


(一)类型:一节课设计—lesson planning












心理描述:使用心理动词(mental verbs),从心理角度描述,即描述心理活动,如:学生能掌握所学语法内容、能理解课文、能欣赏本篇故事、能体会作者意图,等等。

行为描述:使用行为动词(behavioral verbs),从行为角度技术,即描述能观察得到的行为,如:学生能做替换练习,能复述课文、能仿写等等。







(五)模式:教学目标的编写可从对象、行为、条件、标准等四个纬度来写,也就是我们简称的ABCD 模式。

A ——对象(audience )阐明教学对象

B ——行为(behavior )说明通过学习何种内容学习者应能做到什么(行为的变化)

C ——条件(condition )说明学习者学习行为时所处的环境、条件因素。

D ——标准(Degree )指出合格行为的最低标准

例如:The students (A)will be able to answer (B)the questions orally (C)about the weather using the sentence pattern learned in this lesson(C2)and fluently.(D)
















XX 市XX 县XX 学校








Lesson Plan of Unit 4




覆盖内容:Discovering useful structures(Attributive clauses)



By the end of this class, the students will be able to

Identify the attributive clauses and the relative pronounswith teacher’s illustrations.

Select right proper pronouns for attributive clausesby practising.

Modify somebody or something with an attributive clauseflexibly either in written or oral work.


Step 1 Lead-in and presentation (7 minutes)

1. Listening to a story (class work)

Give a group of sentences which include attributives clauses. Ask the students to listencarefully and find what happened to my friend. The passage can be like this:

I have a good friend who was a volunteer in the Wenchuan earth quake-hit areas in2008. He was extremely shocked when he arrived there. He found buildings that had stood in the downtown were destroyed. The highways which led to the world outside the mountains were blocked by big rocks that fell down from the mountains. The residents whose home had been completely destroyed were searching or digging for their family members, colleagues or friends.

2. Retelling the story(pair work)

Ask the students try to retell the story with help of the following expressions:

a. I have a good friend

b. He found buildings

c. The highways

d. The residents

3. Putting the sentences on the blackboard/screen and underliningthe attributives clauses. (single work)

a. I have a good friend who was a volunteer in the Wenchou quake-hit areas in 2008.

b. He found buildings that had stood in the downtown were destroyed.

c. The highways which led to the world outside the mountains were blocked by big rocks that fell down from the mountains.

d. The residents whose home had been completely destroyed were searching or digging for their family members, students, colleagues, or friends.


Step 2 Discovering the grammar rules(12 minutes)

1. Translating the sentences above(pair work)

Ask the students to translate the sentences above with the teacher’s help .

2. Finding out the function (class work)

Ask the students to focus on the underlined parts of each sentence, and pay attention to its structure function. Help them draw a conclusion: An attributive clause gives more information about someone or something referred to in the main clause.

3. Discovering the structure(pair work)

With teacher’s illustrations,students try to sum up the structures of attributive clause :sb.sth. + that/which/who/whose + other parts of the clause

Antecedent + Relative pronoun + other parts of the clause


Step 3 Summing up the usage (10 minutes)

1. Scanning (single work)

Ask the students to scan the text and find out the attributives clauses.

a. But the million of people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.

b. A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals.

c. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.

d. It was a city whose hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.

e. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.

f. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

2.Comparing & finding the rules (group work)

Ask the students to compare the underlined sentences from the text and find the relative pronouns, then discuss in what cases those relative pronouns are used.

3.Filling in blanks and translating (single work)

Ask the students to complete and translate the sentences in Exercise 2 on page 29 in the textbook.

4. Explaining the usage of the relative pronouns

Ask a few students to try to explain the usage of the relative pronouns with thesentences they found in the text. Then teacher gives a summary.


Step 4 Practising (12 minutes)

1. Making simple sentences (group work)

Ask the students to work in groups of 4 and make simple sentences. Put the sentences onthe blackboard.

2. Making complex sentences (group work)

Ask the students to work in groups to develop those simple sentences into complex sentences withattributives clauses. Have a check in group.

3. Describing pictures with attributive clauses

Pictures in the Pre-reading can be reused here. Or some other pictures prepared by teacher.

【设计说明:本环节为定语从句的操练及运用阶段。要求学生先造简单句,再过渡到造复合句(含定语从句),操练的难度逐步加大, 这符合学生的认知规律。同时让学生在具体运用中体会内化定语从句的结构与用法也是行之有效的。】

Step 5 Assessment and summary (3 minutes)

Ask the students to read out their sentences in class and give comments with each other. Then teacher give a brief summary for the usage of the attributives clauses.


