


第一节 完形填空

More than eight years ago, I did my Wildlife Field Project in Palawan, in the southwestern part of the Philippines. It was my first trip to the island so I didn't know what to . I was neally excited about the whole trip but a bit , too, because I had to live in a tent the whole time. I wondered if could survive.

Together with me on the trip wcre four other students and our professor. After we reached the island, our professor told us to our families because it would not be possible once we rode the bus to the camping site.

We spent our first week in Busuanga. We took a and washed our clothes in a small well in the nearby forest. Life was so simple but every day was a(n) unfamiliar foods, we caught frogs and colorful birds. They were freed after we took their measurements and names.

On the firsr day of the second week, we rode a motorboat toward our next . When we arrived, I was amazed at the sight of zebras, giraffes, horses and deer that wandered around the island. I had seen them in zoos and on TV but it was seeing them in person outside the big cages and We did the rest of our fieldwork that week. My partner and I data for our special problem on bee-eaters (食蜂鸟). Others had their own special problems, too. We needed to wake up very early to do the activities and continued late in the afternoon. We then analyzed the data at night. It was physically tiring but .

It was so sad that we had to leave after eleven days. It would mean going back to reality — school. However, the memories, the things that I , and the friendships that were formed were things that I would for the rest of my life.

l. A. realize B. organize C. demand D. expect

2. A. anxious B. calm C. bored D. disappointed

3. A. see B. visit C. call D. find

4. A. look B. bath C. risk D. breath

5. A. application B. solution C. performance D. challenge

6. A. raised B. bought C. killed D. trapped

7. A. cccasion B. destination C. celebration D. foundation

8. A. freely B. rapidly C. briefly D. eventually

9. A. popular B. serious C. frightening D. different

10. A. fences B. forests C. islands D. camps

11 . A. created B. explained C. gathered D. doubted

12. A. waiting B. complaining C. watching D. working

13. A.hopeful B.clear C.fun D.beautiful

14. A. read B. learned C. checked D. designed

15. A. compare B. measure C. change D. value

第二节 语法填空

Barbara couldn't bear it any more. Her upstairs neighbor was playing his stereo again. She had asked him twice already to turn the volume down. The first time she asked, he was surprised,

was in living room. I can hear every note!


第一节 阅读理解


As a high school senior, I have found the last several months to be extremely busy, but the college search, scholarship applications, and financial and paperwork are only the beginning of a hazy(模糊的) path.

I decided at a young age, with the near death of my mother, that I would work as hard as I could to become a surgeon(外科医生classes, and maintained good scores. At that moment I never looked back until recently.

A few weeks ago I looked back on my decision. For the first time I questioned being a surgeon. I said to myself.

I knew I had a passion for writing, but I was ignoring it, pushing it aside, and considering it unrealistic. But then it hit me. For the first time in four year, I thought of something other than surgery and with it came a sudden case. It allowed me to step back and take a look at where I was heading.

My advice to high school students is to ask yourself some questions. What is the one thing you love doing? Where do you want to be with your life? What is your favorite moment from high school? Don't worry if your answer is,

26. The writer decided to become a surgeon because __________.

A. his mother is a surgeon

B. his mother asked him to do so

C. he was weak at a young age

D. his mother had a near-death experience

27. The underlined phrase

A. had difficulty B worked hard C. changed easily D. got ill

28. How did the writer feel when he found he wantcd to choose another career path?

A. Guilty. B. Happy. C. Frightened. D. Amused.

29. According to the writer, high school students __________.

A. should know exactly what they want to do in the future

B. should follow whatever they want to do

C. should be able to tell what expectations are unrealistic

D. should consider their family background when thinking of their future career

30. The passage was written mainly to __________.

A. give advice on how to achieve your goals

B. recall the writer's high school life

C. express the writer's views on how to live one's high school life

D. persuade high school students to study hard


Last Wednesday night, I attended the event for the Blue Mind Symposium (讨论会), which brought scientists, artists, architects, engineers, sailors and many others together to explore the connections between the ocean and the human mind. The goal of the symposium is to use our collective brainpower to advance management of the sea.

