
北师大版先锋英语1A Unit1 Hello!教学计划

一、Topic: Lesson 1

二、Teaching period: The first period

三、Teaching contents:

1、New Structures.

Productive: Hi/Hello, I’m (Ken).

2 、V ocabulary: hello, hi, I’m, Ken, Ann, Mocky, Uncle Booky

四、Teaching key points:

Learn these words and sentences.

五、Teaching difficult points:

Hold up the puppet of Mocky and indicate that he is greeting and

introducing himself.


recorder, tape, four character masks, glue, poster . Lesson One



T: Hello/Hi! Boys and girls.

Ss: Hello/Hi! Miss Luo.

T: Good morning./ Good afternoon. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Good morning./Good afternoon. Nice to meet you, too .


Have some children stand in a loose group in the front of the classroom. Say your name and repeat it twice. Then wrap the yarn once around a child and have him/her say his/her name and repeat it. Continue for all the children so that they are joined Together by the same ball of yarn and have said their names aloud twice.(You will need a ball of yarn, )Explain that they are going to take turns to unravel themselves, one by one.


1、Hold up the puppet of Mocky and say,” This is Mocky. hello, Mocky.” Model twice then have children Repeat after the teacher. Show the picture “Mocky.” Point to it and ask “who’s this?” Elicit. “ Mocky”.

2、Point to Ken and say,” This is ken. Hi, ken.” Point to Ann and repeat the step above to model the same Ann.

3、Talk about the story. Ask children to describe the picture.

4、 Learn to say. Then listen to the tape.

T: Who can you see?

S: Mocky, Key, Ann.

Hi/Hello, Key, Ann…….

Hi/ Hello, I’m Uncle Booky. Key, Ann/Mocky

5、 Practice.

Hello/Hi,… (The name of the class)

Hello/Hi, I’m…

6 、Extension. Take out the mask outlines and materials for making masks. materials for making masks. Show the children how to color them, then cut them out and glue them into the craft stick handles.

7、 Summary


Make the dialogue.

The Blackboard

Unit 1 Lesson One Hello!

Hi, I’m Mocky/ Ken/Ann/Uncle Booky.

Hello, I’m Mocky/Ken/Ann/Uncle Booky.


通过听说问候,介绍面具名、学生自己姓名展开打招呼,使学生养成有礼貌的习惯,见到老师和同学用英语打招呼、问候,下课时挥挥手说: “Good bye,”并运用自己的英文名进行分组活动问候,建立同学间的友谊。

一、Topic: Lesson2

二、Teaching period: The second period

三、Teaching contents:

1、 Let’s talk.

What’s your name?

My name’s Ann ( Ken…)

or I’m Ann ( Ken…)

2、Listen and act.

Stand up. Sit down.

四、Teaching key points:

Listen and say.

What’s your name?

My name’s Ann ( Ken…)

or I’m Ann ( Ken…)

五、 Teaching difficult points:

Listen and do the actions. Make the dialogue in the sentences.

六、 Properties:

recorder, tape, slide show, Character Masks.

The second period

一、 Organization.

1、 Greetings.

T : Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Miss Luo.

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.


S1:Hi,I’ m… (Ken, Ann, Mocky, Uncle Booky).(戴头饰)

S2:Hello, (Ken, Ann, Mocky, Uncle Booky).


1、Listen and say.

T: What’s your name?

My name’s Miss Luo.

S1:What’s your name?

S2: My name’s Ann ( Ken…) .(戴头饰)

I’ m…

2、Practice .

3、Check up on every group.

4、Play a game.

Simon says, “Stand up, please.”

Simon says, “Sit down, please.”

5、 Listen and act.

Stand up. Sit down.

6、 Listen to the tape .

7、 Read the sentences together.

8、 Extension .

Listen and say. (Page8 of the book).

Hi, what’s your name?

My name’s Tim/ Lisa/ Tina / Ted.


Understand the sentences .

三、 Homework.

Make the dialogue and act.

