美华媒:中国应坚持"不出头"遗训 不必与美争锋

美华媒:中国应坚持“不出头”遗训 不必与美争锋








战术层面可以更加主动,嘴上可以更加自信,但千万不可因为西方说了什么或做了什么就在战略上忽视中国与西方在经济及应对共同威胁时的共同利益。奥巴马的话固然不受听,美国对中国的围堵固然让人恼火,但若因此就让中国外交滑向了与西方对抗为主的轨道上,那无疑是有失明智的。美国如果要挑头,就让他挑好了。中国不必与之争锋。 “不出头”


The network May 31 articles qiaobao, the original problem: and for the United States to "lead the world"

China need to do their U.S. President barack Obama's speech at west point highlighted in the United States will lead the world in the future. Barack Obama declared a fundamental paradox: a country to lead the world. So, then this to the "one country" leader who is responsible? Is this the "one country, or the world?" If America is to lead the world, do it well by people all over the world ready for the election of the President of the United States? If not, then the so-called "America lead the world" will be there for long as the "American dream". Because, if the United States leads the world, the President of the United States are still by an American election, only then the americans will inevitably

because of their political rights as "privileged". Other ethnic people may not agree with this order of inequality.

Us power, super hard nor soft power is strong. In today's world the influence of the tough to beat. This is the reality of the world today www.ajsdjj.com. But the influence and

leadership are not equal. In fact, the nation state as the basic of the international system, any country can truly lead the world, can do it in the national strength and the domestic governance mode more is not easy. Compared with the so-called lead the world this big and empty slogans, accelerating globalization, optimizing the differences between countries than solve the problem of mechanism is more meaningful.

In the end, this is the fate of the nation state as the unit of the international system. Mr Obama's fear is also on the premise of the system to make the announcement, because he is the speech object is the American people, he himself is the candidate of President of the United States. I'm afraid the head of any one country say he won't be welcome in other countries, because this necessarily implies that the connotation of "one country" over the world. This may let the American people feel useful, but people in other countries there is not.

Play a leading role in a country in a state of groups is often the case, whether the

Westphalia system or Vienna system, or the world of before and after the end of the cold war have this feature. NATO is a classic. Obama claimed that if the United States will lead NATO for a long time, that is more persuasive. Just, the national group of the existence of all to conflicts with another organizational principle and its group of countries or states the premise. Under such logic, a leading the www.makayikanggw.com world is only a madrassa reflected more. Such as during the cold war, under the leadership of the Warsaw pact would not be in the United States.

Really push the international system away from the turmoil to good governance is not a country's leadership, but rather where countries interests closely link of globalisation. In economy, dealing with common challenges in the areas of common interests, the interests

of the differences between countries tend to be relegated to the strategic decision makers second-line goal, let the outbreaks of unrest, against space greatly compressed. How to accelerate the globalization process, strengthen the common interests of all countries, this is why Mr Obama should consider a lot of things.

For China, no matter what the americans say, are also should be clear over the years always will offer a inexhaustible driving force for national development and escort for the what is, that is exactly the profound benefits of globalization process. Easily without this, the international system, China's rapid development of the stability of the environment may be long gone. China's diplomacy has become increasingly aggressive under the new leadership, this is a significant trend. Not only in the more aggressively to maintain their own geopolitical interests, fighting for, but also in the west more confident, direct speech on the counter. Barack Obama's declaration of "leading the world" is also the Chinese foreign ministry top back.

Tactical level can be more active, the mouth can be more confident, but never because western said something or done what is on the strategic ignore China and the west in the economic and the common interests of dealing with the common threats. Mr Obama is not little avail, the United States to China's containment is annoying, but if so let diplomacy towards China and the west against the orbit, it is ill advised. If you want to work in the United States, let him pick. China doesn't have to die with them. "S" is deng xiaoping's teachings. Continue to draw nutrients from global cooperation, continues to do your own thing is the wise choice of China.