It doesn't take a scientist to explain the deep emotional connection many of us feel to the sea. Ask any surfer, beach-goer, fisherman or diver and they will talk about the calm that comes over them out on the water or the hypnotic(催眠的 ) effect of waves crashing on the shore.

We celebrate those connections annually on June 8, World Occans Day. It's a time to be grateful for all that the ocean provides, from food and jobs to clean air and the adventure of exploration. It's also a time to check marine protection efforts.

Around the world, people are paying more and more attention, and the Blue Mind Symposium is just one of a number of recent conferences that have brought leading thinkers in ocean protection together to share ideas. The 3rd annual Blue Vision Summit explored opportunities for everyday action on ocean protection, and the 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress focused on worldwide advances in adopting marine protected areas.

Right now, just over l% of our oceans are protected. That means many of the important nurseries for ocean wildlife have the risk of being damaged by a variety of pressures, from climate change to habitat destruction.

Around the world, there have been major advances in ocean protection, from the 3,800-square-mile marine reserve created in Costa Rica to China's first seven ocean parks. And, closer to home, networks of marine protected areas are in place and being monitored along half our coast. That's cause for celebration, and for hope.

31. The Blue Mind Symposium __________.

A. is mainly attended by scientists studying marine life

B. is held every year to celebrate World Oceans Day

C. wants to find out how humans influence oceans

D. aims to find out how to manage oceans properly

32. According to the second paragraph, when out on the sea many people feel __________.

A. bored B. excited C. at ease D. under stress

33. We can learn from the passage that __________.

A. more and more people are realizing the importance of ocean protection

B. most oceans are under people's protection

C. more international meetings are needed to discuss the importance of oceans

D. most people are unaware of the disadvantages of ocean exploration

34. What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

A. Suggestions on ocean protection. B. Efforts people have made to protect oceans.

C. Reasons for protecting oceans. D. Benefits of ocean protection.

35. What does the writer think of the present situation of ocean protection?

A. It is disappointing. B. It is not scientific.

C. It is hopeful. D. It is getting the opposite effects.


In the middle of the 20th century people were worried about whales. The number of whales killed worldwide came up to 66,000 per year. However, people weren't worried about the whale as an endangered animal. Instead, they were worried about the whale industry, which would disappear if there were no whales. In 1946, the International Whaling Commission was established. It limited the whale hunting for every country and controlled the whale industry. But the commission recognized ihat the limitation wasn't enough. They set a worldwide law against hunting whales with only two exceptions: the hunt for scientific research and

Many fishermen complain that dolphins, also a kind of Whale, steal their fish. Therefore, they kill thousands of them. In fact, this is not the truth. In reality there are so many fishermen who steal the fish from each other. Some whale hunters say that they catch the animals for scientists. They have to research what whales are eating. For that, they kill them and look into their stomach. The truth is that they only want to sell the meat. Today scientists want to observe live whales for their research.

Many whale families are not protected and thousands of them are killed. Nobody knows if all whale families would survive, even if humans end all whale hunting today. The pollution of the oceans incrcases fast and the poison gets into the bodies of the animals. Many of them get sick and die. The human being has killed 90-95% of many whale families. Others, are already extinct.

Today some international organizations try to protect whales. They make reports to explain how important and endangered whales are. Now people are becoming more interested in whales and a complete new industry has developed, whale watching, which you may want to learn about.

36. The text is mainly about __________.

A. whale industry B whale research

C. whale product D. whale protection

37. In the middle of the 20th century, what people really worried was that __________.

A. more whales would be killed worldwide per year

B. the whale would become an endangered animal

C. the whale industry would disappear

D. the law against hunting whales would come into effect

38. Why do many fishermen complain about dolphins?

A. Because dolphins steal their fish.

B. Because they want to make an excuse for killing dolphins.

C. Bacause there are so few dolphins for them to hunt.

D. Because people have misunderstood their purpose of hunting dolphins.

39. What can we infer from the text?

A. Japan and Norway hunt whales because it is a part of their culture.

B. Few people now know how important and endangered whales are.

C. If we stop hunting whales now, all whale families would survive.

D. Many whale fimilies are in danger or extinct because of humans' activities.

40. What will the author probably tell us about next?

A. Whale watching. B. Whale hunters. C. Whale hunting. D. Whale families.


It took a week, but the Evolta robot can now be called an Ironman(铁人).

