


考试方式:开卷 考试时间: 120分钟

Course Paper for English Teaching Methodology


The topic of course paper for English Teaching Methology should be within the scopes as following: theory about language and language learning, study on the acquisition of English skills, roles of teachers and relationship with students, introduction of national English curriculum, assessment in English language learning, multi-culture in English learning, SLA, CLT, TBLT, CAI, etc. Choose a topic to compose your thesis by combining the knowledges concerning the chosen topic itself from diverse informative resources available and your own ideas and learning experience in English learning. It should be carefully written and punctually submitted in accordance with the strictly academic criteria as the essential requirement and chief assessment of your academic achievement in the course learning.The suggestive titles of your possible thesis are presented below to facilitate your consideration and operation in choosing and refining the topic and title of your final thesis.

1. Application of the Metacognitive Strategies to Listening Teaching in Junior English

2. Applying Task-based Teaching Principles to Organize Oral Classroom Activities

3. Application of the Chunks of Language in Middle School’s Class

4. The Cultivation of Pragmatic Competence in Reading Teaching of Middle School

5. Application of the Communicative Approach to Reading Comprehension

6. Application of Scaffolding to English Writing Teaching in Senior Middle School

7. Application of Cooperative Learning Theory in Senior High School

8. The Strategies of Topic Controlling in Spoken English Teaching

9. The Affective Factors of SLA and Its Enlightenment on Teaching

10. Analysis of Teachers’ Talk in Classroom by Speech Act Theory

11. Application of Performance Assessment in Primary School English Teaching

12. A Study on the Advantages of Multimedia-aided English Reading

13. On Grading Teaching in English Teaching of Junior Middle School

14. Application of Relevance Theory to English Reading Teaching in Senior High School

15. Communicative Approach and Its Application to Grammar Teaching

16. Application of Non-verbal Communication in English Teaching

17. Application of the Metacognitive Strategies in Junior English Listening Teachings

18. The Implication of Interaction in English Language Teaching in Middle School

19. Importance and Feasibility of Improving Students’ Communicative Competence

20. The Methods of Questioning in English Class in Junior Middle School

21. The Creation of Context in English Grammar Teaching in Senior Middle School

22. Errors Types in Junior Students Oral English and Their Countermeasures

23. A Study on the Cultivation of Meta-linguistic Awareness in English Teaching in Primary School

24. Function of English Classroom Environment Design in Junior Students’ Initiation

25. The Refelction Approach to the Teaaching of English in Junior School

26. The Application of the Cognitive Development Theory to Pre-chool English Teaching

27. On Adopting Different Approaches to the Teaching of Vocabulary in Junior Middle School

28. On the Cultivation of the Students’Ability of Oral English through Retelling in Junior Middle School

29. On the Cultivation of the Students’ Creative Thinking in English Teaching in Middle School

30. Exploration of the Problems of the English Classroom Questioning and Its

Counter-measures in High School

31. Applying Reading Strategies to Improving the Reading Ability of Students in Senior High School

32. Application of Schema Theory to English Listening Teaching in Senior Middle School

33. The Inspiration of Hidden Curriculum on the English Teachers of the Junior Middle Schools

34. Enhancing the Effect of English Vocabulary Teaching in High School through Cultural Infiltration

35. The Implication of Interaction in ELT Class of Middle School

36. Students’ Negative Participation in Oral English Classes and Its Strategies

37. Analysis of Reading Teaching in Middle School Based on Context

38. Analysis of Cultivating the Autonomous Learning of Students in Middle School by Foreign Language Teaching Strategies

39. Application of Problem-based Learning Mode in Middle School English Teaching

40. Application of Psychological Hint to English Education in Primary School

41. Application of Context to English Reading Teaching in Senior Middle School

42. Causal Analysis of Lexical Errors and the Countermeasures in College English Writing

43. Application of Role Playing in English Classroom in Elementary School

44. Application of Multiple Intelligence Theory in Junior Oral English Teaching

45. The Effect of Motivation on Junior Middle School Students with English Learning Difficulty

46. Using Task-based Instruction to Stimulate High School Students’ Interest in English Learning

47. Application of Situational Language Teaching to Oral Engliah Teaching in Primary School

48. Application of Learner’s Motivation and Influence upon Learners and Learning Process

49. Application of Humors in Easing the Students’ Anxiety in English Learning

50. Task-based Language Teaching Methodology and its Application in Reading in Middle School



考试方式:开卷 考试时间: 120分钟

