



一、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号填写在表格内:(15’)1. What would you like ______a birthday present? A. for A. Clark A. feet

B. as B. I’mOK. B. foot

C. with C. Thank you C. foots

2. –What’syour name? 3. These are ________.4. ----What does it mean?

----It means you shouldn’t_______.A. smoking A.Did, visited 6. —________? A. What’sthis A. He’s

B. smoked B.Did, visit —It’sred. B. What colour is it B. This’s

C. It’s

C. How are you C.smoke C.Do, visited

5. ______you ______your grandparents last weekend?


7. —What’sthis? —________a key. 8. ---______did you put your bike? ----Under the tree. A. When A. What A. The A. swiming A.our, our A. Yes, I can. A. weather A. what

B.What B. Where B. /B. television B.us , us B. No, I can. B. the weather B. How

C.Where C. How C. A

C. swimming C.our , us C. No, it isn’t.C. a weather

9. —________are you? —Fine,thanks.

10. There’sa book on the desk. ________book is blue. 11. What’syour favourite sport? I like _________

12. Miss. Zhang is ____Chinese teacher. She teaches _____English. 13. Hello! Can you play the piano? ________.14. What’s________like in autumn? 15. ________do you spell “green”?

C. How many


1. His family are from (划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________2. He likes English and math.(一般疑问句)

_____________________________________________________________3. I have some books in my backpack.(否定句)

____________________________________________________________4. Does your father like sports? (否定回答)

_____________________________________________________________5. The little boy goes to school (划线提问)

_____________________________________________________________三、Reading (20’)


My name is Peter. This is my father, Mr Green. He is a teacher. That is my mother, Mrs Green. She is a nurse.

I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is a student, too. Her father is Bob. His (他的)job is a policeman. Mary’smother is a nurse. Tony is Mary’sbrother. We all like him.

判断对(T ), 错(F ) (((((

)1.My mother and Mary’smother are nurses. )2. Tony is Peter’scousin. )3. Bob is Peter’sfather. )4. Peter’sfather is a teacher. )5. Mary is Peter’ssister.


What’sthis? It’sletter(字母) P. What colour is it? It’sgreen. What’sthis and what colour is it? It’sletter E. It’syellow. What’sthis letter? It’sletter N. It’sred. P-E-N. Is it “pen”?Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil case(铅笔盒). My pencil case is orange. This is my book. It’smy Chinese book. It’sin my bag. My bag is black. Look! The bag is in the desk.. The chair is yellow. It’smy chair. It’snice. I like it. 根据短文选择正确的答案:(

)1. what colour is letter P? A. Green

B. Yellow

C. Red

D. Blue


)2. Which letter is red? A. P B. E

C. N D. C

B. A blue pen D. A yellow chair B. It’sin my desk.

D. Sorry, I don’tknow.(我不知道)

C. My bag.

D. My pencil case.

)3. What’sin the pencil case? A. An orange case C. A black bag

()4. Where is my English book? A. It’sin my bag. C. It’son my chair.

()5. Something(某物) is black. What is it? A. My pen.

B. My desk.

四. 完型填空(15’)Dear Li Ming,

How are you? I miss you very much.

Let me ___1____you something about us. My brother and I are in ___2___school. We have classes ___3___Monday to Friday.

____4__weekends, we don’thave ___5_____classes. We ____6___many American friends now. We often play games together ____7____school. They help us with our English. How many classes do you __8_______9____week? Do you like them?

Please __10___me soon. ((((((((((

)1. A.say )2. A.different )3. A.from )4. A.At )5. A.some )6.A.are having )7. A.behind )8.A. teach )9.A.every )10.A.speak to

B. speak B.same B. on B.On B.many B.have B.after B.play B.the B.tell

C.tell C.the same C.between C.Between C.any C.has C.from C.have C.an C.write to


Write a composition to introduce “Allabout me”at least 7sentences. 写一篇作文,题目是“关于我”至少七个句子。






一、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号填写在表格内:(15’)1. What would you like ______a birthday present? A. for A. Clark A. feet

B. as B. I’mOK. B. foot

C. with C. Thank you C. foots

2. –What’syour name? 3. These are ________.4. ----What does it mean?