Three Evolta robots — one for the swimming part, one for the biking part and one for the running part — were challenged to finish the famous Hawaii triathlon (三项全能运动) course in l68 hours. Each robot is about l/l0th human size, so organizers figured they would need 10 times as long as a human does to complete the 140.6-mile course.

The robot crew and a large audience gathered to watch as the little mechanical guy reached the finish line in l66 hours, 56 minutes. After a spray of champagne and words of congratulations from Ironman race director Diana Bertsch, the robots were presented with flower garlands(花环) and the entire robot crew jumped into the sea.

Robot creator Tomotaka Takahashi said the challenge proved the Panasonic Evolta rechargeablc batteries are powerful, durable and functional. Takahashi thanked the crew and the people of Hawaii, saying the challenge would have been impossible without their support,

Takahashi said he had plenty of time to take a look at Hawaii while walking alongside his robots for a week.

41. How long does it take a human to complete the Hawaii triathlon course?

A. About 10 hours. B. About 17 hours. C. About 168 hours. D. About 140 hours.

42. The robot crew jumped into the sea in order to __________.

A. thank the audience B. save the robots

C. celebrate their success D. conduct the robots

43. According to Tomotaka Takahashi, the meaning of the challenge is that __________.

A. it shows robots can swim B. it proves robots can do what people do

C. it proves the batteries of the robots are great

D. it attracts people's attention to the development of robots

44. We can leam from the fifth paragraph that __________.

A. Takahashi is likely to take more challenges

B. the Evolta robot has once competed with humans in a challenge

C. the Evolta robot will take a challenge every year in the future

D. the Evolta robot's batteries can be used for no more than two months

45. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Evolta robot — don't give up. B. Evolta robot — you are an Ironman.

C. The future of the robot industry. D. Take the leading role in the robot industry.

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



A. My teen doesn't exercise at all. Every day after school he sits there watching TV or playing video games.1 have been trying to make him do some exercise but he keeps saying that he is not overweight and that he needn't exercise. How can I get him to br more physically active?

B. My 17-year-old daughter is moody, and it seems to be getting worse. She's so easily annoyed and doesn't want to communicate with others. How can I tell if she has an undiagnosed mental condition?

C. I'm a 16-year-old boy and rny parents forbid me to drink.I can't understand. What are the dangers of teenage drinking, as long as I don't drive after drinking. I only drink on weekends soI think nothing bad might happen.

D. The job opportunity that my wife and I had been waiting for came, and I accepted the job. Unfortunately, it means that we have to leave the place where my son has lived for years and he really doesn't want to leave.

E. One of my best friends always cancels the plans she has made with me. So many times, she called me, asked me to hang out, and told me she would call me back. However, usually I didn't hear from her or she told me,

F. Recently, I moved to a new school and made friends with a boy in my class. However, my parents are against my being friends with him, since the boy doesn't like to study. But I think he's a really nice and kind boy.


46. Start by making your own plan on the weekend. Invite all your friends, including her, and stick to it. Even if she fails to come, you'll still be having fun with everyone else who decides to show up. Then the next time she invites you to do something but then cancels the plan, take the opportunity to say.

47. All teens need a certain amount of physical activity to maintain their health, whether they are overweight or not. However, sedentary habits are commonplace among teens. A key step is to make physical activity casier to do. People adopt new behavior when they want to perform these behavior and believe these behavior to be possible.

48. Mental illness can't be identified easily. While healthy teens without illness do have strong and frequent emotional fluctuations, mental illness can present similar symptoms. Parents should seek assistance from psychologists when they or their teens have any concern, especially if the symptoms are getting worse.

49. If you have no other choice, sit down and talk with him. Come to an agreement on how he will come back to visit his friends and how he will be able to keep in touch with them. Get him involved in deciding which school he will attend at the new place. Tell him everyone will meet changes and challenges in their life.