美华媒:中国应坚持“不出头”遗训 不必与美争锋








战术层面可以更加主动,嘴上可以更加自信,但千万不可因为西方说了什么或做了什么就在战略上忽视中国与西方在经济及应对共同威胁时的共同利益。奥巴马的话固然不受听,美国对中国的围堵固然让人恼火,但若因此就让中国外交滑向了与西方对抗为主的轨道上,那无疑是有失明智的。美国如果要挑头,就让他挑好了。中国不必与之争锋。 “不出头”


The network May 31 articles qiaobao, the original problem: and for the United States to "lead the world"

China need to do their U.S. President barack Obama's speech at west point highlighted in the United States will lead the world in the future. Barack Obama declared a fundamental paradox: a country to lead the world. So, then this to the "one country" leader who is responsible? Is this the "one country, or the world?" If America is to lead the world, do it well by people all over the world ready for the election of the President of the United States? If not, then the so-called "America lead the world" will be there for long as the "American dream". Because, if the United States leads the world, the President of the United States are still by an American election, only then the americans will inevitably

because of their political rights as "privileged". Other ethnic people may not agree with this order of inequality.

Us power, super hard nor soft power is strong. In today's world the influence of the tough to beat. This is the reality of the world today www.ajsdjj.com. But the influence and

leadership are not equal. In fact, the nation state as the basic of the international system, any country can truly lead the world, can do it in the national strength and the domestic governance mode more is not easy. Compared with the so-called lead the world this big and empty slogans, accelerating globalization, optimizing the differences between countries than solve the problem of mechanism is more meaningful.

In the end, this is the fate of the nation state as the unit of the international system. Mr Obama's fear is also on the premise of the system to make the announcement, because he is the speech object is the American people, he himself is the candidate of President of the United States. I'm afraid the head of any one country say he won't be welcome in other countries, because this necessarily implies that the connotation of "one country" over the world. This may let the American people feel useful, but people in other countries there is not.

Play a leading role in a country in a state of groups is often the case, whether the

Westphalia system or Vienna system, or the world of before and after the end of the cold war have this feature. NATO is a classic. Obama claimed that if the United States will lead NATO for a long time, that is more persuasive. Just, the national group of the existence of all to conflicts with another organizational principle and its group of countries or states the premise. Under such logic, a leading the www.makayikanggw.com world is only a madrassa reflected more. Such as during the cold war, under the leadership of the Warsaw pact would not be in the United States.

Really push the international system away from the turmoil to good governance is not a country's leadership, but rather where countries interests closely link of globalisation. In economy, dealing with common challenges in the areas of common interests, the interests

of the differences between countries tend to be relegated to the strategic decision makers second-line goal, let the outbreaks of unrest, against space greatly compressed. How to accelerate the globalization process, strengthen the common interests of all countries, this is why Mr Obama should consider a lot of things.

For China, no matter what the americans say, are also should be clear over the years always will offer a inexhaustible driving force for national development and escort for the what is, that is exactly the profound benefits of globalization process. Easily without this, the international system, China's rapid development of the stability of the environment may be long gone. China's diplomacy has become increasingly aggressive under the new leadership, this is a significant trend. Not only in the more aggressively to maintain their own geopolitical interests, fighting for, but also in the west more confident, direct speech on the counter. Barack Obama's declaration of "leading the world" is also the Chinese foreign ministry top back.

Tactical level can be more active, the mouth can be more confident, but never because western said something or done what is on the strategic ignore China and the west in the economic and the common interests of dealing with the common threats. Mr Obama is not little avail, the United States to China's containment is annoying, but if so let diplomacy towards China and the west against the orbit, it is ill advised. If you want to work in the United States, let him pick. China doesn't have to die with them. "S" is deng xiaoping's teachings. Continue to draw nutrients from global cooperation, continues to do your own thing is the wise choice of China.


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