,隔墩
sediment gate,防淤闸
tailrace conic apron,尾水护坦 tailrace training wall,尾水导墙 vent shaft,通风竖井
临时建筑(temporary works) cofferdam ,围堰
deep-water cofferdam,深水围堰 grouting tunnel,灌浆洞
starter cofferdam,枯水围堰
附属设施(auxiliary facilities)
aggregate processing plant,骨料加工厂 batching plant,拌和楼
carpentry yard,木工房
construction camps,施工营地
crushing and screening plant,破碎筛分厂 laboratory ,实验室
main office building,主办公楼 main (general )store ,主仓库 mechanical workshop,机修车间 precast yard,预制厂
railway transfer platform,铁路转运站 rebar yard,钢筋加工厂
rock quarry,采石场
spoil disposal area,弃碴场
stockpile area,堆碴场
water treatment plant,水处理厂
ballast weight,石渣压戗
berm ,马道
blended impervious blanket,混合不透水铺盖
concrete cutoff wall,砼防渗墙
core cutoff trench,芯墙截水槽
crest access,坝顶公路
cutoff dike,截渗堤
dam abutment,坝肩
dam axis,坝轴线
dam body(embankment ),坝体
dam crest,坝顶
dam foundation,坝基
dam shell, 坝壳
dam site, 坝址
drainage curtain,排水帷幕
filter ,反滤层
freeboard section,超高段
grout curtain,灌浆帷幕
heel of dam,坝踵
main dam,主坝
parapet wall,防浪墙
pitched work,块石护坡
plastic zone,塑性区
rock contact part,基岩连接部分
rockfill riprap,块石护坡
saddle dam,副坝
soil sloping core,土质斜芯墙
toe of dam, 坝趾
transition zone,过度区
upstream blanket,上游铺盖
进水口intake area
access bridge,交通桥
bridge abutment,桥台,桥肩
bridge pier,桥墩
bridge span,桥跨
cable trench,电缆沟
cored beam,空心梁
diaphragm ,隔板
inside beam,内梁
neoprene bearing,橡胶支座
outside beam,外梁
pavement ,铺装层
road surface,路面
T-beam ,T 型梁
Walkway ,人行道
air vent,通气孔
approach channel,引水渠
central pier,中墩
chamber ,室
auxiliary trashrack maintenance chamber,副拦污栅检修室 booster pump chamber,加压泵房
carousel rail chamber,环行轨道室
drainage sump chamber,集水井室
gate dogging chamber,闸门锁定室
gate maintenance chamber,闸门检修室
hoist chamber,启闭机室
main trashrack maintenance chamber主拦污栅检修室 channel training wall,引水导墙
concrete liner,混凝土衬砌
control room,控制室
corbel ,牛腿
cover ,盖板
direct plumb line hole,正垂孔
gallery ,廊道
access gallery,交通廊道
drainage gallery,排水廊道
observation gallery,观测廊道
pressure balance gallery,冲水平压廊道
gate slot,门槽
auxiliary transhrack slot,副拦污栅门槽
emergency gate slot,事故门槽
main trashrack slot,主拦污栅槽
maintenance gate slot,检修门槽
track rake slot,清污机槽
handrail ,扶手
intake tower,进水塔
diversion tower,导流塔
free flow tower,明流踏
irrigation tower,灌溉塔
orifice tower,孔板塔
power tower,发电塔
inverted plump line pipe,倒垂塔
lamp post,灯柱
longitude strut,纵向联系梁
parapet wall,栏杆,女儿墙
shaft ,竖井
auxiliary trashrack shaft, 副拦污栅井 elevator shaft,电梯井
emergency gate shaft,事故门井 lifting case shaft,吊箱井
main trashrack shaft主拦污栅井 service shaft,交通井
staircase shaft,楼梯井
temporary shaft,临时竖井
steel plate liner,钢板衬砌
transverse strut,横向联系梁
water passage,流道
洞群及溢洪道(tunnels and spillway) tunnels ,洞群
access tunnel,交通洞
anchorage boxout,铆具槽
closure gate,封堵门
concrete plug,砼封堵
concrete section,龙抬头连接段 crown (vault ),顶拱
drainage tunnel,排水洞
free flow tunnel,明流洞
hoist shaft,吊物井
invert ,底拱
irrigation tunnel,灌溉洞
mid-gate chamber,中闸室
orifice ,孔板环
orifice tunnel,孔板洞
sediment tunnel,排砂洞
transition section,渐变段
upper bend section,上弯段
spillway ,溢洪道
aerator ,掺气坎
emergency spillway,非常溢洪道 flip bucket,挑流鼻坎
free flow chute,明流泄槽
headwork ,渠首
retaining wall,挡墙
service spillway,正常溢洪道 出口区(outlet area)
approach area,引水墙
base slab,底板
concrete apron,混凝土护坦
discharge channel,泄水渠
divider wall,隔墙
plunge pool,消力塘
plunge pool weir,消力塘尾堰 stilling basin,静水池
power tunnel,发电洞
upper horizontal section,上平洞 upper curved section,上弯段
lower curved section,斜井段
lower horizontal section,下弯段 penstock ,压力钢管
main power house,主厂房
concrete ledge,岩壁梁
generator floor,发电机层
turbine floor,水轮机层
operator gallery,操作廊道
unwatering gallery,排水廊道 auxiliary powerhouse,副厂房 erection bay,安装间
drainage system,排水系统
drainage tunnel,排水洞
high-voltage cable tunnel,高压电缆 bus tunnel,母线洞
transformer chamber,主变室
draft tube gate chamber,尾闸室 draft tube tunnel,尾水管洞
tailrace tunnel,尾水洞
tailrace outlet,尾水出口
tailrace channel,尾水渠
tailrace divider wall,尾水隔墙 working bridge,工作桥
separating pier,隔墩
sediment gate,防淤闸
tailrace conic apron,尾水护坦 tailrace training wall,尾水导墙 vent shaft,通风竖井
临时建筑(temporary works) cofferdam ,围堰
deep-water cofferdam,深水围堰 grouting tunnel,灌浆洞
starter cofferdam,枯水围堰
附属设施(auxiliary facilities)
aggregate processing plant,骨料加工厂 batching plant,拌和楼
carpentry yard,木工房
construction camps,施工营地
crushing and screening plant,破碎筛分厂 laboratory ,实验室
main office building,主办公楼 main (general )store ,主仓库 mechanical workshop,机修车间 precast yard,预制厂
railway transfer platform,铁路转运站 rebar yard,钢筋加工厂
rock quarry,采石场
spoil disposal area,弃碴场
stockpile area,堆碴场
water treatment plant,水处理厂