50. There are many dangers associated with drinking during the teenage years. Alcohol can affect

your judgment. Drinkers then may make decisions that put their own and others' health and safety at risk. Teenagers themselves admit that when they drink they often behave in ways they later regret. This behavior can range from acting stupidly to saying something rude to a friend or relative.


第一节 基础写作








第二节 读写任务


Abraham Lincoln loved to tell stories about himself. One of his favorites was about physical appearance.

He was once approached by a stranger who said,

The stranger took out a small knife from his pocket.

After telling the story, Lincoln added humomusly.

His out appearance was clothed in magnificently beautiful clothes: honesty, humor and courage. There are other clothes he wore equally well — such as humility(谦逊) and forgiveness.



2.以约l20个词就“outer beauty and inner beauty”这个话题发表你的看法,内容包括:










第一节 完形填空

1-5 DACBD 6-10 DBADA 11-15 CDCBD

第二节 语法填空

16-25 (One possible version)

16. saying 17. my l8. was telling 19. of 20. that

21. when 22. louder 23. with 24. a 25. expression


第一节 阅读理解

26-30 DBCBC 31-35 DCABC 36-40 DCBDA 41-45 BCCAB

第二节 信息匹配

46-50 EABDC


第一节 基础写作(One possible version)

This aquarium, covering an area of 15,000 square meters, is home to over two hundred species of fish and many other rare sea creatures. There are all sorts of tropical fish which are seen in different vivid colors. Some of them are beautiful and some of them are ugly, but all of them are very lovely. Visirors can also enjoy many wonderful performances there, among which the performance of the three mermaids is the most impressive. In the company of many other fish, they dance happily to music, up and down, here and there,

第二节 读写任务(One possible version)

Being an

As for us teenagers, it is understandable for us to pay some attenuon to our outer appearance. However, more efforts should be made to improve our inner beauty. Good looks will not last long since beauty fades, bnt inner beauty — love, kindness and compassion that come from one's heart — lasts forever.

To improve my inner beauty, first, I always study hard to gain as much knowledge as possible. Second, I make efforts to improve my interpersonal relationships. When communicating with

others, I smile a lot, take a positive attitude and act honestly. Most importantly, I'm always ready to help people who are in need.



第一节 完形填空

More than eight years ago, I did my Wildlife Field Project in Palawan, in the southwestern part of the Philippines. It was my first trip to the island so I didn't know what to . I was neally excited about the whole trip but a bit , too, because I had to live in a tent the whole time. I wondered if could survive.

Together with me on the trip wcre four other students and our professor. After we reached the island, our professor told us to our families because it would not be possible once we rode the bus to the camping site.

We spent our first week in Busuanga. We took a and washed our clothes in a small well in the nearby forest. Life was so simple but every day was a(n) unfamiliar foods, we caught frogs and colorful birds. They were freed after we took their measurements and names.

On the firsr day of the second week, we rode a motorboat toward our next . When we arrived, I was amazed at the sight of zebras, giraffes, horses and deer that wandered around the island. I had seen them in zoos and on TV but it was seeing them in person outside the big cages and We did the rest of our fieldwork that week. My partner and I data for our special problem on bee-eaters (食蜂鸟). Others had their own special problems, too. We needed to wake up very early to do the activities and continued late in the afternoon. We then analyzed the data at night. It was physically tiring but .

It was so sad that we had to leave after eleven days. It would mean going back to reality — school. However, the memories, the things that I , and the friendships that were formed were things that I would for the rest of my life.

l. A. realize B. organize C. demand D. expect

2. A. anxious B. calm C. bored D. disappointed

3. A. see B. visit C. call D. find

4. A. look B. bath C. risk D. breath

5. A. application B. solution C. performance D. challenge

6. A. raised B. bought C. killed D. trapped

7. A. cccasion B. destination C. celebration D. foundation

8. A. freely B. rapidly C. briefly D. eventually

9. A. popular B. serious C. frightening D. different

10. A. fences B. forests C. islands D. camps

11 . A. created B. explained C. gathered D. doubted

12. A. waiting B. complaining C. watching D. working

13. A.hopeful B.clear C.fun D.beautiful

14. A. read B. learned C. checked D. designed

15. A. compare B. measure C. change D. value

第二节 语法填空

Barbara couldn't bear it any more. Her upstairs neighbor was playing his stereo again. She had asked him twice already to turn the volume down. The first time she asked, he was surprised,

was in living room. I can hear every note!


