United States Military Wedding Traditions——Saber arch
The most recognizable aspect of a U.S. military wedding is the crossing of the swords, or sabers. However, this tradition actually occurs after the official religious ceremony is over. This is partly because most religious establishments don't allow brandishing of swords in holy sanctuaries. As the couple exits the church, synagogue or other wedding venue, soldiers flank them on both sides, forming a receiving line. Once in place, the soldiers raise their swords high overhead with their right hands, angling the blades at about 45 degrees to form an archway over the aisle, except the last two soldiers in the line. These soldiers cross their swords directly in front of the couple until the groom kisses the bride. Then they raise their swords to let them pass through. Some couples choose to practice this tradition as they enter the reception hall instead or even to do both.
United States Military Wedding Traditions——Saber arch
The most recognizable aspect of a U.S. military wedding is the crossing of the swords, or sabers. However, this tradition actually occurs after the official religious ceremony is over. This is partly because most religious establishments don't allow brandishing of swords in holy sanctuaries. As the couple exits the church, synagogue or other wedding venue, soldiers flank them on both sides, forming a receiving line. Once in place, the soldiers raise their swords high overhead with their right hands, angling the blades at about 45 degrees to form an archway over the aisle, except the last two soldiers in the line. These soldiers cross their swords directly in front of the couple until the groom kisses the bride. Then they raise their swords to let them pass through. Some couples choose to practice this tradition as they enter the reception hall instead or even to do both.