



( )1、A. have B. head C. hand

( )2、A. what B. wet C. want

( )3、A. bag B. bed C. dad

( )4、A. leaves B. left C. love

( )5、A. thin B. think C. thank

( )6、A. wash clothes B. watch TV C . what colour ( )7、A. write a letter B. write an e-mail C. write a report ( )8、A. Oct.10 B. Oct. 20 C. Oct.12

( )9、A. She’s running to us . B. He’s running to us .

C. They are running to us .

( )10、A. Two tigers come . B. Here come two tigers .

C. Here are two tigers .


1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )

6.I do my homework. ( ) 7. Zoom is counting insects .( )

8.Look , the little panda is sleeping .( )

9.Tigers can climb trees .( ) 10.Today is Tree-planting Day.(


三、听问题,选答句(共 5小题,每小题2分)

( )1、A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I can.

( )2、A. It’s warm. B. It’s hot. C. It’s cool.

( )3、A. He’s reading a book . B. I’m writing an e-mail .

C. She’s writing a letter .

( )4、A. Happy birthday to you. B. Yes, thank you. C. Thank you. ( )5、A. It’s swimming . B. It’s flying. C. It’s climbing.


1、I often get up at .

2、What’s your _________ season? I like fall best.

3、Why do you like fall? _________ it’s always cool.

4、When is your birthday? It’

5. Sarah is ___________ insects .

五、听一段对话, 判断下列五个句子的对错。(10分)

( )1、It is usually very hot.

( )2、I get up early on my birthday.

( )3、After school, I go home and play computer games.

( )4、I take candy to my class.

( )5、We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream.



( ) 1.Hello. _______ Sarah. Can I speak _______ your mom, please?

A. That is; on B. I am; for C. This is; to

( ) 2. Cousin Alice’s birthday is __________________ April.

A. at B. in C. on

( ) 3. I play football at 3:00__________________the afternoon.

A. on B. for C. in

( ) 4. Is he watching ants? No, he__________________.

A. is B. isn’t C. doesn’t

( ) 5. Can pandas swim? Yes, they __________________.

A. can’t B. could C. can

( ) 6. ----What's your favourite season?


A. I like fall best. B. February is my favourite. C. I swim in summer.

( ) 7. August is the ________ month of the year.

A. seven B. ninth C. eighth

( ) 8. ---- What is Mike doing?

---- He ____________

A. running B. swims in the river C. is walking

( ) 9. ----______ do you like summer?

----______ I can swim in the river.

A. Why, Because B. Why, And C. Which, Because

( ) 10. Apples are sweet _______ fall.

A. on B. in C. at


(A. What day is it today ? B. Why do you like fall? C. What’s the date ?

D.Which season do you like best ? E. Why do you like summer ? F. Is your birthday in fall ,too? G. How many seasons are there in a year?)

A: ? B:There are four seasons in a year.

A: B:I like fall best.

? B: Because my birthday is in fall.__________________? A: No, my birthday is in winter. It’s in January.

B:_________________________________? A: It’s January 10th.


A. 判断对错。(10分)

My name is Tom .I am twelve years old. My birthday is in fall. The weather is cool and windy. It’s golden and farmers are busy. It’s my favourite season .Because I can eat many fruits. My father’s birthday is in fall, too. Our birthdays are on the same day. On our birthdays we usually go hiking. Sometimes we have a picnic. We have a lot of fun on that day.

( )1、Tom is 12 .

( )2、Tom likes summer best.

( )3、Tom’s father’s birthday is in fall.

( )4、It’s cool and windy on Tom’s birthday .

( )5、Tom and his father usually have a picnic on their birthday.


Miss Tailor is a primary school teacher. All the students like her very much.Today is November 1st. In the evening,Miss Tailor gets two letters. One is a birthday card. It’s from her student, Jack. It is a big surprise, because her birthday is the next month. The second letter is also from Jack. It says:”Dear Miss Tailor,I’m sorry for the birthday card.It is a mistake. Please don’t read the card until next month.

( )1. Miss Tailor’s birthday is in ______. A. November B. December

( ) 2. The birthday card is for ________. A. Miss Tailor B. Jack

( ) 3. Miss Tailor is a ____________. A. student B. teacher

( ) 4. The two letters are from _________. A. Jack B. Miss Tailor

( ) 5. Miss Tailor gets the letters ______. A. in the morning B. in the evening


I love summer . It’s always ____________. I can __________ in the sea . Spring is beautiful , but it often __________ . It’s hard to ___________ flowers in the rain . In fall , I can pick __________ . I can eat a lot . ___________ comes . It’s very __________. __________ it snows . Ican ____________ and make a _____________ .



B:I often watch TV on the weekend.


B:No, I am answering the phone .


