

第七讲 面试实践


1. _____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

二. 朗读并回答(先朗读短文然后凭记忆回答老师所提的若干问题)

Canada is the world’s second biggest country. Only Russia is bigger than Canada. Winter is the longest season in Canada. In some places, it lasts from middle of November to the middle of March and end in the middle of May. Summer is longer than spring. It lasts for about four months in the south, from mid-May to

mid-September .It is a warm season. Autumn lasts from September to November. In October , the leaves begin to turn red. They are very, beautiful.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________






1. 定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。



例: Go and wash your hands. (去洗你的手。——命令)

Be quiet, please. (Please be quiet. ) (请安静。——请求)

Be kind to our sister. (对姊妹要和善。——劝告)

Watch your steps. (走路小心。——警告)

Look out !Danger ! (小心!危险!——强烈警告,已如感叹句) Keep off the grass. (勿践草坪。——禁止)

No parking. (禁止停车。——禁止)

祈使句也常把主语“You ”表达出来,使对方听起来觉得柔和些,例如:

You go and tell him, Chris. (克立斯去告诉他。)

2. 相关口令

祈使句无主语, 主语you 常省去;

动词原形谓语当, 句首加don't 否定变;

朗读应当用降调, 句末常标感叹号。

3. 表现形式


1. Do 型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分) 。如:Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。

2. 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下, 动词可省略。如:This way, please. = Go this w

ay, please. 请这边走。

3. Be 型(即:Be + 表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分) 。如:Be a good boy! 要做一个好


4. Let 型(即:Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分) 。如:Let me help you. 让我来帮



1. Do 型和Be 型的否定式都是在句首加don't 构成。如:Don't forget me! 不要忘记我!

2. Don't be late for school! 上学不要迟到!

3. Let 型的否定式有两种:“Don't + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分”和“Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分”。如:Don't let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。

4. 有些可用no 开头, 用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No fishi ng! 禁止钓鱼!

练习: 将下列汉语翻译成英语。

1. 请照看好您的包。 ___________________.

2. 让我们去学校吧! ___________________!

3. 亲爱的, 高兴点儿! ___________________!

4. 不要把书放这儿。 ___________________.

5. 不要让猫进来。 ___________________.

4."let" 带头的祈使句

由"let" 带头的祈使句(Imperative Sentences ) 是个常见的动词句型,它的主要


1. 表示“建议”。

这个句型里的" let " 后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语,如:

(1) Let me try.

(2) Let's do it.

(3) Let me go and look for it.


(4) a. Don't disturb him.

b. Let's not disturb him.


2. 表示“间接命令”或“愿望”。


(5) Let Robert take charge of the marketing department.

(6) Let her join our choir.

3. 表示“警告”、“蔑视”、“威胁”等。


(7) Let him try and he will expose his inability to work on his own.

(8) Let the invaders come and our armed forces will wipe them out in no time.

用"let" 的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点:

一、" let" 的否定句有二。如果宾语是第三人称用" Don't let..... " (见例(9));

如果宾语是第一人称,则用"Let......not " (见例(10)):

(9) Don't let this type of things happen again.

(10) It's raining now. Let's not go out until after the rain.

二、" Let " 后头除了是不带"to" 的不定式动词 (The infinitive without"to") 之外,还可以是某些适当的副词,如out, in, down, alone 等:

(13) Let the puppy out.

(14) Open the windows and let the fresh air in.

(15) The room is too sunny. Let the blinds down.

(16) Let me alone, please.

三、用"Let's" 时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;用" Let us " 时,并不包括对方,


(17) Let's try it, shall we?

(18) Let us do it by ourselves, will you?

从(17)里的" shall we " 和(18)里的" will you " ,不难知道前者包括听话人,后者



5. 英语祈使句句型转换


1. 祈使句=You must …(陈述句)

Come here . 过来。 =You must come here . 你必须过来。

Don't do that again. 你一定不可以再那样做了。

2.Please +祈使句=Will you (please) ~? (陈述句)

Please help me. 请帮帮我。 =Will you (please) help me?


