
歌手:Faith Hill 专辑:Ost Pearl Harbor

When I think back

On these times

And the dreams

We left behind

I ll be glad cause

I was blessed to get

To have you in my life

When I look back

On these days

I ll look and see your face

You were right there for me


In my dreams

I ll always see you soar

Above the sky

In my heart

There will always be a place

For you for all my life

I ll keep a part

Of you with me

And everywhere I am

There you ll be

Well you showed me

How it feels

To feel the sky

Within my reach

And I always

Will remember all

The strength you

Gave to me

Your love made me

Make it through

Oh, I owe so much to you

You were right there for me

[Repeat chorus]

Cause I always saw in you

My light, my strength

And I want to thank you

Now for all the ways

You were right there for me

You were right there for me

For always

歌手:Faith Hill 专辑:Ost Pearl Harbor

When I think back

On these times

And the dreams

We left behind

I ll be glad cause

I was blessed to get

To have you in my life

When I look back

On these days

I ll look and see your face

You were right there for me


In my dreams

I ll always see you soar

Above the sky

In my heart

There will always be a place

For you for all my life

I ll keep a part

Of you with me

And everywhere I am

There you ll be

Well you showed me

How it feels

To feel the sky

Within my reach

And I always

Will remember all

The strength you

Gave to me

Your love made me

Make it through

Oh, I owe so much to you

You were right there for me

[Repeat chorus]

Cause I always saw in you

My light, my strength

And I want to thank you

Now for all the ways

You were right there for me

You were right there for me

For always


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