陈光:首先是不间断地教育动员。现场会后的1个月里,我们组织召开了两次全市范围的动员大会:一个是加快发展誓师大会,一个是全市干部作风集中教育整顿活动动员大会,主要目的是进一步转变干部群众的思想观念,统一思想认识,明确任务目标,把全市的精力都凝聚到加快菏泽发展上来 ,实现“突破菏泽”的目标。在突破期间,要严格考核奖惩制度,抓一批典型,有好的也有坏的,通过考核奖惩考出压力、考出干劲、考出好的作风和成效。
As the key decision maker of Heze City, Chen Guang, the secretary of the CPC Heze Municipal Committee, has a special sense concerning the decision “Breaking through Heze,” which has been carried forward by the provincial government. Over the previous month, centering round this strategic decision, Chen has been making blueprints for a new Heze. He says that “the pressure to make this successful” is too heavy to give him time to catch his breath. “The clarion call has been sounded to commence the battle: Heze cannot retreat, but must put up a desperate fight.”
Reporter (R): What do you think about the significance of the great strategic decision of “Breaking though Heze?”
Chen Guang (Chen): “Breaking through” means difficulties, determination, and great significance. Seen from the viewpoint of the provincial government, this is a grand decision to serve the people by practicing the “Three Represents Theory.” (The party should always represent the requirements of the development of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)
Poverty attracts no one. Only changing the undeveloped status of Heze can make the government of Heze trusted by the people and promote the rapid development of the whole country. So the decision of “Breaking through Heze” gives expression to the ideology of scientific development. The coordinated regional economic development of the eastern and western areas of Shandong is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of Shandong’s economy.
During the early period of China’s reform and opening-up, the central government promulgated a policy to “enable some people and some regions to become rich first,” and this was successful in improving incomes in the eastern regions. Now, the central government is speeding up the development of the western regions. In Shandong, “Breaking through Heze” also has the broader aim of promoting the coordinated development of the eastern and western areas of Shandong Province.
In addition, “Breaking through Heze” has important significance for the whole country. First of all, this is a flexible combination of exercising governmental powers within the developing market economy. [In western countries, it is often thought that the market should operate by itself, without much government regulation or interference, but here in China, we believe that] the government should play a guiding role to ensure that a “win-win” result for all concerned parties is achieved by the workings of the market.
Secondly, in a market economy, and especially in China today, how to deal with the coordination of and balance between developed and the undeveloped regions is a major concern. Thirdly, the allocation of cadres in the western regions. To develop the western region, we must rely on the local cadres and masses. The reasonable allocation of cadres plays an important function on the development of the western region.
R: What has the recently concluded “On-the-Spot Working Conference on Speeding up the Development of Heze” brought for Heze?
Chen: This on-the-spot working conference has brought about vitality for Heze’s further reform and opening-up and power for further work. It also has brought about power for the development of the county regional economy, the speeding-up of the industrialization process, and the impetus to increase the income of farmers.
Shandong’s provincial government has determined a working goal for Heze, which comprises “Three Remarkables,” “Three Highers,” “One New Step,” and “One New Great Leap Forward.” This is the most powerful support for Heze. Honestly speaking my mind at present, what we feel most is strong spiritual support from the provincial government. “Breaking through Heze” has brought for us a most realistic, most important, and yet a final opportunity. If we lose this opportunity, we will lose Heze’s tomorrow and become the persons held up to infamy through the ages. My words sound overwhelming. However, if you know the current status of Heze today, they are not overwhelming at all.
R: What are the goals and requirements for “Breaking through Heze?”
Chen: The on-the-spot working conference set a “3-3-1-1” goal for Heze.
First, the “Three Remarkables” means a remarkable speeding-up of economic development, a remarkable growth of comprehensive economic strength, and a remarkable promotion of the quality of economic operations.
Second, the “Three Highers” means that the growth rate of our GDP should be higher than the average growth rate within the whole province; the increase of fixed assets investment should be higher than the average in the province; and the increase of pure income per capita of the farmers should be higher than average.
Third, “One New Step” means that the overall level of city planning, construction and management should be promoted to “One New Step,” turning Heze into a major center city connecting the neighboring provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan and Anhui.
Fourth, “One New Great Leap Forward” means that the macro economy of Heze should quickly realize extraordinary development. In 2007, the term of office of the current government will be over; and our intention is that the GDP of Heze will double from 25 billion yuan in 2002 to 50 billion yuan in 2006, while secondary and tertiary industries will account for 80% of the total.
R: In terms of economic development, where do Heze’s chief potentials lie?
Chen: At present, Heze’s advantageous economic power is concentrated on cotton production and processing, timber processing, and beef and mutton processing, which have formed initial scales of success with advantages and special characteristics.
We will construct large bases to promote commerce and trade. For example, we will concentrate on the construction of land ports, large scale professional wholesale markets, and logistics centers radiating in all directions nationwide. We will also construct important bases for energy resources and the chemical industry; and these will concentrate on the comprehensive development of our coal, oil, and natural gas resources, as well as fine chemical products.