Come here on time, please. 请准时到这儿。

=Will you (please) come here on time? 请你准时到好吗?

3. 含有第一、第三人称主语的祈使句

Let„s say good -bye here. 我们在此道别吧。

Don't let him do that again. 别让他再那么做了。.



( )1. The TV is too loud. Please________.

A. turn it down B. to turn it down C. turn down it D. to turn down it

( )2. _______ late again, Bill!

A. Don't to be B. Don't be C. Not be D. Be not

( )3. _______ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.

A. Not B. Won't C. Doesn't D. Don't

( )4. Kate, _______ your homework here tomorrow.

A. bring B. brings C. to bring D. bringing

( )5. ________ me the truth, or I'll be angry.

A. Telling B. To tell C. Told D. Tell


1. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改为祈使句)

_____ _____ again more slowly, please.

2. If you don't listen to me, I'll go. (改为同义句)

_____ _____ me, or I‟ll go.

3. The teachers often tell the students not to be careless. (改为祈使句)

_____ _____careless, please.

4. Please sit next to Nancy. (改为否定句)

_____ _____ next to Nancy.

5. If you move, you'll die. (改为同义句)

_____ _____, or you'll die.


1. Would you like to wait a moment?→_____ _____ a moment.

2. Can I use your bike?→Please _____ _____ your bike.

3. You‟d better not smoke here.→_____ _____ here.

4. You must be careful with your handwriting.

_____ _____ with your handwriting.

5. Will you please not play with my pencil? →_____ _____ with my pencil,_______.



一、判断下列单词划线部分发音,相同划“√”,不同划“×”(5分) ( )1.five thin

( )

( )5. me be

( )7.over old

( )9.slow down

( )2.much usually ( ) ( )6.lot note ( )8.tree eat ( )10.horse work


( )1.A. cool ( )2.A. blow ( )3.A. name ( )4.A. teacher ( )5.A. heavy

( )1.A. bus

( )2.A. pen

( )3.A. month

( )4.A. worker

( )5.A. big

B. food B. now B. take B. catch B. breakfast C. foot C. know C. date C. machine C. great D. zoo D. snow D. sat D. chicken D. sweater 三、找出不同类的单词。(5分) B. box B. ear B. year B. doctor B. cheap C. plane C. eye C. weekday C. nurse C. near D. car D. leg D. sunlight D. mother D. safe



of China.

3. Women‟ Day is on the e to Guangzhou every day.


. I can‟t carry it.


( )1.I‟ve got a toothache. I‟m going to see the .

A. park B. doctor C. teacher D. hospital

( )2.-- May I _____your bike?

-- Sure.

A. ride B. riding C. read D. to ride

( )3. -- Whose ruler is it?

--Maybe it‟s _____.

A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary‟s D. Peters‟

( )4.I want to see the film. I am going to the____ .

A. cinema B. school C. museum D. bank

( )5.-- _____will you do this Sunday?

-- I‟ll play football.

A. What B. When C. Where D. How

( )6.-- What is she doing?

-- She______ ?

A. has a cold B. will dance

C. is dancing D. usually goes swimming

( )7.Mr. Arthur can _____piano.

A. played the B. played C. plays the D. play the

( )8.My father____ a new car. He ___it very much.

A. have, like B. has, likes C. has, like D. have, likes

( )9.More and more people in the world enjoy____ now.

A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swims

( )10.This new pencil is only_____ Jimmy.

A. in B. on C. for D. a


1. I 2. --Where he

-- He 3. I would like ____(be ) your penfriend.

4. My father (like) (play) basketball.

5. We (visit) the farm next week.

6. It‟s two o‟clock in the afternoon. We 7. September is ______(nine) month of a year.


1. That is her knife.(改成复数)

______are_____ _______ _________ .

2. I jump higher than my brother. (同义句转换)

My brother _______ _________ than me.

3. We ate lots of delicious food last Spring Festival. (改为一般疑问句)

________ you__________ lots of delicious food last Spring Festival? (对划线部分提问)

_______ season ________ lily like best? (对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ you _____oranges last week?