B:They are fighting .


B:It’s cold and windy today.


B:It’s January 1st.


1、season do like which you best


2、doing what are now you


3、7:00 get the usually I up at


4、birthday is your when


5、book am a reading I


morning in


一、1.This is my head. ( B ) 2. What are you doing? ( A ) 3. There is a

cat on the bed. ( B ) 4. In spring, the leaves are green. ( A ) 5. Thank you very much. ( C ) 6. I usually wash clothes on the weekend. ( A )

7.I usually write an e-mail to my grandma on Sunday . ( B ) 8. My birthday is Oct.12th. ( C ) 9. Where are Amy and ChenJie ? They are running to us . ( C ) 10. Look, her come two tigers . ( B )

二、1. Today is April 3rd. ( × )

2. I like spring best . ( √ )

3. My mother is writing an e-mail to my uncle. (√ )

4. I usually eat dinner at 7:30 in the evening . ( × )

5. Amy is catching buterflies . (× )

6. What do you do in the evening? I often read books. ( × )

7. What is Zoom doing ? He’s counting insects . ( √ )

8. Look , the mother panda is sleeping . ( × )

9. Can tigers climb trees ? No, they can’t . ( × )

10. What’s the date today? It’s March 12th. ( √ )

三.1. Are you from China? ( B )

2. What’s the weather like in spring? ( C )

3. What’s your aunt doing ? ( A )

4. Happy birthday. ( C )

5. What is the bird doing ? ( B )

四.1. I usually get up at 7:15.

2. What’s your favourite season? I like fall best.

3. Why do you like fall? Because it’s always cool.

4. When is your birthday? It’s in May.

5. Sarah is watching insects .

五.A: Hello, Amy. What’s the weather like today?

B: It’s cold .

A: What is the date today?

B: It’s December 2nd. It’s my birthday.

A: Oh, really? What do you usually do on your birthday?

B: I usually get up early . Then I take candy to my class. In the evening, we

have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake.

A: Happy birthday to you.

B: Thanks.

(× , √ , × , √ , × )

六、G D B F C

七、( A.) √×√√× (B) 1.B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B

八、hot , swim , rains , plant , apples , Winter , cold, Sometimes , ski , snowman 九、1.What do you do on the weekend?

2. Are you listening to music?

3. What are the bears doing ?

4. What’s the weather like today ?

5. What is the date today?




( )1、A. have B. head C. hand

( )2、A. what B. wet C. want

( )3、A. bag B. bed C. dad

( )4、A. leaves B. left C. love

( )5、A. thin B. think C. thank

( )6、A. wash clothes B. watch TV C . what colour ( )7、A. write a letter B. write an e-mail C. write a report ( )8、A. Oct.10 B. Oct. 20 C. Oct.12

( )9、A. She’s running to us . B. He’s running to us .

C. They are running to us .

( )10、A. Two tigers come . B. Here come two tigers .

C. Here are two tigers .


1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )

6.I do my homework. ( ) 7. Zoom is counting insects .( )

8.Look , the little panda is sleeping .( )

9.Tigers can climb trees .( ) 10.Today is Tree-planting Day.(


三、听问题,选答句(共 5小题,每小题2分)

( )1、A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I can.

( )2、A. It’s warm. B. It’s hot. C. It’s cool.

( )3、A. He’s reading a book . B. I’m writing an e-mail .

C. She’s writing a letter .

( )4、A. Happy birthday to you. B. Yes, thank you. C. Thank you. ( )5、A. It’s swimming . B. It’s flying. C. It’s climbing.


1、I often get up at .

2、What’s your _________ season? I like fall best.

3、Why do you like fall? _________ it’s always cool.

4、When is your birthday? It’

5. Sarah is ___________ insects .

五、听一段对话, 判断下列五个句子的对错。(10分)

( )1、It is usually very hot.

( )2、I get up early on my birthday.

( )3、After school, I go home and play computer games.

( )4、I take candy to my class.

( )5、We have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake and ice-cream.



( ) 1.Hello. _______ Sarah. Can I speak _______ your mom, please?

A. That is; on B. I am; for C. This is; to

( ) 2. Cousin Alice’s birthday is __________________ April.

A. at B. in C. on

( ) 3. I play football at 3:00__________________the afternoon.

A. on B. for C. in

( ) 4. Is he watching ants? No, he__________________.

A. is B. isn’t C. doesn’t

( ) 5. Can pandas swim? Yes, they __________________.

A. can’t B. could C. can

( ) 6. ----What's your favourite season?


A. I like fall best. B. February is my favourite. C. I swim in summer.

( ) 7. August is the ________ month of the year.

A. seven B. ninth C. eighth

( ) 8. ---- What is Mike doing?

