

小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http://www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0 盆景 bonsai

彩蛋 painted egg

面人 dough figurine

纱灯 gauze lantern

宫灯 palace lantern

牙扇 ivory fan

牙塔 ivory tower

牙瓶 ivory vase

绒兽 velvet animal

绒鸟 velvet bird

绒花 velvet flower

蜡人 wax doll

蜡果 wax fruit

陶器 pottery

陶盆 pottery pot

瓷器 porcelain, china

瓷碗 china bowl

瓷马 china horse

瓷盘 china plate

瓷人 porcelain figure

瓷牛 porcelain ox

绢画 silk painting

内画 inside-bottle painting

漆画 lacquer painting

铁画 iron picture

剪纸 paper-cutting

风筝 kite

绢花 silk flower

皮影 shadow figures

绢扇 silk fan

折扇 folding fan

手工业 handicraft

手工艺 craftsmanship

雨花石 rain flower pebbles

贝雕品 shell mosaic

景泰蓝 cloisonne

泥塑像 clay statuette

走马灯 revolving scenic lamp

彩釉陶 glazed colored pottery

鼻烟壶 snuff bottle painting

树皮画 tree bark painting

贝雕画 shell painting

麦杆画 straw patchwork

羽毛画 feather patchwork

瓷茶壶 china teapot

玻璃画 glass painting

软木画 cork patchwork

皮毛画 fur patchwork

塑料花 plastic flower

草织品 strawware

檀香扇 sandalwood fan

青釉瓷器 blue glazed porcelain


福 Fortune

禄 Emolument

寿 Longevity

荷韵 Lotus Melody

凤凰 Phoenix

鸟笼 Bird Cage

闻歌 Hearing Song

春月 Spring Moon

卷花 Curly Flowers

关公 Guan Gong

福禄寿 Fortune, Emolument and Longevity

荷花鹤 Lotus Crane

朝阳图 Sunrise

报春图 Spring Coming

百子图 One Hundred Children welcome spring 百福脸 Hundred Happy Faces

迎亲图 Ancient Wedding Scene

郊外景 Suburb Sceneries

繁华图 Prosperous Scene

品茶图 Tea taste

八仙图 Eight Immortals

九鱼图 Nine Fish

九鲤图 Nine Carps

大观园 Grand View Garden

西洋花 Western flower

兰亭序 Preface of The Orchid Pavilion

满江红 The Whole River Red

百福图 The Hundred Happiness

四季花 Four Season Flowers

四美图 Four Beauties

乐趣图 Fun

荷塘夜雨 Night Rain in Lotus Pond

莲塘憩鹤 Cranes Rest in Lotus Pond

富贵荣华 Great Wealth

春暖花开 Spring Flowers Blossom

丹凤朝阳 Red Phoenix in Morning Sun

竹报平安 Bamboo Peace

荷塘倩影 Beauty in Lotus Pond

百花齐放 Hundred Flowers Blossom

春色满园 Spring Garden

鹦鹉玉兰 Parrot and Magnolia

新八骏图 New Eight Horses

银箔抽象 Abstraction in Silver Foil

花开富贵 Fortune with Blooming Flowers

松龄贺寿 Greeting from Pines and Cranes

蓝底玉兰 Magnolia in Blue Background

飘逸玉兰 Elegant Magnolia

国色天香 National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance 国色朝酣 Peony in the Morning Sun