1._________We sang English songs and do some Chinese dances last night.


2._________Is it yours? No, it isn‟t mine book. It‟s his.


3._________I‟d like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberries.


4._________Look, your pen is on the ground. Pick up it.


5.________I like drinking tea. I drinked some tea last night.



(A )

A young man was getting ready to finish his college study. He loved a beautiful sports car and he told his father that was all he wanted.

One morning, his father called him into the study. He told his son how proud he was to have such a good son, and told him how much he loved him. Then he gave his son a book, Success Stories, with the young man‟s name on the cover. The young man got very angry and ran out of the house, leaving the book.

Many years later, the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful house and a wonderful family. He thought of his father and thought he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that morning. Unluckily, he was told that his father had died.

When he came into his father‟s study, he began to tidy up his father‟s papers.

He found the book, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened it and turned the papers. Suddenly, a car key dropped from the back of the book. That was the key

to the sports car he wanted so much.

( )1.What did the young man want his father to buy him?

A. A book. B. A beautiful house. C.A sports car. D. A gift box.

( )2.Why did the young man run out of the house angrily? Because____ .

A. his father didn‟t loved him.

B. his father gave him nothing.

C. his father said something wrong to him.

D. he thought his father only gave him a book.

( )3.Many years later, the young man ____.

A. had a hard life.

B. became a successful businessman.

C. went to see his father quite often.

D. was told his father was still healthy.

( )4.What does the underlined word “study” mean in Chinese?

A. 书房 B. 学习 C. 研究 D. 学问

( )5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The father was unhappy with the young man.

B. The young man didn‟t love his father.

C. The father was very angry when he saw his son.

D. The father was brought the young man a sports car.

(B )

Helen Keller lived in the USA. When she was a baby, she got very sick. After she was better, she couldn‟t and hear well. A few years later, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn‟t understand anything.

One day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was such a bright girl that she could spell her first word soon. When she was older, she went to college.

Helen became very famous later. She traveled around the world and helped many blind and deaf people. The world remembers her doday as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.

( )6.Helen Keller got very sick when___ .

A. she was a baby B. she went to college

C. she was taught by a teacher D. she was very old

( )7. ___ taught Helen Keller her first word.

A. Helen herself B. Helen‟s a teacher

C. Helen‟s doctor D. Helen‟s parents

( )8.Helen Keller was famous because ___.

A. She traveled around the world

B. She was an American

C. Her teacher taught her many things

D. She helped many disabled people in the world

( )9.People admires Helen Keller because___ .

A. she was very talented B. she was blind and deaf

C. she was brave and wonderful D. she went to college

( )10.Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but____ .

A. she found a way to understand the world

B. she found a way to travel around the world

C. she met a good teacher

D. she was proud of her parents

(C )

One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Don‟t say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me h ow you found the elephant‟s bad ears?” “I didn‟t find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”

( )11. _____the elephant.

A. The young man sells B. The old man sells

C. The two men sell D. The old man buys

( )12.The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out___ .

A. which foot of the elephant is bad B. how heavy it is

C. which ear of the elephant is bad D. what it looks like

( )13.The young man ___.

A. knows the elephant has bad ears B. wants to buy the elephant

C. looks after the elephant D. gets some money from the old man ( )14.The young man____ .

A. is not interested in elephants

B. knows what an elephant looks like

C. has seen some elephants before

D. has never seen an elephant before

( )15.Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably be____ .

A. angry B. happy C. dangerous D. hungry



I wish I


第七讲 面试实践


1. _____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________

二. 朗读并回答(先朗读短文然后凭记忆回答老师所提的若干问题)

Canada is the world’s second biggest country. Only Russia is bigger than Canada. Winter is the longest season in Canada. In some places, it lasts from middle of November to the middle of March and end in the middle of May. Summer is longer than spring. It lasts for about four months in the south, from mid-May to

mid-September .It is a warm season. Autumn lasts from September to November. In October , the leaves begin to turn red. They are very, beautiful.

