
First of all, thank you for this opportunity from the bottom of my heart to speak to you on this special occasion. Words can’t express how much I appreciate this honor. Well, there’re 3 people in my family: my father, my mother and I. I enjoy the harmonious relation very much. My parents focused great attention on my education. All my achievements cannot be gained without their support and selfless devotion. Therefore, after graduation, I’ll do whatever I can to love my parents in return as the way they love me because love is eternal. Thank you.


1. 缺乏逻辑(名字,年龄,专业)

2. 缺乏特色(幽默感:设计名字,星座)

3. 缺乏得体(语气,眼神)

Let me introduce myself. My name is Trady, 18 years old and I’m native to Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. Currently being a freshman, I major in…… and through X years’ education, I’ll have acquired basic knowledge of….. both in theory and practice. With my qualifications and experience, I feel I’m hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. What’s more, I’m an Aries. Arians are supposed to be courageous and assertive. So this is me. Thanks.

家乡介绍: I’m native to Harbin. Harbin is an extraordinary city which lies in the northeast of China and makes a clear distinction between the four seasons. It’s well known as ice city. There’re many incredible sights: the amazing ice and snow world, the awesome historical zhongyang street and of course, the fabulous Sun Island. On top of that, the Sophia Church has been a landmark of the increasingly prosperous and conventional city. It stands at about 50 meters tall, and is the perfect example of Neo-Byzantine architecture. The main structure is laid out like a cross with the main hall topped with a huge green onion dome. Under the bright sun, the church and the square area looks quite like the Red Square in Moscow. People in Harbin are really straightforward and accommodating. Beer has been the symbol in everyday life and these years, Harbin beer festival thrives and attracts millions of people. Last but not least, harbin sausage is the other thing we grew up with. It’s the best food in my mind. So this is Harbin. Thank you.

Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s, Woz and steve jobs started apple computer in parents garage. For their great enthusiasm in computer technology, they wanted to set up personal computers. In fact, apple grew bigger and stronger. At the age of thirty, jobs got fired by apple due to the different opinions on apple’s future. You never know what happened next, Steve was back with Pixar just a few years later. Apple’s ipod is his first killer product in the music industry and sony’s Walkman was defeated. Apple never stopped innovation so in 2007, the revolutionary iphone was introduced. It changed the way we live. Apple also readjust the computer industry with macbook air. At the

year of 2010, the brandnew ipad came into being. With these magical and powerful products, apple became No.1 in technology company. In his commencement at Stanford, he mentioned:” we should follow our heart, and it knows what we want. So for what we want, stay hungry for knowledge, and stay foolish.” This is my words.

DiCaprio is a very handsome actor who is about 180 cm tall and also very sunshine. He is the only child, and was born in Los Angeles, California. His mother is German-born while his father, is an underground comic artist. his career began with his appearance in several commercials and educational films. In 1997, DiCaprio starred in James Cameron's Titanic(1997), alongside Kate Winslet. Cast as twenty-year-old Jack Dawson, a penniless Wisconsin man who wins two tickets for the third-class on the fated RMS Titanic, Di Caprio initially refused to portray the character but was eventually encouraged to pursue the role by Cameron who strongly believed in his acting ability. I’m deeply impressed by his performance in Titanic. Titanic is absolutely my favorite movie and of course, jack is my movie hero. I have to confess that he’s very handsome. However there’s still something beyond that out there. I guess I got totally overwhelmed by his charming personality especially from the classic line “you jump, I jump.” Although he’s definitely no big cheese, his tender loving care unintentionally melts Rose’s frozen heart. The fate decreed that they cannot be together, so he sacrificed his life to save his beloved Rose. Finally, I think in my life, at least I need to reach two basic destinations: “to love someone with all my heart and to finish something with all my mind.” Thank you

We’d like to give our appreciations to our institute. It has long been known as the Cradle of Leadership. The very spirit of integrity, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope is alive in our time. This institution proclaims it instills. We’re on the right path. It’s a path made of principle that leads to character. We have been through the best of times and darkest evenings. We have done so much and there’s still so much to do. We’re well-equipped with the support from the institute. We know what we want and will strive for it. The future is ahead. Keep going, don’t settle. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. We will forever rise and fall as one. May the best wishes to you. Thank you.