---- He ____________

A. running B. swims in the river C. is walking

( ) 9. ----______ do you like summer?

----______ I can swim in the river.

A. Why, Because B. Why, And C. Which, Because

( ) 10. Apples are sweet _______ fall.

A. on B. in C. at


(A. What day is it today ? B. Why do you like fall? C. What’s the date ?

D.Which season do you like best ? E. Why do you like summer ? F. Is your birthday in fall ,too? G. How many seasons are there in a year?)

A: ? B:There are four seasons in a year.

A: B:I like fall best.

? B: Because my birthday is in fall.__________________? A: No, my birthday is in winter. It’s in January.

B:_________________________________? A: It’s January 10th.


A. 判断对错。(10分)

My name is Tom .I am twelve years old. My birthday is in fall. The weather is cool and windy. It’s golden and farmers are busy. It’s my favourite season .Because I can eat many fruits. My father’s birthday is in fall, too. Our birthdays are on the same day. On our birthdays we usually go hiking. Sometimes we have a picnic. We have a lot of fun on that day.

( )1、Tom is 12 .

( )2、Tom likes summer best.

( )3、Tom’s father’s birthday is in fall.

( )4、It’s cool and windy on Tom’s birthday .

( )5、Tom and his father usually have a picnic on their birthday.


Miss Tailor is a primary school teacher. All the students like her very much.Today is November 1st. In the evening,Miss Tailor gets two letters. One is a birthday card. It’s from her student, Jack. It is a big surprise, because her birthday is the next month. The second letter is also from Jack. It says:”Dear Miss Tailor,I’m sorry for the birthday card.It is a mistake. Please don’t read the card until next month.

( )1. Miss Tailor’s birthday is in ______. A. November B. December

( ) 2. The birthday card is for ________. A. Miss Tailor B. Jack

( ) 3. Miss Tailor is a ____________. A. student B. teacher

( ) 4. The two letters are from _________. A. Jack B. Miss Tailor

( ) 5. Miss Tailor gets the letters ______. A. in the morning B. in the evening


I love summer . It’s always ____________. I can __________ in the sea . Spring is beautiful , but it often __________ . It’s hard to ___________ flowers in the rain . In fall , I can pick __________ . I can eat a lot . ___________ comes . It’s very __________. __________ it snows . Ican ____________ and make a _____________ .



B:I often watch TV on the weekend.


B:No, I am answering the phone .


B:They are fighting .


B:It’s cold and windy today.


B:It’s January 1st.


1、season do like which you best


2、doing what are now you


3、7:00 get the usually I up at


4、birthday is your when


5、book am a reading I


morning in


一、1.This is my head. ( B ) 2. What are you doing? ( A ) 3. There is a

cat on the bed. ( B ) 4. In spring, the leaves are green. ( A ) 5. Thank you very much. ( C ) 6. I usually wash clothes on the weekend. ( A )

7.I usually write an e-mail to my grandma on Sunday . ( B ) 8. My birthday is Oct.12th. ( C ) 9. Where are Amy and ChenJie ? They are running to us . ( C ) 10. Look, her come two tigers . ( B )

二、1. Today is April 3rd. ( × )

2. I like spring best . ( √ )

3. My mother is writing an e-mail to my uncle. (√ )

4. I usually eat dinner at 7:30 in the evening . ( × )

5. Amy is catching buterflies . (× )

6. What do you do in the evening? I often read books. ( × )

7. What is Zoom doing ? He’s counting insects . ( √ )

8. Look , the mother panda is sleeping . ( × )

9. Can tigers climb trees ? No, they can’t . ( × )

10. What’s the date today? It’s March 12th. ( √ )

三.1. Are you from China? ( B )

2. What’s the weather like in spring? ( C )

3. What’s your aunt doing ? ( A )

4. Happy birthday. ( C )

5. What is the bird doing ? ( B )

四.1. I usually get up at 7:15.

2. What’s your favourite season? I like fall best.

3. Why do you like fall? Because it’s always cool.

4. When is your birthday? It’s in May.

5. Sarah is watching insects .

五.A: Hello, Amy. What’s the weather like today?

B: It’s cold .

A: What is the date today?

B: It’s December 2nd. It’s my birthday.

A: Oh, really? What do you usually do on your birthday?

B: I usually get up early . Then I take candy to my class. In the evening, we

have a big dinner and eat a birthday cake.

A: Happy birthday to you.

B: Thanks.

(× , √ , × , √ , × )

六、G D B F C

七、( A.) √×√√× (B) 1.B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B

八、hot , swim , rains , plant , apples , Winter , cold, Sometimes , ski , snowman 九、1.What do you do on the weekend?

2. Are you listening to music?

3. What are the bears doing ?

4. What’s the weather like today ?

5. What is the date today?


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