1. ____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________

4. ____________________________________________________________

5. ____________________________________________________________






1. 定义:用于表达命令、请求、劝告、警告、禁止等的句子叫做祈使句,祈使句最常用于表达命令,因此在学校文法中也常称为命令句。



例: Go and wash your hands. (去洗你的手。——命令)

Be quiet, please. (Please be quiet. ) (请安静。——请求)

Be kind to our sister. (对姊妹要和善。——劝告)

Watch your steps. (走路小心。——警告)

Look out !Danger ! (小心!危险!——强烈警告,已如感叹句) Keep off the grass. (勿践草坪。——禁止)

No parking. (禁止停车。——禁止)

祈使句也常把主语“You ”表达出来,使对方听起来觉得柔和些,例如:

You go and tell him, Chris. (克立斯去告诉他。)

2. 相关口令

祈使句无主语, 主语you 常省去;

动词原形谓语当, 句首加don't 否定变;

朗读应当用降调, 句末常标感叹号。

3. 表现形式


1. Do 型(即:动词原形(+宾语)+其它成分) 。如:Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。

2. 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下, 动词可省略。如:This way, please. = Go this w

ay, please. 请这边走。

3. Be 型(即:Be + 表语(名词或形容词)+其它成分) 。如:Be a good boy! 要做一个好


4. Let 型(即:Let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分) 。如:Let me help you. 让我来帮



1. Do 型和Be 型的否定式都是在句首加don't 构成。如:Don't forget me! 不要忘记我!

2. Don't be late for school! 上学不要迟到!

3. Let 型的否定式有两种:“Don't + let + 宾语 + 动词原形 + 其它成分”和“Let + 宾语 + not + 动词原形 + 其它成分”。如:Don't let him go. / Let him not go. 别让他走。

4. 有些可用no 开头, 用来表示禁止性的祈使句。如:No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No fishi ng! 禁止钓鱼!

练习: 将下列汉语翻译成英语。

1. 请照看好您的包。 ___________________.

2. 让我们去学校吧! ___________________!

3. 亲爱的, 高兴点儿! ___________________!

4. 不要把书放这儿。 ___________________.

5. 不要让猫进来。 ___________________.

4."let" 带头的祈使句

由"let" 带头的祈使句(Imperative Sentences ) 是个常见的动词句型,它的主要


1. 表示“建议”。

这个句型里的" let " 后头紧跟着一个第一人称的代词宾语,如:

(1) Let me try.

(2) Let's do it.

(3) Let me go and look for it.


(4) a. Don't disturb him.

b. Let's not disturb him.


2. 表示“间接命令”或“愿望”。


(5) Let Robert take charge of the marketing department.

(6) Let her join our choir.

3. 表示“警告”、“蔑视”、“威胁”等。


(7) Let him try and he will expose his inability to work on his own.

(8) Let the invaders come and our armed forces will wipe them out in no time.

用"let" 的祈使句时,必须注意下列几点:

一、" let" 的否定句有二。如果宾语是第三人称用" Don't let..... " (见例(9));

如果宾语是第一人称,则用"Let......not " (见例(10)):

(9) Don't let this type of things happen again.

(10) It's raining now. Let's not go out until after the rain.

二、" Let " 后头除了是不带"to" 的不定式动词 (The infinitive without"to") 之外,还可以是某些适当的副词,如out, in, down, alone 等:

(13) Let the puppy out.

(14) Open the windows and let the fresh air in.

(15) The room is too sunny. Let the blinds down.

(16) Let me alone, please.

三、用"Let's" 时,把谈话者的对象包括在内;用" Let us " 时,并不包括对方,


(17) Let's try it, shall we?

(18) Let us do it by ourselves, will you?

从(17)里的" shall we " 和(18)里的" will you " ,不难知道前者包括听话人,后者



5. 英语祈使句句型转换


1. 祈使句=You must …(陈述句)

Come here . 过来。 =You must come here . 你必须过来。

Don't do that again. 你一定不可以再那样做了。

2.Please +祈使句=Will you (please) ~? (陈述句)

Please help me. 请帮帮我。 =Will you (please) help me?


