
初三英语中考复习-----首字母填空 04/5/6

Name___________ Marks_________

1. The first foreign v_______ will arrive quite soon, let’s go and meet them at the airport.

2. Today, more and more people are planning to go overseas for f________. They think it

will help them find a good job easily.

3. Have you f_______ what I told you last time?

4. Do you have t_______ for the football game?

5. How long is it s_____ you joined the League?

6. K______ is more useful than money.

7. You are late again. What’s your e________ for being late this time?

8. The old man has a heart t______. He has to see a doctor once a month.

9. Eating v_______ is good for people’s health.

10. He said he would start the work the f_______ week.

11. Can you g______ who the people in the picture?

12. We sometimes m_______ Sydney for the capital of Australia.

13. I felt s_______ that there were many new comers in my room.

14. Oh, doctor, is my husband’s trouble s________?

15. Making paper is one of the greatest i__________ in China?

16. The letter “m ” in MTV means m________.

17. The t______ who will come to China are Frenchmen.

18. The computer is the most important among those i_____ ?

19. He was n_______ twenty when he became a soldier.

20. “Haven ’t I paid for the suit?” He asked in s_______.

21. Some Germans will come to our company for a v________.

22. How much of your time is s________ on sports?

23. Both of them are m________ of our football team.

24. Let ’s learn from each other and make progress t_________.

25. Chinese has the largest number of speakers, but it is s_______ in few countries.

26. ------When does the library open?

27. -------It opens at 9:00 on w______ and at 9:30 on Saturday and Sunday.

28. He can’t say one more f______ word except “apple ” and “orange ”.

29. It ’s no use crying over the dead cows, Betty. You’d better find out who k______ them.

30. The teacher develops his students’ k_______ by asking them a lot of questions.

31. You can see many stars on a c______ night.

32. Look! A number of people are c______ round the truck. What is h_______?

33. The book itself is very good except for its c_______.

34. When someone is in t______, you should try your best to help him.

35. The students were talking n_______ when their teacher came and they became quite at


36. There are many different kinds of ways of d______ with the Taiwan question. But we are

for the one—China principle.

初三英语中考复习-----首字母填空 04/5/6

Name___________ Marks_________

1. The first foreign v_______ will arrive quite soon, let’s go and meet them at the airport.

2. Today, more and more people are planning to go overseas for f________. They think it

will help them find a good job easily.

3. Have you f_______ what I told you last time?

4. Do you have t_______ for the football game?

5. How long is it s_____ you joined the League?

6. K______ is more useful than money.

7. You are late again. What’s your e________ for being late this time?

8. The old man has a heart t______. He has to see a doctor once a month.

9. Eating v_______ is good for people’s health.

10. He said he would start the work the f_______ week.

11. Can you g______ who the people in the picture?

12. We sometimes m_______ Sydney for the capital of Australia.

13. I felt s_______ that there were many new comers in my room.

14. Oh, doctor, is my husband’s trouble s________?

15. Making paper is one of the greatest i__________ in China?

16. The letter “m ” in MTV means m________.

17. The t______ who will come to China are Frenchmen.

18. The computer is the most important among those i_____ ?

19. He was n_______ twenty when he became a soldier.

20. “Haven ’t I paid for the suit?” He asked in s_______.

21. Some Germans will come to our company for a v________.

22. How much of your time is s________ on sports?

23. Both of them are m________ of our football team.

24. Let ’s learn from each other and make progress t_________.

25. Chinese has the largest number of speakers, but it is s_______ in few countries.

26. ------When does the library open?

27. -------It opens at 9:00 on w______ and at 9:30 on Saturday and Sunday.

28. He can’t say one more f______ word except “apple ” and “orange ”.

29. It ’s no use crying over the dead cows, Betty. You’d better find out who k______ them.

30. The teacher develops his students’ k_______ by asking them a lot of questions.

31. You can see many stars on a c______ night.

32. Look! A number of people are c______ round the truck. What is h_______?

33. The book itself is very good except for its c_______.

34. When someone is in t______, you should try your best to help him.

35. The students were talking n_______ when their teacher came and they became quite at


36. There are many different kinds of ways of d______ with the Taiwan question. But we are

for the one—China principle.


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