第三次作业 霍桑实验目的步骤过程

Test samples:

Thousands of Hawthorne workers of the Bell System's Western Electric Company and the members of the groups whose behavior has been studied were allowed to choose themselves。And The research he conducted in 1930s showed the importance of groups in affecting the behavior of individuals at work.

Test design:

(1) illumination test

(2) welfare test

(3) interview

(4) group experiment

Test objectives: To find out the best relationship that can improve the quantity of

production between workers and employers.

Test findings:

(1) Social worker, who is, rather than economic. Previous management thought that money is the only motive; stimulates initiative Reference is the "social Nathaniel hawthorn experiments", is a complex social relations, therefore, members of the production workers to mobilize enthusiasm, still must from social and psychological aspects.

(2) The management before that production efficiency mainly by the working method and working conditions, Hawthorne experiment has proved that the worker efficiency mainly depends on the attitude and enthusiasm, depending on the worker family and social life, and the relationship between organizations.

(3) The former management only organization, powers, rules and regulations, Hawthorne experiments found outside the formal organization besides still exist, the informal groups has its special intangible organization, emotion and tendency about the behavior of the members, to enhance the efficiency of production.

(4) Previously the incentives for the management of the means of incentive, and found that the workers to Hawthorne, meet the need of money is just one part of it, most needed is emotional comfort and security, harmonious and belonging. Therefore, the new leader should be able to improve the satisfaction of workers, listening to the opinions of the group as well as the formal and informal economy needs to balance the social group.

(5) Previously the thoughts and feelings of the workers for management, management personnel indifference in your own personal complexity and hobbies, and Hawthorne experiments, management personnel, especially the first-line managers should be like Hawthorne, laboratory personnel so much emphasis on interpersonal relationships, and put themselves in concern, through positive affection exchange of views, and communication.

Test samples:

Thousands of Hawthorne workers of the Bell System's Western Electric Company and the members of the groups whose behavior has been studied were allowed to choose themselves。And The research he conducted in 1930s showed the importance of groups in affecting the behavior of individuals at work.

Test design:

(1) illumination test

(2) welfare test

(3) interview

(4) group experiment

Test objectives: To find out the best relationship that can improve the quantity of

production between workers and employers.

Test findings:

(1) Social worker, who is, rather than economic. Previous management thought that money is the only motive; stimulates initiative Reference is the "social Nathaniel hawthorn experiments", is a complex social relations, therefore, members of the production workers to mobilize enthusiasm, still must from social and psychological aspects.

(2) The management before that production efficiency mainly by the working method and working conditions, Hawthorne experiment has proved that the worker efficiency mainly depends on the attitude and enthusiasm, depending on the worker family and social life, and the relationship between organizations.

(3) The former management only organization, powers, rules and regulations, Hawthorne experiments found outside the formal organization besides still exist, the informal groups has its special intangible organization, emotion and tendency about the behavior of the members, to enhance the efficiency of production.

(4) Previously the incentives for the management of the means of incentive, and found that the workers to Hawthorne, meet the need of money is just one part of it, most needed is emotional comfort and security, harmonious and belonging. Therefore, the new leader should be able to improve the satisfaction of workers, listening to the opinions of the group as well as the formal and informal economy needs to balance the social group.

(5) Previously the thoughts and feelings of the workers for management, management personnel indifference in your own personal complexity and hobbies, and Hawthorne experiments, management personnel, especially the first-line managers should be like Hawthorne, laboratory personnel so much emphasis on interpersonal relationships, and put themselves in concern, through positive affection exchange of views, and communication.


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