Step 6 Homework (1 minute)

1. Choose 5 sentences you heard in class and write them down in the Exercise-book.

2. Do Ex. 1 on Page 64 .




(一)类型:一节课设计—lesson planning












心理描述:使用心理动词(mental verbs),从心理角度描述,即描述心理活动,如:学生能掌握所学语法内容、能理解课文、能欣赏本篇故事、能体会作者意图,等等。

行为描述:使用行为动词(behavioral verbs),从行为角度技术,即描述能观察得到的行为,如:学生能做替换练习,能复述课文、能仿写等等。







(五)模式:教学目标的编写可从对象、行为、条件、标准等四个纬度来写,也就是我们简称的ABCD 模式。

A ——对象(audience )阐明教学对象

B ——行为(behavior )说明通过学习何种内容学习者应能做到什么(行为的变化)

C ——条件(condition )说明学习者学习行为时所处的环境、条件因素。

D ——标准(Degree )指出合格行为的最低标准

例如:The students (A)will be able to answer (B)the questions orally (C)about the weather using the sentence pattern learned in this lesson(C2)and fluently.(D)
















XX 市XX 县XX 学校








Lesson Plan of Unit 4




覆盖内容:Discovering useful structures(Attributive clauses)



By the end of this class, the students will be able to

Identify the attributive clauses and the relative pronounswith teacher’s illustrations.

Select right proper pronouns for attributive clausesby practising.

Modify somebody or something with an attributive clauseflexibly either in written or oral work.


Step 1 Lead-in and presentation (7 minutes)

1. Listening to a story (class work)

Give a group of sentences which include attributives clauses. Ask the students to listencarefully and find what happened to my friend. The passage can be like this:

I have a good friend who was a volunteer in the Wenchuan earth quake-hit areas in2008. He was extremely shocked when he arrived there. He found buildings that had stood in the downtown were destroyed. The highways which led to the world outside the mountains were blocked by big rocks that fell down from the mountains. The residents whose home had been completely destroyed were searching or digging for their family members, colleagues or friends.

2. Retelling the story(pair work)

Ask the students try to retell the story with help of the following expressions:

a. I have a good friend

b. He found buildings

c. The highways

d. The residents

3. Putting the sentences on the blackboard/screen and underliningthe attributives clauses. (single work)

a. I have a good friend who was a volunteer in the Wenchou quake-hit areas in 2008.

b. He found buildings that had stood in the downtown were destroyed.

c. The highways which led to the world outside the mountains were blocked by big rocks that fell down from the mountains.

d. The residents whose home had been completely destroyed were searching or digging for their family members, students, colleagues, or friends.


Step 2 Discovering the grammar rules(12 minutes)

1. Translating the sentences above(pair work)

Ask the students to translate the sentences above with the teacher’s help .

2. Finding out the function (class work)

Ask the students to focus on the underlined parts of each sentence, and pay attention to its structure function. Help them draw a conclusion: An attributive clause gives more information about someone or something referred to in the main clause.

3. Discovering the structure(pair work)

With teacher’s illustrations,students try to sum up the structures of attributive clause :sb.sth. + that/which/who/whose + other parts of the clause

Antecedent + Relative pronoun + other parts of the clause


Step 3 Summing up the usage (10 minutes)

1. Scanning (single work)

Ask the students to scan the text and find out the attributives clauses.

a. But the million of people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.

b. A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals.

c. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.

d. It was a city whose hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.

e. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.

f. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.

2.Comparing & finding the rules (group work)

Ask the students to compare the underlined sentences from the text and find the relative pronouns, then discuss in what cases those relative pronouns are used.

3.Filling in blanks and translating (single work)

Ask the students to complete and translate the sentences in Exercise 2 on page 29 in the textbook.

4. Explaining the usage of the relative pronouns

Ask a few students to try to explain the usage of the relative pronouns with thesentences they found in the text. Then teacher gives a summary.


Step 4 Practising (12 minutes)

1. Making simple sentences (group work)

Ask the students to work in groups of 4 and make simple sentences. Put the sentences onthe blackboard.

2. Making complex sentences (group work)

Ask the students to work in groups to develop those simple sentences into complex sentences withattributives clauses. Have a check in group.

3. Describing pictures with attributive clauses

Pictures in the Pre-reading can be reused here. Or some other pictures prepared by teacher.

【设计说明:本环节为定语从句的操练及运用阶段。要求学生先造简单句,再过渡到造复合句(含定语从句),操练的难度逐步加大, 这符合学生的认知规律。同时让学生在具体运用中体会内化定语从句的结构与用法也是行之有效的。】

Step 5 Assessment and summary (3 minutes)

Ask the students to read out their sentences in class and give comments with each other. Then teacher give a brief summary for the usage of the attributives clauses.


Step 6 Homework (1 minute)

1. Choose 5 sentences you heard in class and write them down in the Exercise-book.

2. Do Ex. 1 on Page 64 .



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