第一节 阅读理解


As a high school senior, I have found the last several months to be extremely busy, but the college search, scholarship applications, and financial and paperwork are only the beginning of a hazy(模糊的) path.

I decided at a young age, with the near death of my mother, that I would work as hard as I could to become a surgeon(外科医生classes, and maintained good scores. At that moment I never looked back until recently.

A few weeks ago I looked back on my decision. For the first time I questioned being a surgeon. I said to myself.

I knew I had a passion for writing, but I was ignoring it, pushing it aside, and considering it unrealistic. But then it hit me. For the first time in four year, I thought of something other than surgery and with it came a sudden case. It allowed me to step back and take a look at where I was heading.

My advice to high school students is to ask yourself some questions. What is the one thing you love doing? Where do you want to be with your life? What is your favorite moment from high school? Don't worry if your answer is,

26. The writer decided to become a surgeon because __________.

A. his mother is a surgeon

B. his mother asked him to do so

C. he was weak at a young age

D. his mother had a near-death experience

27. The underlined phrase

A. had difficulty B worked hard C. changed easily D. got ill

28. How did the writer feel when he found he wantcd to choose another career path?

A. Guilty. B. Happy. C. Frightened. D. Amused.

29. According to the writer, high school students __________.

A. should know exactly what they want to do in the future

B. should follow whatever they want to do

C. should be able to tell what expectations are unrealistic

D. should consider their family background when thinking of their future career

30. The passage was written mainly to __________.

A. give advice on how to achieve your goals

B. recall the writer's high school life

C. express the writer's views on how to live one's high school life

D. persuade high school students to study hard


Last Wednesday night, I attended the event for the Blue Mind Symposium (讨论会), which brought scientists, artists, architects, engineers, sailors and many others together to explore the connections between the ocean and the human mind. The goal of the symposium is to use our collective brainpower to advance management of the sea.

It doesn't take a scientist to explain the deep emotional connection many of us feel to the sea. Ask any surfer, beach-goer, fisherman or diver and they will talk about the calm that comes over them out on the water or the hypnotic(催眠的 ) effect of waves crashing on the shore.

We celebrate those connections annually on June 8, World Occans Day. It's a time to be grateful for all that the ocean provides, from food and jobs to clean air and the adventure of exploration. It's also a time to check marine protection efforts.

Around the world, people are paying more and more attention, and the Blue Mind Symposium is just one of a number of recent conferences that have brought leading thinkers in ocean protection together to share ideas. The 3rd annual Blue Vision Summit explored opportunities for everyday action on ocean protection, and the 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress focused on worldwide advances in adopting marine protected areas.

Right now, just over l% of our oceans are protected. That means many of the important nurseries for ocean wildlife have the risk of being damaged by a variety of pressures, from climate change to habitat destruction.

Around the world, there have been major advances in ocean protection, from the 3,800-square-mile marine reserve created in Costa Rica to China's first seven ocean parks. And, closer to home, networks of marine protected areas are in place and being monitored along half our coast. That's cause for celebration, and for hope.

31. The Blue Mind Symposium __________.

A. is mainly attended by scientists studying marine life

B. is held every year to celebrate World Oceans Day

C. wants to find out how humans influence oceans

D. aims to find out how to manage oceans properly

32. According to the second paragraph, when out on the sea many people feel __________.

A. bored B. excited C. at ease D. under stress

33. We can learn from the passage that __________.

A. more and more people are realizing the importance of ocean protection

B. most oceans are under people's protection

C. more international meetings are needed to discuss the importance of oceans

D. most people are unaware of the disadvantages of ocean exploration

34. What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?

A. Suggestions on ocean protection. B. Efforts people have made to protect oceans.

C. Reasons for protecting oceans. D. Benefits of ocean protection.

35. What does the writer think of the present situation of ocean protection?

A. It is disappointing. B. It is not scientific.

C. It is hopeful. D. It is getting the opposite effects.


In the middle of the 20th century people were worried about whales. The number of whales killed worldwide came up to 66,000 per year. However, people weren't worried about the whale as an endangered animal. Instead, they were worried about the whale industry, which would disappear if there were no whales. In 1946, the International Whaling Commission was established. It limited the whale hunting for every country and controlled the whale industry. But the commission recognized ihat the limitation wasn't enough. They set a worldwide law against hunting whales with only two exceptions: the hunt for scientific research and

