
*考试时间120分钟,试卷满分120分; *试卷共六道大题,请考生不要漏题。

Ⅰ、单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分) 从各题的A 、B 、 C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母 填入题前的括号内。

( ) 1. Don’t talk loudly here. My little baby _______.

A. has gone out B. is sleeping C. sleeps D. went to school

( ) 2. Hello, Mr Green! I want to see you right now. Can you come as _______as possible?

A. many B. late C. much D. soon

( ) 3. They have searched the ____for 3 hours for the information about the Canon camera.

A. TV B. radio C. Internet D. computer

( ) 4. The children planted more trees and flowers after they ______ Greener China.

A. joined B. took part in C. became D. were

( ) 5. If you work harder_______, I think you can do better in the coming exam.

A. just then B. before C. from now on D. once

( ) 6. Could you tell me something more about Hong Kong? I ’m _______going there for

a holiday soon.

A. looking up B. thinking about C. trying out D. finding out

( ) 7. What a nice bag! But she _______ only thirty dollars for it.

A. cost B. took C. spent D. paid

( ) 8. Pass my glasses to me, Jack. I can ________ read the words in the newspaper.

A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly

( ) 9. Where’s Lily? We are all here _____ her.

A. beside B. about C. except D. with

( ) 10. Little Kate went to school _______it rained heavily yesterday.

A. though B. if C. but D. since

( ) 11. We are told _________ everywhere. It’s our duty to keep our school clean and tidy.

A. not to make much noise C. to draw B. to throw waste paper D. not to spit

( )12. So far, man-made satellites have been into space by many countries.

A. opened up B. put up C. sent up D. sent away

( )13. No matter how hard it is, we’ll keep ___________ until we make it.

A. failed B. failing C. tried D. trying

( )14. The supermarket is far from Mary’s house. So she only once a week.

A. goes shopping C. was shopping B. has been there D. has gone there

( )15. These books out of the reading room. You have to read them here.

A. must be taken B. can’t take C. can take D. mustn’t be taken

( )16. The boy was too busy his father last term.

A. to hear from B. to write to C. hearing from D. write to

( )17. I must return the camera to Li Lei. I it for two weeks.

A. keep B. borrowed C. have kept D. have lent

( )18. I’m sure our football team will the team from No. 3 Middle School.

A. win B. fail C. lose D. beat

( )19. — Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?

— is OK. I’m free today and tomorrow.

A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None

( )20. Jim doesn’t understand

A. which is the way to the museum B. why his wife always goes shopping C. what is the way to the museum D. why does she always go shopping

Ⅱ、句子翻译(本题共15分,局部翻译每小题1分,整句翻译每 小题2分) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译(每空词数不限)。

I have known him my childhood.

The doctor told him to drinking. 21.我从小就认识他。 22.医生告诉他戒酒。

23.她不仅会说英语,还会说汉语。 She can speak _________English _________ Chinese.








Dialogue 1

A: Hello. May I speak to Larry?

B: A: Yes. This is his friend Bob calling. Would you please ask Larry to bring a videotape of

popular songs to the evening party tonight?

B: . I’ll get a pen to write this down. “Bob called. You should bring a videotape of popular songs to the evening party tonight.” Is that it?

A: Yes. . You may also tell him to call me back if he has a chance.

A: My number is 2818875. Now I’ll say it again-2-8-1-8-8-7-5.

B: OK. I think he will see the message when he comes back.

A: B: Good-bye.

The farmers are their work in the field. The train had left when I _______________the station. . . . Ⅲ、补全对话(本题共15分,每空1分) 在下列对话的空 白处填入适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个 短语或一个词),使对话完整并正确。

Dialogue 2

A: Can I help you?

I’ m looking for a shirt for myself.

A: What size do you wear?

B: Size 40.

B: Blue, please if you have.

A: I think this will be very nice.

B: Can I try it on here?

B: (Coming out of the change room) I think it’s OK. But I’m afraid it’s a bit expensive. Can I get it at a discount (打折)?

A: Yes. It’s 10% off today.


A: Yes. Only cash. (Handing over the shirt) Here you are.

B: Thank you.

Dialogue 3

A: Hi, John.

t’s a great surprise to see you here. What are you doing here? A: I’m on a holiday trip in London here.?

B: I came to do some shopping in London on weekends and now I am ready to be back to Brighton. It’s not far from here.

A: So you are not new here, are you?

A: Are you free today?

A: Well, it doesn’t matter. I can go sightseeing (观光) myself.