The Blackboard

Unit1 Lesson Two

What’s your name?

My name’s Ann ( Ken…) .

教学后记 :

运用动作做手势进行听说训练What’s your name? My name’s / I’m…等两种回答,通过游戏、表演等形式,调动学生学习积极性,激发了他们学习英语的兴趣,通过扩展活动,提高学生听说能力。

一 、Topic: Lesson 4

二、Teaching period: The fourth period

三、Teaching contents:

1. Vocabulary: ant, balloon, monkey

2. Learn the rhyme.

四、Teaching key points:

Say the rhyme.

五、Teaching difficult points:

Say the rhyme. Make the dialogue.


record, tape, objects, pictures, slide show,

The fourth period



T: Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Miss Luo.

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you too.


T: What’s your name?

S1: Hello. My name is……

T: What’s this?

S2: It’s an apple/a banana.

T: Is it an apple/a banana?

S3:Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.

3、Play a guessing game. What’s in the bag. Touch and guess.


1、Listen and say. Look at the picture.

T: What’s this?

It’s a balloon/ an ant/a monkey.

Is it a balloon/an ant/a monkey?


3、Check up on every pupil/group.

4、Sing the song.

What’s this?

It’s an ant.

Is this an ant?

Yes, yes, yes.(Yes, it is)

5、Say the rhyme. Listen to the tape.

6、Read the rhyme together.

7、Look and match. (Page 7). Find and color. (Page 9)

8、Extension. Do the action.

9、Summary. understand the rhyme.

三、Homework. Say the rhyme.

The Blackboard

Unit One Say the rhyme.

What’s this?

an art.

It’s balloon.

a monkey.


通过运用多媒体教学, 进行听说单词、儿歌, 根据录音的节奏进行模仿朗读儿歌, 学生兴趣较浓, 配上动作, 使学生容易明白、理解, 易记忆。利用连线、涂颜色巩固所学单词, 培养学生动手操作能力。

北师大版先锋英语1A Unit1 Hello!教学计划

一、Topic: Lesson 1

二、Teaching period: The first period

三、Teaching contents:

1、New Structures.

Productive: Hi/Hello, I’m (Ken).

2 、V ocabulary: hello, hi, I’m, Ken, Ann, Mocky, Uncle Booky

四、Teaching key points:

Learn these words and sentences.

五、Teaching difficult points:

Hold up the puppet of Mocky and indicate that he is greeting and

introducing himself.


recorder, tape, four character masks, glue, poster . Lesson One



T: Hello/Hi! Boys and girls.

Ss: Hello/Hi! Miss Luo.

T: Good morning./ Good afternoon. Nice to meet you.

Ss: Good morning./Good afternoon. Nice to meet you, too .


Have some children stand in a loose group in the front of the classroom. Say your name and repeat it twice. Then wrap the yarn once around a child and have him/her say his/her name and repeat it. Continue for all the children so that they are joined Together by the same ball of yarn and have said their names aloud twice.(You will need a ball of yarn, )Explain that they are going to take turns to unravel themselves, one by one.


1、Hold up the puppet of Mocky and say,” This is Mocky. hello, Mocky.” Model twice then have children Repeat after the teacher. Show the picture “Mocky.” Point to it and ask “who’s this?” Elicit. “ Mocky”.

2、Point to Ken and say,” This is ken. Hi, ken.” Point to Ann and repeat the step above to model the same Ann.

3、Talk about the story. Ask children to describe the picture.

4、 Learn to say. Then listen to the tape.

T: Who can you see?

S: Mocky, Key, Ann.

Hi/Hello, Key, Ann…….

Hi/ Hello, I’m Uncle Booky. Key, Ann/Mocky

5、 Practice.

Hello/Hi,… (The name of the class)

Hello/Hi, I’m…

6 、Extension. Take out the mask outlines and materials for making masks. materials for making masks. Show the children how to color them, then cut them out and glue them into the craft stick handles.

7、 Summary


Make the dialogue.