Many fishermen complain that dolphins, also a kind of Whale, steal their fish. Therefore, they kill thousands of them. In fact, this is not the truth. In reality there are so many fishermen who steal the fish from each other. Some whale hunters say that they catch the animals for scientists. They have to research what whales are eating. For that, they kill them and look into their stomach. The truth is that they only want to sell the meat. Today scientists want to observe live whales for their research.

Many whale families are not protected and thousands of them are killed. Nobody knows if all whale families would survive, even if humans end all whale hunting today. The pollution of the oceans incrcases fast and the poison gets into the bodies of the animals. Many of them get sick and die. The human being has killed 90-95% of many whale families. Others, are already extinct.

Today some international organizations try to protect whales. They make reports to explain how important and endangered whales are. Now people are becoming more interested in whales and a complete new industry has developed, whale watching, which you may want to learn about.

36. The text is mainly about __________.

A. whale industry B whale research

C. whale product D. whale protection

37. In the middle of the 20th century, what people really worried was that __________.

A. more whales would be killed worldwide per year

B. the whale would become an endangered animal

C. the whale industry would disappear

D. the law against hunting whales would come into effect

38. Why do many fishermen complain about dolphins?

A. Because dolphins steal their fish.

B. Because they want to make an excuse for killing dolphins.

C. Bacause there are so few dolphins for them to hunt.

D. Because people have misunderstood their purpose of hunting dolphins.

39. What can we infer from the text?

A. Japan and Norway hunt whales because it is a part of their culture.

B. Few people now know how important and endangered whales are.

C. If we stop hunting whales now, all whale families would survive.

D. Many whale fimilies are in danger or extinct because of humans' activities.

40. What will the author probably tell us about next?

A. Whale watching. B. Whale hunters. C. Whale hunting. D. Whale families.


It took a week, but the Evolta robot can now be called an Ironman(铁人).

Three Evolta robots — one for the swimming part, one for the biking part and one for the running part — were challenged to finish the famous Hawaii triathlon (三项全能运动) course in l68 hours. Each robot is about l/l0th human size, so organizers figured they would need 10 times as long as a human does to complete the 140.6-mile course.

The robot crew and a large audience gathered to watch as the little mechanical guy reached the finish line in l66 hours, 56 minutes. After a spray of champagne and words of congratulations from Ironman race director Diana Bertsch, the robots were presented with flower garlands(花环) and the entire robot crew jumped into the sea.

Robot creator Tomotaka Takahashi said the challenge proved the Panasonic Evolta rechargeablc batteries are powerful, durable and functional. Takahashi thanked the crew and the people of Hawaii, saying the challenge would have been impossible without their support,

Takahashi said he had plenty of time to take a look at Hawaii while walking alongside his robots for a week.

41. How long does it take a human to complete the Hawaii triathlon course?

A. About 10 hours. B. About 17 hours. C. About 168 hours. D. About 140 hours.

42. The robot crew jumped into the sea in order to __________.

A. thank the audience B. save the robots

C. celebrate their success D. conduct the robots

43. According to Tomotaka Takahashi, the meaning of the challenge is that __________.

A. it shows robots can swim B. it proves robots can do what people do

C. it proves the batteries of the robots are great

D. it attracts people's attention to the development of robots

44. We can leam from the fifth paragraph that __________.

A. Takahashi is likely to take more challenges

B. the Evolta robot has once competed with humans in a challenge

C. the Evolta robot will take a challenge every year in the future

D. the Evolta robot's batteries can be used for no more than two months

45. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Evolta robot — don't give up. B. Evolta robot — you are an Ironman.

C. The future of the robot industry. D. Take the leading role in the robot industry.

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



A. My teen doesn't exercise at all. Every day after school he sits there watching TV or playing video games.1 have been trying to make him do some exercise but he keeps saying that he is not overweight and that he needn't exercise. How can I get him to br more physically active?