Course Paper for English Teaching Methodology


The topic of course paper for English Teaching Methology should be within the scopes as following: theory about language and language learning, study on the acquisition of English skills, roles of teachers and relationship with students, introduction of national English curriculum, assessment in English language learning, multi-culture in English learning, SLA, CLT, TBLT, CAI, etc. Choose a topic to compose your thesis by combining the knowledges concerning the chosen topic itself from diverse informative resources available and your own ideas and learning experience in English learning. It should be carefully written and punctually submitted in accordance with the strictly academic criteria as the essential requirement and chief assessment of your academic achievement in the course learning.The suggestive titles of your possible thesis are presented below to facilitate your consideration and operation in choosing and refining the topic and title of your final thesis.

1. Application of the Metacognitive Strategies to Listening Teaching in Junior English

2. Applying Task-based Teaching Principles to Organize Oral Classroom Activities

3. Application of the Chunks of Language in Middle School’s Class

4. The Cultivation of Pragmatic Competence in Reading Teaching of Middle School

5. Application of the Communicative Approach to Reading Comprehension

6. Application of Scaffolding to English Writing Teaching in Senior Middle School

7. Application of Cooperative Learning Theory in Senior High School

8. The Strategies of Topic Controlling in Spoken English Teaching

9. The Affective Factors of SLA and Its Enlightenment on Teaching

10. Analysis of Teachers’ Talk in Classroom by Speech Act Theory

11. Application of Performance Assessment in Primary School English Teaching

12. A Study on the Advantages of Multimedia-aided English Reading

13. On Grading Teaching in English Teaching of Junior Middle School

14. Application of Relevance Theory to English Reading Teaching in Senior High School

15. Communicative Approach and Its Application to Grammar Teaching

16. Application of Non-verbal Communication in English Teaching

17. Application of the Metacognitive Strategies in Junior English Listening Teachings

18. The Implication of Interaction in English Language Teaching in Middle School

19. Importance and Feasibility of Improving Students’ Communicative Competence

20. The Methods of Questioning in English Class in Junior Middle School

21. The Creation of Context in English Grammar Teaching in Senior Middle School

22. Errors Types in Junior Students Oral English and Their Countermeasures

23. A Study on the Cultivation of Meta-linguistic Awareness in English Teaching in Primary School

24. Function of English Classroom Environment Design in Junior Students’ Initiation

25. The Refelction Approach to the Teaaching of English in Junior School

26. The Application of the Cognitive Development Theory to Pre-chool English Teaching

27. On Adopting Different Approaches to the Teaching of Vocabulary in Junior Middle School

28. On the Cultivation of the Students’Ability of Oral English through Retelling in Junior Middle School

29. On the Cultivation of the Students’ Creative Thinking in English Teaching in Middle School

30. Exploration of the Problems of the English Classroom Questioning and Its

Counter-measures in High School

31. Applying Reading Strategies to Improving the Reading Ability of Students in Senior High School

32. Application of Schema Theory to English Listening Teaching in Senior Middle School

33. The Inspiration of Hidden Curriculum on the English Teachers of the Junior Middle Schools

34. Enhancing the Effect of English Vocabulary Teaching in High School through Cultural Infiltration

35. The Implication of Interaction in ELT Class of Middle School

36. Students’ Negative Participation in Oral English Classes and Its Strategies

37. Analysis of Reading Teaching in Middle School Based on Context

38. Analysis of Cultivating the Autonomous Learning of Students in Middle School by Foreign Language Teaching Strategies

39. Application of Problem-based Learning Mode in Middle School English Teaching

40. Application of Psychological Hint to English Education in Primary School

41. Application of Context to English Reading Teaching in Senior Middle School

42. Causal Analysis of Lexical Errors and the Countermeasures in College English Writing

43. Application of Role Playing in English Classroom in Elementary School

44. Application of Multiple Intelligence Theory in Junior Oral English Teaching

45. The Effect of Motivation on Junior Middle School Students with English Learning Difficulty

46. Using Task-based Instruction to Stimulate High School Students’ Interest in English Learning

47. Application of Situational Language Teaching to Oral Engliah Teaching in Primary School

48. Application of Learner’s Motivation and Influence upon Learners and Learning Process

49. Application of Humors in Easing the Students’ Anxiety in English Learning

50. Task-based Language Teaching Methodology and its Application in Reading in Middle School


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