A: I think I will. Thank you for your best wishes. Bye-bye.

B: Bye-bye.

Ⅳ、阅读理解(本题共40分,选择题每小题1分,简答题每小题 2分)

第一部分 根据短文内容从各题的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母填入题前的括号内。

Passage 1

We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?

Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up (建立) in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks (网络) didn’t work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system (系统) had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.

At first the Internet was only used by the government (政府), but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it, too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing” the Internet easier.

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mails is more and more popular among young people.

The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.

( )46. How long has the Internet been used?

A. For about 10 years. C. For about 40 years. B. For about 20 years. D. For about 60 years.

( )47. What would happen when one computer in the network broke down after the new network system was set up?

A. The other computers would wait. B. The other computers would still work. C. Some of the others still worked. D. The other computers wouldn’t work.

( )48. Which of the following used the Internet first?

A. Hospitals. B. Universities. C. Banks. D. The government. ( )49. What is true about computers in the 1990s? A. They became cheaper and easier to use. B. They became larger and larger. C. People couldn’t buy them anywhere. D. People could get information only from them. A. People will die without the Internet. B. All people should set up (建立) their own network. C. People live easily without the Internet. ( )50. What can we infer (推断) from the last sentence?

D. People will more and more depend on (依赖) the Internet.

( )51. Which is the best title (题目) for this passage?

Passage 2

Nearly all our food comes from the soil. Some of us eat meat, of course, but animals live A. The History of the Internet C. Computers and the Government B. Computers and Information D. The History of Computers on plants. If there were no plants, we would have no animals and no meat. So the soil is very necessary for life. The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants. There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass. The waste matter (粪) from animals also falls on it.

All soil needs food. If we do not give it any, the plants will be weak. Farmers found that a nimals’ waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers (化肥) are also very useful. The same crop (庄稼) should not be grown in the same place every year; it’s better to have a different crop. A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land good. ( )52. Which of the following is true?

A. All our food comes from the soil. B. Most of our food comes from soil. C. None of our food comes from the soil. D. All our food comes from animals. ( )53. What would happen first without plants?

A. People would have more crops. B. Animals would die. C. There would be more food. D. There would be less soil.

( )54. What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph (段落)?

A. Leaves, plants, grass and waste live on each other. B. There would be no animals without meat. C. There would be no plants without animals. D. People, animals, plants and soil live on each other.

( )55. Which is the best food for soil in the field?

A. Chemical fertilizers. C. Animals’ waste. B. Plants and grass. D. Different crops.

( )56. Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year?

A. Because we can keep the soil rich this way. B. Because we don’t have enough land. C. Because we want to have a different food. D. Because we do this as a habit (习惯).

( )57. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Soil and Waste B. Plants and Animals C. Food and Waste D. Soil and Food

( )58. Why does the writer introduce(介绍)so many animals from different places to us?

A. To frighten us in the zoo. B. To make us lovely in the zoo. C. To attract us to the zoo. D. To show animals can do everything. ( )59. How much does Mr Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his son of three?

A. ¥3. B. ¥4. C. ¥5. D. ¥6.

( )60. At which of the following time can we visit the zoo?

A. 8:30 a.m. Wednesday. C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday. B. 9:30 a.m. Friday. D. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday.

( )61. What should we do in the zoo?

A. To spit everywhere. C. To keep the zoo clean. B. To throw things everywhere. D. To keep the zoo full.

( )62. From the passage we can infer (推断) a giraffe must be a very animal.

A. fat B. short C. strong D. tall

( )63. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

Passage 4

Tom went into the station soon after five o’clock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to travel in London, both by bus and by train, because lots of people go home from work at this hour. He had to join a long queue of people who were waiting for tickets. When at last his turn came, he got the right ticket. By asking several people the way, he also found the right platform (站台). It was crowded and he was not able to get on the first train, but he was able to move nearer to the edge of the platform to be ready to get on the next one. When a train came in, Tom was thrown on to the train by the rush of people from behind. The doors closed and the train moved off before he was able to get his breath (呼吸) out. Since he was not able to see the names of the stations where the train stopped, he had to count the number of stops so that he knew where to get off. His station was the seventh along the line.

When the train reached the seventh station, Tom got off. But he was surprised to see that he had got off at a station that he had never heard of. A man on the platform told him that he had traveled on a train going in the wrong direction (方向).

A. To touch the monkeys. C. To go near to the tigers. B. To give some food to the animals. D. To watch the animals carefully.

( )64.Why did Tom go to the station?