The Blackboard

Unit 1 Lesson One Hello!

Hi, I’m Mocky/ Ken/Ann/Uncle Booky.

Hello, I’m Mocky/Ken/Ann/Uncle Booky.


通过听说问候,介绍面具名、学生自己姓名展开打招呼,使学生养成有礼貌的习惯,见到老师和同学用英语打招呼、问候,下课时挥挥手说: “Good bye,”并运用自己的英文名进行分组活动问候,建立同学间的友谊。

一、Topic: Lesson2

二、Teaching period: The second period

三、Teaching contents:

1、 Let’s talk.

What’s your name?

My name’s Ann ( Ken…)

or I’m Ann ( Ken…)

2、Listen and act.

Stand up. Sit down.

四、Teaching key points:

Listen and say.

What’s your name?

My name’s Ann ( Ken…)

or I’m Ann ( Ken…)

五、 Teaching difficult points:

Listen and do the actions. Make the dialogue in the sentences.

六、 Properties:

recorder, tape, slide show, Character Masks.

The second period

一、 Organization.

1、 Greetings.

T : Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Miss Luo.

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you, too.


S1:Hi,I’ m… (Ken, Ann, Mocky, Uncle Booky).(戴头饰)

S2:Hello, (Ken, Ann, Mocky, Uncle Booky).


1、Listen and say.

T: What’s your name?

My name’s Miss Luo.

S1:What’s your name?

S2: My name’s Ann ( Ken…) .(戴头饰)

I’ m…

2、Practice .

3、Check up on every group.

4、Play a game.

Simon says, “Stand up, please.”

Simon says, “Sit down, please.”

5、 Listen and act.

Stand up. Sit down.

6、 Listen to the tape .

7、 Read the sentences together.

8、 Extension .

Listen and say. (Page8 of the book).

Hi, what’s your name?

My name’s Tim/ Lisa/ Tina / Ted.


Understand the sentences .

三、 Homework.

Make the dialogue and act.

The Blackboard

Unit1 Lesson Two

What’s your name?

My name’s Ann ( Ken…) .

教学后记 :

运用动作做手势进行听说训练What’s your name? My name’s / I’m…等两种回答,通过游戏、表演等形式,调动学生学习积极性,激发了他们学习英语的兴趣,通过扩展活动,提高学生听说能力。

一 、Topic: Lesson 4

二、Teaching period: The fourth period

三、Teaching contents:

1. Vocabulary: ant, balloon, monkey

2. Learn the rhyme.

四、Teaching key points:

Say the rhyme.

五、Teaching difficult points:

Say the rhyme. Make the dialogue.


record, tape, objects, pictures, slide show,

The fourth period



T: Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Miss Luo.

T: Nice to meet you.

Ss: Nice to meet you too.


T: What’s your name?

S1: Hello. My name is……

T: What’s this?

S2: It’s an apple/a banana.

T: Is it an apple/a banana?

S3:Yes, it is/No, it isn’t.

3、Play a guessing game. What’s in the bag. Touch and guess.


1、Listen and say. Look at the picture.

T: What’s this?

It’s a balloon/ an ant/a monkey.

Is it a balloon/an ant/a monkey?


3、Check up on every pupil/group.

4、Sing the song.

What’s this?

It’s an ant.

Is this an ant?

Yes, yes, yes.(Yes, it is)

5、Say the rhyme. Listen to the tape.

6、Read the rhyme together.

7、Look and match. (Page 7). Find and color. (Page 9)

8、Extension. Do the action.

9、Summary. understand the rhyme.

三、Homework. Say the rhyme.

The Blackboard

Unit One Say the rhyme.

What’s this?

an art.

It’s balloon.

a monkey.


通过运用多媒体教学, 进行听说单词、儿歌, 根据录音的节奏进行模仿朗读儿歌, 学生兴趣较浓, 配上动作, 使学生容易明白、理解, 易记忆。利用连线、涂颜色巩固所学单词, 培养学生动手操作能力。


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