B. My 17-year-old daughter is moody, and it seems to be getting worse. She's so easily annoyed and doesn't want to communicate with others. How can I tell if she has an undiagnosed mental condition?

C. I'm a 16-year-old boy and rny parents forbid me to drink.I can't understand. What are the dangers of teenage drinking, as long as I don't drive after drinking. I only drink on weekends soI think nothing bad might happen.

D. The job opportunity that my wife and I had been waiting for came, and I accepted the job. Unfortunately, it means that we have to leave the place where my son has lived for years and he really doesn't want to leave.

E. One of my best friends always cancels the plans she has made with me. So many times, she called me, asked me to hang out, and told me she would call me back. However, usually I didn't hear from her or she told me,

F. Recently, I moved to a new school and made friends with a boy in my class. However, my parents are against my being friends with him, since the boy doesn't like to study. But I think he's a really nice and kind boy.


46. Start by making your own plan on the weekend. Invite all your friends, including her, and stick to it. Even if she fails to come, you'll still be having fun with everyone else who decides to show up. Then the next time she invites you to do something but then cancels the plan, take the opportunity to say.

47. All teens need a certain amount of physical activity to maintain their health, whether they are overweight or not. However, sedentary habits are commonplace among teens. A key step is to make physical activity casier to do. People adopt new behavior when they want to perform these behavior and believe these behavior to be possible.

48. Mental illness can't be identified easily. While healthy teens without illness do have strong and frequent emotional fluctuations, mental illness can present similar symptoms. Parents should seek assistance from psychologists when they or their teens have any concern, especially if the symptoms are getting worse.

49. If you have no other choice, sit down and talk with him. Come to an agreement on how he will come back to visit his friends and how he will be able to keep in touch with them. Get him involved in deciding which school he will attend at the new place. Tell him everyone will meet changes and challenges in their life.

50. There are many dangers associated with drinking during the teenage years. Alcohol can affect

your judgment. Drinkers then may make decisions that put their own and others' health and safety at risk. Teenagers themselves admit that when they drink they often behave in ways they later regret. This behavior can range from acting stupidly to saying something rude to a friend or relative.


第一节 基础写作








第二节 读写任务


Abraham Lincoln loved to tell stories about himself. One of his favorites was about physical appearance.

He was once approached by a stranger who said,

The stranger took out a small knife from his pocket.

After telling the story, Lincoln added humomusly.

His out appearance was clothed in magnificently beautiful clothes: honesty, humor and courage. There are other clothes he wore equally well — such as humility(谦逊) and forgiveness.



2.以约l20个词就“outer beauty and inner beauty”这个话题发表你的看法,内容包括:










第一节 完形填空

1-5 DACBD 6-10 DBADA 11-15 CDCBD

第二节 语法填空

16-25 (One possible version)

16. saying 17. my l8. was telling 19. of 20. that

21. when 22. louder 23. with 24. a 25. expression


第一节 阅读理解

26-30 DBCBC 31-35 DCABC 36-40 DCBDA 41-45 BCCAB

第二节 信息匹配

46-50 EABDC


第一节 基础写作(One possible version)

This aquarium, covering an area of 15,000 square meters, is home to over two hundred species of fish and many other rare sea creatures. There are all sorts of tropical fish which are seen in different vivid colors. Some of them are beautiful and some of them are ugly, but all of them are very lovely. Visirors can also enjoy many wonderful performances there, among which the performance of the three mermaids is the most impressive. In the company of many other fish, they dance happily to music, up and down, here and there,

第二节 读写任务(One possible version)

Being an

As for us teenagers, it is understandable for us to pay some attenuon to our outer appearance. However, more efforts should be made to improve our inner beauty. Good looks will not last long since beauty fades, bnt inner beauty — love, kindness and compassion that come from one's heart — lasts forever.

To improve my inner beauty, first, I always study hard to gain as much knowledge as possible. Second, I make efforts to improve my interpersonal relationships. When communicating with

others, I smile a lot, take a positive attitude and act honestly. Most importantly, I'm always ready to help people who are in need.


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