第二部分 根据短文内容对问题进行简单回答。

Passage 5

Different countries and different people have different manners (礼貌). We must find out their customs (习俗) so that they will not think us ill-mannered (不礼貌). Here are examples of the things that a person with good education does or does not do.

If you visit a Chinese family, you should knock at the door first. When the door opens, you will not move before the host (男主人) says “Come in, please. ” After you enter the room, you would not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is put on a tea table before you or sent to your hand, you will say “Thank you” and receive it with two hands, not one hand, or they will think you are ill-mannered. Before entering a house in Japan, it is a good manner to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. In a Malay house, a visitor never finishes the food on the table. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. In England, a visitor always finishes a drink or the food to show that he has enjoyed it. This will make the host pleasant.

A. To take a train. B. To meet his friends. D. To go home from work. C. To say goodbye to his friend. ( )65. What did Tom find when he arrived at the station? A. Only a few people there. B. A few people waiting to buy tickets. C. Many trains there. D. Many people waiting to buy tickets. B. To wait long to buy a ticket. D. To ask the way to the train. ( )66. What did Tom have to do before he bought the ticket? A. To meet many people. C. To talk to some people. ( )67. Why did Tom fail to see the names of the stations? A. He was too lazy to see them. B. They were too small for him to see. C. He was too busy to see them. D. It was too crowded for him to see them. A. He closed the doors. B. He counted the number of stops. D. He saw the names of stops. B. The ticket seller in the station. D. The people behind him on the platform. ( )68. What did Tom do when he was on the train? C. He hurried to take a seat. A. The train driver. ( )69.Who made Tom take the wrong train? C. All the people at the station.

70. Does the writer think it is necessary to know different customs in different countries?

71. When can you enter the room if you visit a friend in China?

72. In which country do you have to take off your shoes when you enter your host’s house?

73. Why does a visitor always finish the food at dinner in his friend’s home in England?

Passage 6

The way that people all over the world watch films has changed these years. People don’t just go to the films any more. They take the films home! The VCR (录像机), has made this possible, and it has helped change people’s lives.

VCRs make it possible for us to watch films at home instead of the cinema. People can just go to a video store near their houses, rent (租) one or more films for a day or a weekend, and watch them in their own homes. They cost just a few dollars each day. Many different films are on videotape, from exciting films to interesting plays.

Watching a film at home can be very easy, and a lot cheaper. VCR owners can make snacks (零食) and sit back and enjoy a film with family and friends. They can stop the film to make more snacks, answer the phone, or take care of the baby. There are no lines to stand in, no tickets to buy, and no uncomfortable (不舒适的) cinema seats.

74. What has changed people’s way of watching films?

75. How do people usually get videotapes to watch

films at home?

76. Is it expensive to rent a videotape for one day?

77. What does the writer prefer, watching video films at home or seeing films at the cinema?

Ⅴ、完形填空(本题共10分,每空1分) 阅读下面短文,在 每个空白处填入一个适当的词,使短文在结构和意义上完整。

Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Gongcheng, China. a baby, she loved to draw. She drew lines everywhere. She drew on the walls! Her father was an artist. Yani wanted to be like he painted. This made him laugh. One day, she lines on his painting. She was only two and a half years , but her father got angry. She cried and said, “I want to paint like you!” her father thought about his own childhood. He also wanted to draw and paint. But his parents understand him. They just got angry. He decided to help his daughter an artist.

Wang Yani was famous at a young age, she still has a normal (常人的) life. So the Wang family lives like everyone else.


假定你是李华,日前收到美国朋友Tom 的来信。请你参考图文提示,用60-80个词给Tom 写一封回信,回答有关问题。

要求: 1.语言规范,内容丰富,格式正确,有个人建议。

2.信中不可用真实姓名,只能用“Li Hua”。

June 8, 2003

Dear Li Hua,

I’m sorr y to hear that SARS was once very serious in part of China. But luckily, you Chinese people have done your best to stop it. Could you tell me what people do in daily life? And do you have any other ideas to keep healthy?

Please write to me soon.



参考词汇:SARS 非典 keep the air fresh使空气清新 personal health 个人卫生 habit 习惯 food and drink 饮食 spit vi. 吐痰 overwork vt. 使……过于疲劳 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. June 29, 2003 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

*考试时间120分钟,试卷满分120分; *试卷共六道大题,请考生不要漏题。

Ⅰ、单项选择(本题共20分,每小题1分) 从各题的A 、B 、 C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母 填入题前的括号内。

( ) 1. Don’t talk loudly here. My little baby _______.

