

Passage 1

(100% from The New York Times,http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/08/books/08translate.html?pagewanted=all)

The runaway success of Stieg Larsson’s “Millennium” trilogy suggests that when it comes to contemporary literature in translation, Americans are at least willing to read Scandinavian detective fiction. But for work from other regions, in other genres, winning the interest of big publishing houses and readers in the United States remains a steep uphill struggle.

Among foreign cultural institutes and publishers, the traditional American aversion to literature in translation is known as “the 3 percent problem.” But now, hoping to increase their minuscule share of the American book market — about 3 percent — foreign governments and foundations, especially those on the margins of Europe, are taking matters into their own hands and plunging into the publishing fray in the United States.

Increasingly, that campaign is no longer limited to widely spoken languages like French and German. From Romania to Catalonia to Iceland, cultural institutes and agencies are subsidizing publication of books in English, underwriting the training of translators, encouraging their writers to tour in the United States, submitting to American marketing and promotional techniques they may have previously shunned and exploiting existing niches in the publishing industry.

“We have established this as a strategic objective, a long-term commitment to break through the American market,” said Corina Suteu, who leads the New York branch of the European Union National Institutes for Culture and directs the Romanian Cultural Institute. “For nations in Europe, be they small or large, literature will always be one of the keys of their cultural existence, and we recognize that this is the only way we are going to be able to make that literature present in the United States.”

For instance, the Dalkey Archive Press, a small publishing house in Champaign, Ill., that for more than 25 years has specialized in translated works, this year began a Slovenian Literature Series, underwritten by official groups in Slovenia, once part of Yugoslavia. The series’s first book, “Necropolis,” by Boris Pahor, is a powerful World War II concentration-camp memoir that has been compared to the best of Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi, and has been followed by Andrej Blatnik’s “You Do Understand,” a rather absurdist but still touching collection of sketches and parables about love and intimacy.

Dalkey has also begun or is about to begin similar series in Hebrew and Catalan, and with Switzerland and Mexico, the last of which will consist of four books yearly for six years. In each case a financing agency in the host country is subsidizing publication and participating in promotion and marketing in the United States, an effort that can easily require $10,000 or more a book.

Passage 2

(节选自:http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/05/business/global/05shale.html?pagewanted=all) Just east of Argentina’s Andean foothills, an oil field called the Vaca Muerta — “dead cow” in English — has finally come to life.

In May, the Argentine oil company YPF announced that it had found 150 million barrels of oil in

the Patagonian field, and President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner rushed onto national television to praise the discovery as something that could give new impetus to the country’s long-stagnant economy.

“The importance of this discovery goes well beyond the volume,” said Sebastián Eskenazi, YPF’s chief executive, as he announced the find. “The important thing is it is something new: new energy, a new future, new expectations.”

Although there are significant hurdles, geologists say that the Vaca Muerta is a harbinger of a possible major expansion of global petroleum supplies over the next two decades as the industry uses advanced techniques to extract oil from shale and other tightly packed rocks.

Oil experts caution that geologists have only just begun to study shale fields in much of the world, and thus can only guess at their potential. Little seismic work has been completed, and core samples need to be retrieved from thousands of feet below the surface to judge how much oil or gas can be retrieved.

Skeptics also say that even if oil is found in many of these fields, some may not be recoverable using current technology.

Argentina certainly has high hopes for shale oil from the southern Patagonian province of Neuquén. The 150 million barrels of recoverable shale oil found in the Vaca Muerta represents an increase of 8 percent in Argentina’s reserves, and the find was the biggest discovery of oil in the country since the late 1980s.

Oil experts say the Vaca Muerta is probably just a start for Argentina, long a middle-ranked oil producer. Mr. Lynch noted that YPF had explored only 100 square miles out of 5,000 square miles in the whole shale deposit, and other oil companies working in the area had not announced any discoveries yet.

So far, nearly all of the oil exploration in the shale fields in Argentina and elsewhere has been pursued with traditional vertical wells. Plans are just beginning for horizontal drilling.

Some experts caution that the fast advance of oil production from shale in the United States is no guarantee of similar successes abroad, at least not in the near future.





http://www.beijingreview.com.cn/2009news/guonei/huanbao/2011-11/17/content_406281.htm 中国将逐步告别白炽灯时代





1882年中国第一盏电灯在上海点亮,这使得中国逐渐告别了油灯和蜡烛照明的历史(这句话为第二篇的第一句话……),当时使用的电灯就是白炽灯,这一用就是130年,中国也成为白炽灯的生产和消费大国,2010年中国白炽灯产量和销量分别为38.5亿只和10.7亿只。 目前中国准备将白炽灯淘汰,在全国普及节能灯。国家发改委资源节约和环境保护司副司长谢极介绍,淘汰白炽灯是为了节能减排。中国节能灯市场已经逐步形成,用节能灯替换白炽灯后中国将实现年节电480亿千瓦时、年减少二氧化碳排放4800万吨。









节能灯因节约电也得到了老百姓的认可。发改委的数据显示,中国节能灯的全球市场占有率由1996年的20%提高到2010年的85%。截止目前,全国已经累计推广节能灯5亿只以上。 “居民照明节电意识普遍增强,淘汰低效照明产品、选用高效照明产品已逐渐成为社会共识。”谢极说。

(汉英第二篇参考答案建议http://china-wire.org/?p=17131 或http://www.bjreview.com.cn/business/txt/2011-11/21/content_407037.htm )


Passage 1

(100% from The New York Times,http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/08/books/08translate.html?pagewanted=all)

The runaway success of Stieg Larsson’s “Millennium” trilogy suggests that when it comes to contemporary literature in translation, Americans are at least willing to read Scandinavian detective fiction. But for work from other regions, in other genres, winning the interest of big publishing houses and readers in the United States remains a steep uphill struggle.