Come here on time, please. 请准时到这儿。

=Will you (please) come here on time? 请你准时到好吗?

3. 含有第一、第三人称主语的祈使句

Let„s say good -bye here. 我们在此道别吧。

Don't let him do that again. 别让他再那么做了。.



( )1. The TV is too loud. Please________.

A. turn it down B. to turn it down C. turn down it D. to turn down it

( )2. _______ late again, Bill!

A. Don't to be B. Don't be C. Not be D. Be not

( )3. _______ cross the road until the traffic lights turn green.

A. Not B. Won't C. Doesn't D. Don't

( )4. Kate, _______ your homework here tomorrow.

A. bring B. brings C. to bring D. bringing

( )5. ________ me the truth, or I'll be angry.

A. Telling B. To tell C. Told D. Tell


1. Will you please read it again more slowly? (改为祈使句)

_____ _____ again more slowly, please.

2. If you don't listen to me, I'll go. (改为同义句)

_____ _____ me, or I‟ll go.

3. The teachers often tell the students not to be careless. (改为祈使句)

_____ _____careless, please.

4. Please sit next to Nancy. (改为否定句)

_____ _____ next to Nancy.

5. If you move, you'll die. (改为同义句)

_____ _____, or you'll die.


1. Would you like to wait a moment?→_____ _____ a moment.

2. Can I use your bike?→Please _____ _____ your bike.

3. You‟d better not smoke here.→_____ _____ here.

4. You must be careful with your handwriting.

_____ _____ with your handwriting.

5. Will you please not play with my pencil? →_____ _____ with my pencil,_______.



一、判断下列单词划线部分发音,相同划“√”,不同划“×”(5分) ( )1.five thin

( )

( )5. me be

( )7.over old

( )9.slow down

( )2.much usually ( ) ( )6.lot note ( )8.tree eat ( )10.horse work


( )1.A. cool ( )2.A. blow ( )3.A. name ( )4.A. teacher ( )5.A. heavy

( )1.A. bus

( )2.A. pen

( )3.A. month

( )4.A. worker

( )5.A. big

B. food B. now B. take B. catch B. breakfast C. foot C. know C. date C. machine C. great D. zoo D. snow D. sat D. chicken D. sweater 三、找出不同类的单词。(5分) B. box B. ear B. year B. doctor B. cheap C. plane C. eye C. weekday C. nurse C. near D. car D. leg D. sunlight D. mother D. safe



of China.

3. Women‟ Day is on the e to Guangzhou every day.


. I can‟t carry it.


( )1.I‟ve got a toothache. I‟m going to see the .

A. park B. doctor C. teacher D. hospital

( )2.-- May I _____your bike?

-- Sure.

A. ride B. riding C. read D. to ride

( )3. -- Whose ruler is it?

--Maybe it‟s _____.

A. Peter B. Peters C. Mary‟s D. Peters‟

( )4.I want to see the film. I am going to the____ .

A. cinema B. school C. museum D. bank

( )5.-- _____will you do this Sunday?

-- I‟ll play football.

A. What B. When C. Where D. How

( )6.-- What is she doing?

-- She______ ?

A. has a cold B. will dance

C. is dancing D. usually goes swimming

( )7.Mr. Arthur can _____piano.

A. played the B. played C. plays the D. play the

( )8.My father____ a new car. He ___it very much.

A. have, like B. has, likes C. has, like D. have, likes

( )9.More and more people in the world enjoy____ now.

A. swim B. swimming C. to swim D. swims

( )10.This new pencil is only_____ Jimmy.

A. in B. on C. for D. a


1. I 2. --Where he

-- He 3. I would like ____(be ) your penfriend.

4. My father (like) (play) basketball.

5. We (visit) the farm next week.

6. It‟s two o‟clock in the afternoon. We 7. September is ______(nine) month of a year.


1. That is her knife.(改成复数)

______are_____ _______ _________ .

2. I jump higher than my brother. (同义句转换)

My brother _______ _________ than me.