富贵花开 Fortune Blooming Flowers

和合如意 Happy Couple

金玉满堂 Treasures Fill The Home

鸿运当头 Good Luck

春风得意 Riding High

锦堂春永 Flowers in Full House

龙马神骏 Horses in High Spirit

鹤舞摇芳 Cranes Dancing in Flowers

松鹤延年 Long Live Cranes and Pines

盛世春晖 Spring in Flourishing Age

醉艳妍姿 Flowers in Drunk Color

新九鱼图 New Nine Fish

十里荷香 Lotus Fragrance

旭日东升 Sunrise in the East

碧湖秋韵 Autumn Scenery in the Lake

三醉芙蓉 Lotus in Three Colors

稀世珍宝 Rare Treasures

饮中八仙 Eight Drinking Immortals

天界仙女 Celestial Fairy

四大美人 Four Beauties

源远流长 Waterfalls Hanging on Mountains

欧式屏风 European Style Screen

山雨欲秋 Mountains and Rain in the Autumn 蜀山飞瀑 Waterfalls on Sichuan Mountains

鸳鸯荷塘 The Mandarin Duck in Lotus Pond

鸟语花香 Birds Singing in Blooming Flowers

连年有鱼 Prosperity Every Year

花开富贵 Fortune After Blooming Flowers

富贵有余 Peony and Fish

富贵同心 Wealthy Family

紫气东来 Purple Cloud from the East

梅鲤争春 Plum and Carp Spring Greeting

梅兰竹菊 Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum 清明上河图 Riverside Scene At Qingming Festival 八达游春图 Eight people ride in Spring

云海凌峰图 Mountain Peak in the Clouds

花木正春风 Flowers and Trees in Spring Wind 国色朝酣酒 National Beauty in the Morning

富贵和平图 Peony Peace

天香迎鹤舞 Peony Blooming For Cranes

玉堂富贵图 Peony Rich

北宋大挂画 Northern Song Dynasty Large Paintings 街市繁华图 Busy Street Scene

贵妃夜宴图 Royal Night Revels

秋江万里净 Sky Blue in Autumn River

波罗蜜多心经 The Heart of Paramita Sutra

虢国夫人游春图 Guo Ladies Spring Tour

云横叠嶂泉百重 Waterfalls from Clouds and Mountains

山色千寻常耸脆 Fairy Green Mountains

闻歌始觉有人来 I See Someone Out Singing Her Song 暗香随水月迎春 Fish Greet Spring under Plum Tree

北宋京城汴梁繁华图 Ancient Kaifeng Prosperous Scene 美联英语:www.meten.com


小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http://www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0 盆景 bonsai