陈光:首先是不间断地教育动员。现场会后的1个月里,我们组织召开了两次全市范围的动员大会:一个是加快发展誓师大会,一个是全市干部作风集中教育整顿活动动员大会,主要目的是进一步转变干部群众的思想观念,统一思想认识,明确任务目标,把全市的精力都凝聚到加快菏泽发展上来 ,实现“突破菏泽”的目标。在突破期间,要严格考核奖惩制度,抓一批典型,有好的也有坏的,通过考核奖惩考出压力、考出干劲、考出好的作风和成效。
As the key decision maker of Heze City, Chen Guang, the secretary of the CPC Heze Municipal Committee, has a special sense concerning the decision “Breaking through Heze,” which has been carried forward by the provincial government. Over the previous month, centering round this strategic decision, Chen has been making blueprints for a new Heze. He says that “the pressure to make this successful” is too heavy to give him time to catch his breath. “The clarion call has been sounded to commence the battle: Heze cannot retreat, but must put up a desperate fight.”
Reporter (R): What do you think about the significance of the great strategic decision of “Breaking though Heze?”
Chen Guang (Chen): “Breaking through” means difficulties, determination, and great significance. Seen from the viewpoint of the provincial government, this is a grand decision to serve the people by practicing the “Three Represents Theory.” (The party should always represent the requirements of the development of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)
Poverty attracts no one. Only changing the undeveloped status of Heze can make the government of Heze trusted by the people and promote the rapid development of the whole country. So the decision of “Breaking through Heze” gives expression to the ideology of scientific development. The coordinated regional economic development of the eastern and western areas of Shandong is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of Shandong’s economy.
During the early period of China’s reform and opening-up, the central government promulgated a policy to “enable some people and some regions to become rich first,” and this was successful in improving incomes in the eastern regions. Now, the central government is speeding up the development of the western regions. In Shandong, “Breaking through Heze” also has the broader aim of promoting the coordinated development of the eastern and western areas of Shandong Province.
In addition, “Breaking through Heze” has important significance for the whole country. First of all, this is a flexible combination of exercising governmental powers within the developing market economy. [In western countries, it is often thought that the market should operate by itself, without much government regulation or interference, but here in China, we believe that] the government should play a guiding role to ensure that a “win-win” result for all concerned parties is achieved by the workings of the market.
Secondly, in a market economy, and especially in China today, how to deal with the coordination of and balance between developed and the undeveloped regions is a major concern. Thirdly, the allocation of cadres in the western regions. To develop the western region, we must rely on the local cadres and masses. The reasonable allocation of cadres plays an important function on the development of the western region.
R: What has the recently concluded “On-the-Spot Working Conference on Speeding up the Development of Heze” brought for Heze?
Chen: This on-the-spot working conference has brought about vitality for Heze’s further reform and opening-up and power for further work. It also has brought about power for the development of the county regional economy, the speeding-up of the industrialization process, and the impetus to increase the income of farmers.
Shandong’s provincial government has determined a working goal for Heze, which comprises “Three Remarkables,” “Three Highers,” “One New Step,” and “One New Great Leap Forward.” This is the most powerful support for Heze. Honestly speaking my mind at present, what we feel most is strong spiritual support from the provincial government. “Breaking through Heze” has brought for us a most realistic, most important, and yet a final opportunity. If we lose this opportunity, we will lose Heze’s tomorrow and become the persons held up to infamy through the ages. My words sound overwhelming. However, if you know the current status of Heze today, they are not overwhelming at all.
R: What are the goals and requirements for “Breaking through Heze?”
Chen: The on-the-spot working conference set a “3-3-1-1” goal for Heze.
First, the “Three Remarkables” means a remarkable speeding-up of economic development, a remarkable growth of comprehensive economic strength, and a remarkable promotion of the quality of economic operations.
Second, the “Three Highers” means that the growth rate of our GDP should be higher than the average growth rate within the whole province; the increase of fixed assets investment should be higher than the average in the province; and the increase of pure income per capita of the farmers should be higher than average.
Third, “One New Step” means that the overall level of city planning, construction and management should be promoted to “One New Step,” turning Heze into a major center city connecting the neighboring provinces of Shandong, Jiangsu, Henan and Anhui.
Fourth, “One New Great Leap Forward” means that the macro economy of Heze should quickly realize extraordinary development. In 2007, the term of office of the current government will be over; and our intention is that the GDP of Heze will double from 25 billion yuan in 2002 to 50 billion yuan in 2006, while secondary and tertiary industries will account for 80% of the total.
R: In terms of economic development, where do Heze’s chief potentials lie?
Chen: At present, Heze’s advantageous economic power is concentrated on cotton production and processing, timber processing, and beef and mutton processing, which have formed initial scales of success with advantages and special characteristics.
We will construct large bases to promote commerce and trade. For example, we will concentrate on the construction of land ports, large scale professional wholesale markets, and logistics centers radiating in all directions nationwide. We will also construct important bases for energy resources and the chemical industry; and these will concentrate on the comprehensive development of our coal, oil, and natural gas resources, as well as fine chemical products.