Among foreign cultural institutes and publishers, the traditional American aversion to literature in translation is known as “the 3 percent problem.” But now, hoping to increase their minuscule share of the American book market — about 3 percent — foreign governments and foundations, especially those on the margins of Europe, are taking matters into their own hands and plunging into the publishing fray in the United States.

Increasingly, that campaign is no longer limited to widely spoken languages like French and German. From Romania to Catalonia to Iceland, cultural institutes and agencies are subsidizing publication of books in English, underwriting the training of translators, encouraging their writers to tour in the United States, submitting to American marketing and promotional techniques they may have previously shunned and exploiting existing niches in the publishing industry.

“We have established this as a strategic objective, a long-term commitment to break through the American market,” said Corina Suteu, who leads the New York branch of the European Union National Institutes for Culture and directs the Romanian Cultural Institute. “For nations in Europe, be they small or large, literature will always be one of the keys of their cultural existence, and we recognize that this is the only way we are going to be able to make that literature present in the United States.”

For instance, the Dalkey Archive Press, a small publishing house in Champaign, Ill., that for more than 25 years has specialized in translated works, this year began a Slovenian Literature Series, underwritten by official groups in Slovenia, once part of Yugoslavia. The series’s first book, “Necropolis,” by Boris Pahor, is a powerful World War II concentration-camp memoir that has been compared to the best of Elie Wiesel and Primo Levi, and has been followed by Andrej Blatnik’s “You Do Understand,” a rather absurdist but still touching collection of sketches and parables about love and intimacy.

Dalkey has also begun or is about to begin similar series in Hebrew and Catalan, and with Switzerland and Mexico, the last of which will consist of four books yearly for six years. In each case a financing agency in the host country is subsidizing publication and participating in promotion and marketing in the United States, an effort that can easily require $10,000 or more a book.

Passage 2

(节选自:http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/05/business/global/05shale.html?pagewanted=all) Just east of Argentina’s Andean foothills, an oil field called the Vaca Muerta — “dead cow” in English — has finally come to life.

In May, the Argentine oil company YPF announced that it had found 150 million barrels of oil in

the Patagonian field, and President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner rushed onto national television to praise the discovery as something that could give new impetus to the country’s long-stagnant economy.

“The importance of this discovery goes well beyond the volume,” said Sebastián Eskenazi, YPF’s chief executive, as he announced the find. “The important thing is it is something new: new energy, a new future, new expectations.”

Although there are significant hurdles, geologists say that the Vaca Muerta is a harbinger of a possible major expansion of global petroleum supplies over the next two decades as the industry uses advanced techniques to extract oil from shale and other tightly packed rocks.

Oil experts caution that geologists have only just begun to study shale fields in much of the world, and thus can only guess at their potential. Little seismic work has been completed, and core samples need to be retrieved from thousands of feet below the surface to judge how much oil or gas can be retrieved.

Skeptics also say that even if oil is found in many of these fields, some may not be recoverable using current technology.

Argentina certainly has high hopes for shale oil from the southern Patagonian province of Neuquén. The 150 million barrels of recoverable shale oil found in the Vaca Muerta represents an increase of 8 percent in Argentina’s reserves, and the find was the biggest discovery of oil in the country since the late 1980s.

Oil experts say the Vaca Muerta is probably just a start for Argentina, long a middle-ranked oil producer. Mr. Lynch noted that YPF had explored only 100 square miles out of 5,000 square miles in the whole shale deposit, and other oil companies working in the area had not announced any discoveries yet.

So far, nearly all of the oil exploration in the shale fields in Argentina and elsewhere has been pursued with traditional vertical wells. Plans are just beginning for horizontal drilling.

Some experts caution that the fast advance of oil production from shale in the United States is no guarantee of similar successes abroad, at least not in the near future.





http://www.beijingreview.com.cn/2009news/guonei/huanbao/2011-11/17/content_406281.htm 中国将逐步告别白炽灯时代





1882年中国第一盏电灯在上海点亮,这使得中国逐渐告别了油灯和蜡烛照明的历史(这句话为第二篇的第一句话……),当时使用的电灯就是白炽灯,这一用就是130年,中国也成为白炽灯的生产和消费大国,2010年中国白炽灯产量和销量分别为38.5亿只和10.7亿只。 目前中国准备将白炽灯淘汰,在全国普及节能灯。国家发改委资源节约和环境保护司副司长谢极介绍,淘汰白炽灯是为了节能减排。中国节能灯市场已经逐步形成,用节能灯替换白炽灯后中国将实现年节电480亿千瓦时、年减少二氧化碳排放4800万吨。









节能灯因节约电也得到了老百姓的认可。发改委的数据显示,中国节能灯的全球市场占有率由1996年的20%提高到2010年的85%。截止目前,全国已经累计推广节能灯5亿只以上。 “居民照明节电意识普遍增强,淘汰低效照明产品、选用高效照明产品已逐渐成为社会共识。”谢极说。

(汉英第二篇参考答案建议http://china-wire.org/?p=17131 或http://www.bjreview.com.cn/business/txt/2011-11/21/content_407037.htm )


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