

1. 英译汉

Operating Instructions For Philips Juice Extractor

Thank you for your purchase of Philips Juice Extractor.

With this juice extractor you can make 100% pure fruit juice and vegetable juice.

The appliance is simple to use and very easy to clean.

How to use

Check if the lid is correctly placed.

For your safety: the appliance can only operate when the lid has been correctly mounted onto the base unit.

Wash the fruits or vegetables and cut them in pieces to fit into the feeding tube.

Switch the appliance on by pressing the on/off switch.

Put the pieces into the feeding tube and press them gently downwards with the pusher.

After the juice has stopped flowing, switch the appliance off and wait for the sieve to come to a complete standstill before removing the juice jug or cup.

Maximum operating time:5 minutes on, 2 minutes off.

2. 汉译英




1. 本产品启用前,必须复核电源线路容量,方可使用。

2. 切勿将插座、插头浸水或溅湿,防止漏电,严禁将壶体浸入水中。

3. 严禁少水或无水使用,以免损坏电热管。

4. 水沸注意外溢,防止漏电。

5. 本产品只限于电热方式煮水,不得启用其他加热方式煮水。

6. 为确保安全,禁止不接地使用。


1. 英译汉

Operating Instructions For Philips Juice Extractor

Thank you for your purchase of Philips Juice Extractor.

With this juice extractor you can make 100% pure fruit juice and vegetable juice.

The appliance is simple to use and very easy to clean.

How to use

Check if the lid is correctly placed.

For your safety: the appliance can only operate when the lid has been correctly mounted onto the base unit.

Wash the fruits or vegetables and cut them in pieces to fit into the feeding tube.

Switch the appliance on by pressing the on/off switch.

Put the pieces into the feeding tube and press them gently downwards with the pusher.

After the juice has stopped flowing, switch the appliance off and wait for the sieve to come to a complete standstill before removing the juice jug or cup.

Maximum operating time:5 minutes on, 2 minutes off.

2. 汉译英




1. 本产品启用前,必须复核电源线路容量,方可使用。

2. 切勿将插座、插头浸水或溅湿,防止漏电,严禁将壶体浸入水中。

3. 严禁少水或无水使用,以免损坏电热管。

4. 水沸注意外溢,防止漏电。

5. 本产品只限于电热方式煮水,不得启用其他加热方式煮水。

6. 为确保安全,禁止不接地使用。


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