First of all, thank you for this opportunity from the bottom of my heart to speak to you on this special occasion. Words can’t express how much I appreciate this honor. Well, there’re 3 people in my family: my father, my mother and I. I enjoy the harmonious relation very much. My parents focused great attention on my education. All my achievements cannot be gained without their support and selfless devotion. Therefore, after graduation, I’ll do whatever I can to love my parents in return as the way they love me because love is eternal. Thank you.


1. 缺乏逻辑(名字,年龄,专业)

2. 缺乏特色(幽默感:设计名字,星座)

3. 缺乏得体(语气,眼神)

Let me introduce myself. My name is Trady, 18 years old and I’m native to Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. Currently being a freshman, I major in…… and through X years’ education, I’ll have acquired basic knowledge of….. both in theory and practice. With my qualifications and experience, I feel I’m hardworking, responsible and diligent in any project I undertake. What’s more, I’m an Aries. Arians are supposed to be courageous and assertive. So this is me. Thanks.

家乡介绍: I’m native to Harbin. Harbin is an extraordinary city which lies in the northeast of China and makes a clear distinction between the four seasons. It’s well known as ice city. There’re many incredible sights: the amazing ice and snow world, the awesome historical zhongyang street and of course, the fabulous Sun Island. On top of that, the Sophia Church has been a landmark of the increasingly prosperous and conventional city. It stands at about 50 meters tall, and is the perfect example of Neo-Byzantine architecture. The main structure is laid out like a cross with the main hall topped with a huge green onion dome. Under the bright sun, the church and the square area looks quite like the Red Square in Moscow. People in Harbin are really straightforward and accommodating. Beer has been the symbol in everyday life and these years, Harbin beer festival thrives and attracts millions of people. Last but not least, harbin sausage is the other thing we grew up with. It’s the best food in my mind. So this is Harbin. Thank you.

Apple was one of several highly successful companies founded in the 1970s, Woz and steve jobs started apple computer in parents garage. For their great enthusiasm in computer technology, they wanted to set up personal computers. In fact, apple grew bigger and stronger. At the age of thirty, jobs got fired by apple due to the different opinions on apple’s future. You never know what happened next, Steve was back with Pixar just a few years later. Apple’s ipod is his first killer product in the music industry and sony’s Walkman was defeated. Apple never stopped innovation so in 2007, the revolutionary iphone was introduced. It changed the way we live. Apple also readjust the computer industry with macbook air. At the

year of 2010, the brandnew ipad came into being. With these magical and powerful products, apple became No.1 in technology company. In his commencement at Stanford, he mentioned:” we should follow our heart, and it knows what we want. So for what we want, stay hungry for knowledge, and stay foolish.” This is my words.

DiCaprio is a very handsome actor who is about 180 cm tall and also very sunshine. He is the only child, and was born in Los Angeles, California. His mother is German-born while his father, is an underground comic artist. his career began with his appearance in several commercials and educational films. In 1997, DiCaprio starred in James Cameron's Titanic(1997), alongside Kate Winslet. Cast as twenty-year-old Jack Dawson, a penniless Wisconsin man who wins two tickets for the third-class on the fated RMS Titanic, Di Caprio initially refused to portray the character but was eventually encouraged to pursue the role by Cameron who strongly believed in his acting ability. I’m deeply impressed by his performance in Titanic. Titanic is absolutely my favorite movie and of course, jack is my movie hero. I have to confess that he’s very handsome. However there’s still something beyond that out there. I guess I got totally overwhelmed by his charming personality especially from the classic line “you jump, I jump.” Although he’s definitely no big cheese, his tender loving care unintentionally melts Rose’s frozen heart. The fate decreed that they cannot be together, so he sacrificed his life to save his beloved Rose. Finally, I think in my life, at least I need to reach two basic destinations: “to love someone with all my heart and to finish something with all my mind.” Thank you

We’d like to give our appreciations to our institute. It has long been known as the Cradle of Leadership. The very spirit of integrity, liberty, opportunity and unyielding hope is alive in our time. This institution proclaims it instills. We’re on the right path. It’s a path made of principle that leads to character. We have been through the best of times and darkest evenings. We have done so much and there’s still so much to do. We’re well-equipped with the support from the institute. We know what we want and will strive for it. The future is ahead. Keep going, don’t settle. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. We will forever rise and fall as one. May the best wishes to you. Thank you.


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