彩蛋 painted egg

面人 dough figurine

纱灯 gauze lantern

宫灯 palace lantern

牙扇 ivory fan

牙塔 ivory tower

牙瓶 ivory vase

绒兽 velvet animal

绒鸟 velvet bird

绒花 velvet flower

蜡人 wax doll

蜡果 wax fruit

陶器 pottery

陶盆 pottery pot

瓷器 porcelain, china

瓷碗 china bowl

瓷马 china horse

瓷盘 china plate

瓷人 porcelain figure

瓷牛 porcelain ox

绢画 silk painting

内画 inside-bottle painting

漆画 lacquer painting

铁画 iron picture

剪纸 paper-cutting

风筝 kite

绢花 silk flower

皮影 shadow figures

绢扇 silk fan

折扇 folding fan

手工业 handicraft

手工艺 craftsmanship

雨花石 rain flower pebbles

贝雕品 shell mosaic

景泰蓝 cloisonne

泥塑像 clay statuette

走马灯 revolving scenic lamp

彩釉陶 glazed colored pottery

鼻烟壶 snuff bottle painting

树皮画 tree bark painting

贝雕画 shell painting

麦杆画 straw patchwork

羽毛画 feather patchwork

瓷茶壶 china teapot

玻璃画 glass painting

软木画 cork patchwork

皮毛画 fur patchwork

塑料花 plastic flower

草织品 strawware

檀香扇 sandalwood fan

青釉瓷器 blue glazed porcelain


福 Fortune

禄 Emolument

寿 Longevity

荷韵 Lotus Melody

凤凰 Phoenix

鸟笼 Bird Cage

闻歌 Hearing Song

春月 Spring Moon

卷花 Curly Flowers

关公 Guan Gong

福禄寿 Fortune, Emolument and Longevity

荷花鹤 Lotus Crane

朝阳图 Sunrise

报春图 Spring Coming

百子图 One Hundred Children welcome spring 百福脸 Hundred Happy Faces

迎亲图 Ancient Wedding Scene

郊外景 Suburb Sceneries

繁华图 Prosperous Scene

品茶图 Tea taste

八仙图 Eight Immortals

九鱼图 Nine Fish

九鲤图 Nine Carps

大观园 Grand View Garden

西洋花 Western flower

兰亭序 Preface of The Orchid Pavilion

满江红 The Whole River Red

百福图 The Hundred Happiness

四季花 Four Season Flowers

四美图 Four Beauties

乐趣图 Fun

荷塘夜雨 Night Rain in Lotus Pond

莲塘憩鹤 Cranes Rest in Lotus Pond

富贵荣华 Great Wealth

春暖花开 Spring Flowers Blossom

丹凤朝阳 Red Phoenix in Morning Sun

竹报平安 Bamboo Peace

荷塘倩影 Beauty in Lotus Pond

百花齐放 Hundred Flowers Blossom

春色满园 Spring Garden

鹦鹉玉兰 Parrot and Magnolia

新八骏图 New Eight Horses

银箔抽象 Abstraction in Silver Foil

花开富贵 Fortune with Blooming Flowers

松龄贺寿 Greeting from Pines and Cranes

蓝底玉兰 Magnolia in Blue Background

飘逸玉兰 Elegant Magnolia

国色天香 National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance 国色朝酣 Peony in the Morning Sun

富贵花开 Fortune Blooming Flowers

和合如意 Happy Couple

金玉满堂 Treasures Fill The Home

鸿运当头 Good Luck

春风得意 Riding High

锦堂春永 Flowers in Full House

龙马神骏 Horses in High Spirit

鹤舞摇芳 Cranes Dancing in Flowers

松鹤延年 Long Live Cranes and Pines

盛世春晖 Spring in Flourishing Age

醉艳妍姿 Flowers in Drunk Color

新九鱼图 New Nine Fish

十里荷香 Lotus Fragrance

旭日东升 Sunrise in the East

碧湖秋韵 Autumn Scenery in the Lake

三醉芙蓉 Lotus in Three Colors

稀世珍宝 Rare Treasures

饮中八仙 Eight Drinking Immortals

天界仙女 Celestial Fairy

四大美人 Four Beauties

源远流长 Waterfalls Hanging on Mountains

欧式屏风 European Style Screen

山雨欲秋 Mountains and Rain in the Autumn 蜀山飞瀑 Waterfalls on Sichuan Mountains

鸳鸯荷塘 The Mandarin Duck in Lotus Pond

鸟语花香 Birds Singing in Blooming Flowers

连年有鱼 Prosperity Every Year

花开富贵 Fortune After Blooming Flowers

富贵有余 Peony and Fish

富贵同心 Wealthy Family

紫气东来 Purple Cloud from the East

梅鲤争春 Plum and Carp Spring Greeting

梅兰竹菊 Plum, Orchid, Bamboo and Chrysanthemum 清明上河图 Riverside Scene At Qingming Festival 八达游春图 Eight people ride in Spring

云海凌峰图 Mountain Peak in the Clouds

花木正春风 Flowers and Trees in Spring Wind 国色朝酣酒 National Beauty in the Morning

富贵和平图 Peony Peace

天香迎鹤舞 Peony Blooming For Cranes

玉堂富贵图 Peony Rich

北宋大挂画 Northern Song Dynasty Large Paintings 街市繁华图 Busy Street Scene

贵妃夜宴图 Royal Night Revels

秋江万里净 Sky Blue in Autumn River

波罗蜜多心经 The Heart of Paramita Sutra

虢国夫人游春图 Guo Ladies Spring Tour

云横叠嶂泉百重 Waterfalls from Clouds and Mountains

山色千寻常耸脆 Fairy Green Mountains

闻歌始觉有人来 I See Someone Out Singing Her Song 暗香随水月迎春 Fish Greet Spring under Plum Tree

北宋京城汴梁繁华图 Ancient Kaifeng Prosperous Scene 美联英语:www.meten.com


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