3. We ate lots of delicious food last Spring Festival. (改为一般疑问句)

________ you__________ lots of delicious food last Spring Festival? (对划线部分提问)

_______ season ________ lily like best? (对划线部分提问)

_______ ______ you _____oranges last week?


1._________We sang English songs and do some Chinese dances last night.


2._________Is it yours? No, it isn‟t mine book. It‟s his.


3._________I‟d like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberries.


4._________Look, your pen is on the ground. Pick up it.


5.________I like drinking tea. I drinked some tea last night.



(A )

A young man was getting ready to finish his college study. He loved a beautiful sports car and he told his father that was all he wanted.

One morning, his father called him into the study. He told his son how proud he was to have such a good son, and told him how much he loved him. Then he gave his son a book, Success Stories, with the young man‟s name on the cover. The young man got very angry and ran out of the house, leaving the book.

Many years later, the young man was very successful in business. He had a beautiful house and a wonderful family. He thought of his father and thought he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that morning. Unluckily, he was told that his father had died.

When he came into his father‟s study, he began to tidy up his father‟s papers.

He found the book, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened it and turned the papers. Suddenly, a car key dropped from the back of the book. That was the key

to the sports car he wanted so much.

( )1.What did the young man want his father to buy him?

A. A book. B. A beautiful house. C.A sports car. D. A gift box.

( )2.Why did the young man run out of the house angrily? Because____ .

A. his father didn‟t loved him.

B. his father gave him nothing.

C. his father said something wrong to him.

D. he thought his father only gave him a book.

( )3.Many years later, the young man ____.

A. had a hard life.

B. became a successful businessman.

C. went to see his father quite often.

D. was told his father was still healthy.

( )4.What does the underlined word “study” mean in Chinese?

A. 书房 B. 学习 C. 研究 D. 学问

( )5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The father was unhappy with the young man.

B. The young man didn‟t love his father.

C. The father was very angry when he saw his son.

D. The father was brought the young man a sports car.

(B )

Helen Keller lived in the USA. When she was a baby, she got very sick. After she was better, she couldn‟t and hear well. A few years later, things got worse. There was no way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didn‟t understand anything.

One day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was such a bright girl that she could spell her first word soon. When she was older, she went to college.

Helen became very famous later. She traveled around the world and helped many blind and deaf people. The world remembers her doday as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.

( )6.Helen Keller got very sick when___ .

A. she was a baby B. she went to college

C. she was taught by a teacher D. she was very old

( )7. ___ taught Helen Keller her first word.

A. Helen herself B. Helen‟s a teacher

C. Helen‟s doctor D. Helen‟s parents

( )8.Helen Keller was famous because ___.

A. She traveled around the world

B. She was an American

C. Her teacher taught her many things

D. She helped many disabled people in the world

( )9.People admires Helen Keller because___ .

A. she was very talented B. she was blind and deaf

C. she was brave and wonderful D. she went to college

( )10.Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but____ .

A. she found a way to understand the world

B. she found a way to travel around the world

C. she met a good teacher

D. she was proud of her parents

(C )

One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and says in his ear, “Don‟t say anything about the elephant before I sell it. Then I will give you twenty dollars.” “All right,” says the young man. After the old man sells the elephant, he gives the young man twenty dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me h ow you found the elephant‟s bad ears?” “I didn‟t find the bad ears,” says the young man. “Then why are you looking at the elephant slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answers, “Because I have never seen an elephant before, and I want to know what it looks like.”

( )11. _____the elephant.

A. The young man sells B. The old man sells

C. The two men sell D. The old man buys

( )12.The young man is looking at the elephant slowly. He wants to find out___ .

A. which foot of the elephant is bad B. how heavy it is

C. which ear of the elephant is bad D. what it looks like

( )13.The young man ___.

A. knows the elephant has bad ears B. wants to buy the elephant

C. looks after the elephant D. gets some money from the old man ( )14.The young man____ .

A. is not interested in elephants

B. knows what an elephant looks like

C. has seen some elephants before

D. has never seen an elephant before

( )15.Hearing what the young man said, the old man will probably be____ .

A. angry B. happy C. dangerous D. hungry



I wish I


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