A. has gone out B. is sleeping C. sleeps D. went to school

( ) 2. Hello, Mr Green! I want to see you right now. Can you come as _______as possible?

A. many B. late C. much D. soon

( ) 3. They have searched the ____for 3 hours for the information about the Canon camera.

A. TV B. radio C. Internet D. computer

( ) 4. The children planted more trees and flowers after they ______ Greener China.

A. joined B. took part in C. became D. were

( ) 5. If you work harder_______, I think you can do better in the coming exam.

A. just then B. before C. from now on D. once

( ) 6. Could you tell me something more about Hong Kong? I ’m _______going there for

a holiday soon.

A. looking up B. thinking about C. trying out D. finding out

( ) 7. What a nice bag! But she _______ only thirty dollars for it.

A. cost B. took C. spent D. paid

( ) 8. Pass my glasses to me, Jack. I can ________ read the words in the newspaper.

A. hardly B. really C. rather D. clearly

( ) 9. Where’s Lily? We are all here _____ her.

A. beside B. about C. except D. with

( ) 10. Little Kate went to school _______it rained heavily yesterday.

A. though B. if C. but D. since

( ) 11. We are told _________ everywhere. It’s our duty to keep our school clean and tidy.

A. not to make much noise C. to draw B. to throw waste paper D. not to spit

( )12. So far, man-made satellites have been into space by many countries.

A. opened up B. put up C. sent up D. sent away

( )13. No matter how hard it is, we’ll keep ___________ until we make it.

A. failed B. failing C. tried D. trying

( )14. The supermarket is far from Mary’s house. So she only once a week.

A. goes shopping C. was shopping B. has been there D. has gone there

( )15. These books out of the reading room. You have to read them here.

A. must be taken B. can’t take C. can take D. mustn’t be taken

( )16. The boy was too busy his father last term.

A. to hear from B. to write to C. hearing from D. write to

( )17. I must return the camera to Li Lei. I it for two weeks.

A. keep B. borrowed C. have kept D. have lent

( )18. I’m sure our football team will the team from No. 3 Middle School.

A. win B. fail C. lose D. beat

( )19. — Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?

— is OK. I’m free today and tomorrow.

A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None

( )20. Jim doesn’t understand

A. which is the way to the museum B. why his wife always goes shopping C. what is the way to the museum D. why does she always go shopping

Ⅱ、句子翻译(本题共15分,局部翻译每小题1分,整句翻译每 小题2分) 根据所给中文完成句子翻译(每空词数不限)。

I have known him my childhood.

The doctor told him to drinking. 21.我从小就认识他。 22.医生告诉他戒酒。

23.她不仅会说英语,还会说汉语。 She can speak _________English _________ Chinese.








Dialogue 1

A: Hello. May I speak to Larry?

B: A: Yes. This is his friend Bob calling. Would you please ask Larry to bring a videotape of

popular songs to the evening party tonight?

B: . I’ll get a pen to write this down. “Bob called. You should bring a videotape of popular songs to the evening party tonight.” Is that it?

A: Yes. . You may also tell him to call me back if he has a chance.

A: My number is 2818875. Now I’ll say it again-2-8-1-8-8-7-5.

B: OK. I think he will see the message when he comes back.

A: B: Good-bye.

The farmers are their work in the field. The train had left when I _______________the station. . . . Ⅲ、补全对话(本题共15分,每空1分) 在下列对话的空 白处填入适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个 短语或一个词),使对话完整并正确。

Dialogue 2

A: Can I help you?

I’ m looking for a shirt for myself.

A: What size do you wear?

B: Size 40.

B: Blue, please if you have.

A: I think this will be very nice.

B: Can I try it on here?

B: (Coming out of the change room) I think it’s OK. But I’m afraid it’s a bit expensive. Can I get it at a discount (打折)?

A: Yes. It’s 10% off today.


A: Yes. Only cash. (Handing over the shirt) Here you are.

B: Thank you.

Dialogue 3

A: Hi, John.

t’s a great surprise to see you here. What are you doing here? A: I’m on a holiday trip in London here.?

B: I came to do some shopping in London on weekends and now I am ready to be back to Brighton. It’s not far from here.

A: So you are not new here, are you?

A: Are you free today?

A: Well, it doesn’t matter. I can go sightseeing (观光) myself.


A: I think I will. Thank you for your best wishes. Bye-bye.

B: Bye-bye.

Ⅳ、阅读理解(本题共40分,选择题每小题1分,简答题每小题 2分)

第一部分 根据短文内容从各题的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将代表答案的字母填入题前的括号内。

Passage 1

We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?

Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up (建立) in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks (网络) didn’t work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system (系统) had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.

At first the Internet was only used by the government (政府), but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it, too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made “surfing” the Internet easier.

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mails is more and more popular among young people.

The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.

( )46. How long has the Internet been used?

A. For about 10 years. C. For about 40 years. B. For about 20 years. D. For about 60 years.

( )47. What would happen when one computer in the network broke down after the new network system was set up?

A. The other computers would wait. B. The other computers would still work. C. Some of the others still worked. D. The other computers wouldn’t work.

( )48. Which of the following used the Internet first?

A. Hospitals. B. Universities. C. Banks. D. The government. ( )49. What is true about computers in the 1990s? A. They became cheaper and easier to use. B. They became larger and larger. C. People couldn’t buy them anywhere. D. People could get information only from them. A. People will die without the Internet. B. All people should set up (建立) their own network. C. People live easily without the Internet. ( )50. What can we infer (推断) from the last sentence?

D. People will more and more depend on (依赖) the Internet.

( )51. Which is the best title (题目) for this passage?

Passage 2

Nearly all our food comes from the soil. Some of us eat meat, of course, but animals live A. The History of the Internet C. Computers and the Government B. Computers and Information D. The History of Computers on plants. If there were no plants, we would have no animals and no meat. So the soil is very necessary for life. The top of the ground is usually covered with grass or other plants. There may be dead leaves and dead plants on the grass. The waste matter (粪) from animals also falls on it.

All soil needs food. If we do not give it any, the plants will be weak. Farmers found that a nimals’ waste is the best food for the soil, but chemical fertilizers (化肥) are also very useful. The same crop (庄稼) should not be grown in the same place every year; it’s better to have a different crop. A change of crop and the use of a good fertilizer will keep the land good. ( )52. Which of the following is true?

A. All our food comes from the soil. B. Most of our food comes from soil. C. None of our food comes from the soil. D. All our food comes from animals. ( )53. What would happen first without plants?

A. People would have more crops. B. Animals would die. C. There would be more food. D. There would be less soil.

( )54. What does the writer tell us in the first paragraph (段落)?

A. Leaves, plants, grass and waste live on each other. B. There would be no animals without meat. C. There would be no plants without animals. D. People, animals, plants and soil live on each other.

( )55. Which is the best food for soil in the field?

A. Chemical fertilizers. C. Animals’ waste. B. Plants and grass. D. Different crops.

( )56. Why do we often grow a different crop in the same place every year?

A. Because we can keep the soil rich this way. B. Because we don’t have enough land. C. Because we want to have a different food. D. Because we do this as a habit (习惯).

( )57. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Soil and Waste B. Plants and Animals C. Food and Waste D. Soil and Food

( )58. Why does the writer introduce(介绍)so many animals from different places to us?

A. To frighten us in the zoo. B. To make us lovely in the zoo. C. To attract us to the zoo. D. To show animals can do everything. ( )59. How much does Mr Smith have to pay if he visits the zoo with his son of three?

A. ¥3. B. ¥4. C. ¥5. D. ¥6.

( )60. At which of the following time can we visit the zoo?

A. 8:30 a.m. Wednesday. C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday. B. 9:30 a.m. Friday. D. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday.

( )61. What should we do in the zoo?

A. To spit everywhere. C. To keep the zoo clean. B. To throw things everywhere. D. To keep the zoo full.

( )62. From the passage we can infer (推断) a giraffe must be a very animal.

A. fat B. short C. strong D. tall

( )63. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

Passage 4

Tom went into the station soon after five o’clock in the afternoon. This is a bad time to travel in London, both by bus and by train, because lots of people go home from work at this hour. He had to join a long queue of people who were waiting for tickets. When at last his turn came, he got the right ticket. By asking several people the way, he also found the right platform (站台). It was crowded and he was not able to get on the first train, but he was able to move nearer to the edge of the platform to be ready to get on the next one. When a train came in, Tom was thrown on to the train by the rush of people from behind. The doors closed and the train moved off before he was able to get his breath (呼吸) out. Since he was not able to see the names of the stations where the train stopped, he had to count the number of stops so that he knew where to get off. His station was the seventh along the line.

When the train reached the seventh station, Tom got off. But he was surprised to see that he had got off at a station that he had never heard of. A man on the platform told him that he had traveled on a train going in the wrong direction (方向).