----It means you shouldn’t_______.A. smoking A.Did, visited 6. —________? A. What’sthis A. He’s

B. smoked B.Did, visit —It’sred. B. What colour is it B. This’s

C. It’s

C. How are you C.smoke C.Do, visited

5. ______you ______your grandparents last weekend?


7. —What’sthis? —________a key. 8. ---______did you put your bike? ----Under the tree. A. When A. What A. The A. swiming A.our, our A. Yes, I can. A. weather A. what

B.What B. Where B. /B. television B.us , us B. No, I can. B. the weather B. How

C.Where C. How C. A

C. swimming C.our , us C. No, it isn’t.C. a weather

9. —________are you? —Fine,thanks.

10. There’sa book on the desk. ________book is blue. 11. What’syour favourite sport? I like _________

12. Miss. Zhang is ____Chinese teacher. She teaches _____English. 13. Hello! Can you play the piano? ________.14. What’s________like in autumn? 15. ________do you spell “green”?

C. How many


1. His family are from (划线部分提问)

_____________________________________________________________2. He likes English and math.(一般疑问句)

_____________________________________________________________3. I have some books in my backpack.(否定句)

____________________________________________________________4. Does your father like sports? (否定回答)

_____________________________________________________________5. The little boy goes to school (划线提问)

_____________________________________________________________三、Reading (20’)


My name is Peter. This is my father, Mr Green. He is a teacher. That is my mother, Mrs Green. She is a nurse.

I have a friend. Her name is Mary. She is a student, too. Her father is Bob. His (他的)job is a policeman. Mary’smother is a nurse. Tony is Mary’sbrother. We all like him.

判断对(T ), 错(F ) (((((

)1.My mother and Mary’smother are nurses. )2. Tony is Peter’scousin. )3. Bob is Peter’sfather. )4. Peter’sfather is a teacher. )5. Mary is Peter’ssister.


What’sthis? It’sletter(字母) P. What colour is it? It’sgreen. What’sthis and what colour is it? It’sletter E. It’syellow. What’sthis letter? It’sletter N. It’sred. P-E-N. Is it “pen”?Yes, it is. I have a blue pen in my pencil case(铅笔盒). My pencil case is orange. This is my book. It’smy Chinese book. It’sin my bag. My bag is black. Look! The bag is in the desk.. The chair is yellow. It’smy chair. It’snice. I like it. 根据短文选择正确的答案:(

)1. what colour is letter P? A. Green

B. Yellow

C. Red

D. Blue


)2. Which letter is red? A. P B. E

C. N D. C

B. A blue pen D. A yellow chair B. It’sin my desk.

D. Sorry, I don’tknow.(我不知道)

C. My bag.

D. My pencil case.

)3. What’sin the pencil case? A. An orange case C. A black bag

()4. Where is my English book? A. It’sin my bag. C. It’son my chair.

()5. Something(某物) is black. What is it? A. My pen.

B. My desk.

四. 完型填空(15’)Dear Li Ming,

How are you? I miss you very much.

Let me ___1____you something about us. My brother and I are in ___2___school. We have classes ___3___Monday to Friday.

____4__weekends, we don’thave ___5_____classes. We ____6___many American friends now. We often play games together ____7____school. They help us with our English. How many classes do you __8_______9____week? Do you like them?

Please __10___me soon. ((((((((((

)1. A.say )2. A.different )3. A.from )4. A.At )5. A.some )6.A.are having )7. A.behind )8.A. teach )9.A.every )10.A.speak to

B. speak B.same B. on B.On B.many B.have B.after B.play B.the B.tell

C.tell C.the same C.between C.Between C.any C.has C.from C.have C.an C.write to


Write a composition to introduce “Allabout me”at least 7sentences. 写一篇作文,题目是“关于我”至少七个句子。




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