A. To touch the monkeys. C. To go near to the tigers. B. To give some food to the animals. D. To watch the animals carefully.

( )64.Why did Tom go to the station?

第二部分 根据短文内容对问题进行简单回答。

Passage 5

Different countries and different people have different manners (礼貌). We must find out their customs (习俗) so that they will not think us ill-mannered (不礼貌). Here are examples of the things that a person with good education does or does not do.

If you visit a Chinese family, you should knock at the door first. When the door opens, you will not move before the host (男主人) says “Come in, please. ” After you enter the room, you would not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. When a cup of tea is put on a tea table before you or sent to your hand, you will say “Thank you” and receive it with two hands, not one hand, or they will think you are ill-mannered. Before entering a house in Japan, it is a good manner to take off your shoes. In European countries, even though shoes sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. In a Malay house, a visitor never finishes the food on the table. He leaves a little to show that he has had enough. In England, a visitor always finishes a drink or the food to show that he has enjoyed it. This will make the host pleasant.

A. To take a train. B. To meet his friends. D. To go home from work. C. To say goodbye to his friend. ( )65. What did Tom find when he arrived at the station? A. Only a few people there. B. A few people waiting to buy tickets. C. Many trains there. D. Many people waiting to buy tickets. B. To wait long to buy a ticket. D. To ask the way to the train. ( )66. What did Tom have to do before he bought the ticket? A. To meet many people. C. To talk to some people. ( )67. Why did Tom fail to see the names of the stations? A. He was too lazy to see them. B. They were too small for him to see. C. He was too busy to see them. D. It was too crowded for him to see them. A. He closed the doors. B. He counted the number of stops. D. He saw the names of stops. B. The ticket seller in the station. D. The people behind him on the platform. ( )68. What did Tom do when he was on the train? C. He hurried to take a seat. A. The train driver. ( )69.Who made Tom take the wrong train? C. All the people at the station.

70. Does the writer think it is necessary to know different customs in different countries?

71. When can you enter the room if you visit a friend in China?

72. In which country do you have to take off your shoes when you enter your host’s house?

73. Why does a visitor always finish the food at dinner in his friend’s home in England?

Passage 6

The way that people all over the world watch films has changed these years. People don’t just go to the films any more. They take the films home! The VCR (录像机), has made this possible, and it has helped change people’s lives.

VCRs make it possible for us to watch films at home instead of the cinema. People can just go to a video store near their houses, rent (租) one or more films for a day or a weekend, and watch them in their own homes. They cost just a few dollars each day. Many different films are on videotape, from exciting films to interesting plays.

Watching a film at home can be very easy, and a lot cheaper. VCR owners can make snacks (零食) and sit back and enjoy a film with family and friends. They can stop the film to make more snacks, answer the phone, or take care of the baby. There are no lines to stand in, no tickets to buy, and no uncomfortable (不舒适的) cinema seats.

74. What has changed people’s way of watching films?

75. How do people usually get videotapes to watch

films at home?

76. Is it expensive to rent a videotape for one day?

77. What does the writer prefer, watching video films at home or seeing films at the cinema?

Ⅴ、完形填空(本题共10分,每空1分) 阅读下面短文,在 每个空白处填入一个适当的词,使短文在结构和意义上完整。

Wang Yani was born in 1975 in Gongcheng, China. a baby, she loved to draw. She drew lines everywhere. She drew on the walls! Her father was an artist. Yani wanted to be like he painted. This made him laugh. One day, she lines on his painting. She was only two and a half years , but her father got angry. She cried and said, “I want to paint like you!” her father thought about his own childhood. He also wanted to draw and paint. But his parents understand him. They just got angry. He decided to help his daughter an artist.

Wang Yani was famous at a young age, she still has a normal (常人的) life. So the Wang family lives like everyone else.


假定你是李华,日前收到美国朋友Tom 的来信。请你参考图文提示,用60-80个词给Tom 写一封回信,回答有关问题。

要求: 1.语言规范,内容丰富,格式正确,有个人建议。

2.信中不可用真实姓名,只能用“Li Hua”。

June 8, 2003

Dear Li Hua,

I’m sorr y to hear that SARS was once very serious in part of China. But luckily, you Chinese people have done your best to stop it. Could you tell me what people do in daily life? And do you have any other ideas to keep healthy?

Please write to me soon.



参考词汇:SARS 非典 keep the air fresh使空气清新 personal health 个人卫生 habit 习惯 food and drink 饮食 spit vi. 吐痰 overwork vt. 使……过于疲劳 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. June 29, 2003 ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________


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